- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3949
Urantia, May 31, 2012. (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson on Grace and Mercy.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Dear one, allow me to offer a few words on the subject of grace and mercy. You often pray and give thanks for God’s grace and mercy, but do you really know what this means? Grace is the experience of life itself; being able to do as you please because God gave you the free will gift of making choices and decisions. By the grace of God, you are a free-willed creature. This gift is bestowed upon you so you may choose to make the right choices and follow His will on the road towards perfection. God only desires that you come to this decision, so that you wholeheartedly, and without coercion from anyone, church, state, or significant others, will make up your mind to follow Him. This is the grace bestowed upon each human being, and it needs to be more widely understood.
“Too many people still depend upon a worldly hierarchy to lead them towards the correct way of living. Much damage can be done in following blindly any precept or dogma set before you without examining if this feels right in your heart. So often you were told that a Spark of God lives right inside of you to teach you the correct way if you will but listen to that Still Small Voice. Even your perceived wrong doing with related guilt feelings are looked upon as learning experiences which will ultimately gain you your personal wisdom. This is a necessary requirement; experience in life is needed so you may learn right from wrong. It is purely God’s mercy which allows you to experience this and so, by repentance of your ways, you obtain the mercy you seek in God’s unconditional forgiveness.
“Related to this is forgiveness of yourself and all others, for these go hand in hand. There is much healing and cleansing contained in true forgiveness, because when you forgive others, you also practice grace and mercy. This is very important to remember, because grace and mercy are tied together with love and love is the ultimate energy in the universe. It is the glue that holds everything together. Good will towards each other is love, mercy and grace in expression. This is what makes the world go round in a balancing and stabilizing fashion. In looking around you, it does not take much to perceive how much the world is out of balance. This is also due to the negative thought-forms being entertained by unawakened ones and the ones with less honorable intentions. Thought energy is very real and most powerful.
“You need to remember that when you receive mercy, you also bestow mercy upon all others, because what you send out even in thought-form, comes back to you a thousand fold. To be gracious and merciful, means to have a loving and charitable attitude towards all you meet. This helps clear the atmosphere which at present goes through very confusing times. They are the masses who can control the atmosphere by their thinking. None of you have really tapped deeply into the power of your minds, so you are subject to the whims and whiles of negative influences. Wake up to the reality that you all are much beloved children of the same Creator and do allow Him more space in your lives so you can learn first-hand the meaning of Grace and Mercy. Does this sound simple enough to you? Then please, think about the meaning of it all and give it strength through practice.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4089
Michigan, US of A, March 25, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Finding a Deeper Connection with Spirit.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: The message for today is about finding that deeper connection to spirit, which so many of you students on the path would like to experience, but find it difficult and seemingly elusive, coming at times when you least expect. The one sure way to have this deeper connection is to simply ‘be connected’ more often. How can we be more connected? By directing our thoughts and feelings to the things of spirit and to have open dialog with the One you call God.
For most there is no other way, my friends, but to exercise the faith muscle. You must be vigilant in your determination to seek for that connection, and with this seeking there must be clear intent and purpose. There must also be room in the mind for the solitude of soul nourishment. Being constantly busy and plugged into media leaves no room for this connection. It is vital to prepare a space for this and to honor your commitment to commune with God.
To be connected to spirit is to feel what spirit feels. Spirit feels unity -- that all are one, and so all are loved. All share life in the Creator and so all spirit wants to help the parts of the whole find equilibrium with perfection.
The steps to building a deeper connection are:
Pray without ceasing. Is this really possible? It may not be possible to pray unceasingly because you must attend to the duties of earth life, but if you remind yourself to do this as often as is possible, keeping this phrase in mind, you can build a connection that is tremendously potent and you will begin to see the ways of spirit working in your life and those who you pray for.
Cultivate compassion. In order for you to really and genuinely love others, you must have compassion for their weakness. If we wish to receive love, mercy, and kindness from God, you must show love, mercy, and kindness to your fellows. In many ways you can consider compassion as the meter of depth for your connection with God. What you give out you receive back.
Serve selflessly. You cannot sit still and hide away in solitude keeping the light to yourself. Only when you share your wisdom can you gain wisdom, for only in service can you have soul building experience, and experience IS wisdom. To serve selflessly -- without expecting something in return is to emulate spirit, for God gives life to all without strings attached and so to emulate spirit is to be Godlike.
Practice regular stillness. Having each day prayed unceasingly, cultivating compassion for your fellows, and serving selflessly to the needs of others, you must set aside time in stillness meditation to commune with the Creator and receive the gifts of the spirit. This is the reward, my friends, for living a life of spirit led love. This is where you share your experiences with the Creator and where your spiritual potentials are expanded. This is where the deeper connection lies and this is the goal of the god seeking soul. This is true worship -- to have a connection with the Creator and to experience a personal relationship with the God within.
All can have this deeper connection. Integrate these steps in your daily life and you will find a richer, more meaningful, more loving, more joy filled existence that will continue to astonish you all the days of your life -- here and hereafter.
Peace to you,
The Circle of Seven.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Unknown Teacher
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3664
Alabama, US of A, December 8, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “Wisdom”
Received by Oscar.
Teacher: “Any study about wisdom will be incomplete if the presence of God within human beings is not considered. Since the very beginning, both religion and society have valued wisdom and extolled its attributes and benefits to the group. Throughout history human beings have always searched for a ‘recipe’ to achieve wisdom, and to basically learn to think in a more productive way that would bring personal and collective improvement.
“The attributes of wisdom have much been defined and re-defined, many times being corrupted depending on the intellectual and spiritual level of a particular period in history. Some features, which at a particular time are considered appropriate for wisdom and intelligence, are at other times severely criticized or completely ignored.
“In a few words, wisdom is the ability of men and women to use their resources -- physical, intellectual, and spiritual -- to live in this world while preparing for life in the next. The results of a life lived in this fashion are evident in those who live such lives. In this definition of wisdom there is no mention of intelligence (IQ), or the social or financial status of the individual. Often people thought to be ‘important’ due to their careers or influence, are thought to be wise. When judging the value assigned by society to these individuals you should always ask, ‘How have they prepared for their lives in the next world? What have been their contributions to eternity?’
“This simple definition of wisdom clearly illustrates where effort should be invested during a human life. Wisdom helps us to live in this world. Human beings should learn how to adapt to their environment and live in a way that preserves their physical existence and emotional balance. A life limited to survival is not a life of wisdom. The time dedicated to work, and contribution to society, must be balanced with time for enjoyment, to stop for a while and contemplate the road traveled and make decisions about the future. The efforts for survival should be mitigated by the contemplation of existence, knowing that there is a reason for the sacrifices and there is a purpose for what we do.
“It is during these times of contemplation that the second aspect of wisdom can begin to be explored: to prepare for life in the next worlds. Human beings enjoy the presence of God within their being. Life on this world is only a step on the long path to eternity. However, it is an important step that will be the empirical foundation for the activities of the future. If humans shortsightedly choose to dedicate their lives to the physical, a great opportunity that will not be repeated, is wasted. A life lived this way would be like a dream that is forgotten upon awakening -- just wasted time. Living with wisdom is taking advantage of the experiences life daily offers to build a new, higher, brilliant and truer being from the present human embryo.
“Living with wisdom is living with one’s feet firmly on the ground and one’s sights steadily on celestial realities. Like Michael said, ‘It is living in this world without being of this world.’ A life of wisdom is a life that is really enjoyed, because the things that to some are troubles or obstacles upon the road, are opportunities sent from heaven to the wise. Wisdom in the end is a refreshing, original and courageous way to see life, which is stimulating and attractive to those who have the chance to witness a life wisely lived.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
The 11:11 books and 11:11 meditation CD are available here:
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3724
Urantia, May 28, 2012. (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson on Teamwork.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Teamwork is an art that requires mutual co-operation. One could see teamwork as a form of co-dependence, when one has to depend on others that certain tasks be accomplished independently. Inter-dependence is a more accurate term. I assure you that the universe, yea all of creation, depends on the service of all beings that inhabit it. In fact, teamwork is the watch-word of the universe, as each being fulfills that particular function, which no one else fulfills. All creatures must necessarily fulfill their personal life function. The sooner humans find out what it is they are here for, the sooner they will find themselves in harmony and cooperation with the universe itself, feeling at peace with their inner selves also.
“It is an interesting thing for Me to watch some of you slowly becoming more aware of the important part you play on the stage of life, doing this without aggrandizement of ego importance, always reminding yourselves that the work is important, the self is not. Such an attitude is a must for successful cooperation with others, and it is truly a rarity to find a measure of such understanding cooperation between two or more people -- working independent of each other, and yet slowly coming to a mutual understanding that this is a requirement for growing their individual souls, to work as a team, and at the same time investing in the growth of their souls for life eternal.
“Such partnerships will eventually become more commonplace although at first certain things or issues are not clearly understood by either one, or both, or even all. It is a matter of sublime trust that whatever you are engaged in will ultimately not only benefit yourselves but also countless others. No true endeavor ever goes un-noticed. Even when separated by great distances, such partnerships can occur, thus the sum total of a lone working servant’s achievement in the service of his/her Creator, can become exponentially more important, even when the work is carried out on the other side of the globe in a mutual, unspoken and unwritten agreement. More and more may join in, not one knowing the other, yet all may be bound together by the common purpose to work for the progress of all. A small group can become larger and larger, as the silent call goes forth to be of service to the upliftment of the planet. This is teamwork of the realm of spirit manifesting itself on the material world.
“However, the greatest service anyone can render is by seeking the Stillness in their heart, to affect cooperation with their heavenly Partner within. Indeed, to affect such a measure of cooperation that, unwittingly at first, they become a mighty partner in the most important teamwork anyone can engage in -- a partnership with the Indwelling Adjuster of their Thoughts. This is the ultimate partnership in teamwork one can achieve in one’s material existence. This, eventually, is a requirement for all humans but to affect this of your free will, driven by an insatiable hunger to be of service is the triumphant culmination of a life well lived. Here dwells the greatest satisfaction amid the storms of life -- the inner feeling that you, too, can cooperate with your Spark of God within. Rest assured, you could not wish for a better Partner than the One who lives right inside of you. Trust and have faith that in time this partnership will become more divine in teamwork and mutual cooperation.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3551
Chicago, US of A, May 26, 2012.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Free Will is Paramount.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “While personality is one of the most difficult universe phenomena to be defined or explained, it is possible to know what its basic vehicle for expression is: the human will. Will, in evolutionary creatures is a product of the adjutant spirits’ ministry and can be found in several gradations elsewhere in the universes of time and space, always according to the level of evolution. However, when in a world human will evolves sufficiently to acquire a purposeful consciousness and moral status, it always prompts for the reception of a bona-fide personality -- this being an exclusive endowment from the Paradise Father. God’s purpose in giving personality to His creatures is to allow them to fully share and enjoy the perfection of His plans for this Universe of universes. In exchange He Himself shares our experiences in time and space through the Supreme Being and His Spirit Fragments.
“It is almost impossible to adequately emphasize the universal importance of human will. Let us just say that moral will is paramount, anytime and anywhere. Although the Infinite and Almighty God expresses Himself even impersonally, His personality and will attributes are the very source of all that is, because He is the great “I AM”, the source and center of all. Will and personality turn God’s creatures into individuals with total autonomy. There is no will, but free will. God grants personality to His myriad creatures, and in doing so, He makes them potential partners in His caring for Creation; He gives them total personal free will. No one is to interfere with the exercise of free will by His creatures, even if they choose against the will of their very Creator.
“Will is paramount, and any will-creature may choose to do or reject the will of God; that is, to follow or decline to follow the path of perfection the Creator directed us to follow when He proclaimed: “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect.” He even gives a Fragment of Himself, the Spirit Within, to guide us on the way, ever saying: “This is the way, walk in it.” Notwithstanding, any human being can refuse to do His will, and may choose to cease to exist as a will creature in the Father’s Universe -- and if this is such a creature’s wish, it will be granted, to be their loss, because personal will is paramount.
“On that distant but certain day, the will of God will be done in the universes of time and space, as it is now done on Paradise, and the supernal glory of God will fill all the universes ‘as the waters cover the oceans.’ On that glorious day, all creatures high and low, in all worlds of all universes, will know that the most paramount will of all is the will of God.
“I am Prolotheos, your tutor and teacher, glad to once more exchange thoughts with you. Call on me --any time -- and my thoughts will be with you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.