- Details
- Written by: Teacher Samuel
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4325
Illawarra District, Australia, August 25, 2004.
Teacher Samuel.
Subject: "The Ego, an Essential Commodity."
Received by George Barnard.
Samuel: "I want to talk with you today about language, and how over lengthy periods, at times quite short intervals, the meanings of certain terms and words tend to go through ‘concept changes.’ Yes. Your living languages do change, and individual words and terms can change, shift in meaning, to be understood as something different entirely. ‘Justice done’ is one such term.
"It is most often used in relation to appropriate punishment having been meted out, less often cited in cases of due rewards being granted, or wrongs that were done to someone being righted. This is Samuel, and the subject to be touched upon today deals with the Ego. The concept, ‘Ego,’ is one such term that has undergone this subtle shift in meaning, at least in common use. But there is nothing wrong with ego. It is in fact an essential commodity, and an integral part of the personality.
"The term, Ego, is generally viewed in a negative light-egotistical, a big ego-you know these terms. And where it concerned your ancient ancestors, "big egos" might well have made the difference between survival and extinction. Yes, ego plays its role in ‘survival of the fittest,’ if we can here borrow Darwin’s words, and ego is important to the individual, as well as to the family and even to the extended group.
"It is all throughout your terrestrial journey that ego plays an important role as a survival mechanism. Likewise is it essential in your ages upon ages of morontial (pre-spirit) lives, for it allows you to more clearly discern fairness. A more balanced ego will openly and honestly compare, ‘would this be fair to me, therefore might it be fair to another,’ as your free-will prerogatives will place you in positions of having to make bigger and more important decisions.
"All throughout your eternal career and unto Paradise will you be students at one stage, teachers at another, or both, simultaneously. It happens! And at all times must you treat another correctly, fairly and courteously, as you would wish to be treated by them. Without an ego that will constantly question, assess, "how would I feel in the other person’s place’ it would be obvious that one would frequently be unfair, discourteous, or act incorrectly.
"There is now no great secret about our projected function(s) in the outer universes as they come online and will be inhabited. Our function(s) there are hardly revealed, but certainly obvious. There, inevitably, you will be dealing with those much lower on the evolutionary rungs. Both, a clear memory of your terrestrial ‘moments,’ and a ‘shining’ and perfected ego will be essential.
"Ego is an indispensable ‘good-for-all-time’ Gift of your Creator Father, Who gives, and gives, and gives, more and more and more, and takes nothing away. It is a part of the personality that, like so many other personality aspects, must be honed till it is sharp, tuned till it rings true, shined till it glows. Let no one rob you of a balanced ego.
"This is Samuel of Panoptia, feeling evermore honored to be part of your 11:11 platoon. My love goes with you all."
George: "Thank you Teach."
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Michael est Toujours au Volant.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4214
Illawarra District, Australia, March 29, 2012.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Of Genuine Request.”
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “Much is made of so-called psychic ability at your human level. However, someone considered most advanced by you, is viewed from our time-space reality as really only marginally ahead of the group. We, your long-lived, long-active, even hyper-active Midwayers talk of gifts, temporary grants, and celestial assistance, hardly ability.
“So let me qualify all this: Firstly, that psychic gift from above is rarely developed to its maximum, and in many cases it remains still-born, a mere potential, as it requires human belief in such a gift. As well, and secondly, as all events in time-space universes are foreseen, and all is possible, some of you may be gifted but for a time, a period, for a specific reason, yes, toward a particular function or goal.
“And beyond that occasion, or period, the gift, and that is what it is, is simply of no further use – there is no further need. The individual simply returns to a less inspired life. Thirdly, there are occasions when an individual is so positioned in a family, community, or nation that it becomes necessary to inspire that man, or woman, or child, to function, to serve, as the inspired one when the gift of a connection may virtually be absent.
“Many a Celestial, and foremost my Midwayer brothers and sisters, can attest to the hard work such circumstances bring in energy expended, when our involvement is thus required. You, who are involved with the psychic realm, our world, our reality, do see your connection to us as gifts rather than personal ability. That which portrays the psychic as a humble co-worker is greatly preferable to us all, rather than false pride so often portrayed.
“Moreover, it is profitable for all of you in meditation and visualisation to often recall, even be innately aware, that all psychic events, all messages from Celestial Teachers, all visions and déjà vu happenings are foreseen and overseen by your Thought Adjuster.
“Does it therefore not stand to reason that when you are about to meditate, or use your gift to do ‘a healing’, you request for the Father Creator to allow and to assist? When you do so as a matter of thoughtful routine, of genuine request, your clarity of perception will grow. Your Thought Adjuster and the Creator of All are One, and your genuine requests do resonate to the very center of Paradise.
“This is ABC-22. I bid you good day.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“Encourage your Children to Learn about God,
Your Scientist to Discover His Laws,
Your Travelers to Admire His Creation.
Now teach your Gifted Ones to hear His Words—
I am Athena, who loves you.”
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4500
The Thought Adjuster transmission set out below is randomly taken from a daily devotional named “The Guiding Light Within.”
April 15.
For I Am Your Trainer.
You are precisely where you need to be at this point in time. By your personal choice and decision-making, you picked yourself a tough road to train on, to become a channel of My pure love, and to grow in understanding of self and others.
In your earlier years you did not understand how you were being led into your life’s work. You only had an urge to become a channel for peace, although only your superconscious mind knew this for certain.
The super-conscious knows what it needs to do through contact with the Inner Pilot. However, the human consciousness on this planet is not always connected to the superconscious. This can only happen by your turning into the Stillness to create a more harmonious balance between the higher consciousness and the lower consciousness, where self-will and ego reign.
The choices and decisions made in the Stillness together with Me, always lead to a greater balance, because of an increasing willingness in you to follow My leadings.
You see, My beloved, I hold your destiny in My Being, but in order for Me to get through to you, I desire an unblocked channel for your co-operation, so I can flow My ideals for a perfecting character into your mind, leading to a much happier and harmonious life for you. In order for Me to do so; you are tested by Me in your growth, through the situations you are made to find yourself in.
So now you can see that everything has a purpose, as long as it brings you closer to Me. For this is My desire also, that you ‘turn the self off,’ to become more responsive to My prompts.
Hone your listening skills in your nearness with Me, where you can begin to hear heaven’s music in your soul, for I am your Trainer.
The Guiding Light Within – by Lytske is available from http://www.1111angels.net/old_files/TheLight.html
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4468
Michigan, US of A, February 26, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Spending Time on the Self.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is about making time for self-improvement -- self-mastery, reflection, and introspection -- for these things must be considered if you are to progress and ascend your psychic circles of human personality potential. Why is this important? It has everything to do with finding true joy and accomplishment, and developing the life skills to succeed in this world while you prepare for the next. Change in the outer world starts with change from within, and if we are to bring this world into the age of Light and Life, we must first bring light to the inner life of the individual.
“By improving the mind through self-mastery, you cleanse it from all fallacies and prejudices and leave the mind open to learning new truths while broadening your perspective on the realities of the ascendant life. You become more tolerable of the ignorance and unawareness of those around you who have not done this inner work, while your patience and fortitude is tested and strengthened as you become more and more aware of your place in the universe.
“It is through the constant monitoring of your thoughts and feelings--controlling your emotions and how you react to people and situations that will bring an inner peace and strength of character that will radiate from your core being and prove to be an example to all those in your life circles. You will earn the respect of your peers as well as those in authority over you when you demonstrate the power of self-control. Once this battle over the selfish ego is won, it clears the way for higher truth and higher learning. The soil of the mind has been prepared and ready for the spiritual transactions of super-conscious input that will trickle down into the conscious mind for use in your inner and outer work in the world.
“Reflection is necessary to review the past actions and reactions of self so that corrections can be made when similar circumstance arise in the future. There should be no thought of regret or guilt when reviewing the past, for it is meant to serve as a focal point for learning and overcoming mistakes. This does not mean however, that you should avoid the responsibilities of those mistakes, but that you deal with them honorably and move on having become wiser from the lesson that experience has brought about.
“Introspection is the examination of your thoughts and motives and this is key to understanding yourself. What is it that you are really trying to accomplish? What are your true intentions and expected outcomes when dealing with your fellows? This, my friends, is the naked truth and the heart of the matter for all things. When all things are sifted and settled, this is the true meaning and value for all that you do and say, and this is what the Creator sees when He looks into the heart of any individual. Above all things, learn to ‘know thyself.’
“Leave time to work on these things, my friends, for these disciplines will propel you inward and onward toward true perfection and God-likeness. The joy of being in control and command of yourself and your own destiny is priceless, for only you can bring the change needed to create the reality of your true intentions.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” — Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
- Details
- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 8413
The Thought Adjuster transmission set out below is randomly taken from a daily devotional named “The Guiding Light Within.”
A Most Wondrous And Fascinating Journey.
The deepest longings of your heart are known to Me; the self-appointed Fragment from the Creator. That ‘niggling something,’ as you call it, is your desire to be totally consumed by My love.
Unconditional love is so sadly lacking on your planet, and you, too, were raised with only conditional love. This merely stems from the fact that your parents were raised in the same way, and they could not know the difference in those days.
The great and glorious news is that all the shortcomings -- all the leftovers from the Lucifer Rebellion -- such as fear, hate, greed, jealousy, and more, are now slowly diminishing, as the inauguration of the Time of Correction has started. A welcome new age has begun to show its fruits in the hearts and souls and minds of mortals everywhere.
The grace of the Creator, through your universe Master Son, Michael, better known on your planet as Jesus the Christ, has instituted this great and glorious plan.
Believe it, My child, all shall eventually grow into a desire to find their own Fragment of God, so patiently waiting inside of them, as their urges are growing into strong desires, yet always depending on their free will.
This needs to be stressed.
Surely, each thinking and feeling mortal’s yearning will be answered when they turn within the Silence of their heart, for all they have to do is ask wholeheartedly and sincerely, and they, too, shall be filled with God’s grace, to hunger no more.
Truly, life in the mortal estate can become a most wondrous and fascinating journey, simply by one’s uplifting of the thought processes.
Enjoy this unending journey, dear one, for there is no hurry.
All eternity is waiting.
The Guiding Light Within – by Lytske is available from http://www.1111angels.net/old_files/TheLight.html