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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 156
Illawarra District, Australia, August 7, 2015.
The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “Of Absolute and Relative Truth.”
Message received by George Barnard.
The Damascus Scribe: “My son — I proudly call you that — I wish to converse with you about Truth and relative truth. Truth with a capital T is what you may class as absolute truth and of this I will give you three examples. Firstly, the Creator Father is the sole initial Creator in all the universes. All other Creator Sons and Daughters are so capable by fiat of the Father’s will and His given commands.
“Secondly, the sustaining power that holds up and progresses the galaxies of universes from Paradise to the outlying giant new galactic creations is love. Anything contrary to love like hatred, disinterest, and jealousy is of a fleeting existance and whilst temporarily challenging, will in time, provide positive results through the mere fact that such aberrations to love do provide learning opportunities.
“The third example of absolute truth is in reply to your questioning mind about the Master and I. Should the man, Joshua ben Joseph, have been an ordinary mortal, he and I would have fused on Urantia. Yes, yes indeed, just like Elijah. And the Saviour of mankind would likewise have been seen here no more. It was during your Master’s duties in Damascus when and where we functioned as if fully fused.
“It was our ability to truly function as one in deep love for each other that allowed the celestial onlookers of that time and place to later think back on these events and then name me the ‘Damascus Scribe,’ which name I gratefully accept.
“Here you have some aspects of absolute truth among many others, one must declare. Although, most of what mortals accept as truth is only relative truth, personal truth and much of it of a religious nature.
“On normal worlds where a much larger percentage of the population always deals with celestials — especially Midwayers and Morontia Cherubim and Companions, indeed, not forgetting the Planetary Prince and entourage — the priciples and doctrines of evolutionary religions fall away with great ease. But this is Urantia’s Correcting Time and good changes are to come here, too.
“This is the Damascus Scribe. I part with you now, but leave you my love. Call me.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me. — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Cherubim “I’ll be Frank” and Sanobim Alice
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 150
Illawarra District, Australia, September 9, 2015.
Cherubim “I’ll be Frank” and Sanobim Alice.
Subject: “Unlimited Free Will.”
(questions from a 28-year-old).
Message received by George Barnard.
“I’ll be Frank”: “This is Frank, always frank. Alice and I are what one generally considers to be among the best-educated of Cherubim. The subject of Human Behavior is our choice of study and expertise and it has been our commission for more than a few centuries. The reason for our being overlooked so often may deal with our somewhat diminutive stature (he is no taller than a three-year-old and I’m sure he is joking).
“As we understand it, the question that is asked of us is this: Does free will continue to apply to resurrected humans on Mansonia and beyond? The answer is a resounding ‘yes.’ Free will is a personality prerogative. It applies equally to all personalities, even to those who ever do things right as a matter of cause. Alice and I have free will to investigate anything at all, but we focus on our continued studies of the complex human mind by our free-will choice.
(Speaking to the enquirer now).
“Caught up as you are, unable to change your associates, ‘imprisoned’ by your relationships, we quite understand you presently have no alternative but to bear it all until the end of your contract. However, such is not the case on the Mansion Worlds. Whereas one can choose to be among those of one’s immediate past, there is no such need or obligation if the past was unpleasant. There are myriad other groupings to suit your requirements at any given time. And this is so all throughout the Mansion Worlds.
“Once fusion has taken place you will still have your unconstrained free will. I do warn you, however, you will find it impossible to do anything wrong, laze about, waste time or ‘produce’ anything that is innately useless. You may well have developed a mindset that inclines you to seek out all of those who once distressed you back on Urantia — to close that troubling chapter or to see what you can possibly do for them when they, to a man, did to you the unspeakable.
“Find strength in the knowledge that you will relatively soon be out of the present predicament, that you will wisely choose your next ‘venue of operation’ and that anywhere and at any time beyond this life there exists unlimited free will. This is Frank, always frank.”
Alice: “We travel light and we travel fast. We will look in on you when we can and you might even become aware of us. Frank and I leave you our love.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 200
Alabama, US of A, April 28, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Give Without Expecting Anything in Return”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “It is in the depths of your heart where you must seek the motive behind your actions. There are many in this world today who do great things for their fellow beings, but who derive very few spiritual fruits from their actions. The problem is that they are motivated by the exaltation of their own ego, by the recognition of their peers, and by human glory. There are very few who truly offer their service with the purpose of achieving happiness and promoting the spiritual progress of their fellow beings.
Human beings can innately detect when the motives of their fellows have hidden agendas. When someone offers you something and immediately follows it with a list of conditions, this is enough to activate the 'alert signals' in your mind. However, how many times have you been exposed to situations where you are given something in exchange for nothing? For some fortunate human beings, this first experience of unconditional love was provided by their mortal parents.
It is the parents of human families who have the responsibility to illustrate the Father's love to their children. In this way, these young souls will become accustomed to the idea of receiving freely without hidden motives or implicit conditions in what they receive. This is how people can learn to trust in their heavenly Father. Parents can do much to strengthen their children's faith by being the first example of paternal/maternal love and wisdom in their life experiences.
Each of you can also provide this service to your fellow beings. Try to give without expecting anything in return. Offer your wisdom and experience, illuminated by the spirit, to all who can benefit from it, and then let them discover their own path of spiritual progress. In this way, you will earn the trust of your fellow beings and in turn, discover an additional dimension of the love of your eternal Father. And this is the manifestation of true humility – setting aside your ego so that your higher aspect can manifest and thus divinity can work through each of you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 189
Urantia, January 26, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Interconnected.”
Message by Lytske.
The Beloved: “Let us continue our intimacy together, which you have so desired from the first moment you started writing letters to God. It is in these moments of solitude that peace is beginning to saturate all the cells in your body-mind, so a greater equilibrium takes place which ever so gently suffuses you with more patience towards yourself and significant others in your immediate surroundings.
This is the peace beyond understanding. As you well know even in the best of times, you are not always peaceful especially when confronted with upheavals in the world which can sorely afflict you, because of unrighteousness running rampant on the planet. You are somewhat reluctant to type these words you hear, but child, there is a reason for this, because you need to become unflappable even in the face of the rankest injustice.
There are many things happening in the world at large, which have not by any stretch of the imagination arrived at a stable balance due to the after-effects of the outworking of the Lucifer rebellion, and even though the perpetrators are no more, having received their just reward, there remain the consequences of those actions set in motion so very long ago. This will take some time to be corrected, so peace can become a habit and not something to be sought after.
Peace needs to become a way of life before the planet's equilibrium is restored and completed. The purpose of evolution, which is creation in time and space, is to move everything towards Light and Life. Not only are you born to eventually become perfect, but also all the planets in space, albeit belonging to a different category in the Creator's mind, shall also move towards perfection.
This massive undertaking is the adventure of the ages. Evolutionary creation could be seen as God's playground. He so very lovingly and patiently creates everything from nothingness but imbues everything with potential possibilities, in which each particle shares a minute part in order to become one magnificent whole. You can see how everything is interconnected and how one peaceful person can affect the fabric of life, not only within the self but also benefit all others.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 155
Oregon, June 19, 2020.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About Emotional Toxicity.”
Message received by Anyas.
“Belief may not be able to resist doubt and withstand fear, but faith is always triumphant over doubting, for faith is both positive and living.” [UB 102:6.7]
Thought Adjuster: “Way too often, human beings adopt lifelong belief systems, patched together from the mixed media of generational hand-me-downs and social interferences that start at the family unit level. Some of you are more adept than others at sifting through such input in a quest for the ‘good stuff’ — practical and enlightening. Ask yourself whether the tapestry of your beliefs is embroidered with the solid threads of enduring moral values dipped in the vibrant undertones of empathy, compassion, and love for humanity.
All negative emotions are foreign to the Father’s heart and highly toxic to yours. When unsettled by their malignant takeovers, find their points of origin to take swift countermeasures, preventing them from polluting your inner world.
Doubt and fears are debilitating. Any belief system that, explicitly and shamelessly, incorporates the coercive elements of shame, guilt, and fear to control you, is in dire need of reformation, as it exerts undue pressure on your free-will prerogative.
By bravely stepping out in faith in your times of insecurities, you disperse the mental fogginess induced by these emotional downers, regaining mental clarity, and a surer inner footing. Faith and hope are fear’s potent antidotes, inoculating you with emergency booster shots that release the painful grip of these emotional low-lives. Faith reminds you of your high calling and extracts you from the claustrophobia-inducing underworld of darkness to lift you toward the bright emanations of Spirit.
Monitor the overall quality of the emotions that populate your inner world. Kick out the bottom-feeders to make room for more becoming feelings — a free-will choice on your part, adamantly contested by emotional anarchists whose livelihood depends on your co-dependence. Only a fool would choose to remain under their evil spell.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
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