Alabama, US of A, April 28, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Give Without Expecting Anything in Return”

Message received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “It is in the depths of your heart where you must seek the motive behind your actions. There are many in this world today who do great things for their fellow beings, but who derive very few spiritual fruits from their actions. The problem is that they are motivated by the exaltation of their own ego, by the recognition of their peers, and by human glory. There are very few who truly offer their service with the purpose of achieving happiness and promoting the spiritual progress of their fellow beings.

Human beings can innately detect when the motives of their fellows have hidden agendas. When someone offers you something and immediately follows it with a list of conditions, this is enough to activate the 'alert signals' in your mind. However, how many times have you been exposed to situations where you are given something in exchange for nothing? For some fortunate human beings, this first experience of unconditional love was provided by their mortal parents.

It is the parents of human families who have the responsibility to illustrate the Father's love to their children. In this way, these young souls will become accustomed to the idea of receiving freely without hidden motives or implicit conditions in what they receive. This is how people can learn to trust in their heavenly Father. Parents can do much to strengthen their children's faith by being the first example of paternal/maternal love and wisdom in their life experiences.

Each of you can also provide this service to your fellow beings. Try to give without expecting anything in return. Offer your wisdom and experience, illuminated by the spirit, to all who can benefit from it, and then let them discover their own path of spiritual progress. In this way, you will earn the trust of your fellow beings and in turn, discover an additional dimension of the love of your eternal Father. And this is the manifestation of true humility – setting aside your ego so that your higher aspect can manifest and thus divinity can work through each of you.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.