Urantia, February 28, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Pure Gold.”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved: “Allow Me to write yet another note of wisdom on the tablet of your soul, and in the doing bring the symphony of your life another little note closer to wisdom and completion in your mortal estate. Each note brings you nearer to enlightenment as you glean a greater understanding as to what I Am.

It is My eternal purpose to move you each day a little closer to the understanding of all things mysterious, which are hidden in God. In learning the whys and the wherefores of life, you become at times a question mark yourself, when something baffles your mind. In some ways, you begin to realize that you know a lot about Me and then something happens which brings you back to square one and you realize that you have not even ventured very far beyond normal understanding.

It is ever so, that I entice you forward albeit ever so slowly, and yet, you are making giant leaps in your faith and trust in Me. Why otherwise would you give in to the urge to come before Me in the Stillness of your heart, if your endless curiosity and hunger would not drive you out of bed to come to Me in the early morning hours? Because you have learned that those early morning hours are spun from pure gold. The purity of the silence is only broken when discordant and worried thoughts intrude on your mellow and peaceful state of being.

You do not yet realize how beneficial these moments are for your soul. Those moments are strung together like the valuable pearls they are, to adorn your soul. This is most precious in God's sight, that a lowly mortal 'pulls itself up by the bootstraps' so to speak, out of the mud and clay of the material existence and finds solace when turning within to hear My Still Voice encouraging you.

It still baffles your mind that it is possible to hear Me in the Stillness of your heart-chamber where your spiritual flame is burning brighter each day, as they go on and stretch into a golden older age. It is so very important that even in the advancing years, you grow more content within yourself, not needing the glitter of the material world so much. Think how restless you used to be, always searching for something that seemed just outside your reach. This inner peace is the reward of seeking Me early in your days. This is the same for everyone, who makes the effort to seek Me.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
