- Details
- Written by: Life Carrier Orion
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2971
Illawarra District, Australia, December 19, 2012.
Life Carrier Orion.
Subject: “The Aggressive and the Accommodating.” (Shortened transmission).
Received by George Barnard.
Orion: “Insofar as I am allowed to answer the rather politely framed questions from a mercurial mind, I am pleased to do so. You will understand from what remains unanswered just where you did, quite in vain, press for revelation you are simply not entitled to, for you are an evolutionary species by design. On worlds such as yours, Life Carriers are early on the look-out for species that have larger than average brain capacity in relation to body weight. Early in pre-human development actual overall size is of little importance.
“Among other factors to consider, they are conditions such as climate, available nutrition, shelter, and diverse challenges that offer themselves to be solved, where one projects the likely evolution of pre-humans. We do this in our complex tasks. As I explained to you earlier (some days ago): Limitations to your peripheral vision points to a predator ancestor that could sharply focus on a quarry, and gauge distances with great accuracy. The fact that you developed molars for grinding seeds and nuts points to a forager ancestor as well.
“It is only logical for you to conclude that the predator ranged widely and spread from the Americas, over the Bering Strait into Asia and beyond, whilst the herbivore was quite limited in its range by the need for a specific variety of vegetable matter. So you are an omnivore, whilst you retain the carnivore’s inborn aggression. This progressive combination of characteristics is typical of most who evolve from primitive strands of basic life. However, your aggression has not been fully translated into positive motivation. Far from it.
“For those amply familiar with their inner spiritual requirements, aggression makes way to accommodation of the ways of others, the beliefs of others, their morals and mores. Most importantly, your curiosity allows you to investigate, understand who they are, respect them, even admire and love them. You are not there yet, but you are progressing, and the eternal goal will be reached when you consider who you are – human, indwelt by the greatest of Teachers in our universes – the Sparks of the Creator Himself, so meditate regularly.
“This is Orion. My love goes with you all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3043
Urantia, December 12, 2012.
The Beloved One.
Subject: “Deciding Moments.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “There are moments in time which can forever alter a life. On a larger scale there are also those deciding moments which can forever alter a nation, or even a planet. Yet the populace at large often lives life without the awareness that a moment of significance has occurred. There are the sensitive ones who feel deep within themselves that a moment of significance has occurred, but they cannot really ‘put a finger on’ the exact happening. Incidentally, from such in-exact notions many superstitions are born, as the sensitive ones put meanings to their feelings and add their own flavor to events which rightly belong within the jurisdiction of the Gods.
“Well may you wonder where I am going with this long preparation to my talk this morning. In truth, these deciding moments have occurred rather often in the past, and people have become careless about qualifying these superstitions, accepting everything as fact. In this way, belief systems have sprung up which have their origin in total obscurity, because some sensitive souls had contact with their Spirit Selves, which tried to divulge some eternal truth for people to use. Many a ‘gold nugget of truth’ never sees the light of day to enter into the consciousness of people beset with the stresses of daily life. For long, the real importance of life escaped them, and places of worship sprung up to educate and feed these hungry souls. They still need to learn that the responsibility for soul growth rests upon their shoulders. They ought to prioritize their time at deciding moments, so they may feed both, their bodies and their souls.
“Deciding moments arrive at any time. They exist even in moment to moment thought, as thoughts create the future. Therefore, be still for a moment and notice where the next thought is coming from. Is it an elevating and positive thought, or a negative thought, which adds to a somber outlook on life? These are also deciding moments, quite unnoticed, although they are decisive in how life is lived. So you see that the whole of inner life is ever so important to be given a regular thought. Your thoughts do very much influence your life and its outcome at a ‘ripe old age’. These deciding moments do constantly arrive and they truly determine the state of your soul. Do make the decision ‘from which table you shall feed your soul’. Let it not be hollow entertainment which leaves you empty and dissatisfied as to how the hours where spent? Once time is gone, it can be recalled but never repeated. Many arrive at the portal of eternity and remark: ‘Oh if only I had known, I would have lived my life so very differently.’
“This is the reason why I spoke about these deciding moments you live through quite unawares, so you have a chance to reside more in the present moment, for that is all you have. Every ‘now moment’ can be a life-changing moment. You will be on this wonderful discovery tour for the rest of your life, and learn that there is absolutely nothing humdrum about life. The future is entirely in your hands, because by the way you think, you create your future.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3043
Illawarra District, Australia, December 14, 2012.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Shortcut to Spirituality.”
Received by George Barnard.
Mentori Spokesperson: “It is for the purpose of spiritual progress, yours and ours, that groups of Mentori come together. Since we hail from diverse celestial species, and even with some former humans among our number, we learn to more effectively grasp the other mind-sets, and therefore we all progress at a faster rate. Although the Mentori groups are relatively new to your planet, Mentori are set apart from personal Teachers only in that they work in groups, and such groups have been known all over the universes for aeons of time.
“There is a point to having an uneven number of members, for there will always be a voting majority when difficult teaching program decisions are to be made. Simple. That’s the secret! Nothing more to see here! We move along now, and focus on creature need for spirituality, soul food, the absolute top nourishment for our younger (human) siblings for whom so many in our universes labor by day and by night. You, our dear human brothers and sisters have a penchant for utterly mistaking your most personal inner needs and desires.
“There is a hunger in you, which you may well feel, misunderstand, or totally ignore, at least for a time during your lives. However, since like an obsession it will not leave a single thinking creature alone, it needs to be acted upon. We see many of you involved in astrology, and it gives you some answers. We notice many of you dealing with numerology and, sure enough, certain truths can be extracted from these unlikely methods since every single matter, seen or unseen , heard or silent, has its reason for being in the Creator’s playground.
“You can go one a little better, and dip your enquiring mind into ‘a large pool of psychological research’ – truly so much better than witchcraft or the divination of animal entrails. The many warnings from established religions, denouncing, yes, even forbidding these occult practices can be seen as ‘the smoking gun of proof’ that perhaps you are all about traveling a side road to nowhere, or on a tortuously twisting and lengthy path to where lies your eventual goal – eternal life. There is a method so much better – meditation.
“Try this handy shortcut to spirituality called meditation. In this wonderful mindal state that is seen by some others as a form of sleep, there is an awakening of epic proportions where we the Teachers are found, even the ultimate Teacher of all – your Spark of the Creator of all that is. Consider. Finally, we do have a sense of humor, you must realize now, so knock on our door if you wish to commune. Adieu.”
(The receiver still asking some questions here.)
Mentori Spokesperson: “Not one of these alternative practices is an accurate science. They are simply indications that these sciences do exist, but you do not begin to have the accurate rules by which they can be investigated. Also, it is inescapable knowledge that there are human groupings. However, knowledge of these precise spiritual groupings needs to wait until a distant future when human minds are ready to comprehend.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2821
The Question To Be Asked Of Each Mortal.
Dear one, something needs to be said about the present situation on the planet. How the dark forces of evil and iniquity threaten to kill the slumbering souls of innocent people. How the ‘mighty ones’ in the corridors of power are scheming more and more to enslave and corrupt the minds and bodies of people everywhere through their nefarious products of chemical substances.
These dangerous, unnatural products have found their way into medicines that are supposed to cure illnesses, and into the food chain and water, which causes severe addictions in the un-awakened masses, so brainwashed by enticing commercials.
Meanwhile, their poor bodies and minds do not stand a chance to develop worthy temples for the Spirit of God to grow within them. And, still, the Father will not hold guiltless those who corrupt the free will of the people.
For this is the great danger; that even the governments placed there by the people, to work for the people, are, perhaps unwittingly, playing along with the dark forces. These governments pass laws, which only benefit the few materialistic ones, who then wreak havoc in the minds of even little innocent ones.
There needs to be a wake-up call in the hearts, minds and souls of the mortals on this planet. The guilty ones will surely be brought to justice by the Ancients on High and their annihilation will be swift and sure if they do not repent wholeheartedly about the evil things they have wrought upon this beautiful garden planet.
This is a wake-up call to each who chances to read these words; to turn within and listen to My Guiding Voice, which will grow stronger the more one listens to Me. This planet needs your forgiveness and love, to help uplift the vibrations, to prepare it for the coming of another Son of God.
God is the ultimate Judge of all your actions. This planet is the incubator of your immortal souls. Be at peace during the storms and upheavals, which surely shall befall this planet in her days of cleansing.
Practice unconditional love and forgiveness toward all. It is not about what position you attain in life, but how many you have been able to serve on the way.
This question will be asked of each mortal, who chooses eternal life.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.
- Details
- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2891
Michigan, US of A, December 23, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The End of Separation.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “The message for today is about retrospection – to take a look back and review the past year and acknowledge where you have been, how you have grown, the lessons you have learned, and what areas of your personality you need to work on to move into a new year of new beginnings and fresh starts. This, my friends, should be a healthy evaluation – without self-loathing or criticism – and something you should be completely honest about with the intention of true self-improvement that is not only good for you, but good for those in your life circles. This is also a good time for reviewing goal attainments and setting new goals that will work together to move you forward while you spread the light of love in the world.
“A healthy young tree reaches for the light, stretching its limbs upward and outward to fill every cell in every leaf with nourishing light while waiting in faith on the right amount of rain to sustain its life and foster its growth. So it is with you students on the path – you reach for the light without looking down, and by faith you live in hope and expectancy of greater days ahead where you seek for those goals you have in faith declared to the universe to come into reality. If these goals have not come into reality, as you so desired, then it is healthy to look back in retrospection to re-evaluate and plan for improvement to get you back on track and moving forward again.
“Regrets are futile – you cannot change the past, you can only change the future, and so you must let go of past failures and forgive yourself and others and accept the past as a life lesson and move forward. Moving forward requires taking responsibility for your life and your actions, and only by acknowledging this objectively can you actively change the way you think. Changing the way you think has a transformational effect on everything in your life – your relationships with others and the development of self-awareness – how you see yourself in the world.
“Self-awareness is the key to measuring growth and transforming habitual thinking. Being aware of your faults and failures in a healthy way is necessary to have mastery over the ego and to keep in check those personality flaws that separate you from shining your light in the world. Spending time in meditative contemplation loving the wounded child – the self – and stepping into the role of the wise parent will direct your thoughts toward self-improvement. Asking for help from your guides and guardians, from God or from spirit will allow you to release your fears and live in faith knowing that as you move forward in love and good intent, new opportunities will manifest pointing the way toward your desired goals.
“The ultimate goal, my friends, is to develop a real personal relationship with spirit – to have a greater understanding of God and His Spirit that indwells you – to know that you are a child of the Creator and that you have the gift of eternal life should you accept it. Acknowledging your sonship with God is the end of separation and the beginning of unity with spirit. Unity of spirit fosters brotherhood and goodwill in the world. Discover this unity in retrospection of your imperfections and you will move beyond the self-imposed limitations of your ego and the dysfunctions of your past.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.