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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe (Sananda)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 88
Illawarra District, Australia, November 29, 2019.
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “A Sudden Revelatory Promotion.” – transcript abbreviated.
Message received by George Barnard.
The Scribe: “The volume, but both the quality and the extend of the revelation one is entitled to at any given time is in direct relationship to one’s spiritual progress. However, that is to say, one must decidedly feel or express the need and wish for such revelation to be arriving in one’s mortal mind. It’s also perfectly understood that one can be quite spiritual and have no great yearning for advanced private revelation. The Thought Adjuster (TA) is at all times intimately aware of His or Her charge’s wishes and almost certainly will either teach them or simply leave things as they are.
“A sudden gift of enlightenment can be the way to equally sudden revelatory promotion, and so can ensueing gifts of enlightenment, but one thing is clearly noted about former mortals and that is: The longer they reside on the Mansion Worlds, the more urgently they seek the ways of eternity – His laws, His creatures, their ways and their functions and abilities. See it clearly now; an uninformed human life could well be of drudgery, but it’s short and then the universe opens up in all its grandieur.
“Those on High who are created perfect, who will never be rebellious and always follow the Creator of All’s requirements, study the ‘feeble little mortals’ in great amazement. Had those celestials been created with the capacity for jealousy, they would truly be insanely jealous of you all. As this is not the case, they do find it difficult to temper their impatience in readying themselves to at long-last ‘come down to earth’ and serve their Creator Father by serving you mortals.
“The saying, ‘You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone,’ here comes to mind for the human who wasted his or her time chasing earthly things alone, whilst you might become a Teacher having fusion on hold telling your students, ‘Keep it short, 550 words only or all newbies will put your message in the bin.’ I jest.”
George: “Yes, but ain’t it so?”
The Scribe: “Good to touch base with you. Call on Me at any time.”
Receiver’s note: Gerdean Bowen, a receiver/transmitter and friend who passed away some years ago told us she would not talk to us “from up there.” However, she spoke to members of her old group in NW Idaho and for me she had just a few words, saying, “You had it right in keeping the transmissions short.” THAT WAS IT! Nothing more. But I know she would like her great but long transmissions shortened to around 550 words of essential lessons.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Take the People to the Spiritual Starting Gates,
to let them run their own Race – Machiventa, 2000.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 121
Alabama, US of A, May 23, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Great Opportunities.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “When a human being consecrates their will to the will of the Father, their life becomes a revelation of God to their fellow beings. Every decision and action that this personality makes will produce a benefit for all of creation and will be an expression of goodness for all beings. The consecration to the will of the Father heralds the attainment of perfection. Once this supreme decision has been made, the doors of Paradise open for that creature.
Living to do the will of God can be done even in this world. If you firmly decide to try to always express the best of yourself, you may make mistakes sometimes, but if your intention is truly sincere, these mistakes will not affect your spiritual progress. The gods know human frailty and accept that they are prone to making mistakes due to their partial vision of reality and because their perfection is evolutionary. However, those who have decided to be better will know how to take advantage of every opportunity to learn and advance, even from their mistakes and disappointments.
There is nothing more inspiring in this world and the heavens than to observe how a simple human creature can overcome its limits and create goodness, beauty, and truth from the coarse elements of this confused world, thus exhibiting traits of the eternal Creator. How great is the love of God, which is revealed even through the efforts of His lowest creatures! You will live a glorious and exemplary life if you try to create good from evil, bring light where there is darkness, eradicate injustice and abuses with the power of your mercy, and drown hatred with the strength of your love.
Life in this world can indeed be difficult, but very few worlds in the universe offer as great opportunities for spiritual progress as this one. You have within you the power to transform reality into something higher and more beautiful. Everything that happens here depends on you, and when the majority of Urantia's population discovers how great the influence each person can have on reality and on the destiny of this world, they will have to decide whether or not they will use their creative powers to elevate this world and its inhabitants ever closer to the Father and His Kingdom of love and goodness.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 120
Urantia, October 5, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “The Holy Calling” (title change from ‘Be Ever Watchful’).
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “Only a soul that trusts Me is willing to be led in the direction I desire for it to go, to garner the experiences needed for soul growth. Sometimes I may lead you into places to assist someone, to bring a smile, to give an encouraging word, or send some healing thoughts when you hear of someone who is sick.
All things, acts, thoughts, and intentions are known in Heaven. Nothing escapes the omniscience of the Creator God of everything. Only the worthwhile experiences that have edified and nourished the soul and helped it grow shall remain.
Be ever watchful for where you may be of loving service. Be ever aware that you are God’s representative on earth, wherever you find yourself. Awakened human beings everywhere begin to realize their holy calling and become the peacemakers and healers of this sorrowful planet.
This planet is also a living, breathing child of the Creator, albeit of a different order. However, she is going through much travail at present. Abuse, rape, pilfering and all sorts of other scandalous things are being perpetrated upon her innocent being, and her beautiful face is scarred, burned and plundered.
Even her precious atmosphere, meant for all living things upon her, is being poisoned by thoughtless, unenlightened mortals who have allowed themselves to be led by greed, and so have fallen into gross darkness, which a fallen prince from Heaven wrought eons ago.
This nefarious fog is lifting, for the prince of darkness is no more. Only the cause and effect are still being felt, and sadly taking with them many people, who neither give a thought to the life hereafter, nor of how they can be of loving service which assists their soul growth.
Truly, humankind is living through one of the most remarkable and precarious periods in planetary history. People everywhere need to wake up and become active as healers and peacemakers for themselves, their surroundings, and for the sake of this most precious blue orb in space.
Think of these, My words, and lodge them deeply within your being, for this is the holy calling of people everywhere.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 109
Oregon, June 17, 2022.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “If Only You Knew.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “No matter how hard the Father tries to draw your attention to what should truly matter in your life, many of you do not get his subliminal message. Isn’t he The One who knows the purpose of human evolutionary life? Why then lend a deaf ear to his whispers?
The development of your spiritual side — the growth of your soul — is your cosmic passport toward the endless thrills of eternal life. Why resist this fundamental truth? By ignoring it, you miss out on the unfathomable contributions of a well-led inner life.
Your body sends you signals when it craves vital nutrients. So does your soul unless you deprive it for too long of spiritual nutrition taking it to the critical point of anorexia when it loses all appetite and withers.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: Ionah the Andite
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 106
Illawarra District, Australia, June 20, 2018.
Ionah, the Andite.
Subject: “Of Friends and Relatives I Meet.”
and: “Do Make It Your Legacy.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Ionah: “Greetings, my friends. You know who this is. We’ve both put in some effort to connect but to no avail . . . yes, here at last . . .
“It’s a rather regular event when I meet someone from my world of origin (Urantia) and on rather rare occasions, and surprisingly so, discover him or her to be distantly related to me, or perhaps have once been a friend or acquaintance. It will please you and astound you just how many will line up just as soon as one will profess to possess a modicum of interest in those to whom one may be related. Yes, we’re all brothers and sisters, of course, sure.
“I’m now referring to your interest in the widespread variation of supposed origin of siblings — that which seemingly goes back to the absolute dawn of time.
“For you it will be something of a surprise that you have actually discovered something that is not yet fully understood and even while its full realization is just marginally beyond your intellectual grasp. We know that if you are prepared to ponder the stark variation of indicated origins you will be able to fully uncover the mystery. This deals with genetics and as soon as you fully understand what you presently have merely an inkling of, you will be more than pleased, even proud. And you might make it part of your legacy.”
George: This is the part of heredity that will one day likely surprise us all. For instance, you can have a set of identical twins and research into the family’s past through DNA may well indicate that one twin heralds from Asia and the other has inherited that which is truly Scandinavian. You need to allow for the fact that someone’s DNA can be passed on but never be total. Complete, yes. Total, no. The Asian part would well be older than the Scandinavian part. I will theorize on that and hopefully bring that to some kind of conclusion. Right now there are some very important questions being asked about this, but I can’t promise anything. After all this is not even my field.
Ionah: “Do what you can and do make it your legacy. For me, it is good to be in touch with you again, especially since this is via my dear friends and helpers of some 13,000 years ago when I and others fulfilled our dreams of being, by us upstepping the races of South America. It is good that we meet again in this way. Stay with the mission, my brother.
“This is Ionah. May the trade winds strongly billow your sails.”
George: “Thank you, Ionah, Bzutu, Andrea.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.