Urantia, March 7, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “God’s Gifts.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved: “To take up another thread of some time ago, permit Me to continue to speak on 'being there' for you. As you are dimly yet able to realize that an individual Spark of God lives in you and each human being who is capable of moral thoughts and actions, it would be expedient to try and explain what is our function in the human mind.

Firstly, this has been made available to all of you, because God desires to experience life with you in the most intimate way possible and is therefore totally at home in you, knowing all your innermost secrets and desires. And because God has given you the gift of free will, no one is permitted to override your will, allowing you to make your choices and decisions as you see fit. The only thing God desires from you is that you will learn to see things His way, so you do His will with gladness.

Secondly, you are on this planet which is so widely indwelt with these Gifts. Each capable mind receives this most exalted Gift at the first moral thought and action because on this planet the Ruler of your universe completed His training and fulfilled all His requirements as an existential Son of God, to become also an experiential Son of God, having bestowed Himself seven times in the likeness of His own created and evolving offspring. This seventh and final bestowal as a mortal babe born of a woman in Bethlehem.

You well know the story of His Life, however, His Teachings have never seriously been put into practice these last two thousand years, even though He sent His Spirit of Truth, at which time we, Thought Adjusters, the Gifts from the Creator God, have been freely made available. As well, the Mother Spirit, bestowed Her Holy Spirit to ensure that each of you have your own holy trinity to help you along life's path. Our specific function is to help guide and uplift your thoughts to a higher and better level of life, to elevate your mind to more spiritual thinking, and to show this in your actions, befitting a child of God.

This life has been given to you to assist you in making the best possible decisions that help your soul grow and expand. Spiritual development is far more important than anything you might achieve materially. Your material life serves your spiritual life, and not the other way around. It is the ascension plan which God has made available for each one of you, to traverse all the myriad of worlds to become perfect like God is perfect.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
