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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 817
Michigan, US of A, October 27, 2013.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Perplexing Moral Dilemma.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today we would like to talk about decision making and how to ask for guidance at those times in your life when difficult decisions must be made to move you through some perplexing moral dilemma. It is not always clear to know what the Will of God is in all the complex situations that you may find yourself in, and so it takes time and dialog in prayer with your Heavenly Father to sort it all out. Be assured that there are councils on high that can and do work with you to point you in the direction that will bring about the greatest good for all in the situation you find yourself in. Be therefore patient and make your decision in the subtle discovery of those influences of peace that present themselves to you.
“Understand that not all decisions will appear to work in your favor in the short term, yet be willing to allow the providence of God to move in your life where it shall bring forth a greater benefit to your soul and to all those involved. It is better to wait and pray than to make a decision in haste.
“In those rare instances where you have stood in the shoes of both sides of an issue and you find no clear path, having applied all the experience and wisdom in your being, we suggest that you bring your case to the Father and ask that a High Council be assigned to deliberate on the issue at hand. If you choose this method of judicial summary, you must then bring before the council the facts of the matter and present them in a non-biased way, skewing it not to your emotional desires or prejudices, but be willing to reveal every detail no matter how difficult it is to look at. Start from the very beginning of the matter and walk through the entire history that led up to the impasse and include any relevant prehistory that may have influence on the case. Represent both sides with integrity and honesty and then state your intention for the outcome of the decision.
“Having stated your case, go in peace and wait for the opinion of the High Council to be made manifest in your life. The answer may come in a form you are not expecting, and in some cases the situation may change where you see a clear path and where you can be decisive and act with peace and integrity. Be ever mindful that these difficulties you face are put in your path as a way for you to overcome something that is preventing you from growing or as a way to demonstrate leadership and to show readiness in preparation for greater responsibilities.
“Go in peace and have faith in the divine process. The Father’s love is abundant and His justice is merciful and unerring. Those who bring their cares to Him shall find the peace that surpasses all understanding. Go now into your room and close the door – open the chambers of your heart and he shall abide therein.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 826
Alabama, US of A, January 23, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Their Own Path.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “For many, their beliefs and their religious truths are an investment of time and effort they have made to build the mental framework of reality that allows them to function in this world. Many of these beliefs represent the highest and most serious desires and motivations of their lives. Anything that acts as an attack to this mental edifice is commonly not tolerated with patience because it is perceived as an effort to tear down their personal reality, something that would leave a person lost and confused.
Human beings are free to build themselves and this includes their vision of reality. This vision is not static and it is progressively illuminated by new revelations of truth, that become possible when a person is willing to learn and sincerely searches for answers. With time and experience, each one will understand that their conception of reality is subject to change and adjustments during their lives. This teaches mortals to keep a certain degree of flexibility in their beliefs and to develop their capacity to adjust to new situations.
When you attempt to enlighten the souls of those you meet along your path you should determine first if they are seeking what you offer and the degree in which they are willing to consider new visions of reality. In other words, this is identifying the sincere seekers, those who show interest in learning and carry within the desire to be better. You will be able to know them because of the way they treat their peers, their questions, and their comments.
Do not rob those who come to you with questions, doubts, or the implicit desire to satisfy the thirst in their souls, the opportunity to discover the truth in their experience. Tell them where the real teacher is – the presence of God in the human soul who coordinates all spiritual influences – and let them walk their own path of self-discovery and auto realization.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 826
Urantia, July 08, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Unconditional Love.”
Message Received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “It has been mentioned that the will of God is the way with the most love in it. This saying needs close scrutiny to be understood, because it contains the greatest truth.
Think about how the eternal Creator, the Architect of unconditional love, has thought everything into existence – all the universes upon universes in the great unfathomable eternal past. A little human like you simply cannot comprehend this, as the human brain does not have the capacity for that enormity.
However, you do have the capacity to learn to love unconditionally, because that is how you create peace and joy in your life. These are soul attributes and the more you share unconditional love, the greater the capacity grows to receive, because the universe abhors a vacuum, the energy lines are constantly seeking voids to fill.
What is unconditional love, do you think? Unconditional love is first and foremost that which is given without a thought of getting anything in return. Love places no conditions upon anything: it just gives. As well, a heart, conditioned to give love to others, has learned to love and appreciate itself.
Here is where the golden rule comes in: ‘Do unto others, in the manner you would like to be treated.’ All major religions contain this rule because the prophets and seers of old knew the importance of the command to love one another and to not place conditions on this love, as conditions are endless.
Do see the practicality in the command? The material world has made this seem impractical. However, the real inner world is where true life happens and where the victories over the lower creature self are won, so the higher self can begin to flourish and progress, readying itself for the next stage of existence.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 812
Oregon, USA, June 30, 2021.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “From the Age of Reason to the Age of Wisdom”.
Message received by Anyas.
“When reason once recognizes right and wrong, it exhibits wisdom; when wisdom chooses between right and wrong, truth and error, it demonstrates spirit leading.” [UB, 103:9.10]
Thought Adjuster: “Wise, indeed, are those who can discern between right and wrong and make better-informed decisions. They self-qualify for a bright eternal future where their souls will become replete with cosmic wisdom, and the Father takes them under his wings since he invests his life force wisely to harvest dividends in soul currency.
Individually, yours is to develop the starter kit that grants you chronological access to the enlightened input of each Adjuvant Mind Spirits: Intuition, Understanding, Knowledge, Courage, Counsel, Worship, and Wisdom.
You reach a turning point when you side with what is right and act accordingly. One once deemed that children reached the age of reason around seven years. It now occurs sooner.
When My entrusted human charge makes his first moral decision, it is My cue to become a hands-on parent, settling in his young mind to guide him from within as he simultaneously nears the age of personal responsibility.
The capacity to reason soundly determines the ability to respond to tricky predicaments — the ‘response-ability.’ Each mastered pop-up test raises the ceiling of your spiritual education.
You acquire experiential wisdom over time. The wiser you get, the more respectful you become toward your Creator, which prompts you to break into spontaneous worship — the grateful impulses of your soul.
Be patient. Each step is foundational for your spiritual development. Wisdom is the sixth induction toward your Godlikeness, taking you down on your knees in praises and thanksgiving.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 832
Chicago, US of A, March 21, 2015.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Commonalities among Religions.”
Message received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “What divides human beings are their differences. What unites them are their commonalities. The different religions on Urantia will remain in conflict with each other while you focus on their differences, rather than on their commonalities. What you have in common with others will make you focus on what is basic, essential or primordial. The differences are construed upon what is secondary, derivative and superfluous. The interchange of knowledge and spiritual aspects from the different religions should bring mutual improvement to every religion, acknowledging and incorporating the advanced features of each. However, it is necessary to recognize these basic commonalities:
“Faith. Spiritual faith is religious. It is an expression of human capacity for believing. When a human being gives credit to what others say, a kind of faith, aided by intelligence and discernment, is functioning. Religious faith is believing in the supernatural, which is beyond the reach of the senses, but which can be grasped by intuition. Religious faith is innate in all normal individuals. However, it is strictly personal, non-transferable and non-provable. Your mind and soul believe in spiritual values, but as personal beings you find these high spiritual values primarily in Deity, which we call God, our Creator and Father.
“Prayer. Prayer is communication. Before you pray to a Deity, you have to pray by yourself in your thoughts, then for your parents and for others. Praying to Deity is a natural consequence of believing in Deity. All religions include prayers in their practices. A religion without prayer, is a religion without a soul. Prayer is religious-spiritual therapy in which you worship, ask, confess and intercede in believing God is listening to your words — even the muted ones coming from your inner soul. Prayer does not change the will of God, but can help you know, understand and do the will of God.
“Community. Community is the expression of commonality. Every religion establishes and values community life, in which every member receives instruction, encouragement and help. Community life is the life of a religion, producing togetherness, mutual faith reinforcement and love for one another. Community life should be improved by every religion and by believers regarding all human beings to be brothers and sisters. Believers may differ in details of what they believe, but all express faith in the supernatural, pray to Deity, and once these differences are respected, real communion can be cultivated. The human race is, in effect, one big family with just one Father, Whom you call God.
So, my pupil, be open to that which is good, truthful and beautiful in any religion. Religious labels bring prejudice and obstacles to peace and love among the human race. Religions should unite peoples worldwide around the One Father, not divide them with dogmas and prejudices. Jesus, your Master, didn’t despise the religion of His days; He valued the best it had. He interpreted their scriptures for spiritual benefit of all, not only for Jews. And He expanded their concept of God to reveal the lovely Father of All that God really is.
“I am Prolotheos, your Tutor and Teacher on High. Peace to all.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.