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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 865
Oregon, October 10, 2022.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Spaciousness of No-Thoughts.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “When your mind empties itself of thoughts, it becomes infinitely receptive to the spaciousness of the Father’s Mind. The Father’s permanently dwells in the all-inclusive here-and-now moment — the point zero of consciousness. His mind is forever involved in the creative process while simultaneously reveling in All-That-Is. The scope of His alertness is out of this world, encompassing the finite realities of the worlds of time and space and beyond. He is steering his multiverse toward eternal infinity.
The subliminal downloads that find their way into your fully receptive mind constitute an awe-inspiring process to witness. Your job is to remove the inner roadblocks you erected along your life journey. Mine is to help you pinpoint them. We will lift them through the ‘mountain-moving’ combination of our will powers. It will entice your entire being open to the divine flow of love in action that will propel you toward your magnificent godlike status in the vast Promised Land of eternity.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 599
Mexico City, Mexico, April 27, 2016.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Let nothing worry you.”
Message received by Bettina.
Thought Adjuster: “When you walk beside Me holding My hand, nothing bothers you. When a father takes his young son to cross the street, the child is not even aware of what goes on in the street; he simply takes his father’s hand, he trusts him and he relaxes.
“Take My hand, walk with Me. Trust in My care. I will not let anything happen to you that will be harmful to you.
“It is important for you to close your eyes every day and allow Me to talk to you. You are so busy with so many things in life, that you don’t realize how easy it would be for you to walk these paths holding My hand.
“I’m here, always waiting for you. But more and more people need to return to Me. This is why it is urgent that they see in you the testimony of a life in connection with the Light and with surrender.
“The world is self-destructing. It is necessary to return to Love, to Light and to Peace. I urge there to be more messengers. You are one of them because you are listening to Me. You will be like a small candle passing the flame one by one to another small candle, forming a larger candle, illuminating the world with the Light — the Light that comes from Me and that will transform the universe with its brightness.
“Trust Me. I will guide you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
If you stop judging, you will find peace — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: George Barnard
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 308
I Wonder Why I Told You That.
From the desk of George Barnard – March 3, 2009.
Back in the early 1970’s when I was still running my company, the Midwayers decided that I had done enough hands-on healing with animals, and the occasional human patient. It was time for me to do some distance healing, and they set about educating me. Many healings would follow this one.
Young Mark Brady was a close friend of my family and workers. He was also a sales representative for a company we did much business with. Mark would call on my firm, make a bee-line for the coffee machine, and return to my workroom with steaming cups for both of us, before taking his orders. Between visits, I telephoned him at his office to order what we needed from his firm.
On one occasion after placing my telephone orders, Mark said, ‘My grandmother, who is sixty-eight, and who lives in Croydon, has a huge cancer in her stomach. Her name is Agnes, and she’s very sick, George.’ There was a lengthy silence, and then he said, ‘Gosh! I wonder why I told you all that!’ My equally strange response to him was, ‘Don’t worry about it. It happens all the time.’
Wrong! It didn’t happen all the time! It had never yet happened!
Somehow that answer was good enough for Mark. I took that happening to be an instruction, and during that evening’s meditation I found myself in Croydon, some 30 miles away, and in the company of Dr. Mendoza. We were standing next to Mrs. Brady’s bed. There was a growth in her belly the size of a small football. I looked at the doctor, but he wasn’t going to do anything, it seemed.
So I reached into her belly, and I pulled out that growth. I threw it clear out of her room. In the next moment, time had changed. Time had ‘rolled forward’ by three whole days, and Agnes Brady was sitting up in bed, munching away at her dinner.
A week later, a call from Mark confirmed that ‘a miracle had happened,’ and Mrs. Brady’s cancer had disappeared completely. Mark said, ‘I kind of feel obliged to tell you this. I don’t know why.’
I told him, ‘It’s good, Mark. That’s fine. It happens all the time.’ Well, from that time on at least it did keep happening.
Important note:
There is nothing strange or special about the healing of Agnes Brady so long ago. Just about anyone alive and believing is capable of performing this ‘minor miracle.’ Whatever you will change in the ‘Astral World’ will sooner or later be reflected into this world.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“Encourage your Children to Learn about God,
Your Scientist to Discover His Laws,
Your Travelers to Admire His Creation.
Now teach your Gifted Ones to hear His Words —
I am Athena, who loves you.”
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 595
Alabama, US of A, May 6, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Goodness”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Jesus illustrated true "self-forgetfulness" when, after hearing someone call him "good teacher," he asked, "Why do you call me good?" Clearly, Jesus knew he was sinless, and his question was not meant to show false modesty. Jesus never hesitated to affirm his divine origin and use his life as a living example for salvation. However, what he did was not a way for Jesus to draw attention to himself. He lived to do the will of the Father, and naturally, when someone attempted to highlight his goodness, Jesus was quick to clarify that goodness comes from the Father and that when children follow in their heavenly Father's footsteps, they simply express the nature of God. The goodness in Jesus did not originate from himself but from his desire to live as the Father had taught him. All goodness comes from God.
What a stark contrast with many in this world who call themselves "good" while placing heavy burdens on the shoulders of their fellow beings! When a human approaches the perfection of being, they can identify the source of that perfection and understand that through their decisions and actions, they are expressing the nature of their Creator. While this is a glorious endeavor that forever ennobles the personality and makes it eternal, what right does man have to claim for himself the things that belong to the Father?
As you seek to live according to God's will, strive to become so transparent that the Father's light shines through your being without any shadow. The ego, the desire for recognition, and the pursuit of rewards are obstacles that prevent the full manifestation of divine goodness and beauty. Have the courage to leave behind your expectations and your desire to exalt yourself so that you may discover the glory of being a reflection of the heavenly Father to your fellow beings. This is the most noble and elevated purpose of human life.
It is in the purity of intention that personality can become charming and attractive. This is how the lives of ordinary human beings can become inspiring, leading others to seek the fruits of the spirit and attain eternal life. When your intention contains "hidden agendas" and you perform good deeds with an eye toward obtaining something for your own benefit, the quality of the goodness you can express diminishes. It is a fact that those who have learned to walk the Father's path will enjoy eternal rewards and discover the wonders of the universe. This will be your eternal reward, the product of your efforts to become better and better. However, the desire for rewards is an obstacle to human goodness and weakens the best efforts when the results of that goodness cannot be observed.
Blessed is the one who gives without expecting to receive, for this person will offer the greatest service to creation, even when appearances make their efforts seem futile. The limited material vision will rarely be able to comprehend the complete picture of reality, but through faith, you can transcend your limitations and live in such a way that the Father can express Himself through your being more effectively, without being subject to the limitations of your expectations and what you think you know. This was the great strength of Jesus' life. Even when he could not see the outcome of his expressions of unconditional love—while living as an ordinary man—he never doubted that where his efforts ended, his heavenly Father's influence began, echoing his love and creating a reality that was increasingly perfect and better.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 723
Urantia, February 12, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Soul Growth.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “When you place yourself at My disposal, hoping some words may be forthcoming, this is a most wonderful habit to cultivate and persist in. You know very well that I would not leave this opportunity unused and truly love to be heard. And you also know, that something truly worthwhile will be shared, which will help you grow just a little more. It is this daily persistence in turning within and seeking Me, which helps Me to forge a closer connection with you.
There is so much that I desire to reveal to you, but some of this must wait until you have grown and developed some more. It is by your endeavors that your capacity to receive new information, enlarges. If you do not help yourself in being progressive in matters spiritual, (it is like this also in the material world), then you will not make the gains you so earnestly desire. It is also true, that when you keep asking to have your mind opened further, this request will be filled. This is also My desire which I have placed in you, that you do so.
Spirit works and achieves the best results when you strive for a pure heart and mind, so the soul can grow unhindered and be nurtured. Soul growth is most definitely dependent on your motivation and on the actions following your decisions. Never forget that the Creator God knows every intent of your heart, and so do I, being a Spark of His Majesty and Glory.
It is this secret, which has been underground for so long, which must come into the open and in the foreground in people's minds. That there lives within all of you a Spark from God, which gives you every opportunity to become like God in the eternal future. Meanwhile, you will experientially attain the perfection required to be able to stand in the eternal future in God's Presence as a perfected being. This is the purpose and goal of your existence.
And this is the goal we have embarked upon, you and I together. There is a tremendous scheme in the form of ascension ahead and waiting for you, as the universe itself consists of vast schools of learning, comparable somewhat to your universities, although, the ones you will attend, are far more complete and replete. This is as it ought to be because all your experiential knowledge will be tested time and again in order for you to help those who come up from the world of space behind you. For this is how you learn, by passing your knowledge on to others.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.