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- Written by: Magisterial Son Monjoronson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 1104
Mattawan, Michigan US of A, November 28, 2022.
Teacher: Magisterial Son, Monjoronson.
Subject: “What Will You Remember?”
Message received by Vicki Vanderheyden.
Monjoronson: “Greetings to you. As we enter a season of remembrance, the season in which you celebrate the arrival of your Divine Creator, Michael, as Jesus of Nazareth on Urantia, let us set the stage for more healing and renewal to take place.
“By now, most of you have been touched by the upheaval of this transitional period enough so that you know that something of an unusual nature is occurring on your planet. And yet, as you observe an increasing number of events causing geophysical and social chaos, there are still as many, if not more, moments of light emerging. It is a dichotomy of opposites is it not?
“And so, you ask yourself, “Where do I stand in this mix?’ Are your thoughts dominated by the stress of continual challenge? Or, no matter how grim your life has been, can you still feel gratitude for what you have been given, for the abundance and beauty that is also occurring around you?
“How does one navigate these difficult times and maintain within them the vestiges of love, of hope, of faith and light? This is indeed the struggle that we see many of you engaged in. So let me offer some words of advice.
“You have entered into a life on Urantia for a purpose. The experiences this life provides are tremendously valuable since they lay a foundation for your future spiritual growth. So where should your focus be? I will ask you then, one more simple question…What do you wish to remember?
“What, in the way of memories do you wish to hold on to? What will be of most value to you during the early times of your ascendant career?
“Will it be the hours and days that you spent lamenting over your losses? Will it be the stark reminders of the indecencies, the cataclysmic disasters, the horror of human suffering brought on by the hands of others, that will serve you best? One could make a case for acknowledging these trials and tribulations. For indeed, we will not grow as much without the challenge of difficult times. And lessons will be learned that you will not wish to forget.”
“Life in the worlds of time and space is designed to accentuate the contrast between the light and dark for one learns best what light is when there is a contrast of darkness. But then, which do you wish to exist in, light or dark?
“Which do you wish to remember the most?
“Take a moment to project your thoughts into the future. What will you be doing just beyond your stay on this planet? I can confirm that you will be engaged in frequent episodes of life review that reflect just how you lived your life on Urantia. These memories of your earth life will guide you throughout your early morontial career. And what’s more, they will be represented by your thought patterns and actions that occurred in your ‘present’ state of mind at that time, in the state of ‘now’. So, if you spend your hours in the present lamenting over the past and ruminating over what you lack now, that is what you will remember. And how well will that serve you?
“We recommend that you not put your head in the sand and deny the dark events that surround you, but instead assume the stance of the observer providing yourself distance from the darker realities. In this way you shield yourself from the crippling trauma of fear that can result. Focus your eyes instead on the light that filters through all of these events. For it is in that light where you will develop a state of hope, where you will find viable solutions and where you may then initiate positive action. It is in that light where your faith will grow and you will experience peace of mind. It is in that light, where you will find the truth, sense the beauty and reflect the goodness that also exists.
“My dear friends, pray for those who are infirmed and suffering. Act when you can to ease their load. Allow yourself time to adjust to the unpleasant aspects of your current existence. And then, be kind to yourself and others by balancing your life with a conscious effort to see the good, the light, the true and the beautiful. Do not fall into a state of despair that dominates the present condition of your thoughts and actions. Rise up and absorb your share of happiness and light. Then your present state of mind will contribute to the healing aspects of renewal. And these will be the memories that will follow you and feed you wherever you land beyond this world.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I tell you clearly and plainly that no darkness can withstand
the focus of the Father’s light. – Monjoronson.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 954
Alabama, US of A, February 6, 2012.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Human Expectations.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Human expectations are the cause of the communication problems between the Father and His children. All those legends about voices sounding like thunder from the sky and bright flashes of light have made a big impression on your minds. So much so that a simple internal and personal dialog with your Creator seems ‘insufficient’ and it is discarded because it does not come framed in special effects.
“The reality is that every day your Father communicates with each and every one of you. Sometimes His words even reach you with complete clarity, more clearly than the words of those with whom you talk every day. And yet you find excuses to discard this divine inspiration you receive, because you believe this is not possible and because you believe you are not worthy.
“This is the beginning of a new era in which human beings will strive to reach their position in the universe. This is the time in which the idea of God as a Father will stop being a beautiful theory to become an every day reality, because it is so. Your Father is the person who is nearest to each one of you. Your relationship with Him is personal and individual.
“Another idea you should leave behind is that our Father chooses a few to become His spokespersons. The words of our Father have been distributed among humanity since the beginning by writers, artists, philosophers and scientists. However, these words can also reach every human being through the help of those around him or her.
“Human beings in this world determine their importance according to what they do in the world and based on the way they imagine how others consider them. You can’t conceive your real importance and even those dominated by the wildest illusions of their ego have failed to grasp their real worth, which is well beyond what they have imagined. Similarly, it is hard for you to consider that all have an immense value. It is hard for you to comprehend a universe where everyone is important and there are no real hierarchies. Of course, there are different tasks based on the abilities and interests of each individual, but you are like the colors of the rainbow, each one unique but necessary to make up the totality of light.
“This is why Michael, during His time in your world, developed the highest form of humanism ever displayed in this planet. Michael was sure of His own importance because He knew with all His being that God was His Father. Michael also understood the importance of each and everyone of His mortal brothers and sisters. Thus He endeavored to do the best for them, because each human is a project of glory, truth, beauty and goodness in development. Michael dedicated His life to His siblings because He knew that among all the things in this world human beings — and their immortal souls — are most important and most valuable.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 936
Urantia, June 19, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Mindfully in The Present.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “For a moment let us ponder what it would be like to have a patient and loving heart, as there are several attributes belonging to it.
First and foremost, having a loving and patient heart requires a conscious decision to be made by all, because this is not something that is automatically bestowed at birth, unless one is genetically pre-disposed thereto.
Once that conscious decision is made, the hard work of self-discipline begins, for you to be tested and tried as you learn this most difficult lesson.
Mankind is usually bent towards impatience, and tempers can flare up unexpectedly.
These words you may ponder, and flesh out in your mind. For you to be consciously patient and loving, requires for you to live in present-centered awareness, lest you 'slide down the slope' of impatience.
These present times with all the hastiness and stress to rush about, are not conducive to the development of patience, and indeed give rise to much impatience.
The best start to any new day is to allow yourself the gift of first coming to Me in the Silence, to imbibe of My rest and peace. Let it saturate your very DNA. This will benefit your nervous system.
The more often you do this, the more beneficial the practice becomes. I know that at first it will take a lot of self-discipline, but I tell you that the benefits are enormous, even though they may not instantly be apparent.
Your soul-rest will increase, your peace of mind will improve, and therefore your thinking will become more peaceful with greater clarity, and the body will feel less stress. In this state, true learning and character building can take place for important matters, like your desire for a patient and loving heart.
So, live mindfully in the present, and the desire of your heart shall be fulfilled.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 899
Oregon, USA, June 16, 2021.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “A Can or Its Opener?”
Message received by Anyas
Thought Adjuster: “An object is useless unless you have not identified its purpose. If you came across a can opener without having ever seen a can, it would puzzle you. Who devised such a bizarre artifact? It will remain an enigma to you until the solution presents itself in the form of a tightly sealed metal can. As you struggle to pry it open, the purpose of the previously perplexing apparatus will dawn on you.
Your inquisitive mind is the driving force toward enlightenment. Legitimate inquiries help you make sense of the constituents of your human experience.
You are awed by the complex engineering of your body. Like a Swiss army knife, each one of its components was devised to perform a particular task. Your feet stabilize you and allow your legs to take you places. Your hands perform all types of dexterous functions. Your eyes are inbuilt cameras that record the outer world while simultaneously providing insights into the souls of your fellowmen and their emotional states. Your ears are sound decoders and amplifiers. One could spend countless hours deciphering the multi-purposes of your being, while only scraping the surface.
How fascinating your life will become if you remain engaged in a quest for higher understanding! To live optimally, your top priority should be to find your divinely ordained place in the greater scheme of things. What did the Father envision when he conceived you? A can or its opener?”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: Teacher I AM
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 944
Asheville, NC, US of A, November 22, 2015.
Teacher: I AM.
Subject: “My Plans for You are Far Reaching.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
I AM: “Dear Child, there are many things under heaven and earth that you do not understand and that you are not expected to understand in your current life in the flesh, yet you and others are sometimes affected by the inner workings of universe mechanics and realities unseen by you. Because you are sensitive to these veiled realities, your human experiences would seem strange and fantastic to most that walk through life unaware. Even those who know you and have supported you and your spiritual journey cannot truly understand the wholly personal path you walk with Me. You are trying to attach human meanings and connect historical references to morontial realities, which most on your world have no capacity to understand, nor is there any equitable human reference to such things. It may be your own ‘misunderstanding’ of these things that keeps you from seeing the larger picture because you may not move beyond what you cannot now understand. Let go of all your preconceptions and keep your focus on Me. I will lead you to a more suitable understanding of these new realities which I have allowed for your growth.
“Your walk with me will blossom as you draw nearer to my still small voice and trust that I have your highest and greatest good in mutual interest. I AM you — the real you, and only time and unrealized potential can allow for an experiential development that is truly unique which is unfolding according to my idea for your life. Your life experience is unlike any other and you are not required to make it ‘fit’ into the template created by science or the religions of your world. My plans for you are far reaching and every new and confusing element of your journey is known to me, for I have ‘orchestrated’ these introductions and similes that they may form a greater opus in the personal revelations to come whether here or hereafter. My work with you is not bound to the time and day of your earth life, for there are epics in the greater universe that you are to attend and for which I shall prepare you.
“You, my child, are entering a new phase of your life in which I require more of your attention so that I can teach you those things that no man can teach. Trust and faith are paramount in our paradoxical relationship — one where you are so close in spirit, yet so far in development. Every minute of your undivided attention with Me creates reverberations throughout time as you become the exquisite creature I have foreseen in the eternal moment. The line between who you think you are and who I AM will eventually vanish and all that is within Me will be realized within you. This is something you cannot conceive of now, and this is why I prepare you — this is why you wonder and dream — this is why you stumble over these new and fantastic experiences you cannot understand with your immature mind.
“All these ‘unknowns’ have purpose and so it is for you to empty your cup of worldly understandings to perceive and embrace the realities of my eternal purposes with new eyes and new determination.
“I AM that you are.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.