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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3118
Michigan, US of A, September 30, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Personality and Loving the Self.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is about personality and loving the self. Loving the self is the one most important first step toward conditioning the mind for the development of a healthy and joy filled spiritual life that is rich in mercy, forgiveness, and unconditional love for others. I’m not speaking about egotistical self-love, but the recognition of the self as a worthy soul in the eyes of the Creator – one that is loved and valued as an important part of the Whole and one upon whom God has bestowed a unique aspect of personality that exists nowhere else in the grand universe. God is no respecter of persons, and so no other is more important to Him than any other – all are equally loved and valued, each having been given a fragment of the this Creator Father to live in the mind as the Supreme Guide and Divine Pilot that can secure your place in eternity and bring you to godlike perfection.
“The First Source and Center, the Creator Father, knows you and loves you, for He especially created (designed) and bestowed this absolute unique aspect of personality to you as a gift of absolute love, especially for you, that you may live, and move, and have your being, and share with the Creator those unique experiences that only you and your unique personality can have in the creation. Think about that for a moment – how truly important you are to God?
“There is no other person on your world or in the universe who can diminish this Father/child relationship or your value to the Creator Father. There is no king, celebrity, head of state, man or woman that is more important to the Creator than you are. Now, knowing this, and also knowing that all beings living on the time space worlds were created imperfect by design, so they may learn, grow, and progress toward perfection through experience, all must learn to recognize the potential that each one possesses as well as to have tolerance for these same imperfections in others that are to be overcome in the ascension as you become more and more like God—this is a true reality.
“If you feel you have an imbalance of imperfections and have developed negative qualities of personality because of social conditions, family positions, life hardships, and other factors that have brought you to a feeling of unworthiness, then my friend, you must begin to clear away those negative qualities and replace them with positive qualities. Recognizing and becoming aware of these negative qualities is the first step to real progress forward – you are on the road to healing and shedding the chains that bind you and prevent you from seeing the true personality that God sees when He looks at His child in finality.
“I want you to imagine, for a moment, if you could separate and remove all the negative qualities you have gathered to yourself, what would your personality look like and feel like? What is left is the embryo of your true personality – the potential, the diamond in the rough, the emerging soul! Yes, this is the key my friends, to see this emerging soul – the true personality, free of negative qualities, and begin to feed and nurture it and make it healthy so you can answer the call of the Creator to be perfect as He is perfect. You are so dearly loved, and so you must learn to love what God has given you – life, unique personality, and an eternal soul to love and nurture. See it, feel it, and become it!
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3708
Illawarra District, Australia, October 1, 2012.
Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Free Will and the Undiscerning.”
Received by George Barnard.
Chief Bzutu: “What is it like for an Archangel to be productive, to do what is right? What is it like for a Melchizedek for all of his eternal life to serve the Creator and by the very capacity of his mind change the future of a planet from projected abysmal to an assuredly superb? And now I ask you, personally, what is it like for a human being to be a Samaritan, to always consider his or her brothers and sisters before the self, to honor the Master, and the Father to All? An answer of ‘Universe Credits’ would not quite be what I am looking for.
“The local universe is blessed with hundreds of thousands of Archangels, and in time you will have much to do with them. They will be your heavenly Teachers, Advisors, Carers and Organizers. They are endowed with all the right character traits that are still ‘in the making’ with you. You will find them to have patience, a great deal of understanding of the human condition you will still need to shed on Mansonia like a worn-out coat. Also, like the majority of time-space creatures, humans included, they are endowed with free will.
“Think now about how they can apply their free will in a highly ordered universe, other than to decide to do precisely what must be done, as it always was done, and likely forever will be done. See now where love, patience and understanding plays an important role in their lives? Consider now the Melchizedeks. They are the taskmasters that can make the universes’ hard decisions, and in all instances, barring perhaps one in a million, they act according to their research, or memories So what of their free will?
“Follow me now as I impress upon you that they both, Archangels and Melchizedeks, are astute, sensitive, perceptive. Personally, I prefer the term discerning – being in the knowledge that there is no greater pleasure in life than to serve Michael and do the Father’s Will. And much as they all are endowed with free will, there is scant use for it other than to fully turn it over to the Father, no regret. You see, their exalted status simply demands that they function as intended. Such great minds cannot be flawed as to make them shirk their tasks.
“Now consider the human condition compared to these illustrious ones, which, when one reflects on this, are the Samaritans of the celestial worlds. What great joy there will be in higher spheres when you early on wake up to the clarion call of the eternal One, and gather in your undiscerning human mind that the attractive future reward to be yours will be one of dedication to the welfare of others, yes, that of a true Samaritan on High, greatly practiced at the task whilst still on confused, spiritually backward Urantia.
“This is ABC-22 signing off. Later, my friend.”
George: “And what reward the Midwayers, rather thrown off the deep end on this world!”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972
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- Written by: Onamonolonton
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3334
Illawarra District, Australia, September 26, 2012.
Subject: “The Rewards of Being an Essential” (part transmit only).
Received by George Barnard.
George: “We greet you. Would that I become half as reliable as you are … And no, since they are my oldest Celestial Friends, the Midwayers always will come first.”
Onamonolonton: “Rightfully so, my dear friend. The strong bond we have with those of our earthly sojourn always remains strong, and it becomes stronger the further we proceed in our Paradise quest, the more we ‘dislodge’ our lower tendencies, and the deeper we feel and pass on to others the indescribable love of the Creator. This is Onamonolonton, a Celestial Advisor, let us say, well acquainted with the sea-faring Andite, Ionah, and the great work he and his crews wrought in the Americas together with your (1,111) friends.
“It is so very easy for me to look back upon my mortal life on our planet Urantia, much harder for you to look forward and perceive what is to come. Although I led a busy, almost intense and at times extreme life, I would later become aware of missed opportunities, when a few thoughtful words would have provided a ‘bonus addition’ to my ever greater circle of friends. Such is the art of being an essential in your family, in your work group, in your community and in your nation. Such short lives you lead. Do make the best of it.
“Consider now, are you a human essential? I was, almost exclusively focussed on reminding my people of the wisdom and generosity of the Great Spirit. I was His far-traveled emissary to the splintered nations and tribes, yes long ago, but even today it can be pointed out to me that good does still come, even now, from the efforts then extended by me. That is my reward; nothing else is required but this feeling of gratitude to have been allowed to serve the Creator of the tiny pebble in His mightiest river, the smallest flower in His endless forest.
“I lived for my people, it was my way, urged on by the Fragment of the Great Spirit that indwelt me, but never in my spirit visions did I perceive the wonderful rewards that awaited me on High. You too, all of you, can awaken yourselves to become ‘an essential’ in the lives of others, become the turning point for others, even one single individual to be the focus of your thoughtful words at some important, vital moment in his or her life for the positive repercussions to reverberate through all eternity. This will be your reward – the greatest prize.
“Difficult times are at the horizon once again on our blighted planet. Be an essential for those in need, and you shall look back with deserved pride.”
George: “Thanks to all involved in passing on this message.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.
Please visit: http://www.1111angels.net
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3400
Urantia, September 22, 2012. (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson in Understanding.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Although we have earlier touched upon the subject of understanding, yet it is useful to take it a little further, as each day you glean more knowledge, especially on days which are more difficult than others. Sometimes understanding comes when an insight flashes across the screen of your mind. Most often you learn to understand by listening to people from different walks and backgrounds of life. To truly understand another person it is best to first listen to them and to then understand them so you cannot help but love them. In this manner greater harmony will be achieved, but it also gives you an enlarged view of humanity. This, as you find that despite all outward differences, you still share your humanness and usually the same concerns, cares and aspirations.
“When greater understanding dawns, you also become more tolerant of each other and this is the direction in which I desire for you to progress. All of you cannot possibly think alike, and this is not required. However, it is essential that with each new day you acquire a greater tolerance for each other, and this can only be had with open dialog. Dialog does not need to be quarrelsome, as long as you realize that others have just as much right to their opinions as do you to yours. You can always strive for the middle ground where each meets the other half way and by giving the other the benefit of doubt. Allow each to speak his or her mind, and whilst you don’t necessarily need to agree, agree with respect to disagree, and then look for ways to understand each other better.
“Especially is this true when conversing with someone from another country who uses expressions you are not familiar with and might have a difficult time expressing his or her inner-most feelings. In that area you can be of great assistance because in a conversation it should not only be the intellect that is involved in the conversation, but also the heart. Feelings can play a great roll in conversations and here it is where understanding can also get blurred. This then also brings patience into play. With patience and tolerance coupled with a loving attitude, one can come far in understanding another person. Needless to say, a mature outlook plays an important roll, but this is how you develop and learn to gain a greater understanding.
“It is of course understood in all this that you have reached a certain measure of understanding of the self. With a greater insight into your foibles and mistakes you learned from, you will be better able to understand and help others in their personal growth. No human is an island onto the self. One needs others to ‘shape and polish’ for each other’s highest good and progress. It is most difficult to do this as an isolated individual. Sooner or later, circumstances present themselves which bring you into a deeper contact with yourselves as you have another to mirror against. Partnerships provide the greatest opportunity for learning, understanding, tolerance, and ultimate true love and appreciation for the other, which can withstand the storms of life.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our Spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.
Please visit: http://www.1111angels.net
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3715
Alabama, Us of A, January 12, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “A Few Moments Each Day”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The source of everything you need and all that is resides within you. The external conditions and the physical appearances are not important. The most important thing, what requires most of your attention and focus is the way in which you move closer to God within yourself.
“This true should bring a great freedom to the human heart. How may today are struggling to achieve temporal and useless goals? How many unnecessary loads rest over the shoulders of so many who yet don't understand why are they living for or where are they going? The best thing you can do for yourselves, your brothers and sisters, and the entire universe is to try to discover the Father in your heart and establish a relationship with Him. This is the main thing and everything else will come to you.
“Your decisions are what brings spiritual illumination. It is in those frequent moments during your day when you must choose between the material and the spiritual where you choose your final destination. Sometimes you may have to choose the material since you are forced to serve two masters, but you should dedicate sometime often to the tasks of eternal value, because it is through them that you real life will begin, as you start to become what you have been destined to be.
“Human beings in this world cannot aspire to live a life entirely spiritual. They should always have to do something to satisfy their material needs, regardless of how advanced your civilization becomes. However, developing a more spiritual life requires only a few moments each day of taking some time to remember your purpose.
“Do what you need to do to survive in the world, but do not loose sight of your eternal goal. This is the first lesson of your long eternal career: learning to live a life doing our Father's will wherever you are, regardless of your conditions and your environment. A creature who has learned this lesson and lives thus will be trustworthy to the personalities of the universe and will have triumphed over sin – the intentional error – becoming a true child of God.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.