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- Written by: Toxic Unrealities
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 8531
Illawarra District, Australia, February 22, 2012.
One Without Name, Without Number.
Subject: “Toxic Unrealities.”
Received by George Barnard.
One Without Name, Without Number: “You, among 11:11 Progress, are merely part of the very first pathfinders and human instigators of the Urantia Correcting Time. And as much as you are focused on the here and now, it is your legacy, rather than the present, that will ultimately prove to be of much greater import.
“Indeed, you are our investment of, and for, distant times to come.
“Whilst we recommend you take under your wing all those of all kinds of belief systems, it is seen by us as important there be allowed no infusion of these (errant) beliefs into the main stream of 11:11 channelings by immediate associates of the group.
“As is common on your irregular world, the toxic unrealities, unlikely, and often outrageous beliefs, are given more credence than are the obvious and often proclaimed truths. Let not the confused ramblings of ‘minor celestials and their deluded channelers’ throw their ugly shadows on the Correcting Time to the detriment of decades of your labor and a century of our preparations.
“I am One Without Name Without Number whom you know so well. I bid you Adieu.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22) - Machiventa Melchizedek
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 14268
Illawarra District, Australia, February 9, 2012.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Machiventa Melchizedek.
Subject: “The Correcting Time.”
Received by George Barnard.
George: “Who is to say that if we were given a real brain to think with in this Correcting Time, we would actually choose to use it?
Bzutu: “We are aware of your disquiet, but we assure you that you are all already in possession of a real brain. It is your common lack of adequate use of your minds that often tends to trouble us. Don't go away now. There is one of high order who wishes to speak with you.
Machiventa: “This is Machiventa. The mere fact that so much in the way of attention is focused on your world, as well as on the other former rebellious worlds, is productive of much use of your minds, especially in consideration of spiritual matters. The presence and work of great numbers of highly active Midwayers is having great impact. I give you now the five main pillars of the Urantia Correcting Time.
“Firstly, appropriate individuals were selected and earmarked for their becoming channels for the thousands of Mansion World Teachers, most of whom put their spiritual fusion on hold, eager to find their niche in teaching you about truth, beauty and goodness.
“As well, communication circuits of all kinds were installed, reconnected, and or strengthened, so it would become a little easier for you to take in our lessons, our admonitions, and occasional warnings. Locally, of course, much in the way of traveling circuits was produced to aid the Midwayers that flocked to your realm.
“Not in the least the Urantia papers were promoted by many from on high, printed in great quantities, and translated into many languages. The massive task of distributing these Urantia Books is ongoing to our great pleasure, and now by more than a few producers and distributors.
“An important pillar of the Correcting Time is the worldwide teaching of Stillness Meditation and Visualization. And lastly are the updates on the soon to arrive Paradise Citizen to walk this earth and teach for generations to come.”
(personal note deleted here).
“All this activity, and much more planned to be put into action, because at last the Lucifer rebellion was adjudicated (1980’s) and we well knew it was coming, allowing us to prepare. Stay with the mission. This is Machiventa, I leave you my love and appreciation.
© the 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 17518
Urantia, January 19, 2012.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Sharing.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Are you ready to take some dictation? It has been a while in coming as a few days ago you aborted a message from Me halfway through, as you realized that your own thoughts were intruding. I am not going to dispute this as you are in charge of what you are allowing the come through what you hear, and so we make a new attempt if you are willing to ‘stand back’ and share your mind with Me for a few moments.
“The term ‘sharing’ is very important in its connotation, as sharing can be done in so many different ways, especially in relationships. Usually you share all your time, and generally you don’t even consider how you share your hours.
“You share with others when you are out and about, either walking, or driving, or whatever activity you engage in, be it with family, friends, in activities of daily living, work, sports, and more.
“The sharing upon which I would like to shine a spotlight is the sharing of the inner life with your eternal on-board Partner -- the living Spark from God which indwells all normal minded humans. That still small Voice is at most times hardly heard, for not many mortals have as yet acquired the habit of gifting themselves with some Stillness/Silence meditation during their daily lives. Therefore, they can have scant concepts of how they would be blessed, and become more peaceful in their daily doings, just by ‘being’ for a while.
“It is advantageous for the mind to take a hiatus from the busy-ness of life to sit back, in not only an opening prayer, but then also for long enough to ‘hear’ an answer. This is truly sharing the inner life with the God of your being, which can become so much a part of you that no one will be able to tell where you or I begin or leave off, as this is our destiny together, if you so will this.
“It is the secret of the ages that each man and woman with their personal God belong together. It has not too frequently been put to the test to know for oneself how wonderful a close connection to the Universal Creator can be -- to be able to just freely converse with the inner Spark from God and heed the words and admonitions of the Divine. Many pitfalls could be avoided as this personal Mystery Monitor would always point the way towards further soul development.
“Soul development truly is the only function of earthly life and the garnering of wisdom for eternal life which is only to be had through life’s experiences. However, human free will is mandatory in all choosing, it is totally up to each one how they conduct themselves through this foundational life, and how much they share their inner life with their on-board Partner.
“Consider in your comings and goings during the day how much you can share with Me. This would truly lift your mind above the humdrum of living. Life would become more meaningful, and take on a far richer hue, as almost automatically you would seek to do God’s will, so you would share your innate gifts of love and friendship with God. This would enrich life exponentially, and what joy this can be for both of us!
“A God-centered life is a life well-lived.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Unknown Teacher
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 10155
Alabama, US of A, November 9, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “Distractions.”
Received by Oscar.
Teacher: “Meditation is always recommended, and it is ideal for both, physical and mental health, as well as for establishing an increasingly deeper relationship with the Fragment of the Father within. Just a few minutes each day are enough. Besides this, thinking is another activity that may not fall under the same category of meditation, but it also assists in knowing the self better.
“How many these days dedicate at least a few minutes to just thinking? Many are fully entertained at all times while they are awake. At every moment, commuting to work, during meals, taking a bath, many always find an excuse to do something else, listen to music, reading novels, watching TV, anything except thinking, in exploring what is in their minds, or by considering the questions that are not easy to answer.
“Before the complexity of the modern world, human beings could find ample opportunities for introspection and reflection. Those times that today you would consider to be idle, were used to think and this, many times, brought with it higher expressions in art or even the spontaneous growth of spirituality.
“How can we not have a spiritual crisis in a world were electronic gadgets claim for our attention at every moment? For some instants on every day, turn off the TV, turn off the radio, ignore the news in the paper, and just look around and notice where you are. Have you forgotten the wonder of being alive? All these distractions will not be real in eternity, and most of the time you spend texting, checking emails, watching TV, will be a lost time you will not remember in the next worlds, but those times will have robbed you of opportunities to grow spiritually and to really live a more satisfying life.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.