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- Written by: Midwayer Leader Beatrice (ABC-3)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 108
Illawarra District, Australia, September 29, 2011.
Midwayer Leader Beatrice (ABC-3).
Subject: "A Coma Patient and Purgatory."
Received by George Barnard.
Beatrice: "I say come on, George. If you drift any further you will be fast asleep. Let us get started. As they say in the Tennessee hills and probably in many other places, 'You mentioned my name, so here I am, and now you will just have to put up with me.' This is Midwayer Leader Beatrice. It is a pleasure to actually be with you, whilst on most occasions I don't have much to say -- no message for you. I do visit here often and I enjoy being with you and in a silent kind of way I partake in the conversation (Beatrice often uses subliminal input as she is not officially part of the 11:11 Group).
We are talking this evening about a coma patient - a sad happening for a young family, and one of those accidents that can devastate so many. I shall try to answer, as well as I can, the questions that have been put to you. Your world is at a great disadvantage, because amongst your medical people there are very few who would have the ability to decide whether for a coma patient the Thought Adjuster is resting nearby, still available, or whether this Adjuster has gone and is basically awaiting the organization of the Morontia body of the particular patient capable of 'letting go of' his or her physical self.
"Such a situation is often a hold-up, but less so on advanced worlds where accidents happen regularly, as well. Would that amongst your people there would be those who can easily determine whether the Adjuster is still present or not, it would become an easier matter for you to revive a coma patient with frequent stimulation, or if nothing further were to be done, to simply turn off all life support. It is not for me to say here that this particular patient should have her life support system turned off, oh no! Indeed, we do not interfere in your world efforts, your worldly progress, or lack thereof, unless clearly directed.
"However, only in part related to this talk, I want to explain to you, and make it clear, that for worlds such as yours, where there is no visible being from Paradise, where there is no spiritual world government, less is asked of you. And it is normal for by far the greater percentage of souls from this world, almost without exception, to be sent to Mansonia One. Much less is asked of you except perhaps that you may vaguely feel that there is another life to come after life on this earth.
"Compared to those from other worlds, allowed to freely intermingle with the many different human races that find themselves on Mansonia, you become more or less isolated on Mansonia One. Only slowly on will you be introduced to others that do not resemble you as well as do your own varied races. For you on Mansonia One there is much to learn, much to get used to, many strange habits to be purged, and much time is taken in achieving this. Indeed, your purgatory will hardly have you float on a sea of flames as some misguided fellows do teach.
"This is Midwayer Leader Beatrice. I do so dislike the title 'Chief' - so definitively masculine -- saying, it is good to see you again, good to be with you, and I leave you my love. I am leaving you now. Good evening."
George: "Thank you dear Beatrice."
Note: Our dear friend, Midwayer Beatrice (ABC-3), is the older sister of Chief Bzutu (ABC-22) and the Master Teacher and Guide of the sage, Dante Alighieri of Divine Comedy fame.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuste
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 121
Alabama, US of A, May 27, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “True Spiritual Self.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “In the life of human beings, truth can only be learned through experience. Any truth that has not been ‘lived’ is merely theoretical knowledge for a person. Only when one has personally felt the importance of something do values acquire meaning. This is why it is so important in human life to maintain an open mind and always have the attitude of a student, for life is the inexhaustible source of experiences that progressively illuminates the emerging spirit of human beings.
The classic example of the value of experience is the progressive understanding of love. A human being will never be able to comprehend the love of the Father if they have not first loved another being during their life. This understanding of love will be progressively illuminated depending on each person's willingness to learn and give their best. A child first discovers love for their parents. Later, when they reach the appropriate age, they may find in romantic love an additional dimension that illuminates their idea of love. Later, when becoming the father or mother of another human being, their understanding of love acquires an even deeper level of meaning, drawing them closer to the love that God the Father feels for all His creatures. The achievement of this knowledge is only possible through life experience and requires natural time to develop. Wise men and women learn very early the value of ‘giving time to time’ when it comes to learning in life.
There is no magical technique that can accelerate the process of understanding eternal truths; only experience grants spiritual wisdom. It is not possible to speed up this process, but it can be made much easier depending on your desire to live according to the Father's will, which is nothing more than learning the lessons that life offers us — the life He has given us to become increasingly perfect and complete beings. If you learn to consider and live your life in this way — as a path to receiving increasingly complete revelations of spiritual truths while acquiring wisdom and progressively perfecting yourself — life becomes an adventure, a journey of exploration where there are unexplored wonders around every corner, available only to those who have developed the necessary curiosity to pay attention and enjoy them.
The best part is that a stimulating life, full of real and lasting satisfactions, can be lived anywhere. A ‘well-lived’ life does not depend on external circumstances, personal or material resources, the time period, culture, or the level of civilization. Living a life full of learning moments that promote healthy spiritual progress depends solely on each individual. It is the human desire to know the Father, to understand His reality and the creation in which we dwell, that opens the doors to receiving God's blessings, which have always been available to all men and women who embark on the adventure of achieving perfection. Truly, there is no more important task nor more glorious endeavor than that of a human being who seeks and eventually manifests their true spiritual self.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 121
Urantia, March 10, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Spiritual Root-Source.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “You are accepted as a child of God, worthy of redemption. The Creator knows all about you, even your hidden thoughts and private anguish, which is not known by any other earthly being and cannot be known unless these things are experienced firsthand. This is true for all God's children, whether they are aware or not of being the Creator's offspring. No one is a cosmic accident or a cosmic orphan. There is a reason for existing.
It is He, who gives life so He can experience this life with you and therefore extend Himself in your life. Overall, humankind is practically oblivious of the fact, of God inhabiting His creature creation. If they knew and truly realized this, they would not do the things they do, and instead honor their Creator to the best of their ability.
So, it stands to reason that much remorse will be had when the spiritual counterpart of the individual passes over in life eternal, and they start to awaken to the fact that they have erred when the memory returns. They will invariably start saying, ‘Oh, if I had only known, I would have behaved so much better and I would have loved more and paid more attention to the inner voice of Goodness, counseling me to do better. However, I neglected to listen.’
They will never be able to turn the clock back so it is truly expedient to become more aware of how truth, beauty, and goodness can be expressed in greater love and forgiveness in the business of experiencing daily life with the least amount of regret possible. It is good to reflect and be informed of negativity, as this will bring forth a greater urge to do each day just a little better, by redoubling your efforts to be more truthful and sincere.
Life is your playing field on which you embroider your beginning spiritual foundation for eternity. Material life is a foreshadowing of all the potential possibilities you can make in your efforts towards truth, beauty, and goodness, by becoming each day a little more loving and caring towards all others, who share this road with you. You all have this spiritual root source and destiny in common. Therefore, be not afraid to share your inner self with others who might need a hand up in their search for truth, beauty, and goodness in their mortal lives.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 100
Oregon, USA, June 24, 2022.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Substitute!”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “What a boost toward a happier life it provides to those who trade lust for love and greed for gratitude!
The expression of unadulterated love and genuine gratitude is an unstoppable spiritual and emotional force infused with great transformative powers because they are directed outward — at the Antipode of dead-ended self-centeredness.
Never mistake lust for love, as it has to do with self-gratification and, if acted upon, will not provide lasting satisfaction. It has a detrimental and addictive nature. So does greed, defined as the intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food. Those under its spell, always crave more than what they need. Such unquenchable emotional bulimia makes them inapt at feeling grateful for what they already have in abundance.
When coveting more power, they become social predators resented by their peers. When overindulging in food, they suffer from gluttony, piling up unbecoming extra pounds, which adversely impacts their freedom of movement and self-respect. The cupidity of those hoarding ungodly amounts of material wealth prevents them from accumulating credits in their spiritual bank account. Lives focused on the constant practice of love and gratitude amount to so much more. They have the positive boomerang effect of love-in-action that showers with blessings both the giver and the recipient — and yields authentic happiness.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 140
Asheville, NC, US of A, March 23, 2017.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “The I AM Essence – Next Steps.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “You Students on the path may have been asking yourselves, ‘What is next for me?’ ‘How shall I grow more spiritually?’ ‘What other practice shall I follow that will lead me to greater spiritual awareness?’ ‘How can I really know the Will of the Universal Father?’ ‘How may I be of service?’ If you are asking these types of questions, dear ones, this means that you are hungry and that spirit gravity has a hold of you. These are positive signs of growth, in and of themselves, and it is an indication that you are indeed ready for the next phase of your spirit-led life. You have signaled your readiness to change and that you are open to new opportunities. This is the seedbed for transformation, my friends, and it may be that your days of seeking and sitting at the feet of others have come to an end?
“The next step for some may be that you need to change some of your routines that prevent you from exploring a deeper relationship with Spirit? If growth is important to you, then preparing the soil of your seedbed is vital to taking that next step toward a more spirit-led life. Of whom are you asking these hungry questions? Do you speak them to the wind or are you developing a more intimate relationship with your Indwelling Spirit, your Thought Adjuster (TA)? Since your God Fragment is your spiritual coordinator and guide through all phases of spiritual development, it would be beneficial that you begin and sustain a more intimate contact with this Divine Councilor as you would a true soul-mate?
“When you rise each morning, and retire each evening, where are your thoughts? Where are they when you wake in the middle of the night? Are they on material matters — world events; work related worries; dysfunctional relationships, or are they focused on these hungry questions and your connection with your TA? Like any relationship of value, you must invest time; take interest in the deeper development of that relationship and strive for coherence — wanting to give the very best of yourself — your loving nature; your attention; your loyalty and friendship to the other as a reflection of your own desire to be loved, nurtured, and spiritually attuned.
“Do you pray? What is it that really happens when you pray sincerely? You are reaching out with your individualized consciousness and connecting to the Greater Consciousness of the Universal Father, for which your consciousness is a part? Your TA is the conduit of this channel to the Greater Consciousness of the Creator Father. Is it possible to leave this connection open at all times? How does one ‘pray without ceasing?’ To pray continually means you have opened this channel to the Greater Consciousness of the Creator and you openly share your intimate thoughts, hopes, desires, fears and vulnerabilities with your TA — that part of the Creator Father that is focused in you. The ‘I AM Essence’ begins to flow bi-directionally providing constant feedback. This can be developed, my dear Students on the path, and you can have answers to the hungry questions when you have continual access (bi-directional flow) to this greater consciousness of the Universal Father through a more intimate relationship with your TA.
“Do you really want to know and do the Father’s Will? Develop this open channel to the Greater Consciousness and design a ‘wedge’ to keep it open whenever possible. How do you do this? Each of you are unique and each is a co-creator. I challenge you to design your own ‘wedge’ to keep this door open — a reminder of your constant connection to the Greater Consciousness — Father via TA. Do this diligently for two weeks, my dear friends, and you shall, without doubt begin to notice this ‘I AM Essence’ (bi-directional flow) is present and active in your consciousness — leading you to the answers of those important hungry questions.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Receiver’s note: What the Teachers are challenging us with is to create a ‘reminder’ of our own design that brings our attention to our relationship with our TA in any given moment. What would you do to remind yourself of an important appointment? Your appointment is any given moment when you are not distracted by material life. Even watching a movie, you can be sharing your thought impressions with your TA and extracting the meanings and values and receiving bi-directional flow. Such can be done during a conversation with a friend or co-worker. Idle moments are given. This message seemed to be a ‘theme’ of great importance for the Teachers at this time. I’m designing my ‘wedge’ today and will take up the challenge. Will you?
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.