Alabama, US of A, June 30, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “God Awareness.”

Message received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “The God awareness of a human being always takes time to develop. You must know that the only thing you need to do is to direct your attention toward the Father to find Him, for He already dwells within you. This generation is far too distracted by overly demanding jobs, the pursuit of goals that do not bring true happiness, and an endless array of gadgets and forms of entertainment. All of this has left very little time for reflection and contemplation.

Just a few minutes alone, focusing your attention on the higher realms of your mind—where the spirit works—is all that every human being needs to find direction and channel their efforts toward goals of eternal value. This is a subtle effort of the human will that is always met by the Father through the Adjuster. Any sincere effort by man to draw closer to God is more than reciprocated by the Father in His effort to draw closer to man. All that is needed is an expression of human will—the longing to find God.

After practicing this approach consistently for a while, the soul awakens to the desire to be better, to become increasingly like the Father—what the Master referred to as hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness. This longing is evidence of man’s approach to God, for the human soul cannot desire something it does not know. It is only through the revelation of the Father’s nature in a person’s experience that the desire to emulate His attributes becomes present.

If at any point you have felt the desire to transcend what you currently are to become something much better, if you have harbored within yourself the longing to express to others and yourself a higher and more beautiful version of your being—a vision of yourself that you can barely perceive—this is a sign that your soul is responding to the call of the ages and that within you, the Father has planted the seed of truth. Through your care and effort, this seed will grow into the fruits of the spirit, transforming you into what the Father intended to manifest through your existence.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.