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- Written by: Teacher Jesus
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2774
Monterrey, Mexico, September 14, 2016.
Teacher: Jesus.
Subject: “About Absolute Truth.”
Message received by Bettina.
Jesus: “Some people believe they have the absolute truth — that they know what is and what is not. They do not realize that the truth in which they believe is determined solely by their own beliefs, because of their particular experiences, because of what they have been taught, personally, and what they have seen and learned on their path through life.
“However, a person born on the other side of the world in a completely different environment, who was taught different things and who has lived through other experiences, has very different beliefs to those of the first person, and may even be totally opposed in his or her beliefs. And yet, this person also believes to have the absolute truth.
“It seems confusing, but it is not. Please do not get confused. The only absolute truth is Love, the Love that comes from the Father and flows through Me. And it is an unconditional love. Open your mind and heart to realize that what you believe by your personal learning and experience is limited. Open your heart to radiate a Love that can go beyond your limiting beliefs, a Love like the one I taught: a compassionate Love without judgment, without territory, without borders, a Love that envelops everything and everyone, without distinction, without labels.
“That, dear ones, is indeed the Absolute Truth: the unconditional Love that comes from the Father, which you can manifest on Earth.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
If you stop judging, you will find peace — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2577
Alabama, US of A, August 2, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Conscience.”
Message Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Effectively dealing with temptation — those things that take you away from your Father — is not as good as the sincere desire of one soul to overcome her limitations and be better every day. This desire is the only thing that can bring about a permanent transformation in the life of any person. The desire to follow the divine, will prevent complacency and indulgence, progressively becoming the ‘voice of your conscience’ — the inner voice that constantly reminds you which path to follow.
“Conscience is often mixed up with the voice of the Thought Adjuster. However, even when at times it seems that they may be related, the voice of your conscience is always human in origin, a product of your mortal mind. Conscience is the sum of all human morality that has been learned from traditions and custom within a defined context (place, culture, time).
“Conscience can change as a person grows spiritually. Some things that seemed fair and just in the past may be revealed as errors under the light of higher truths. At other times, some rules of the past may seem irrelevant when a creature discovers the freedom of being a son or daughter of the Creator. Conscience can also be negative and express prohibitions, ‘do not do this’ and ‘do not do that’.
“The Voice of the Father is always consistent and often some time must elapse before a creature can properly identify it. The advice and the exhortations of the Thought Adjuster are always positive in nature and of eternal value. They are not dependent on a time or a place. The truths expressed by the Divine Presence are generally above morality and the norms of what may be considered as acceptable behavior in the world.
“With experience, a creature who desires to be closer to her Father starts to merge the voice of her conscience with the voice of her Thought Adjuster, as she aligns her own will with the will of the Father. It is the human desire for perfecting that which causes this transformation. Your consciousness may not be aware of any changes, but your Thought Adjuster registers faithfully every thought and every desire of spiritual value. Whenever you make a mistake, trip or fall, do rise again with courage and hope, keeping inside that desire to be better, because to the eyes of God this is already a reality.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2492
Urantia, August 22, 2016.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Endeavor to See Life as a Miracle.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “It is always well to come to Me and into the silence with a thankful heart. The more often you remember Me, the more grateful you become. It has come to your attention that you can live life as if nothing is a miracle or you can live life as if everything is a miracle.
“This insight gave you much food for thought and a greater awareness that, actually, everything is a miracle, starting with life itself. It is always good to remember and recollect how everything in retrospect always falls into place especially when life begins to have more meaning once deeper thought is employed.
“Of course; living right on the surface of life usually offers very little opportunity to be amazed. It is in the deeper waters of experience, especially those that touch the heart, and not only remain in the head. With retrospect and thoughtful understanding, experiences seem to gain value as the meaning of life’s lessons learned, becomes clearer.
“Advancing in age you would not want to turn back the clock, as you now begin to see the road ahead filled with hope, when at times everything looked pretty bleak and hopeless. Now, on looking back, you realize how much guidance there was along the way. Your only regret is that you did not always listen to the Still Voice within and this resulted in ‘some battle scars,’ which in retrospect turned out to be the lessons from which you learned the most. Now you look back upon those lessons as having turned out to be your greatest blessings.
“From our celestial viewpoint, we salute all humans who persevere with integrity, love and honesty, and who are building their faith and trust step by step. At times the struggle to keep the faith can be quite severe, but it does build an increasing confidence in the almighty Power of the Universal Creator-God, of whom each and everyone is a tiny facet, being polished and angled somewhat differently.
“Ultimately, all of life is evolving to the glory of the eternal One in whom all things exist. You are all part of God’s energy for without it, nothing would exist. According God’s plan, design and energy all the cellular systems of every living creature have been created including your body-temples.
“Only humans have been given the gift of free will to personally choose how God’s energy is to be used. Think of how you can better take care of your physical temples, to get the greatest mileage out of it. Think about this as all the cells in your mental systems follow your thoughts. If you consistently love the totality of your systems, your bodies will serve you into a ripe old age. The opposite, of course, is also true.
“And once you pass over to the next level of your eternal existence, if you so choose, your individual spirit will show how you have been faithful custodians. Therefore, become mindful of what you feed your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual systems with, so your spirit can either unfold unhindered or is thwarted at every turn. Please endeavor to see everything in life as a miracle and your bodies will thank you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2513
Asheville, NC, US of A, September 4, 2016.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Hope of the Ages.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “My dear friends, there are many of you who feel you have a sacred purpose in this world, who have awakened to the fact that you are a citizen of the universe and are no longer constrained by the limited thinking of separation. You feel a oneness with your brothers and sisters, no matter how deluded is their perception of reality — you see far above the illusions of this world and its politics. You have already made the faith choice to continue with your Thought Adjusters beyond this world — to step onto the path of eternal adventure and to answer the call of the Universal Father to ‘be you perfect, even as I am perfect.’ You can imagine standing before His Majestic Presence on Paradise and receiving the embrace of finality. To those faith sons and daughters, I tell you, there is more to your journey in this world than what you can see or imagine.
“By your faith and sense of sacred duty, you have become the conduits of the Father’s light in this world. Your faithful pilots — the wise and experienced Thought Adjusters have chosen you and many others to be this conduit of light and have prepared and strategically placed you all about this planet to become a network of paradise light. The Correcting Time plans cannot fully emerge from the darkness of idle minds steeped in the illusions of material and mechanistic thinking. You therefore have been ‘promoted’ to the volunteer status of Paradise Light Bearers if you so allow yourself to be this conduit for the Father’s Presence in this world. By your very nature and Adjuster Indwelling, you shine a tremendous amount of paradise light into the darkened holdouts still present on your world. You are like a luminous virus infecting the sleeping children around you, who have yet to awaken to the call of their Adjusters.
“We admonish you to become aware of this potential within you and to ask and pray for more of this light to move through you. Be also aware that with this great light and power you are brought to the attention of those dark practitioners who search for the exceptionally bright souls and wish to disrupt the infection of light on this world. Fear not these dark ones and know that by their very effort to extinguish the light they bring upon themselves a diminution of their own dark power thus allowing more light into this world! ‘Those that have shall be given more — those that have not, even that which they have shall be taken away.’ The Father ‘Wills’ that this planet is to emerge from the strongholds of darkness, and you, my dear friends, are the hope of the ages.
“Your Thought Adjuster is continually communicating with all other Thought Adjusters and with the Chief of Adjusters on Urantia. It is a coordinated effort which is dynamically changing moment to moment — a network for which you are a partner, too. Because the Adjusters are bound by the free will decisions of their hosts, you — those who believe without seeing, have the ability to directly influence those disconnected souls of this world by your words and actions. The light that you hold is magnetic and will continue to attract more and more souls. Be therefore prudent in your conduct and in your awareness of this sacred network of light bearers.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: The Scribe
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2515
This transmission, dating back some 13 years, is from the Damascus Scribe who recently placed Himself in an important task with the 11:11 Progress Group. Only later did I find out He was Jesus’ Thought Adjuster and had become a Personalized Adjuster since. Did He long ago teach me to see Celestials as He might be claiming below?
Illawarra District, Australia, July 6, 2003.
Teacher: The Scribe.
Subject: “On the High Wire of Mortal Life.”
Message received by George Barnard.
The Scribe: “To walk a tightrope from one tall building to another takes a lot of preparation, skill and courage, as do the at-times-uncertain journeys of your life.
“As tightrope walkers, your high wire must be securely attached at both ends, and the tension on your walkways in the sky must be just right. You will need to for long have practiced at a lower level and above some soft landing places for your unfailing agility to develop, and to become routine — as second nature to you. And as you now prepare for your walks at great heights, the cacophony of the traffic far below must not distract you at all.
“Above all, and although you must hold on strongly and carry its weight, it is the balancing pole that supports (aids) your endeavor at retaining your equilibrium at dizzying heights above the streets and as you take one sure but cautious step at a time.
“It is so much better to use these tools for greater balance, than to simply spread out your arms.
“On your walks of life, you need to determine and often re-evaluate, both, your starting points and wished-for destinations as you work, plod, pray and learn, and as you bring your valued goals closer, one measured sure-footed step at a time. And on these journeys’ paths you must neither create too much tension, nor too little, indeed. There is always the need to remain balanced, yet progress.
“Will you go it alone, or will you each reach out to us with much courage, for our support and balance on the high wires of your mortal lives? Will you not look back, but ahead in great faith? Will you not be distracted by the many voices that may keep you from our eternal goals?
“My name is tongue-twistingly-difficult to pronounce. My number is of great length. I am an ‘angel,’ a record keeper, also, but many know me as and you may refer to me as ‘The Scribe.’
“For a moment in time I felt you pull back from this contact, but we have spoken before. We are well known to each other, and we often conversed in pictures and words when working together in the long-ago past.
“I send you my love.”
George: “I thank you kindly, dear Scribe.”
Receiver’s note: I don’t rightly know what to call this “transmission,” for it came in both, picture form and words. Also, at the time I sure was walking a tightrope, having lost most of what I was worth. Scary.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.