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- Written by: Unknown Teacher
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4033
Alabama, US of A, November 12, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “Your Little Child.”
Received by Oscar.
Teacher: “The patience of parents who love their children is not the result of their efforts. Their patience is the result of the innate love of such parents. The little ones may cause their parents to sometimes loose their patience, but once the situation has calmed, the parents’ love prevails, and forgiveness for any fault or misunderstanding is guaranteed.
“This is why Michael asked us to attempt to express a higher love for our peers, a parent’s love, which aspires to be similar to the love He feels toward all His creatures. Such love can’t hold grudges or withhold forgiveness. Such love understands that we are all in a process of growth, so we are likely to make mistakes. Such love guarantees true fraternity and good will among men. However, such love has rarely been practiced upon this earth.
“This is the challenge of this age. This is the answer to the Master’s exhortation of two thousand years ago. Consider each human being to be a little child, your little child, because this actually is the reality in the eyes of the Celestial Father, whom you represent and who lives in you, and expresses himself through you.
“Consider each person around you; those who have hurt you, or someone you love, those who have made mistakes and are being punished by society, those who struggle tenaciously to hold onto their political or economic power at the expense and suffering of others. Consider also yourself, but try to see the pure and innocent child they once were.
“Try to understand how the circumstances of life could render a soul so confused as to forget what he or she really is. Try to see them as little ones, who don’t yet understand the game of life, who are still in the process of maturing. Start seeing your brothers and sisters in this world, and yourself in this way, and you will start to see how God sees His creatures.
“This is how the love of the Father will extend all over this world. In this way forgiveness and a true peace will become reality. Those problems that seem so big today will become trivial, and Light and Life will finally arrive on our beloved Urantia.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4471
Michigan, US of A, April 8, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Answer to the Questions.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today contains the answer to many questions. The questions are: What do the many who have not the light seek for when they are searching, doing, and living? They almost certainly feel something is missing, but they know not what. How is it that they find themselves to have this unquenchable thirst for something they do not know, yet they keep looking in all the wrong places, doing things that cannot satisfy, and desiring material comforts as a substitute for the very thing that can make them whole? Why do humans insatiably hunger for that which is hollow, unfulfilling, and unsustainable? What is it that creates this blind spot for knowing God, for wondering about what comes next, for wanting answers to the meaning of life? These are questions that baffle us (spirit) because the answers are so simple, so undeniable, and so basic from our point of view, that we have difficulty understanding how children, created and brought into being can grow up and have no clue as to who their divine parent is, or why they were created.
“The answer is not ‘blowing in the wind,’ yet it would seem so for the many that go through life without a compass -- wasting the days that have been given them to find the answers to the questions about life -- why they are here, and what is their purpose for being?
“Your world, your society, having reached a relatively high level of development in science and technology teeters on the brink of it’s own decline and regression because so many do not even have a clue as to what their purpose is or know what lies ahead of them after they have breathed their last. This blindness away from god-knowing seems to be deepening with each generation rather than evolving naturally toward an awakening.
“Even in the past two thousand years since the Master walked this earth, declaring, ‘The harvest is plenty, yet the workers are few -- pray the lord of the harvest sends more workers,’ we still today have few workers when compared to how many still walk in darkness. So then, what is the answer? You my friends are the answer. You students on the path desiring to know the truth, to seek for the light, to know the One -- you are the hope for your world, and you are the salt of the earth.
“Every spiritual resource is being allocated to help you gather the harvest. You have so much potential and latent ability if only you would recognize this in yourselves. The lord of the harvest is calling you to double your efforts and is lavishly pouring out the tools, gifts, and resources for you to do so. The further down this path you walk, the greater will be the journey and the brighter will be the day. Stay on the path my friends, and use these resources that are provided for you. The rewards for the workers of light are many and the joy of having participated in the creation is priceless.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” — Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: The Beloved One.
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4004
Urantia, April 10, 2012.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Instruments in His Hands.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “I wish to speak about the concept of mortals being instruments in the hands of God, at least this they will be when they adjust their will to His will and start living in the now, allowing their days to unfold according to the wishes of their Creator.
“This is beginning to happen in some places on the planet with souls who have consistently made it their business to listen within. These souls do find their outer life conforming more to the will of God, almost as if by magic. However, there is little in the way of magic when one considers the struggles of life one needs to overcome before a measure of treasured inner peace (through meditation) will unfold the blueprints of God’s plans in the lives of those who listen.
“When a mortal starts living in the eternal now, God finally has a chance to guide that mortal from within, and so-called co-incidences begin to happen. Seemingly miraculous circumstances unfold. Different vistas open up when you are ‘unexpectedly’ placed in situations which are ‘heart-warming,’ nourishment for both the eternal soul of another, and for yourself, and when you can witness the incredible love the eternal Creator has for you both – irrespective of the occasion, or the format it takes on.
“God will play you both for the delicate instruments you are when together you are attuned and show a certain readiness. There is no need to go looking for your ‘time to play’ and express your love for God to another. The Master Conductor knows precisely when each instrument is to send forth a joyful sound unto the Creator, who will be greatly thrilled when a certain performance gives deep satisfaction, of which you cannot at any time in your mortal life know the extent.
“This will be made known to you once you have exchanged the cloth of mortality for the garments of immortality and when delightful sounds will be played back to you. You will recognize the role you played in the orchestra of life. From there you will go on to take your place in a far superior orchestra and you will be astounded at the sounds brought forth to the glory of the universal Creator.
“This is the purpose of being alive; to bring forth joyful sounds to the Universal God of all as the concert is always in session with incredible and continuous tuning going on to bring forth the best and most joyful sounds possible. So pay attention to the Master Conductor and his baton lest you miss your turn in the grand play of the music of the spheres.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Unknown Teacher
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4014
Alabama, US of A, November 10, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “Real Freedom.”
Received by Oscar.
Teacher: “Real freedom in human life comes from total dedication to the will of the Father. When a human being consciously chooses to follow the path indicated by God, he or she is making an intelligent and real decision. This decision is based on two aspects: The fact that the creature understands that the Father’s way is the most beneficial way for the self, and the complete trust of the creature in the Creator.
“This decision will naturally cause the forgetting of the self. Those who have made this supreme decision become rather unconcerned about their material survival, whilst many things that seemed essential in the past now lose their importance. To the eyes of others, these people live without concerns, and nothing seem to alter the peace they radiate. Not even those difficult situations that from time to time occur in life will alter their peace of mind.
“Do you wish for such freedom? Do you wish for such peace beyond logic? You just have to let yourself go. Remember the story about a fish that held stubbornly to the bottom of the river, suffering a lot, when the only thing he needed to do was to let go, and let the current take him to the wonders that were lying ahead. Letting go is true faith. It is not an act of blind obedience or submission. Instead, it is an affirmation of liberty, the acceptance of the fatherhood of God. It is to say 'you are my beloved Father, and I know you love me, therefore I trust you to guide me along the most ideal path.’
“The Father does not expect you to blindly believe in Him, nor have faith without foundation that could easily degrade into fanaticism, or in time be forgotten. If today you cannot declare this supreme trust, it is because you don’t yet know Him. As in every other human friendship, the best way to get to know the Father is by visiting Him often, and spending time alone with Him. You can do this through the practice of Stillness with the desire of being closer to God. In this way you will see how this trust will naturally grow in your heart.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4224
Illawarra District, Australia, April 14, 2012.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Of Energies and Humility.”
Received by George Barnard.
Mentori Spokesperson: “The Correcting Time makes this system of the local universe one of many ideal places where a personality of my high order can return to re-learn humility. To be created near perfect without being all-knowing will require one to, from time to time, take accurate stock of one’s penchant for being either unassuming, or indeed for being condescending in company of one’s students.
“An acceptable degree of humility is a valuable, a profitable character trait when dealing with one’s superiors, as well as with those still climbing the spiritual ladder towards perfection. It is refreshing to be a member of a group of the long-ago inaugurated Mentori. It is rewarding to contribute to the lessons that are being prepared for some of you to receive, or to intuit through energies still unknown to you.
“Much as the immediate presence of a Son of God will create a spiritual uplift in any sphere, so do our mindal connections with your world progress (advance) your spiritual wellbeing, your intuitive understanding of psychic matters, your appreciation of the Creator Father of all. Those of higher realms represent a positive energy in your midst. Care must be taken that worldly stressors do not annul these energies.
“Care must be taken that you, as receivers of spiritual messages, do not overcompensate, or drift away from the accepted task of being the human ‘loudspeakers’ for the lessons prepared for you by us. At times, sheer unqualified worldly stress – tensions of war, urgent needs, or unrest felt by many, and radiating out, infecting, contaminating -- have caused ‘the imagination of many a well-meaning lightworker to attain escape velocity’ and depart from its solid grounding.
“Anchor yourself with us in true spirituality. Revelation is not a function of our contacting you across time and space, and although snippets of disclosure may seem to come your way, virtually all of these truth fragments were learnt before, by someone, at some time, in some place. It is important that you may return to your trusty Urantia text and re-acquaint yourself with that which rang your truth bells over and over again. Undoubtedly you will find that you will learn more, discover more of what was previously overlooked.
“Do not be concerned about the frequent ‘messages of revelation’ coming your way, but use your relaxed discernment in determining if its truth can be your truth, or if it is merely that of a too eager brother or sister. We salute you. Stay with the mission.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.