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- Written by: Christ Michael
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3642
Michigan, US of A, May 6, 2012.
Christ Michael.
Subject: “Ambassadors of Light.”
Received by Chris.
Christ Michael: “Greetings, this is Christ Michael.
“To all you students on the path who desire to be my disciples, who desire to do the Will of my Father, and who desire to serve your brothers and sisters on this world, I invite you to work with me in this Correcting Time. Just as I ordained and sent out the seventy evangelists, more than 2,000 years ago, to reveal the love of my Father and your Father, I now am in need of workers who are as dedicated, loyal, and willing to consecrate their will to the knowing of the Will of our Father.
“There is much work to be done, my children, and I am calling on a new generation of disciples to abide in me, and through this abiding love, you shall become like a river of living water that shall flow into the hearts of those who are searching in the dark, thirsting for this living water. The time is now, my children, for those of you who hear me to gather around and kneel at the stone as I pass my hand over your head and ordain you into the fellowship of my trusted ambassadors.
“I knock at the door of your hearts, waiting for you to open the door, to know love like you have never known it; to see light like you have never seen it, to know truths that you have never pondered; to see beauty in all the Father's children – the light of life that indwells all.
“Those of you who have this yearning to be my trusted ambassadors, I ask you to consider the costs, lay your foundation, and begin the building of a new temple in your heart dedicated to the Will of the Creator. It is in this new temple that my Spirit of Truth shall abide and so shall you be guided to your ambassadorship – to represent me in the world.
“This calling is extended to all, but only those who stand ready, with hands on heart, kneeling at the stone of ordination, shall be called my ambassadors of light. Those that have fulfilled their earthly duties and desire, above all, to join with me in this work of the reclamation of this world for the Creator Father may do so. Make your sincere intentions known to me and I shall abide in you.
“My peace I leave with you,
“This is Christ Michael.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3838
Urantia, May 4, 2012.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Divine Justice.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Be assured that I know how hesitant you are to even start typing, as this new subject frightens you somewhat. The reason for this is that you were raised in the belief of the wrath of God, and that God was a stern judge. These are puerile emotions which only humans indulge in. How wrong those teachings!
“Still it remains in those records of old. You recall how you had difficulty in believing all those legends you were spoon-fed. Remember how many stories in the bible made as little sense to you as to many others. Therefore, the time has come to shine a new light upon justice, specifically Divine Justice, so that honest and sincere souls may feel at ease about the 'coming judgment', rather than living in fear, and like the olden seer John the Baptist expressed it, ‘flee from the wrath to come’.
“Being well versed in the bible and now with the enlarged revelation of your text, the Urantia Book, it will become a lot easier for you to understand how Divine Justice operates, as all mortals are their own judge and jury, needing to forgive themselves and others, as God automatically forgives those who forgive all.
“Your studies will allow you to acquire a better understanding of how Divine Justice operates in the time-space creations. It is on all the peopled planets of space where such lessons are learned. Lessons create understanding and understanding leads to wisdom. Life is therefore precious and the lessons are chosen by the mortals themselves, whether they are conscious of their own choices or not. Irrespective, life is, it flows, and progresses, regardless of the choices you make.
“Sooner, more often later, the dawning comes that, yes, perhaps you could have made better choices, or behaved more appropriately, or not have acted impulsively, or said something thoughtlessly, which may have caused misery for self and or others, and such performance would hardly be seen as doing the will of God, but consider this…
“You will see now, dear one, how important that one prayer is: ‘Not my will be done but yours’. This is Divine Justice in its purest form. By doing His will, you will become more conscious of the fact that God does not judge at all, he only forgives. This is true justice, as everything is based on love. Even the universes with all the myriad planets are created from nothing but love.
“Such is the extent of Divine Justice that He allows each mortal to make up his or her own mind about how they will conduct themselves throughout their precious lives. Eventually they will see it God’s way and adhere to that one commandment to become perfect even as God is perfect. Such is the love of God that He patiently waits, allowing each child to return their love back to Him.
“The eternal truth remains that when you decide to do, and abide by, God’s will, which is the way with the most love in it, you will be in the flow of pure creation and be living by Divine Justice.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Unknown Teacher
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3919
Alabama, US of A, November 12, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “You Will Be a Perfect Creature.”
Received by Oscar.
Teacher: “Perfection is knowing right from wrong. Those beings created perfect do not stumble in sin or error, because they simply know what is best for them in an innate manner. Regardless of how attractive sin may appear, they can’t be deceived because they know. Besides, the many circumstances mortals must face – the so called ‘pleasures of the flesh’ – are not an issue for those who live in higher realms.
“It is possible, however, for any of these perfect creatures to choose evil, since they also exercise free will, but they would always clearly know the consequences of their actions. Such is life for those created perfect; they know with certainty the will of the Father and the workings of the universe.
“Perfection is also the destiny of mortal beings if they choose to follow the guidance of their Divine Spark. However, mortals have and advantage – evolutionary experience. The personalities that are forged in the struggle of time have no parallel in the universe. Great attributes of courage, loyalty and faith are required to achieve the goal of perfection from such humble origins. Once you have reached this level, you will have been tested in every way, and you will have been victorious in all the challenges.
“Today, while you believe without seeing, while you walk trusting that the invisible Father is holding your hand; while you suffer trying to harmonize the things of this world with your spiritual reality; while you aspire to truth, beauty and goodness, and while each day you face error and sin; remember that the Father has created you so you can become like Him. Through your long preparation during eternity you will become a perfect creature, in the likeness of God, who at the same time can understand the errors and tribulations of those following behind, as you provide a more-than-adequate service to those future souls that will still be searching for the Father.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3521
Michigan, US of A, March 18, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Want for Others.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is about wanting for others what you want for yourself. In this way we can truly be happy in what we receive in spiritual gifts and success in life endeavors, for if we desire these things for all, and work toward that end, we can accept the blessings of life, believing that one day, all shall partake and experience the joy of knowing the Creator and living as happy children who are paradise bound with the eternal assurances of life everlasting.
“No longer shall you feel separate from the rest of humanity, yet should you feel constant compassion for those who still sleep under the illusion of materialism and blind logic. When you dream of a world in peace where all citizens know the Creator as their spiritual Father, pray for these lost ones that they would also see that day and awaken to the realities of sonship and eternal life in the universes. Pray for the enlightenment of all souls to know the joy of spiritual truths and values, the appreciation of beauty, and the goodness of sharing love with their brethren and the worship of their God.
“It is not enough to be content in your spiritual bliss when so many are on the road to oblivion. Those who enjoy and appreciate their advanced standing should do more to enlighten their fellows, for more is expected of you. What can you, students on the path, do to help? There are infinite ways -- use your gift of creativity to pour out your light on humanity. It is in the joy of giving and sharing that you find satisfaction and accomplishment in life. All can do something to make a better world and to make the day a little brighter than it was before.
“Bringing light to this world also means you, as torch bearers, should continue to progress and learn as much as you can so that you can be more effective teachers to those who are just starting out on their journey for truth and light. The more skillful and experienced the teacher, the greater the example and the more valuable he or she is to the student. A false teacher can do much damage and lead many astray where they may never find their way. Be true, be authentic, be courageous in all your ways as you teach and point the way, and most importantly, know the way yourself before showing others the path.
“Raising your own spiritual IQ will also raise the collective consciousness of humanity. Go therefore into the stillness and seek council with the Indwelling Spirit -- sit at the feet of deity and receive that portion of light that may be shared with all. Do this with not only the intention for your own spiritual growth, but that which you receive can be multiplied by sharing with the world.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4202
Urantia, April 13, 2012.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Anticipation.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “We once more set ourselves the task of conducting meaningful communication. First there is something that needs to be clearly understood. How do you anticipate the lesson will proceed? Are you merely hoping that you are up to this task, or do you already know that a worthwhile lesson will be forthcoming? Most importantly, will you be settling down in glad anticipation of our private get-together? (receiver: yes I will) Good, then we shall proceed.
It is always a great joy for the teacher when the pupil is looking forward to their communication, anticipating a strong and fluent connection to be established, so nothing negative can intrude into the human mind. It is necessary to keep negative thoughts at bay, since you know full well how your mercurial mind can go off on tangents before it even grasps what is to be conveyed.
“It is most important to give me your full attention so no word is missed, allotting the entire sentence the correct flavor and meaning. Here I explain that anticipation works best, and can be wonderfully elevating to the human spirit when it is used constructively with great optimism. Positive anticipation attracts the abundance of the universe, so free for the taking, like good health and happiness. It changes the demeanor of the individual who was ‘letting life go by’ to become actively engaged in her or his destiny, looking forward with glad anticipation to what each new day shall bring.
“Having a mind-set of glad anticipation on awakening is quite the reason for a most wonderful and joyous day, which makes everything more interesting for the individual. To be in such a state of thankful expectancy requires only a short prayer asking God what might be his will for the day. Ideally, this could become a heart/soul and mind involved prayer to place the individual in the groove of glad anticipation, as the will of God is nothing other than the experience of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of all of humankind. “Females are of course included and embraced equally as there is no such thing as gender in God’s eyes, only that all have an undying spirit-soul, which has been given to each individual for them to develop and be responsible for. So the will of God embraces simply the golden rule to do onto others as you would like to be treated. In other words God’s way is the way with the most love.
“Please ponder the word anticipation in a positive manner and allow all good things to come to you. It is a law of the universe that what you put out in intent, thoughts, words and deeds will come back a thousand-fold or greater. The thoughts that you sow come back with astounding accuracy without a doubt. So be careful how you walk though life and be mindful of your thoughts. Be of glad anticipation and life shall unfold in miraculous ways. Take this lesson to heart and practice glad anticipation and in this manner you increase the joy of living. It is in you to do so.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.