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- Written by: cher: The Beloved One.
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4027
Urantia, April 2, 2012.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Mercy Oriented Love.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “At the start of this brand-new day, let me begin by stating that this is the day that God made, so let us rejoice and be glad it. It is also the day that you, as mortals, can begin with love and forgiveness in your hearts, as this is a universal requirement for living a healthy and uncomplicated life. Life becomes increasingly less complicated the more time you spent in thoughts as to how true love really works.
“Allow me to state that true love also has the mercy oriented component attached to it as it has no secondary motives. Pure and clean love is always ready to forgive the self and others, as this is the healing balm for a sick body, sickened over time with negative thinking. You may never have entertained the idea of how powerful the mind can be when you become more aware of how, and what, and why you think.
“Many maladies in the human body arise with wrong and negative thinking, and over time when the physical body starts ‘talking back’ with pain and discomfort, remedies in the outer world are sought and people belief that these will solve the problem, rather than delving within and searching for the error patterns in the inner world and realizing that these thoughts might need closer scrutiny.
“Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind, and a mind can become warped by thinking unhealthy thoughts. These thoughts can become habit, so one can have no idea how illnesses may originate through negative thinking, especially through revengeful, angry thoughts. Over time these wreak havoc in the physical system.
“It would be better to engage in the right-minded clarity of mercy-oriented, compassioned thinking, which prevents misunderstandings. When one makes healthy and clean thinking a habit, the body reacts most favourably, and a feeling of happiness arises in the soul which in turn allows one to walk through life as a loving individual. This creates a beneficial influence on the immediate surroundings, as everyone coming into contact with a mercy-oriented, fully aware person is thereby uplifted. This manner of living can flow through the thought-stream of humanity and the world would slowly on arrive at a far healthier way of living as this benign virus of loving intent and mercy orientation sweeps over the planet.
“This worthy idea needs to get out and saturate the hearts and minds of every thinking mortal who is willing to help the celestials in their endeavor to uplift this world at this critical juncture in planetary history. Please take my words to heart and apply them to yourself, so you can begin to live a healthier life.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4036
Urantia, February 2, 2012.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Togetherness.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “In your meditation this morning you picked up on my word togetherness, as well as the words, ‘the time we spend in togetherness'. This is exactly what being in the stillness meditation is; spending time together with your Spark from God within, who ‘travels with you’ in your every thought, in your every move, and who especially notes every choice and decision you make.
“It is vital for you to realize that you have this Spark from God within you, who can help you choose, if you so desire. It is an irrefutable fact that thinking mortals have the free will to choose which action to take, after hopefully having thought out all the ramifications resulting there from, since all causes create an effect, as you have time and again experienced in your lifetime.
“Life’s experiences are made up from choices and decisions, whether they have been considered or made impulsively. So I would counsel you that, since you have an all-knowing on-board Partner, to make more use of Me in our times of meditative togetherness, and ask for clarification and insight especially into situations which baffle you.
“At first your response must be to wait if nothing is forthcoming at that very moment. Usually the answers to these requests are made manifest in different ways, since there is no instant gratification with God, as God’s time is different to yours. The secret of course is to pay attention even during the busy-ness of your day, to perchance have an insight come to you so unexpectedly, that you almost ‘walk past your very blessings’. Yes, they go so often unnoticed, and sometimes are only realized much later.
“Life is like this; the more you take Me into your confidence, and you can, as I know all about you and know you better than you know yourself, the more it becomes expedient for you to remember that you have the choice to also experience Me in your everyday life. I am only a thought away and in the blink of an eye, so to speak, can you be back in our togetherness.
“Please take advantage of My presence, for I am your unique Gift from God. It will become a most marvelous feeling for you to walk your everyday life in knowing company with the God of your being, your Partner, your co-Creator on board. So My question to you is: Why don’t you experience our togetherness more often? Life will become more peaceful and joyful, knowing that you, the captain of your life, have a Pilot at hand to help you over the hurdles in life as we, together, shall clear them. Please think about how you can get to know Me better in our times of togetherness.
“The answer is really so simple; just come to Me at any time, for I am always here for you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Aaron
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4306
Illawarra District, Australia, March 25, 2012.
Teacher Aaron.
Subject: “Sudden Recall.”
Received by George Barnard.
Teacher Aaron: “This is your teacher Aaron. I have long been a teacher at heart, teaching many about the words, the rules, regulations and guidance about spiritual life scribed onto the papyrus scrolls that I carried. I am a teacher, your teacher, today. Many of my lessons include direct advice, logic, clearly explained, and so very different to the kind of teachings the Master used. He always gave everyone the extreme in personal choice in how they translated the parables he preached. It is in this way that all individuals can allow themselves their own interpretations for what he told them.
“From me you will get to understand the Master’s advice more clearly, directly, in that there are times when the methods of David Zebedee, the methods of gentle persuasion do apply. There are also times when the strict rules of Cymboyton must be followed, yes enforced.
“Like the Master, your Thought Adjuster also tends to be very cautious, very careful, not to overrule your free will prerogatives which are paramount in your life. And here we have an opportunity to clear some past misgivings in the sense that it is well known that people, later in life, are suddenly reminded of small misgivings, of small wrongs that they may have done, of rather interesting situations where they could have been helpful but they neglected to be of use.
“Generally it is considered that this comes with aging, represents a normal happening, and to a degree this is correct. It is a physiological thing that allows you at a later age to sharply remember those things that happened in your youth and for you to in some way find closure, or forgiveness. It is surely of psychological importance that these things come to the fore also, and are reconsidered.
“However, it is within these natural phenomena that your Thought Adjuster also works to remind you of things that happened in the long ago past, some of which may seem negligible in importance. But yet, you need to realize that the life to come, the life you will lead on the Mansion Worlds has different rules about it, is of a different design and while it is possible here on earth to put to rest some of these old and half forgotten happenings, in fact they can be important as matters of closure, as finalization, as a make-ready for the human soul in the life that is lived beyond.
“You have in the past received a lesson on this matter which you probably have forgotten about by now. This is clarification that there are three components to this remembering; a fleeting physiological prompt, a psychological need, and also the stimulus from the Thought Adjuster in the rounding off of one’s earthly life.
“This is Aaron, pleased to once again be with you both. I say Adieu for now.”
George: “Thank you, Aaron.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Monjoronson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4380
Urantia, February 8, 2012.
Teacher: Monjoronson.
Subject: “Mercy.”
Received by Lytske.
Monjoronson: “It is time to get used to my energy signature and for you to hear from me, whilst I -- a Son of God to make his appearance amongst you on this backward planet -- am still ‘waiting in the wings’. Your many generations have made a great deal of progress and breakthroughs in science and industry. However, you have made hardly enough spiritual progress since the Ruler of your universe was here over two thousand years ago. His loving message for mercy, forgiveness, and love for each other -- the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of humankind – has been forgotten in many places.
“The planet has gone through, and is still going through, so much turmoil, that spiritually it has not gained very much. It is well-nigh impossible for the voice of reason to be heard, when sincere and honest people desire and pray for peace.
“There are still those opposing forces who do not want peace, for they have no peace in their hearts. As long as brother wars against brother, you still have not left the ‘caves of barbarism’ behind. Some have not yet become civilized enough to behave as if the God in all things matters, while the peace and love of God is all around everyone. The peace of God is even in the smile of a small child, which invokes such tender feelings of love in the heart of the parent, who in that moment is forever changed.
“It is love which will inspire mercy in the hearts of people everywhere once they experience this love from within, which can be had by taking the time to be in the Stillness of the heart. This is the greatest gift you each can personally experience to grow into the mercy of God, as God is all mercy, forgiveness, acceptance, and so much more.
“If you could only begin to imagine how tolerant God is in letting you make all your decisions, look around what has been accomplished by making decisions without asking the eternal One if this is all according to His will. Things truly have now come to a point when the Time of Correction has to be instituted from on High, as the planet is sinking into greed and materialism. How on earth can you feed your immortal souls in this madness?
“You all are to return from whence your seed-soul came, but how can you do this as your souls here are withering in the process of living, because you are just too busy filling your life with idle pursuits, nary giving a thought to the meaning and purpose of life?
“You are born into life for a purpose, and one purpose only; to learn to do the will of God and be of loving and merciful service to one another. Let this thought be embedded into your minds, so the planetary consciousness will change and be uplifted to a more peaceful, loving and tolerant one, so I can make my presence known.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4201
Chicago, U S of A, January 25, 2012.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Being at Rest.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Anxiety is the characteristic of a restless spirit. Restlessness comes to human beings from their worrying that the circumstances of life will spin out of control into bad situations, causing harm to them. Anxiety is their being afraid of that which does not yet exist; they fear a possibility. Awareness of possible troubles ahead is useful in avoiding them, or dealing with them properly. However, when troubles are conceived by the mind, they are given life, and once they are projected, they might become actualities. Anxiety is a process of giving life to things you fear, instead of avoiding them.
“The spirit at rest is a condition of one who has gained a mature personality, and developed a level of real beauty and harmony in life. Being at rest is a result of being at peace with the self, others and the universe. The Spirit Within, as you call your Adjuster, is an important element in experiencing this harmonious state of being, because these Mystery Monitors are the ones who sponsor the manifestation of real values in the life of their subjects. Following the Adjuster’s leadings will always improve your ability to deal with anxieties.
“Correct are your sacred records attesting to the truth that “love sends away fear”. Love is the substance of ultimate reality. Evil, adversely, springs from an ill-adaptation of the self to universe laws, it lacks enduring reality. Realizing this should put human minds at rest, by allowing the self to find its place in the cosmic unity that links everything. In nurturing, ministering, and receiving love, human beings are capable of finding their balance in life. Love can ensure real peace because it is the universe technique which accommodates every action and attitude into the good and perfect will of the Father.
“Faith, indeed, is also essential to enjoy spiritual rest. Faith is the expectful state of hope that brings goodness into your personal experience. Good things happen to those who believe. Minds that are open to the good energies of the universe will enter in their energetic flow and make a channel to receive and distribute goodness.
“However, to human beings on Urantia, life develops within the evolutionary cycles of time and space, and perfection is yet a distant, although achievable future goal. You are on a journey from imperfection to perfection, and being at rest is experienced as opposed to having to deal with, everyday disturbing circumstances. The peace of a restful mind is not predicated by absence of conflicts, but by assuming the correct attitude in facing them, which is acceptation and adaptation while pressing for spiritual progress from the standpoint of love and faith.
“So, my pupil, keep on loving and believing, and the anxieties of daily living will fade away, one by one as you face them courageously, for who knows the inherent goodness of the Universe. My love is with you; so is our Father’s love, which makes life very well worth of living! I am Prolotheos, your called-for tutor, only a thought away.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.