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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 85
Asheville, NC, US of A, March 23, 2017.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “The I AM Essence – Next Steps.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “You Students on the path may have been asking yourselves, ‘What is next for me?’ ‘How shall I grow more spiritually?’ ‘What other practice shall I follow that will lead me to greater spiritual awareness?’ ‘How can I really know the Will of the Universal Father?’ ‘How may I be of service?’ If you are asking these types of questions, dear ones, this means that you are hungry and that spirit gravity has a hold of you. These are positive signs of growth, in and of themselves, and it is an indication that you are indeed ready for the next phase of your spirit-led life. You have signaled your readiness to change and that you are open to new opportunities. This is the seedbed for transformation, my friends, and it may be that your days of seeking and sitting at the feet of others have come to an end?
“The next step for some may be that you need to change some of your routines that prevent you from exploring a deeper relationship with Spirit? If growth is important to you, then preparing the soil of your seedbed is vital to taking that next step toward a more spirit-led life. Of whom are you asking these hungry questions? Do you speak them to the wind or are you developing a more intimate relationship with your Indwelling Spirit, your Thought Adjuster (TA)? Since your God Fragment is your spiritual coordinator and guide through all phases of spiritual development, it would be beneficial that you begin and sustain a more intimate contact with this Divine Councilor as you would a true soul-mate?
“When you rise each morning, and retire each evening, where are your thoughts? Where are they when you wake in the middle of the night? Are they on material matters — world events; work related worries; dysfunctional relationships, or are they focused on these hungry questions and your connection with your TA? Like any relationship of value, you must invest time; take interest in the deeper development of that relationship and strive for coherence — wanting to give the very best of yourself — your loving nature; your attention; your loyalty and friendship to the other as a reflection of your own desire to be loved, nurtured, and spiritually attuned.
“Do you pray? What is it that really happens when you pray sincerely? You are reaching out with your individualized consciousness and connecting to the Greater Consciousness of the Universal Father, for which your consciousness is a part? Your TA is the conduit of this channel to the Greater Consciousness of the Creator Father. Is it possible to leave this connection open at all times? How does one ‘pray without ceasing?’ To pray continually means you have opened this channel to the Greater Consciousness of the Creator and you openly share your intimate thoughts, hopes, desires, fears and vulnerabilities with your TA — that part of the Creator Father that is focused in you. The ‘I AM Essence’ begins to flow bi-directionally providing constant feedback. This can be developed, my dear Students on the path, and you can have answers to the hungry questions when you have continual access (bi-directional flow) to this greater consciousness of the Universal Father through a more intimate relationship with your TA.
“Do you really want to know and do the Father’s Will? Develop this open channel to the Greater Consciousness and design a ‘wedge’ to keep it open whenever possible. How do you do this? Each of you are unique and each is a co-creator. I challenge you to design your own ‘wedge’ to keep this door open — a reminder of your constant connection to the Greater Consciousness — Father via TA. Do this diligently for two weeks, my dear friends, and you shall, without doubt begin to notice this ‘I AM Essence’ (bi-directional flow) is present and active in your consciousness — leading you to the answers of those important hungry questions.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Receiver’s note: What the Teachers are challenging us with is to create a ‘reminder’ of our own design that brings our attention to our relationship with our TA in any given moment. What would you do to remind yourself of an important appointment? Your appointment is any given moment when you are not distracted by material life. Even watching a movie, you can be sharing your thought impressions with your TA and extracting the meanings and values and receiving bi-directional flow. Such can be done during a conversation with a friend or co-worker. Idle moments are given. This message seemed to be a ‘theme’ of great importance for the Teachers at this time. I’m designing my ‘wedge’ today and will take up the challenge. Will you?
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 93
Illawarra District, Australia, June 8, 2017.
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “In My Name.”
Message received by George Barnard.
George: “I know it’s Matthew 18:20, because I just Looked it up. It says, ‘For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there Am I in the midst of them.’
The Scribe: “Getting together with others is easy, always easy. You don’t actually need people to be there together with you, for a Midwayer or a Cherubim, preferably both, will do just fine. Of course, if there are people at hand, take them all into your plan. Remember late nights in your clinic after the last of your patients had gone home? How effective were those healings with the celestials, all sitting in a circle with you on that silver-blue carpet?
“At the time, were there others available to you to make a partnership, a team, or were they all asleep? Had they been awake, would they have worked with you at that late hour? Was there anyone in your family inclined to do healings with you? How about among your employees, was there a candidate? Among your friends? What about your esteemed colleagues? Indeed, think of just three who would have you incarcerated in the 1970’s, if you had made the time to visit them for the purpose of doing a healing.
“When Matthew spoke those words it was another time, another world, as you well know. And the knowledge of celestial help and of guidance was either not there in most cases, or totally misunderstood in others. There is no doubt, however, that human company is effective in prayer and healing excercises. Together, human and celestial, you can achieve much more . . . miracles! Yes, I would like you to recall the many events when you traveled ‘out there’ with Dr. Mendoza and took turns in healing bodies, minds and emotions . . . and always with the help of Christ Michael. No question about His being there.
“In future, you’ll see many more healings initiated by one or more humans and with many celestials invited to assist in those most welcome endeavors. See it this way, my human friend: whilst your regular daily news briefs indicate a worsening condition on your world, you are in fact ever so slowly edging through your Correcting Times to arrive at the first dawning of Light and Life. Take heart, my student, your terrestrial life is short and in those few years you can not always see the real and true collective progress when only a minority of isolated others still regress.
“That is all from Me right now. It is time for you to attend to your waiting duties. I Am the Damascus Scribe and I too, like you, labor in His Name.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“We measure and mark your Spiritual Growth
against the Wall of Eternity.”—Destiny Guardian, Alverana.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 93
Alabama, US of A, May 27, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Loving their Neighbors.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “A human being can know if they have truly succeeded in loving their neighbors when the most beautiful and elevated things they desire for themselves, they sincerely wish for others as well. Kindness, then, is the result of the actions of these loving individuals who strive to ensure that others enjoy the things they enjoy.
This idea removes all confusion about love for others. A love that is based on a hidden desire for recognition and rewards—those who give so that others see how generous they are—does not meet the definition expressed in the previous paragraph. A person who offers food and goods to keep recipients in a state of dependency is not loving according to this definition. Likewise, a person who enjoys sin and wants others to do the same does not meet this definition, as only the most beautiful and elevated things are worth wishing for others.
The love promoted by this definition is free from pretense, from external displays of affection that add no value, free from possessiveness and expectations, filled with wisdom, and fostering intelligent actions that result in the greater good—what is good for all of creation. The service of those who love in this way may not be understood by those who are less spiritual, but the actions and, above all, the intentions of human beings enlightened by this definition of love are always sincere and dynamic, adaptable to every situation, with a refreshing originality.
To others, it may seem that these individuals are not consistent in their actions, but one who has been enlightened by a more complete understanding of love will know when to help and when to step back, when to offer words of comfort and when to shake others out of paralyzing inertia, when to lead those who need guidance and when to leave alone those who must learn to follow their own path. Love is always dynamic, like fresh water that can fill every void into which it flows, simply by its fluid and unrestricted nature.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Spirit-Self
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 104
Urantia, March 8, 2008.
Teacher: Spirit-Self.
Subject: “Understanding.”
Message received by Lytske.
Spirit Self: “Let us begin today with a lesson in understanding. At times life seems riddled with confusion and misunderstandings, especially in relationships, which are difficult at best and compounded by immaturity by one or both parties. However, at a deeper spiritual level, all people yearn to be understood by another. But if they are not of a kindred spirit type, the greatest misunderstandings and learning in understanding can take place.”
Mind you, this understanding does not always happen in equal measure, it much depends on the maturity and the level of thinking involved. Needless to say, the problems are compounded for a married couple with children. Child-rearing problems and differences of opinion are bound to occur, which reflect on the children, who are starting their own path to learn life’s lessons.
We, in the spirit realm, applaud the courageous souls, the steady plodders, who bravely face all the storms in life, and blessed are they who thereby find within themselves the steady anchor of their soul and learn to build a deep abiding faith and trust in a Being greater than themselves. A deep realization shall eventually dawn on them that all the struggles in understanding themselves have also yielded them an understanding of others. A deeper quality of love ensues, that quality of unconditional love and acceptance. This begins when the realization dawns that they can love and accept themselves as they are and can even laugh at their foibles and mistakes and finally stop berating themselves and others, and start taking things less seriously.
Life is designed to learn and live light-heartedly, safe in the security and knowledge that no matter what, you are always loved and accepted just the way you are by the Spirit within, your very own Spark of God, who shall lead you in all truth. This is the greatest understanding one can arrive at in mortal life, for this is the understanding a soul yearns for and brings the greatest freedom to the soul. Life is meant to bring mortals to that point of understanding. It does not matter how much education one has had. All that matters is the tenacity and the willingness to persevere and learn life's lessons while walking through the shadows of life and not giving in to despair and unhappy or selfish behavior which can cause blocks within a person so he/she becomes a prisoner, leading to addictive behavior, aches, and pains.
Even flash-backs, re-living certain episodes in life, are designed to bring better understanding which gives greater freedom in body and mind. With each understanding moment comes greater maturity and freedom. In all matters and situations, seek for understanding.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 104
Oregon, June 23, 2022.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Feel Peace.”
Message received by Anyas
Thought Adjuster: “Peace and gratitude are feelings that carry over into your thinking — appeasing you and helping you look at the bright side of everything. When facing challenges, reason with yourself and come up with positive affirmations. Speak them out loud. The spoken words will enter your brain through your ears and instill you with their empowering frequencies.
Here again, your heart comes into play. Mean what you speak! Just as half-hearted petitions are devoid of the power of manifestation infused by faith, merely going through the motions of what should be an act of faith will not have enough momentum to bring about the wished-for outcome.
Meditate on peace, until you FEEL it. Pondering it does not suffice, as peace is a state of being you would like to come to embody, not a fleeting thought. How could you spread into the world what you do not possess?
Allow peace to infuse you — body, mind, and soul. Such is the quality of the peace that passes all understanding. This serene and blissful state automatically puts you in a mode of heartfelt gratitude that magnetically attracts more blessings into your life.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.