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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 182
Asheville, NC, US of A, November 13, 2016.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “The Monkey Handcuff.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is for all the people of the earth. Though you may feel divided and separated from other people by sex, race, culture, religion, politics, social class, or national identity, you are, none the less, the people of planet earth, and you have more in common than you do realize. As viewed from above — from the higher planes of the ascending worlds of time, which you shall one day experience for yourselves, your planet stands out as one that is most unusual, unique, dangerous, confused, beautiful, and the most interesting of all worlds in all the local universe — the one planet chosen to be host to the bestowal of the Creator Son. Only one inhabited planet in 10 million worlds can claim such distinction, and yet most of you go about your lives unaware of the potential you have to make a tremendous contribution to the growth of your souls and to the Great Plan to transform this confused world into the jewel of the universe.
“Each one of you is indwelled by a fragment of the Creator, which in and of itself, gives you a unique common bond that continually inspires and expresses the Will of this Creator to your minds, yet you only have to listen with the heart to hear it. If there is only one thing you may understand about life on your world, please understand this fact. When you choose to separate yourselves by the divisions of worldly identities you lose sight of your common heritage and you suffer from the self-inflicted wounds of hatred and bigotry because of your differences.
“The Creator Father is continually creating and exploring new ideas and expressing these ideas to His children (you) and He does this with the intention that within the diversity of life on each world, a truly unique idea may be expressed and a new experience will be born. You are the ‘experiencers’ and diversity is your strength, dear friends, not your enemy. Is it not greater to view a problem from many sides than to only see it from one viewpoint?
“Unity of purpose is strength, diversity of mind is creative. We observe, time and again, that when men and women are thrust into a situation of disaster, they soon forget about their worldly divisions and come together to help one another — to survive, to be free of suffering, and to rebuild their lives from the rubble of disaster. In that moment when you are standing in the rubble or the waters of disaster, you are equal. Brotherhood and love shines through the outer coverings and the true intention of the Creator begins to express itself having a clear path to the heart. This same spirit of brotherhood and love can be realized without the disasters of time to awaken the heart, and it can be realized when you focus your attention on the things you share in common. Do you not all desire to be loved? Do you not all desire to grow and find purpose in life? Do you not all love your children? Do you not all desire to live in peace and safety?
“The problem you still have is that you do not all desire equality. This is the plague of mankind — the idea that one must have not, so that the other can have. You are enslaved by the ‘monkey handcuff.’ A monkey will reach into a small hole to grab a banana, but cannot free his hand with the fruit in it and so he is bound to the device which prevents him from eating the fruit — he refuses to let go of the banana. His greed to have the fruit is greater than his need for freedom.
“Let go of the fruit, my friends, and use your diversity to free yourselves. First work together with the values that you hold in common — the differences can then be worked out for the greater good.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 238
Alabama, US of A, May 13, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Constant Observation.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Many in your world have the idea that ‘holy’ people are those who always have the right feelings and whose minds effortlessly operate in the most spiritual way. This is simply a fantasy and another of the false human expectations. The reality is that you live in a body of animal origin and are bound by the chemistry and influence of the material world. Your body and mind will always react in the way evolution has predisposed them to function. This is the reality.
The key lies in cultivating self-mastery. It is not expected that your body and human mind will stop feeling fear, anger, sadness, or discouragement. What is desirable and what spiritual progress helps you achieve is a way to overcome these sensations and impulses and channel the energies toward more positive and beneficial manifestations. When your brother attacks you, your first impulse may be anger or the desire for revenge. However, the decision you make after that initial impulse is entirely up to you. If you choose to understand your brother's motives and do your best to bring the situation to a more positive light, you will be taking control of the situation and your own destiny. This is how self-mastery is achieved—through constant observation of our impulses, motivations, and thoughts, and our desire to correct and direct them toward spiritual goals.
As a human being, you will always face the contradictions of possessing two different natures during your mortal life: your material nature and your transcendental nature—the soul, a precursor of the spirit. It is up to you to give preference to one of these natures. Generally, letting the animal nature take control does not require much effort; this simply happens when you act without reflecting on what you are doing or are about to do. To manifest your transcendental nature, you must always guide your mind toward higher levels of thought, more filled with truth, beauty, and goodness. Once you have made this effort, you will have a better idea of which path to follow.
Throughout your life, you will have abundant opportunities to choose between your two natures. As you increasingly impose the spiritual over the material, your soul will mature and strengthen, like an embryo receiving adequate nourishment in its mother's womb. In this case, you are the one who provides the food and nourishment that the soul needs to take control as a mature and adult entity. Every decision you make in favor of expressing the best of your nature is a step that brings you closer to your eternal goal—the attainment of likeness to the Heavenly Father and perfection.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 229
Urantia, February 29, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Onward, Inward and Upward.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “Thank you for permitting Me again to fasten a few words upon your heart, which are audible enough for you to pick up and write down without hesitation. You are beginning to realize that My words are mind-expanding and healing, providing heart-rest and soul-peace. By recognizing these facts, you show continuing growth onward, inward, and upward.
Truly child, you are blessing yourself by your persistent efforts in coming to Me. And even though you are still at the very beginning of your soul development, you are starting to realize that this is your responsibility. When you persist in seeking Me early in your day, it gives Me a greater opportunity to extend My influence into your everyday thought life. This is most conducive for My input and in My prompting you to strive continually for that perfection you seek in all things, knowing that the eternal Creator God is perfect and you are dimly beginning to realize what this means for you.
You have a shining example in your Master Jesus, who chose to be born on this planet, so he could show humankind what it means to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and your neighbor as yourself. He lifted each person to their true stature as children of God. He treated women as His equals and even had twelve women apostles, even though you hardly read about them in the olden records. He never despised anyone, although at the end of His exemplary Life, he was mocked and despised by the thoughtless crowd, who jeered the Ruler of a universe, and hung Him, as a criminal, on a piece of wood. This sorry spectacle shook all the celestial beings, who witnessed the cruelty heaped upon His innocent head. The affairs of a mighty universe came well-nigh to a standstill when they saw their beloved Sovereign dying on a cross.
Henceforth, your world has gone down in the annals of heaven as the world of the cross and is even known by this nomenclature by students of history. This dubious distinction has not yet been cleared away due to a few dark ones, who persist in their puny ways to hold the world hostage in fear and terror. Be no longer bound by their nefarious scheming. Realize that God is in charge of the hearts of those, who choose to listen to His messengers in whatever shape or form they appear. Love will ultimately triumph for it is the inalienable right and destiny for this planet to move into Light and Life.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 173
Oregon, June 17, 2020.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Delightful Truth.”
Message received by Anyas.
“Revealed truth, personally discovered truth, is the supreme delight of the human soul; it is the joint creation of the material mind and the indwelling spirit.” [UB 132:3.4]
Thought Adjuster: “The above statement instantly resonated within you as truthful, validated by the telltale joyful ah-ha moment to which it alludes. Such is the uplifting power of truth.
Your life is shrouded in mystery — from the miraculous spark of your conception to the flash of your ‘enseraphimed’ transport to your afterlife destination that occurs when “the seraphic carriage shoots forward with lightninglike speed, leaving a trail of celestial luminosity as far as the planetary atmospheric investment extends.” [UB 39:5.14] You take it moment by moment, striving to make sense of it all. At times, it causes you anguish due to your desire to make the best-informed decisions based on what you know to be rudimental factual truth.
It is also why truth becomes your most cherished possession — as you can count on it. It will not betray you if it is the living truth of which Jesus spoke. Just as yesterday’s news is outdated, ongoingly supplanted by the breaking news of current events, your truth portfolio expands as you advance in age and wisdom.
Scientific discoveries should not conflict with the invisible realities that are their backbone. Science, philosophy, and your religious experience are all complementary fact-finders provided that their investigations are objective and mutually inclusive. How else could you extract unadulterated truth?
These three subject matters are interconnected. The material reality reflects the immaterial one — of which I, your Indwelling Presence, am part. As our connection becomes tighter, you feel My subtle energies course through you as the blissful sensations that you call “God Shivers” — another facet of your personal experience of My Beingness within you.
Do not be mentally lazy if you wish to have a meaningful life experience. Activate all your God-given abilities to live proactively and meaningfully. It is how you will grow in faith and wisdom.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
New Release:
“Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living” Volume 3
is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle version
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 248
Mexico City, Mexico, May 30, 2016.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Renew yourself every day.”
Message received by Bettina.
Thought Adjuster: “Every day you have the opportunity to make yourself a new and better person. That’s a gift the Father has given you.
“Every morning when you wake up, you are presented with this new gift: a new day. It is a new opportunity to ‘design’ the person you want to be. What happened yesterday and before yesterday you cannot change. However, you can take it for granted that you can personally define your own version of you for today.
“Renew each day. Surprise yourself with the change. Do not expect others to change, for that is up to them. Do not try to change them as that will be a useless and senseless struggle.
“Renew yourself, change yourself and transform yourself.
“Each morning upon awakening, characterize the person you want to be and ask for My Light and the presence of the Spirit in your heart, so you can become that person you want to be.
“Change little things every day. Modify a thought, an action or a word. Each day you can make small changes — changes that will endure.
“Then, slowly you will become closer to resembling the person you wish to be.
“I am with you at all times. Cheer up, renew yourself each day! Be a new person, always better than you were before.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
If you stop judging, you will find — Thought Adjuster.