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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe (Sananda)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 515
Illawarra District, Australia, May 13, 2017.
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “What Your World Needs Now.”
Message received by George Barnard.
The Scribe: “I have the right title for the discussion we are about to have — What Your World Needs Now — and certainly your world needs love right now and likewise, certainly in time, it will have that. Your world needs to realize that you are, all of you, children of the One and the Same Creator, no other. You are brothers and sisters. You are siblings. You have responsibilities toward each other, yes. At this moment in time you have made progress in some areas, but you have much still to learn and achieve in rather a great number of areas.
“Language is one of the important reasons why there is so much distance between various ethnic groups. With almost 7000 living languages in constant use it is not difficult to ascertain how quite innocent misunderstandings between groups can completely ruin the peace. And from that point of view, the disappearance of marginal and primitive languages must be seen as somewhat progressive — slow but progressive. Think of how at one time the dialects of the next town and the next would mystify you and ultimately muddy intent.
“A primitive world is a world devoid of both religion and spirituality, but perhaps a little rock or tree worship for some and out of fear. But it’s a start. A progressing world is a religious world, often with all manner of ‘must do’ and ‘must not do,’ yes, doctrine born from the ignorant herds and intended crowd control by some. But now you’re finally on your way to glorious, ultra-distant horizons of making your world resemble a part of Paradise. The advanced world is the spiritual world you have begun to create in this Time of Correction — a world of diversity and equality and Thought Adjuster guidance.
“One more thing I wish to bring to your mind, to the minds of our beloved readers and to those further afield: You will need a world government. However, let us understand how this might be composed to be successful. It needs to be democratic in an international way with nations having equal representative standing in their peaceful lording it over all others and there are other considerations.
“As it stands right now, any number of nuclear-armed countries can devastate this entire planet. The hype of anyone being superior to the point of being able to initiate a surprise attack on any other is just that; a hype. It is now time for you to show that you can be siblings and friends and that you have the courage, the insight and the ‘adventure’ to show your Creator that you know about His plans for world peace and conservation and that you will work with Him, for your world sure needs that now.
“Meanwhile always count on Me for the answers you need. I Am the Damascus Scribe.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Midwayer Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 527
Chicago, US of A, March 5, 2017.
Teacher: Midwayer Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8).
Subject: “What about Health?”
Message received by Valdir Soares.
Dr. Mendoza: “Much of the lack of more effective health on Urantia is due to the incomplete Adamic Bestowal on the human races. Although the Andonic race was mostly pure, being the first race on Urantia, it lacked cosmic insight and effective resistance against diseases. Caligastia’s One Hundred gave humanity its first genetic boost with their superior plasma; however, the decisive one, the Adamic genetic up-stepping program was, unfortunately, aborted by Adam and Eve’s default. Since then, Health on Urantia is not a given, but rather a struggle, a result of an aleatory genetic inheritance, and social and scientific achievements.
“Physical Health on Urantia has many variables, including geo-social ones; very often, good or bad health depends on income and location. Secondary Midwayers, like me, are in nature closer to humans than the Primary Midwayers, our lighter cousins. Accordingly, we have on Urantia a contingent specializing in physical healing, to which I belong. We have powers to manipulate material realities; we can, and sometimes do, physical healings. Our occupation is to attend human needs all over the world. Although we are lightning fast, we cannot help with all healing needs; therefore, we minister according to specific criteria from our superiors.
“Psychological Health also is within our capabilities. We have access to the mind circuits, and with permission of your Thought Adjusters and your Guardian Angels it is possible for us to give you some insights to help with your psychological needs, including in situations of death. We may appear in human form and interact directly with our patients, sometimes engaging in informal or formal counseling, sometimes interacting with them subliminally, passing along suggestions that will help them with solutions to their problems. However, we do respect free will.
“Spiritual Health is our most important involvement. When working in this area we have to deal with the human mores and religious beliefs — incredibly diverse on Urantia — not only in religions, but mostly in what individuals actually believe. Without favor to any evolutionary religion, we always try to propagate the Master’s teachings in all faiths. We mostly try to reinforce our birthright from the Father and obedience to His will within the beliefs people already espouse. Sometimes, we may operate ‘miracles’ with this goal in sight, and some of us, at times, even join you in your worship services.
“Therefore, my friend, Midwayers are very concerned about all aspects of human health. However, in general, each individual can do more for himself than we can. Aside of inherited diseases, physical deformities and accidents, most of the health care is about what you ingest and lifestyle. It’s imperative that Urantians realize the importance of an everyday healthy diet, exercises and rest. Addictions are scientifically proved to all be harmful to your health. Self-control, then, is a practice to be learned by everyone. The improvement of social conditions, especially infra-structure, will improve health conditions. I am your friend, Dr. Mendoza. Be blessed.”
Receiver’s Note: This message came to me after I received an “888” prompt, the number I assigned to Dr. Mendoza. This was the first time I received a message from him. I use various prompts as a kind of ‘note’ or ‘call’ from my Teachers.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Keep Before You the Goal of the Ages — Teacher Prolotheos.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 527
Urantia, October 8, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “How Much Wiser the Universal Father.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “Let us for a moment consider the fulfillment of your desires, and the time delays this sometimes entails. The Father in His almighty wisdom oversees everything and knows everything.
When your earnest petitions seemingly go unanswered, it is because the time and the circumstances for the outworking need to be right. Oftentimes prayers cannot immediately be answered because the recipient needs to be sufficiently spiritually developed to believe in order to receive. Thus many prayers are awaiting their fulfillment until after the dissolution of the mortal temple, and during the next stage of evolvement.
The human vessel is very delicate and tender, and so is your budding spirit. The timing and conditions need to be right. You can see the overlying time delay of the Creator working itself out in nature.
Everything has its own season. Some plants and trees are slower to bud and bloom than are others, for there is rhyme and reason for everything. Each day during springtime, you see miracles unfolding before your very eyes, and yet, you do not comprehend the mysterious life force that stirs from within.
Each living and breathing thing need oxygen, sunshine and water, and often loving care to fulfill its own innate promise to bud and bloom, and so it is with human beings. A human infant denied love, often through ignorance of one or both parents, soon withers and dies, or presents only stunted growth, and can never fully develop according to the pattern with which it was born.
The child needs to be nourished and nurtured, with love, care and attention. It is a travesty and an abomination to the loving Father-heart of God, to observe how innocent little ones are sometimes willfully mistreated on this planet.
Love is by far the most important quality that helps each and every mortal to blossom and bloom.
Wise parents do not give in to every wish of their children.
How much wiser is the Universal Father of all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 490
Oregon, May 21, 2020.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Pro-Action Beats Procrastination by a Landslide.”
Message received by Anyas.
“No religionist may hope to attain the enlightenment of immortal wisdom who persists in being slothful, indolent, feeble, idle, shameless, and selfish. But who so is thoughtful, prudent, reflective, fervent, and earnest—even while he yet lives on earth—may attain the supreme enlightenment of the peace and liberty of divine wisdom.” [UB,131:3.5]
Thought Adjuster: “The Father has created a multiverse where due diligence and hard work pay off. He provided the raw materials for soul survival. However, many live unaware of their spiritual needs — what it takes for their soul to thrive and get travel-ready for the next leg of their cosmic journey. Nowhere in the vast creation, does the Father reward the procrastinators.
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you [Matthew 7:7] You have to take initiative. The universes do not dispense free hand-outs to those who do not exploit their God-given talents to advance their spiritual education.
Inactivity does not yield dividends. “While faith is the energy of the better life, nevertheless, you must work out your own salvation with perseverance.” [UB,130:3.4] How else could you experience the emotional gratification of cheerfulness and gladness if you did not invest yourself? Enlightenment is the grand prize that rewards your sincerity and perseverance. Jesus himself worked hard at it while in the flesh, thus demonstrating the feasibility of reaching that sublime state of inner peace and soul maturity.
Be clear about what you wish to achieve during your short earthly sojourn — the prelude to your eternal life. What will you be left holding once you shed your material habiliment? You are a spirit incarnated in a body of flesh, your current vehicle for self-expression. Your earthly training conditions you for the afterlife.
Such is the purpose of any solid education. It has to be practical and future-oriented.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 527
Alabama, US of A, March 13, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Your Journey of Exploration.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “On many occasions, religious ideologies have sought to manipulate the inhabitants of this world, often to suppress their ability to think independently or to maintain the position of some minorities that benefit from the ignorance of the majorities. While humanity often needs external systems of control to subdue its animal impulses to the higher ideals of civilization, the repression of human free will is a despicable act, as not even the Heavenly Father dares to influence his children in this way.
Therefore, many people today have a great reserve and distrust of any suggestion to believe in something without receiving evidence. Societies have repeatedly faced disappointments and hidden agendas of a few who only seek their own benefit. However, this is not the case when it comes to true religion.
True religion is based on the individual experience of each person during the process of seeking God and beginning to know Him. This is an individual process that does not require belonging to any group, nor does it limit the inherent creativity of the human mind. The search for authentic spiritual experiences is the main motivation for those who truly desire to find the Father. It is in your own life and in the spontaneous and progressive revelations of truth in your mind and heart that your spiritual progress becomes evident, and the fruits of the spirit manifesting in your life represent all the evidence you need to continue your journey of exploration and progressive perfection.
True religion should never seek to limit the imagination of the individual. Instead, it promotes the elevation of personality to the levels of the best it can be, to express the highest ideals of humanity. True religion is an individual and personal effort that inevitably becomes a social benefit and an inspiration to all civilization, producing human beings capable of operating at the highest level for the achievement of the loftiest and most beautiful goals.
True religion does not require you to convince anyone of what you have discovered in your life, but it inevitably makes the human soul generous, and this soul spontaneously offers the best of itself to others. Relationships with others are enhanced by the personal charm of those who have discovered the unconditional love of the Father in their experience. These relationships are the most effective motivation that inspires others to search more deeply within themselves for the source of all blessings they observe in the lives of those diligently seeking to live the will of God.
Through true religious experience in human life, individuals become truly free. Their minds dare to transcend their material nature and rise to the very heights of the spirit. Their decisions and actions are freed from the causality of the world to express heavenly things here on earth. Their love becomes unlimited and unconditional, extending to all and manifesting in every action, every word, and every thought. A world filled with these elevated and enlightened beings is a world where the law of God – unconditional love – has become the norm and is truly a paradise. This is the destiny of this world, a consequence of the individual decision of each of you to seek the Father, understand and do His will, to become beings more and more like God.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.