Category: Messages
Hits: 3470

Alabama, US of A, December 9, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “A Non-physical Component” -- (Part Two of Two).

Received by Oscar.

Teacher: “Without faith, this spiritual component of the human being remains a mystery. Nothing is known about its origin or function, as you likewise don’t know anything about your origin and destiny. However, through faith you can choose to believe that it is God who lives in you. You can give a chance to this idea and start to seriously explore this aspect of yourself. The good thing is that once you have dedicated your time to this endeavor, many things will happen to reinforce this undertaking, increasing your intuition and spiritual discernment. Then, what was once just a leap of faith becomes a certainty, the supreme experience of the human life – to discover our Celestial Father, the Creator of the universe, within ourselves and to start to become like Him. This is how a human being can escape from the chains of the material world and become more real and spiritual, even while living in this world.

“These are the major steps in the journey of a mortal towards spiritual achievement:


The end of “A Non-physical Component” Part Two of Two.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.