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- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4088
Illawarra District, Australia, July 19, 2012.
Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “The Morontia World.”
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “The questions posed near and far will likely become obvious by the answers I will provide. And yes, I’m here still and have no knowledge of any mission for myself or my crew on a faraway world. Life goes on, we are hardly displeased, and will enjoy being both serious as well as playing tricks on you two. We are covering the evolutionary, the morontia, and the spiritual existence, but hardly, we will admit, as experts about the latter sphere and its physiology.
“About the evolutionary worlds, the creature training worlds, we are well informed. Evolutionary worlds are ‘born’ in a number of standard ‘explosive ways’, and they may evolve to be suitable homes for the shortest-lived of His creatures, humans. That is what you are. You are born, you live, and you die, and hopefully you will have done your ‘Spirit on loan’ proud by assisting Him or Her by helping to grow, yes, mature the soul that will see you on the way to perfection.
“The Spiritual world has its headquarters on Paradise, the Super-universes and Local universes. Their citizens are either created perfect, have perfected themselves, but not by any means are the majority of them complete in time-space experiences. Only a few of the myriad spirit species are known to you. You are unable to perceive any of these, unless they particularly wish for you to note their presence, and then only if and when your Spirit Self allows it.
“The Morontia world is the busiest time-space arena. It holds a multitude of morontia creatures, but they exist in time-frames that are stepped up from ‘close to linear time’ in which you live to ‘close to eternity’ in which Spirit Personalities reside. The very ‘lowest rung on the ladder’ is occupied by the Secondary Midwayers, next are the Primary Midwayers, the Morontia Cherubim above them, and the various rungs occupied by angels and ever higher creature orders.
“Each of these morontia creatures of countles types, from the lowest to the highest, have greatly diverse abilities. Some can ‘warp time’, as we can, and can decide right now to turn up five minutes earlier to effect certain changes, control your thinking when given permission, walk though walls, keep animals as pets by taking them from your time frame, and for a time pulling them into theirs.
“In the same way we can materialize into your realm, we can slip into that of the Primary Midwayers. Many other morontia creatures are capable of such. Sense your emotions and teach you at a distance, they can, as well as take in various streams of information simultaneously. As you spend your many years in the morontia realms, you will learn these things and more, and as you progress each time, you will be gifted new great mind endowments in turn.
“This is ABC-22. I have answered the questions to the extend I was allowed to answer them. Be well, my friend.”
George: “Cheers to the entire platoon, and thanks.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3812
Michigan, US of A, July 15, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Counting the Blessings.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today is a day for counting blessings, for each of you have so much to be thankful for, to have gratitude and appreciation for all that is – this life of wonder, amazement, this journey through hardship and joy, which has been prepared for you that you may participate in the creation of the universe. It is often difficult to see how blessed you truly are when you are so immersed in the affairs of the material world, and so we must sometimes stop and quiet the mind and bring ourselves into the hush of the moment and expand our mind, our thoughts, our feelings, and reach up to that higher plane and view our own lives from the perspective of the Creator, and when we do this, we feel the unconditional love – that feeling of true oneness, that we belong to the family of God.
“Is it not amazing, my friends, when you stop and view life from a higher perspective? When you consider that this life you have now is only the beginning of an unending journey of astonishment, wonder, and growth? Do you not see how this beginning is the acclimation, the prerequisite elementary requirement for eternity? Do you not feel how much you have grown – to look back and see how you have, step by step, been led to where you are today – to have more self control over the ego, to have let go of all the negativity and strife that this world can inflict on your mind and attitude toward life, yourself, and others?
“Let us stop now and count our blessings and be thankful for all that you are and all that you will become. Let us be thankful for the opportunities that abound in our lives and that we have complete control over our will to choose which path we will travel. Realize that no other person, institution, or entity controls you or your destiny, but that you have been given the freedom to make any reality you choose to have in this life and in eternity. Yes, the road can be difficult to travel sometimes and life seems hard, but do you not see how these adversities become the very thing that set you free and give you the capacity for the appreciation of contrast – to know the lowest of lows and then to soar to the highest of highs? What an amazing creature you are to experience life so dynamically!
“Have you ever experienced true love – to feel and to share with another the most intimate expression of selflessness, caring, and passion. If you have not, then it remains an opportunity for you to see the reflection of the Creator in others and it is waiting for you to seek out and find. The Creator wants you to see and discover this true love in others so you can have an appreciation for the supreme love, the divine love that exists between the Parent and the child – God and his created children. The love that you experience in this life is only a foretaste of the ‘super love’ you will experience as you travel inward and find the God of all creation. The closer you get the more you will shine with that divine glow that binds the universes together.
“Stop now and consider all these blessings. ‘Thank you God for giving me life!’
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4697
Chicago, US of A, July 9, 2012.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Revenge versus Justice.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Let us start this lesson by proposing that there are things which seem good, but on closer observation are found to be evil in disguise. One example is covered by today’s topic of Revenge versus Justice. Revenge may seem to imply something akin to justice, because it appears to share some aspects with justice, like retribution or punishment. In fact, revenge has nothing to do with Justice, because the former seeks to make things even according to personal standards, whilst the latter seeks to rectify things – make things right according to the law. Adherence to the rule of law is a mark of an advanced society, whereas the acceptance of revenge is a left over characteristic of barbarism.
“Revenge may originate from a rightful feeling, the need to punish the wrong and evildoing against the innocent. However, the idea of meeting out justice with one’s own hands is altogether repulsive, since it allows the offended party to practice the same violence he or she condemned in the first place. Even when the law allows society to punish by committing the same violence, it’s a sign of social primitivism. Furthermore, the desire for revenge comes from an immature and misguided self, which cannot deal with the injustice perpetrated against the self or another, whilst retaining a spiritual attitude.
“There is much truth in the saying that ‘man can fool human justice, but never God’s’. Ultimately, from a universe perspective, revenge shows ignorance of, or indifference to justice inherent in the universe of universes. In fact, there is in place a divine universe law that compensates and adjusts all that is counter to the will of God. Such a law may be called Karma, retribution, pay-back, or the ‘boomerang effect’, whichever best fits your believes. Basically it is the universe’s natural justice at work, seeking the final fulfillment of the will of the Father.
“It is difficult for human beings to cope with a lack of justice, which is commonplace during the present social development of Urantia. And this may instill the impression that in some cases revenge is justifiable. Revenge may bring satisfaction, but never justice. Justice, in civilized societies implies the necessity of ‘due process’ in which a person is held responsible for crimes committed, and is guaranteed the right of defense. Revenge wrongly ‘places upon’ the individual the functions of legislator, judge and executioner, which obviously is unlawful. However, when all hope for human justice is lost, trusting in God’s justice is the correct and humane thing to do.
“Some old religious records on Urantia inaccurately describe God as the ‘Avenger of the innocent’. Such a primitive concept legitimizes the practice of revenge among God-fearing people and leads to the thought that seeking revenge is, in certain ways, doing the ‘work of God’. The Father is not in the business of avenging people. He effects justice, not because He loves the innocent better than the offender; rather, he loves both equally, and renders justice because it is inherent in His character.
“I am Prolotheos, your friend and tutor on high. Peace to you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3577
Alabama, US of A, December 17, 2010.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “An Exhortation from a Thought Adjuster – Part 2.”
Received by Oscar.
Adjuster: “Learn to depend only upon Me. Nothing in this world will provide lasting satisfaction. Only the expressions and relationships of love with your siblings have eternal value. Invest your time and your resources on things with eternal value. Your time in this world is limited and precious. Don’t waste it. When you put your trust in Me and make me your main source, you will always feel satisfied and the artificial needs of this world will not affect you anymore. Have you not already discovered that your real needs can be counted on the fingers of one hand? Are you lacking any of these today? No. Then, why worry?
“Struggle to grow. The fact that you are satisfied does not indicate that you have reached your potential. As you discover how little you really need, remember that there is always something to learn. Your destiny is to become like God, our Creator, the One who knows all. I’m sure you understand the long preparation it will entail to reach that level. Never stop advancing. Continue exploring ways to be better.
“There are some who, when feeling they have satisfied their material needs, also feel that there is nothing left to do. I ask you, if you have filled a room in your house to the top, will you waste time trying to put in more stuff? Would not it be better to find other rooms that are almost empty? The satisfaction of your material needs is just one room of your house, just one area of your life. If you have already filled that area to your heart’s content, explore other areas that have been neglected. Remember that your time here is limited. Maybe it is not the best approach to fill one room to the top before moving to the next room. Your time may come to an end and you will have spent your entire life in the same room.
“Be happy. Your happiness should not depend on how much money you have in your account, where you spend your vacations or how you entertain yourself. Your idea of happiness is folly. Happiness is not the peace of being alone nor the freedom to do whatever you want. Most of you see happiness as a picture, a scene. This is just an image. Happiness should not be a matter of a few instants stored in a mental photo album. True happiness is lasting, endless and without context. It is a sensation that comes from within, that surges spontaneously, fills you up and many times it surprises you.
“The first step to find such happiness is to forget your erroneous idea of happiness. Learn to live in the now. Enjoy being where you are, centering you attention in the present without mentally wandering and fantasizing about where you would like to be. Come to Me frequently and I will show you and make you feel true happiness. I Am the source from which you flow. By coming to Me you peek at your eternal destiny and the growing happiness of those who travel to Paradise.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
- Details
- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4094
Alabama, US of A, December 17, 2010.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “An Exhortation from a Thought Adjuster – Part 1.”
Received by Oscar.
Adjuster: “Life is full of struggles. These are necessary. When you exercise, you understand that you must make an effort, that you should create a certain amount of difficulty if you want to stimulate your body to become stronger. It is the same with the human soul. The soul must overcome some challenges and go through some situations to become stronger, become trustworthy, and develop a firm character. One of these coveted virtues is patience. How would you learn to be patient if you would never have to wait a long time for something you want? There is no study program in this world to teach you patience, but life itself offers you plenty of opportunities to attain this eternal value.
“I will never cease trying to turn you into a wonderful personality – an expression of perfection. I will always do my best for you. I will always be there to offer my help, my guidance, and my comfort. There is nothing you can do to make me angry, for my love for you remains a fact. You didn’t have to do anything in order to obtain my love, and now that you are starting to discover me, I will not abandon you. You have decided to walk my path, and my promise since the beginning has been to take you by the hand and lift you up high – to Paradise itself – so you can be one with me, just like Me. I would like you to accept my plan so we can start right now and work together, with more focus, more diligence, more goodwill and more harmony. Follow me and you will see what I have prepared for you along the way, a unique way, prepared exclusively for you, and filled with what is truly best for you.
“Don’t you know what you can do today to be better? Which are the most frequent causes that make you suffer, that make you angry? How can you be better, starting today? Each moment offers an opportunity to decide. It is with every little decision that you grow and become more useful to me and your siblings.
“In the future, you will have become so trustworthy due to your long experience and preparation that you will be sent to the most remote corners of the universe to work alone, with the absolute certainty that nobody or not a thing will ever make you stray from the path of the Father. As Michael came to this world, you will go to the new universes of time and space to show those children of the future the light of truth. Isn’t it wonderful that you can start working today on the task that will be prepared for you ages into the future?
“Be flexible. You won’t always be able to do everything you desire, regardless of how wonderful it might be. Don’t let frequent deception affect you so much. All that is good will come to you sooner or later. Time is just a shadow of eternity. Today you try to make this world a heaven on earth, a sphere of light and life, but it seems to be an impossible task. To your mind it will take a lot of time and effort. In my eyes this has already come to pass. (Linear) time, so unbending to you and your siblings, is utterly unreal to me.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.