Urantia, February 28, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Things That Matter”.

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved: “Just to remind you once again to never grow discouraged, regardless of how bleak the situation seems from your perspective. Remember that you are living on a planet where the dark forces are desperately trying to hold on to their supposed territory, which they try to enlarge with world dominion. Little do they regard the plans of Michael, also known as Jesus, the Son of Man and the Son of God! Who in all actuality is the Ruler and Upholder of a mighty universe and has His plans to elevate this tiny insignificant orb to its rightful place among her sister planets as the natal birthplace of the Creator and Ruler of all. The crown jewel among ten million planets. The puny strength of man and even some angels have never and will never prevail against the plans of Michael for the completion of this planet and bringing her towards Light and Life. Which is the plan and purpose for all evolving planets.

Therefore, do not grow despondent when you hear about atrocities, that the dark ones commit in their hurry for world dominion, and will use every nefarious scheme to that end to achieve the fulfillment of their godless thinking without regard for human life. People simply need to wake up to their purpose in life and learn to listen to their own Inner Guide, which has specifically been bestowed upon them just for this purpose, to uplift their thoughts and lead them Godward.

Life is not about the outward gathering of things, life matters on the inside. It is in the intent of the heart, where all the secrets are known to God. It is in the inner sanctum where the true life is lived, and with the gathering of worthwhile memories that will be the proof of your life in your short but intense earthly existence. All the rest will fall away as the dross from the gold, so the nugget remains.

It matters not to God, what you do in life or how much material wealth you gather. It only matters to God, the good deeds done in secret. It is your attitude of unselfishness and the loving regard for others with which you comport yourself through life. It is the small things like love and forgiveness, which build a solid foundation in your soul. It is the mastery over your lower animal tendencies and the self-discipline involved that are the earmarks of a beginning sturdy character. These are things that matter.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
