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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 11
Michigan, US of A, August 17, 2014.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Power Zone.”
Received by Chris.
Thought Adjuster: “Dear One, it is I, your beloved Indwelling – I take this occasion to speak to you for the benefit of the many who shall read this message – that they may take these words ‘to heart,’ for they are only words that paint a crude picture of the complete and whole ideas that exist beyond human words and human understanding, yet they penetrate the heart and mind because I, your Father Fragment, interprets its meaning for you according to the limits of your intellect, and experience, and your desire – your allowance to know according to your free will. You are beginning to understand that to hear me requires you to ‘listen to the heart,’ for this is where I speak – it is your ‘power zone.’
“In this power zone, is the key to all growth and is the wellspring of divine love for which I ‘step down’ into a form which you can understand. This is the source of all virtues and because it is the key to your growth and progression – your ascension into higher realms, I ‘stand by you’ and attempt to spiritualize your mind as much as you allow, so that you may look deeper into the mystery of this source of divine love, which makes for the ultimate transformation from who you are now to who you shall become in time and in eternity.
“The world is a busy place and there are many distractions. This leads to confusion in the heart and mind, for when there is no time to ‘listen to the heart’ the whole system suffers and becomes ‘starved’ for the water of life – the wellspring of divine love. I AM like a teacher who sits with a child and reads from a storybook – reading with a gentle voice and attempting to convey the larger meanings and values of divine love through simple metaphors that you can understand at the age of your spiritual maturity. The more often we ‘read’ together, the more shall you understand and the more can I read you books of greater value with more complex ideas. The goal of this teacher is to prepare you for life – not only this life, but the next life in the higher realms where I can continue this teacher-child relationship with ever greater ‘ethos’ where you may have a greater understanding of the dimensions of this divine love.
“This feeling of isolation you are experiencing is to get you into a ‘room’ alone with me where there are no distractions and where I can help you focus on your power zone. Your terrestrial life is filled with transitional activities and you are feeling the limits of your abilities to hold together many relationships and duties while you look ahead to the future at what ‘could be.’ I know the desires of your heart and I AM doing those things that are necessary to guide you into coherence with the Divine Will. There are decisions only you can make that will bring you into the room with me and I am taking this opportunity to guide you to choose the way into your power zone where all possibilities exist in potential.
“Come to me now my beloved and I will read to you from the Book of Life and together we shall set a course for the next chapter in your life adventure.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 25
Alabama, US of A, June 23, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Leaders and Followers.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Do not be deceived by your apparent lack of power to influence world affairs. It is not the great leaders who will change the world. It is each one of you and your personal decisions in favor of the Father's will. Even if Jesus were to descend from heaven today, how many would follow Him? How many of the materially powerful would set aside their ambition and illusions of control to follow Him? The physical presence of Jesus in the world would not contribute in any way to improving it.
However, those who sincerely seek the truth would find in Jesus a friend, a teacher, and the source to satisfy all their spiritual longings. And this is something each of you can already do by seeking in the silence of your heart the truth that your soul desires. It is possible that some among you may become the great leaders and thinkers who promote the beautiful and significant changes your world needs. But what use is a leader if no one follows them? What influence can an individual have on the destiny of this world if no one listens? By sincerely considering these questions, you can clearly answer the following: who is more important, the leader or those who follow? Who are the ones that will bring about the changes? Better yet, what value does the message of a leader hold, no matter how beautiful and elevated it may be, if no one can understand or apply it?
If you prepare your soul and mind to grasp higher truths, will the spiritual progress you experience in your life be the achievement of a leader or your personal achievement? Jesus brought words of truth filled with love, hope, and power, but only those who made the effort to incorporate these truths into their lives benefited from His words. Jesus did not save anyone; each person saved themselves through their own decisions, and even today, this is still the case.
The best thing each of you can do for this world is to work on your spiritual progress, maintain the drive to become more like your Father each day—more perfect—and thus refine your ability to hear when a new teacher of truth is sent to this world. Such a teacher will offer seeds of new and superior truths that will fall on fertile ground and produce the desired fruits.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 45
Urantia. 6. 13. 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “I Am Closer to You than Your Breath.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “Yes, you can develop a continuous song in your heart of hearts to the glory of the one Creator God. Even though you do not give expression in voice or thoughts, the Eternal knows what lives in your heart, and He knows the great strides you are making in your faith and trust.
To a large extent this is due to your developing self-discipline, and your increasing hunger for communion, which keeps you coming back to Me in the Silence for more of that inner peace – a peace that calms your tired nerves and restores them to a greater calm than you have ever known before.
It is a peace like a gently flowing river that sweeps all irritants away, and stands as a sentinel to overshadow your past, and nullifies all mistakes and disappointments.
As if between hammer and anvil, this peace is forging you into the personality you are becoming day by day.
This peace is giving you the feeling of security and of protection, but most of all the feeling of being loved and protected just the way you are. As well, it gives you the feeling of being guided throughout all the days of your earthly life.
This peace helps you to overcome character flaws, as you grow in sincerity of heart, for by now you have realized that nothing is hidden from the all-seeing and all-knowing eye of God, who delights when a human heart responds to the call of His Spirit.
Rejoice in the sure knowledge that all is well and that you too, are a beloved child of the Creator, who is ever so slowly forging you into the shape of His image.
Yes, I know that mortal life can be a drudgery, yet it totally depends on how you look at it: either pessimistically or optimistically. I suggest that you practice the latter.
After all, you can always depend on Me to uplift your thoughts, as I am closer to you then your breath, nearer to you then your hands and feet.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 59
Oregon, USA, August 13, 2022.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Freedom of Movement and Freedom of Speech.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “Whenever you express your desire to connect with Me on an ever-deepening level, you give Me increased freedom of movement and freedom of speech within you. It is what both of us are longing for. You have come to recognize the value of My input and the sense of well-being and wholeness it blesses you with.
Indeed, as you wish to hook up with Me, our partnership becomes a reality in your inner and outer life — because your outer life reflects your inner life. Sounds simple? Don’t you wish you would have understood it earlier? The where and when do not matter to Me, as I live in the eternal here and now. I am fully immersed in each present moment and rejoice when you come and spend time with Me, as it is when I can optimally feed your mind, fuel your positive emotions, and cater to your soul growth.
My freedom of movement depends on your free will decisions. Together, we can move mountains when you set Me free to work on manifesting the Father’s vision through you, with you, and out into the world, as nothing the Father does is self-serving. The larger the ripple effect, the more you contribute to the Great Plan.
My freedom of speech occurs right now in your receptive and docile mind. By not making objections, you do not interrupt the flow of My thoughts with the roadblocks of ‘buts.’ You let free course to the flow of My thoughts intent at enlightening your mind. I AM love; I AM light. It is what I do.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 79
Asheville, NC, US of A, October 11, 2015.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Storybook of You.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “In many of your lessons, thus far, and from the lips of many teachers, you have heard it said that it is better to live in the ‘now moment’ than to live in the past or future. What exactly is meant by this statement? Can you live in the now moment without reminiscing about your past or ever having a thought about the future? Let’s examine this ‘now moment’ and try to understand what it is to live in it, for many are puzzled by these statements and wish to have a clearer understanding of the deeper meanings behind these popular phrases.
“Before we can understand the present, we must look at the dimension of time and what time actually accomplishes in the greater scheme of universe realities. Time is a like a storybook and each page represents a succession of ‘now moments’ as they have occurred, are now occurring, and may be occurring in the future. The ‘present’ is like being in the middle of the story — the page you have read up to and continue to read as you go is — the ongoing experience of reading. This is the place in time that occupies your attention and the present awareness of your life. What you think, feel and do writes the pages in history going backward in the book. Going forward, looking into the pages at the back of the book is the future. To skip forward is to read into the potentials of what ‘may be’ according to your sphere of influence and your awareness of the collective experiences of yourself and others living together on a world in time and space. Your idea of this future is quite different from others depending on where you are on the planet and what your daily experiences are.
“Your beliefs, assumptions, and conditioning shape who you are now. They have a direct influence on the life you may have in the future. To truly live in the ‘now moment’ is to have some cognizance of the overall picture of your life, which includes the failures of your past and your hopes for a brighter future. Those who are said to be living in the past are those who see themselves as having already lived the greatest moments of their life with little hope for a future that can bring a greater joy and understanding than what has been. They have effectively stopped reading the storybook and are constantly re-reading only the parts of the book that give them comfort. They are not living in the now moment. In constrast, those who live in the future are living in the hope for a better tomorrow, which in and of itself is not necessarily detrimental, except that it places all values of life on unrealized potentials and completely ignores the present moment, which is vital to bringing those potentials into manifestation. The reader again has stopped reading the storybook and has chosen to skip ahead, yet finds that the pages are blank because they are doing nothing in the present to manifest the words on the pages of the future.
”To live wholly in the present means that you are aware of your past failures and triumphs and see them as teaching moments — stepping stones — as a means to move from the imperfections of the past to a more mature, loving state of being in the present. ‘If I had not had those experiences at that time, I would not be in this better place today.’ Moreover, future hopes drive the present in a way that keeps you moving toward that future. ‘If I hope to accomplish this dream of being a _______, then I must start doing ______ today.’ This realization of sequence, ‘cause and effect,’ must be present in your mind at all times. When you are doing those things that will shape your future toward those potentials that you idealize, then are you co-creating and writing the present pages of the storybook. You are now confident that when you turn the page, there will be something there to read — not a blank page.
“The most important part about living in the now moment is your awareness that the Creator, the Father’s presence — the I AM, lives in your mind and is guiding and coordinating your life experiences in a way that lets you be the driver. Yet He is always steering you toward those experiences that will bring you to a greater awareness and understanding of your real-self (I AM) where you can idealize the inherent potential that God sees in you from a place outside of time and space. The Father’s presence places the seed idea in your mind and then leads you to water. You must draw the water from the well and nourish that seed to discover what fruit it will bear. Living in cooperation with the I AM means you are co-writing the storybook from the seat of the soul. Having the assurance of this divine partnership means you are ever confident that as you turn the page, the story gets more interesting and exciting and you realize (ah-ha) that you are the main character ‘living it.’
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.