- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3608
Urantia, June 27, 2012. (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson on Importance.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Let Me begin by stating that it is essential to determine the difference between what is important and what has importance. The first one alludes to the present time, also to the future, and for you to pay attention to the immediate situation at hand. The second ‘grouping of things important’ needs to be mentally tabulated in order of their priority at a given time.
“There is an essential distinction between the two, as one learns to place one matter of import before another. When situations arise which need your scrutiny, it is truly useful to give it some time to let the importance of the situation with which you are confronted sink in. Based on your conclusions you can decide what has priority and what has not. This is the difference between the immediacy and the deferral of an issue.
“There are many important matters in life which are indefinitely placed into a ‘future file’ to possibly never see the light of day again, and so remain forgotten until a situation arises which jogs your memory, for you to suddenly realize what is important or what has importance in life as everything takes on different priorities. There are situations like a sudden calamity, illness or accident, which might throw the routine of business, expectations and rules out of the window, and an altogether greater urgency becomes attached to what is important. This, I would like you to take a closer look at.
“Humans who regularly make it their business to think deeply about important issues in life, and who have learned to be more discerning, become less perturbed about unexpected events happening on a daily basis. Then there are the ones, who live thoughtlessly and appear to be un-awakened by events, who will experience the most extreme jolts into reality. It is extremely important to remember, that life goes on after the dissolution of your material temple. What you think, do or neglect to do, will powerfully impact on your next stage of existence.
“This fact is not something which you can conveniently place on the backburner of life, because sooner or later you will be confronted with the fragility of being. It can be taken away from you during an unexpected circumstance or happening. This is why I like to give you a little jolt in the area of thinking, what is the most important thing you would do if you had only one day to live. Think about this and take note if this somehow changes the immediate relationships in which you find yourself.
“I dare say that through a ‘wake-up call’ like that you would look at life quite differently and make room for matters which are really important to you. To love your family more, to be more forgiving, to not leave any unfinished business behind which needs to be done and not put off until another day which might never come.
“Life would become far more meaningful and precious. You would not be living life as an automaton, and take it all for granted. You would make the most of each day and reap greater enjoyment from the most ordinary of chores, previously so often undertaken out of habit. You would also place greater value upon your personal connection with your Spark of God within. And you would more clearly realize what a precious gift everything is to not be squandered so aimlessly with the many other things of unimportance.
“This is living fully in the Presence of God.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3609
Chicago, US of A, June 30, 2012.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “A Lesson On Courage.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Having earlier approached the theme of Fear, let us now entertain our thoughts on a related subject: Courage. It is important to keep in mind that courage is not an absence of fear. Courage might well need to overcome fear in order to manifest, because having courage is to act bravely despite having fear. Another important distinction to be made is that courage is not ‘bravado’, because bravado is ego-motivated, and only seeks to promote the self. Courage, although a decision of the self, may rightly benefit the self, but its expression is out of a noble need, not a selfish one.
“Courage can be exercised in all aspects of life. One must be courageous to live a meaningful life. Many times life requires courage, for example, especially in doing what benefits others, not when you become the main beneficiary of your actions. One example of this kind of courage is when you decide to practice goodness towards people that according to general opinion are clearly undeserving. Your Master when on Urantia, preached: ‘Love your enemy, and pray for those who persecute you’. To act selflessly in such circumstances demands courage.
“Another instance in which courage is greatly necessary is when you are faced with the need to do ‘the right thing’, even if it means that some kind of personal loss will ensue. Acting courageously always means that you will be exposed to some degree of risk, otherwise your action wouldn’t require courage. Some, even knowing what is the right thing to do, cowardly refuse to take action because there is a risk of personal loss or injury in taking such action. One must have right principles to act right; courage to honor one’s beliefs, even with the risk of losing the support of friends and loved ones. This requires you to have a strong character!
“However, when you have to deal with truth – facing it or upholding it – it is when courage is most necessary. It takes courage to seek the real truth about important things in life. It takes courage to recognize that you were mistaken, it takes courage to acknowledge that you have sinned against others, and it takes courage to stand by the truth, no matter how hurtful it can be. Courage in these circumstances demands for a price to be paid if one wants to have peace of mind, a peaceful conscience. Acting courageously can in fact get you hurt, but it’s better to ‘lose an eye’ and have peace of mind, than having both eyes, to live in guilt and torment.
“Where does courage comes from? Humanly speaking courage comes from love; love for others, love for justice, and love for the truth. But the strength to put this love in motion through courage must come from spiritual realities: your soul and the Spirit Within, the ones that always encourage and support you to stand for spiritual values in your life.
“I am Prolotheos, your tutor from on High, and glad to be able to convey this lesson to you. My love is with you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3538
Illawarra District, Australia, July 14, 2012.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu.
Subject: “Communication.”
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “I find it rather amusing you should ask me what it is I want from you, when, after all, in your silent meditation it was you who ‘linked up’ with me, called on me, made me aware. From discussions face to face, you progressed to sending messengers, posting letters and making telephone calls. You and I contend ourselves with mind-to-mind communication, and haphazard as it sometimes is – not on my part, however – we have been pleased with the results for many years.
“Even primitive humans had their essential alliances. There were small clans, then tribes. In today’s society the groupings are huge, from total inter-dependance in a family situation, to casual involvement with others as one barters, or buys and sells, and any kind of association in between. Modern mankind has an ever-increasing need for a greater circle of associates as life on the planet becomes more complex year after year.
“As the intricacies of Urantia life increase, evolve, there is a constant need for better and faster communications between those of disparate lands, languages, religions, colors and customs, not to forget about the all-importance of thoughtful communication between the sexes. This is the age of communication as well as the Time of Correction, making it ever more important both aspect of interaction are taken care of – the talking by one as well as the listening by another.
“At best, and at our own initiative, we bring you messages that are general, already well rehearsed and understood. Call it ‘Mind to mind 1-0-1’, and delivered one to one to those with whom we have a well-developed relationship. Routinely, however, we are intermediaries together with our Primary Midwayer kin, and those of the Angelic Services appointed to assist all Teachers and incidental Lecturers unable to communicate with you directly from on High.
“Whereas glitzes in communications among high orders are an absolute rarity, we are aghast by what we at times witness at a human level. And I am not here speaking about misunderstandings between humans and ourselves. My comments are directed at you alone. For all the methods of communications at your disposal, there is much more said than is heard. For all the ways you have to get your message across, the integrity of what is conveyed must improve.
“All this so very human misinformation and truth avoidance will improve, gradually and unavoidably, not in months or years, but in time by His knowing, and as one person at a time through Midwayer prompting and human endeavor learns to commune with his or her Creator, and as the ‘parts’ recover, so shall the whole be healed. This is ABC-22, Midwayer Chief Bzutu to some, a planetary helper to many. I say Adieu.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time — TA.
- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3759
Urantia, July 11, 2012 (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson on Feelings.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “It will be useful to discuss feelings, because of the weight they carry during one’s life, and behaviors developed early in life. When there are deciding moments in which a ‘door to greater development’ is closed, a child may take that moment as truth. For example, when a little one is repeatedly told that he or she is no good – worded in sundry negative phrases – the child can only feel bad about the self. Low self esteem may develop from such verbal abuse, the source of which slinks away in memory, to rarely surface because of a trigger, or not at all. The burdens may endure for the rest of the persons’ lives. These are some of the extreme cases I am speaking about. These cases can give rise to sundry mental aberrations, because such individuals may never feel wanted. These sensitive souls might also become loud and harsh people, fighting for a foothold in a world perceived to be antagonistic.
“There is an array of hidden mental irregularity in connection with low self esteem. The abused can turn into troubled personalities, who always ‘need to be right’ because they would otherwise feel insecure. It takes the building of a strong character in a person willing to meet inner problems head on, and work through them by learning different coping skills. Mental resilience can provide new insights and therefore different ways of doing things. Things must not necessarily be done in a way ‘they have always been done’ in the past. Such is non-progressive behavior. You all have the gift of creativity in you to consider matters in a different light. It is what makes all of you the unique beings that you are. Nobody is the clone of another, so it is impossible to always think alike.
“Being around people who are different to you may create a problem in getting along with them. However, it may also open new ways of understanding and empathy on a deeper level. Herein lie lessons which could not be learned in any other way. It is not required that you should be alike, and agree in all circumstances, but it is required that you listen to someone else’s viewpoint and accept the nuggets they contain, for your further personal growth. It is at these times that insights arise which may set one free from bondage – enslavement to the past, ever so redundant because of the fallacies it contained.
“It is very important and very liberating, when you finally begin to realize that all of you are equally loved by the infinite Creator God. You are all equal in His eyes, as God is no respecter of persons whatever standing they may attain in society. This would only bring added responsibility because of the reckoning this entails as to how you attain and disperse of your wealth. The feelings attending you in your life will either lead you closer to the All That Is, or lead you away if they stand as a burden between you and your emotional and mental freedom. In this way your spirit languishes in imprisonment, because it has never been set free, due to your feelings which keep you hostage. Please, you can set yourself free by coming into the Stillness of your heart. It is never too late to start seeking, and practicing My nearness. This is your greatest salvation from the ties which bind you to selfishness.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
- Details
- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3857
Michigan, US of A, July 8, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Spiritual Dreams.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is about spiritual dreaming. What is spiritual dreaming and what is the difference between what you would call ‘normal’ dreaming and a spiritual dream? Normal dreaming can be thought of as the jumbled and incoherent fragments of the day’s events reverberating in the mind when consciousness is arrested and free from the taxing over stimulation of a busy day. These types of dreams rarely make any sense and are difficult to recall after waking – they provide no real value to the soul.
“Spiritual dreams however, are quite different in that they are ‘engineered’ by your Thought Adjuster (TA) and or Guardian Angel (GA) to ‘spiritize’ the mind; to teach a lesson; or to implant a signpost that will be recognized and acted on later during a conscious event. In some cases, knowledge can be transferred or ‘downloaded’ during the dream state for later use in those individuals that may play an important role in planetary affairs.
“Sometimes these spiritual dreams are designed to be quite vivid – using color, sound, and emotion, and they can be recalled with great detail after waking. Often these very impressionable dreams impact the mind in such a way as to change the course of one’s life and are lodged deep in long term memory and are never forgotten throughout terrestrial life – they become part of the eternal memory of the soul.
“Oftentimes spiritual dreams are full of symbolism – symbols you may know and understand and others you may not. Symbols are used as a type of ‘compression’ of ideas and are more easily communicated from the Thought Adjuster to the animal/electro-chemical mind than are language based attempts to communicate – ‘a picture is worth a thousand words.’
“Visuals – pictures and symbols are more often retained in dreams than would be ‘hearing’ dialog, and so the TA and the GA attempt different ways and techniques to communicate with you during your life, and when they find that one technique works satisfactorily, they will tend to use this type of communication as often as is required, or when the human mind matures and is more spiritually attuned they may employ a more sophisticated approach.
“When you wake from one of these spiritual dreams it is important that you lay still with your head in the same position and go over the details in your mind repeatedly and try to bring the dream into conscious memory. If you develop this habit of dream recall, you are better able to use the information gleaned from these deeply spiritual teaching moments to guide you in your daily life, which may serve to help you make important decisions or to act on some signpost event that you may have otherwise paid no attention too.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.