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- Written by: Christ Michael
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3899
Alabama, US of A, January 13, 2011.
Christ Michael.
Subject: “My Time on this Earth.”
Received by Oscar.
Christ Michael: “Each moment you attempt to 'listen' you take one more step forward on your spiritual path. When you make the intellectual decision to find the Father, you exercise your faith muscle and tune in more sharply to the frequencies from on high.
“How I wish that my children of this world could feel the peace I offer. Life in this world can be truly hard, and although mortals need to go through many trials before reaching perfection, so many of your difficulties are created by yourselves!
“My time on this earth was not a life without concerns or troubles. Many can view my life and decide that it was a hard life, a life of constant struggle, great conflicts and deep disillusion. In truth, I remember my days on this world as a happy and joyful time, because very early I learned to trust in my Celestial Father for all things and after putting my life into His hands, I was not overly concerned about the future, and the uncertainties of the unknown.
“I learned ‘being’ before ‘doing’. Progressive revelations by my Thought Adjuster about the nature of God made me focus my decisions and thoughts towards Him, thus my decisions, my actions and my words were a reflection of His divinity, even while I was in mortal form.
“My life was an illustration of living the will of God, but most important is the fact that I showed my universe that a mortal being can live such a life. Indeed, any of my children in this universe can, not just me.
“Discover the treasures hidden within your selves. Those who decide to explore God living within them will discover that nothing will be denied, and they learn to receive and accept everything that by rights belongs to them. You are children of God, so start to enjoy your birthright and its privileges. Finding God in your heart is the supreme experience of mortal life, and it is the entrance to the wonders of creation.
“It is on the mansion worlds where most mortals will fully comprehend the opportunities they lost by living a life focused only on the material. Open the gates of your heart and your mind to the Father. Let Him work for you, and observe how the universe will then be presented to you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.
Please visit: http://www.1111angels.net
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4009
Michigan, US of A, October 7, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Divinity in the Midst.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today will be to say to all of you, those who faithfully read these messages, that indeed there will be changes coming to Urantia in the coming months and years that will astound every living soul on this world. Until that time comes, I ask all of you to prepare your hearts and minds for the end of a dispensation and the beginning of a new age. This will be the parting of the ways for many as the last vestiges of rebellion will have been purged from this world and those who have cast their lot with the adversaries, will be justly dealt with.
“For you, dear friends, it will be a time of great celebration. It will be a time for all those faithful agondonters to rejoice as the age of Light and Life firmly rests in the cradle of the new dispensation. Many of you are skeptical, and rightly so, as many times before you have been let down by false prophets, the defection of your planetary prince, and the default of Adam and Eve. Many in the times when Christ Michael walked this earth as Jesus, the Son of Man, Son of God, were also skeptical and could not accept that God dwelled among them and therefore they missed out on the greatest opportunity of their lives – to experience divinity in the midst of the flesh, something most souls in the universe will have never experienced.
“Urantia, you are the jewel of the universe and once again you have the opportunity to witness divinity in the midst of the flesh, and so I admonish you to take your place at the front of the line and sing hosannas as divinity passes by. This time however, you will not do away with the anointed one; for he shall come in great glory – every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that He is Sovereign and comes in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.
“Search your own hearts for the validation of the coming age, for every living person on the planet, having the Indwelling Spirit of the Living God will feel the gravity of what is about to transpire on 606 of Satania, the planet named Urantia. As we draw closer to the end of the dispensation, the influence of the Spirit of Truth will grow stronger in those who believe and this will be your validation my friends.
“The redemption of your world is at hand.
“Peace to all,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Primary Midwayer Andrea
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3485
Illawarra District, Australia, October 6, 2012.
Primary Midwayer, Andrea.
Subject: “The Art of Listening.”
Received by George Barnard.
Andrea: “It is here on ‘terra firma’ where, irrespective of your beliefs in oneness with all others and nature, you continue to deal with life and its daily incidences as an individual in a world of individuals. For us Primary Midwayers, and our Secondary Midwayer brothers and sisters, there is a long-ago established viewpoint that, at our spiritual Root Source, we simply remain each other, but for the opportune creation of space and time, or time in space, to give us another reality to experience until we arrive in timeless eternity.
“The concept of unity, of oneness, of being each other and seeing the self as part of a single time-space organism, may seem far-fetched to you – intent on providing for the self and immediate dependents. And yet, in dealing with angelic and other celestial beings, the oneness model is natural to us, perhaps largely because there never was any of your pressing need to provide for physical well-being. In time, during your mansion world sojourn and beyond, there will be a gradual diminishing of fear of shortage of both sustenance and needs.
“Such concerns of worldly origin of having enough, doing enough, and even being enough, will gradually lessen, and the concept of unity will come to the fore and be seen as ever more important – the true ways and the norm of the celestial universe, which will progressively eradicate the ways of the beast – these things presently important for physical survival. Much can be done in your preparing yourselves in readiness for celestial life. Listening to others not just with brain and mind, but heart and soul is one artful way to progress.
“For some, it is known, the contemplation of the reality of time, triggered by the seeming impossibility of déjà vu experiences, can bring greater understanding of spiritual realities. For yet others, the natural ability, or purposeful practice of intentful listening will nourish a wisdom and an appreciation of the feelings, indeed, the very soul, of your brothers and sisters, leaving you with a valuable and positive legacy beyond this life. Beyond terrestrial life you will have greatly enhanced senses. The art of listening will ready you for these.
“It is often suggested, although rarely by me so far, that your earth lives are short, and that in these ‘few hours’ much can be achieved by faith and persistence to pay great dividends in your hereafters. This is Primary Midwayer Andrea, saying Adieu on behalf of all the platoon. You are precious to us.”
George: “Thank you Andrea.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3362
Alabama, US of A, January 12, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Credentials of Eternity.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “When you focus on spirituality, on your Father, you always receive what you need. The Father is always transmitting to His children everything they need to grow and to reach their eternal destiny, but if the child does not tune her frequency to the right channel she will not receive what she needs. The search for God, the desire to be better and to know more, are the ways in which you mentally tune yourself to receive these transmissions and then your soul begins to be nourished and grow. This could also be referred to as ‘connecting to the love circuits’ or ‘raising the vibration of the self.’
“The most wonderful thing of all this is that there is no place in creation where you can hide to not receive the transmissions of the Father. There is no being or method that could prevent a creature from having access to her Creator, when she searches for God. Even in the isolated worlds, as was your world some decades ago, all mortals enjoy the same opportunity to listen to God, as do other mortals in normal worlds. Of course, on the isolated and confused worlds this communication may be hindered, but these limitations are compensated for by universal compassion and divine wisdom, because in worlds such as yours, every inclination toward spirituality bears more weight than is the case on regular worlds.
“On a normal world the majority can establish celestial communication and have the advantage of being able to hear and see teachers at different levels without much difficulty. The mortals on these worlds are considered spiritual. However, a mortal on your world who simply sends a prayer asking for help to be better, to find God, or to help her peers, doing this blindly without knowing if she is being heard, just guided by a pinch of faith, is considered as spiritual as those on regular worlds who daily converse with their teachers in higher realms.
“There is justice in the universe. There are many who wish to have had the opportunity of growing up in a world such as yours, because their spiritual achievements would have been greater, even though the efforts and the struggles would have been more intense. What a great opportunity for the inhabitants of this world! Those of this world who grow spiritually are counted among the most trustworthy, experienced, wise and compassionate in the universe, and they are assigned the most important and delicate matters. Your struggles of today are your credentials of eternity that make you more useful laborers in the mission of making the will of the Father a reality in His creation.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972 .
Please visit: http://www.1111angels.net
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- Written by: Primary Midwayer Andrea
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3403
Chicago US of A, September 28, 2012.
Primary Midwayer Andrea.
Subject: “Real Values Show Through Love.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Andrea: “Human passions may be based on almost anything. One can be very enthusiastic about a wrong cause. Values, rather than philosophies, should inspire our actions and emotions, and philosophy should enlarge our understanding of values. It is impossible to fake real values, but the attempts to do so are widespread. Very often people misconceive Goodness as satisfaction, think of truth as anything logical or rational, and easily confuse beauty with good looks. Although only God possesses the ultimate expression of these supreme values, His creatures can show their effects in the experiential realm of time and space, if they so choose.
“Think for a moment, about the wholeness of these values; that is, how their motives, means and results – all – must be harmonious with their nature, so they can really be brought into effect. Our Master Jesus once said, ‘Good trees yield good fruits, bad trees yield bad fruits’. Wars can never bring goodness and real goodness would never produce wars. If you want be good to others, it must start with your heart. A selfish motive will spoil any good that might result, at least for you. That is why the revolution that will herald the Brotherhood of Man on Urantia has started with the preaching of the kingdom of God within of the human hearts, not by means of powerful weapons of destruction, but by means of love.
“Also consider the fellowship these values inspire. Truth is never a possession of one, but a gift to many; each of us envisioning a part of it, so it may grow in understanding, and its benefits be enjoyed by all lovers of true values. Humbly hold your certainties; aware that humans are prone to err and incapable of apprehending all Truth. The most sacred religious dogma is not worth the shedding of a drop of blood of the worst ‘enemy’ of God, for the simple reason that no one is ever an enemy to God, the Father of us all. Truth is not something to prove by any means, but a value to share by means of love.
“Finally, ponder how Beauty, more than a simple pleasure for the eyes, is a delicacy for the soul. The real nature of beauty is spiritual, rather than physical. A pretty face may hide an evil heart, but a beautiful soul will not go unnoticed even in the most disfigured countenance. Listen to the old song: ‘How beautiful it is when the brethren live in harmony!’ – that is the beauty of peace among human beings, which one day will make our beautiful Urantia to be inhabited by wonderful human beings, adorned by their beauty within, which is, love.
“Therefore, my friend, real values show through real love. Love authenticates goodness, illuminates truth and ennobles beauty. You cannot go wrong when you really love others from within, from your Spirit Within who profusely sheds love on your soul, if you so will. I am Andrea, your new friend. Peace and love to all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.