Urantia, October 24, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Be This Light Beam.”

Message received by Lytske.

The Beloved: “In your darkest hour remember the Light. Let the memory of this Light stir your heart and soul to new growth. The memory of God’s Holy Light will grow stronger and stronger until it fills your entire being.

Be an active participant in this. The infinite God loves reciprocation of a soul. To Him, this is a sure sign that the soul is sufficiently awakened for further growth and receptivity, which was heretofore hidden in the deep recesses of the mind.

Life is always thus, the more you show yourself faithful in your willingness and dedication to understand, the more you shall be filled. Your prayer of desire to become more God-filled, and less of yourself, is a sign to Me that you are ready to be led deeper into the mysteries and wisdom of life eternal.

This is the result of desire for an active partnership, which has developed in you, and for which I have patiently waited.

Life’s earthly sorrows are fleeting as shadows in the night. Participate more in the light of the eternal morning, which suffuses all sorrow and grief, so they pass into nothingness, never to be recalled. Why soil your soul with bitter memories, when you can sip from the nectar of Heaven?

This taste for the nectar of Heaven will become stronger in you as you develop a spiritual fragrance about you, which will attract others, as bees are attracted to the fragrance of certain flowers, and so the pollination will start another cycle of fruitfulness.

Let your light so shine as to help Me light up this world, much darkened by sin and sorrow. Be this light-beam the Almighty has bestowed upon you. It is never ending and becoming stronger the more you remember to walk in His Light.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
