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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2295
Illawarra District, Australia, July 20, 2015.
The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “The Anatomy of the Two Reserve Corps.”
Message received by George Barnard.
The Scribe: “Before we get into the answers to the (self-evident) questions posed, I want first to relate to you that the Thought Adjuster of your (potential) future fusion was long known to me for both human and superior creature failures and thereby for extreme experiences. Whilst this Adjuster has a generic name among the ‘bird tribes,’ to me he is a special friend of countless, countless centuries.
“Moreover, I want you to see my position as a Fragment of our Father Creator gifted with a unique personality by our Father Creator. To clearly analyze and determine the reality of my being, I am of God, therefore I am God and therefore rather than my addressing you as my friend — which you also truly are — I see you as my son and in our dealings here and beyond this sphere, I will address you as such.
“My son, the questions that once more have been posed deal with the Reserve Corps of Destiny and the Cosmic Reserve Corps of Universe Conscious Citizens and what might be the difference between the two. In the Creator Father’s eyes there is no difference as all His children are equally loved and He will foreknow that all helpers of planetary progress and stability will in the distant future stand before Him.
“They are equal, all of them; yet in the way they come about there is a difference and it mostly relates to the Adjuster involved. The Adjusters of those human helpers will at some juncture decide to belong to a Reserve Corps of Destiny to indwell their future betrothed in the knowledge that there is a potential for them to be involved for a time, but they may not know what experiences such will bring.
“Those human helpers, who are counted together with their fully versed Adjusters among the Cosmic Reserve Corps of Universe Conscious Citizens, are predetermined and foreknown to be involved in progressing or stabilizing the spiritual sphere within the mosaic of their time and their society. Many of their experiences come about as if hardwired into their determined minds.
“All in all these are the main differences for most helpers belonging to either corps, but I note to the inquirer that so very little difference exists as to make both groups members of a specially educated whole. Even so, the experiences of each vary considerably and the records of these happenings are what you take with you to Paradise and only then officially pass on to your Creator.
“They are the Father’s experiences through you and they are your experiences by the Father’s fiat. Make them as memorable as you can for on this earth there exists the greatest opportunity to, for all time, determine your standing in the morontia spheres and the spiritual realm thereafter.
This is the Damascus Scribe leaving you all my love and remaining available to you merely at your beck and call.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2343
Alabama, US of A, January 9, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Ideal of Perfection.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “In some way, you always know what is best for you, at least in a general sense. In your mind, you have constructed an ideal for a higher life. This ideal is a collaboration between your Thought Adjuster and your own wisdom based on your experiences. This ideal will always be refined and improved as you grow and learn new things.
“When you decide to follow this ideal — when you desire to become the most noble, beautiful and best you have imagined you can be — you will generate the upward momentum that will move you forward on the scale of spiritual progress. This ideal is always better than your current situation. So regardless of how precise or close to the truth your ideal may be, when you make an effort to achieve this ideal you keep improving continuously.
“When mortals make an effort to better resemble their ideal of perfection, it becomes clearer and more like the will of the Father. Make the effort to become what you wish to be and this effort will clear your path towards perfection. Your current ideal of perfection may not be the absolute ideal, but it can bring you closer to your potential.
“In the end, the highest ideal a human being can conceive of is to become the likeness of the Father. This ideal can only manifest clearly in the mind of a personality tuned to the degree the personality knows the Father. You would need a higher mind and a more acute spiritual perception to attain this superior understanding of divinity. However, in your world, the Creator Son lived an ideal life to be an example for all. The ideal of the life of Michael as Jesus of Nazareth is a mortal life like the Father would have lived if He were in the flesh. You have this magnificent example to help you overcome all the shortcomings that your understanding and your partial vision of reality may affect your ideal of perfection. Study the life of the Master and take from it the inspiration to live your own spiritual life.
“Your Creator Son has given you the key to achieving the highest possible spiritual success during your mortal life. You only need faith, courage and love — a love so intense for your Father that it inspires in you the trust and desire to be like Him. These are the ingredients that will transform a life at the animal level into one of a creature with divine attributes. Michael has shown you the way; you just have to decide to follow him.”
Note: The best source to study the life of Michael is the Urantia Book (http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book/read-urantia-book-online), starting with Paper 122.
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Christ Michael (Jesus)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2282
Oregon, US of A, January 15, 2015.
Teacher: Christ Michael (Jesus).
Subject: “Love is the Life Force of the Universes.”
Message received by Anyas.
Christ Michael: “Dear child, I am you brother/father Jesus. As you are calling upon me, here I am, happy to respond to such a heartfelt invitation. Whoever sees Me, sees the Father. These are no empty words. I am a representative of my Father, His Ambassador of Love and Light. I love each one of my children with the same quality of selfless love that the Father is emitting from Paradise. Love is truly the life force of the universes. Love is truly what creates them. Each creature has been created with its highest good in the creative mind. How amazing is that? Isn’t it comforting to know that everything is in divine right order?
“As the Father is in control from His abode in Paradise, so is the Son from the center of His local universe. Love reigns supreme, but it has to coexist with the God-given free will of the mortal creatures — and other creatures. This is why the creatures have to volunteer, have to declare their desire to be enrolled in the process of bringing Urantia back to the fold of Nebadon.
“Love respects each individual’s free will. Each individual needs to act out of love in order for his/her actions to be meaningful and have some weight in the eternal scheme of things. Anything which is not love-infused falls flat on its face and is hollow and shallow.
“Keep focusing on the expression of love in your daily life and by so doing, you will be unfailingly connected with the Source of all Love and with the true cosmic reality. Love is the connective tissue, love is the life force and so much more. As your heart expands more and more, you start experiencing the substance of my words. A loving heart is a grateful heart as love provides the lover with a positive vision of his/her environment, of his/her siblings.
“I love you, dear child. I am touched by the expression of your love toward me. I, too, am love-starved in some ways and I long for the manifestation of all the potential love connections with my still slumbering children. They live love-deprived lives, while love is so abundant and accessible to all. Love needs to circulate. It is never static.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
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- Written by: Machiventa Melchizedek
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2325
Illawarra District, Australia, July 10, 2015.
Planetary Prince Machiventa Melchizedek.
Subject: “Discussion about Ongoing Education.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Machiventa: “This is Machiventa. I’m here now, so let us get into the subject and you can transcribe the discussion when you have more time. Let us compare the studies of universality, ethics, history and spirituality on the Mansion Worlds with common university teaching as it applies to your personal past. Remember how after one specific lecture most of you entered the next theater still shaking your heads? You all had been confronted with an unbridled intellect beyond your measure.
“Was the professor sane? You bet he was! Still, you failed to follow his sharp reasoning because you were all fresh at the subject and the groundwork leading up to his specialty, his ‘baby,’ had not yet been taught. Think back now. In those early times you gathered more of the initial knowledge from your impromptu college tutors, your official university tutors and the sundry Ph.D. students that might be bothered to give their time to your merry band…”
George: “… of international misfits. Sure.”
Machiventa: (ignores the remark) “As below so above, my human friend. How often has your inquisitive mind been satisfied by healthy advice, information and reminders from your Midwayer friends? Countless, countless times! The only occasions on which you were taught by professional lecturers — fused individuals — was by Mary, mother of Jesus and by the Andite Leader of the South American migration effort of long ago, Ionah, yet only because of your association with his treasured Midwayer friends (see links below).
“Whilst post-Mansion World resources are abundant, the organizing that goes into grouping all the intermediaries as translators can be so tedious as to cause interruptions to many a project each and every one of these Paradise pilgrims and angelic carers are themselves involved with. Those near to you are always best equipped to take you to the next level. Tutors have fresh in their minds both the possibilities as well as difficulties they personally dealt with. Most claims of one having largely fused Teachers deals with ‘big-noting’ the self.
“Although I have Thought Adjusters among my Advisors and Assistants, I am not fused. Few are greater in knowledge and wisdom than Orion, but your Life Carrier friend is not fused. Can their be greater joy than to hear Michael say that He loves you? Nebadonia? Our evolving and most caring Goddess, Urantia (Gaia)? The Scribe? They aren’t fused. They are God!
“Carry on with your international … ‘mischief.’ This is Machiventa. I leave you my love. Good night.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You will wear My Insignia into Paradise — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2535
Asheville, NC, US of A, July 12, 2015.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Who Am I?”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “Who AM I? Have you ever thought deeply about this question? Have you ever sat quietly or in meditation and asked with the deepest of sincerity and wonder about who you really are — the ‘real you?’ This one simple question carries a powerful vibration and it can not only help you to discover the greater part of who you are, but it can also surely help you to see who you are not. This one question is more than mere words or symbols. It is primal to your existence and purpose in the universe and until you put aside all material matters and acknowledge all of who you are not, you will continue to live in separation from the True Self.
“When you first ask this question, many will see themselves as a ‘story’ of who they are based on their upbringing, their occupation, their education or the ‘wounded child’ who was never good enough. Still others will see themselves as a list of ‘trophies’ and worldly accomplishments, like a shiny battle shield which they hold out in front of them as protection against the critical voices of their past — another story about proving to the world the worthiness of their life choices. Then there are those who simply do not care to know because they are too busy ‘doing’ those things in life that keeps them from asking this powerful question — a fear, really, of seeing the reality of their life choices and the memory of failures and lost opportunities.
“Most of you are programmed to believe a story about who you are and what you can and cannot achieve in life as if you were under a spell. Your subconscious mind believes it and so it is. The mass consciousness of your planet broadcasts this powerful spell to you and you willingly subscribe to it because you have never questioned the validity of what everyone else thinks. You accept it as fact and so there is little reason to question who you really are.
“You are not your body — the form you see in the mirror is not who you are. It is merely a vehicle for expression in the material realm. When you leave this world you will not see this form again. You will transition and take only the soul, which is the culmination of worthy experiences and values, personality and identity. Beyond the soul, there is the Real Self — the driver in the seat of the soul. When you ask, ‘Who AM I?’ you’re asking for the revelation of the root cause for your ‘being.’ When asked from this place, you are stripping away the story and breaking the spell the world has taught you to believe. This is the place of real power — this is the revelation of the god within. You are seeing through the membrane of your own consciousness (separation) into the greater reality of the One consciousness which is the Creator’s mind — the Universal.
“You, my friends, are an echo of the Creator’s Will to know Himself. It is the original question that brought all things into existence. ‘Who AM I?’ is a powerful question that can only be asked by the child (you) and answered by the Creator (the Parent). It is the most intimate of questions you can ask and no one but God can answer. This question opens a pure channel to the Creator through the ‘driver’ of the soul — the Thought Adjuster — the Higher Self.
“I admonish each of you to sit in stillness and ask this question — say it aloud, repeatedly, and then listen for an answer, for a feeling and for a knowing within to echo back. Do not just ask this question once, but ask it every day because the answer is relative to your willingness to know and your capacity to understand, which is constantly in flux as you move from imperfection to relative perfection in time and eternity. What comes back will help you stay on course with your intended life path — your true purpose in this life.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.