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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3178
Alabama, US of A, July 14, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Changing Your Reality.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “You have been created for a reason, a purpose, to be the expression of an original idea in the mind of the Father. You have been created to be like God, to be his beloved children. If He can change reality at will, why wouldn’t His children have this ability? Your mistake is that sometimes you lower the idea of purpose to your self-limiting mortal level. Purpose is not what you do in life; it is not the situation in which you find yourself. Are you willing to believe that your Father would create a person to suffer and always struggle in vain against poverty throughout life, in order to learn something? It would be like those parents who decide to be the tormentors of their own children with the pretext of creating in them a strong character. Would you make the childhood of your own children harder and more difficult than your own, just to force them to learn something? Do you think your Father would?
“The purpose of your life in this world has nothing to do with being rich or poor, famous or unknown, your house, the car you drive, the places you travel, or the work you do. If you can’t achieve your goals in this area, it is not relevant. If you do, it is not relevant either. Life is lived in the empty spaces, those where you don’t do, but simply be, in the relationships with your neighbors, in the quality of love that is expressed through your being. Everything else is unimportant. If you become a millionaire your spiritual life will not be affected – unless you allow it. If you renounce material goods and move to the jungle, your spiritual life will not be affected, again, unless you allow it.
“The highest achievement of a human being is to live life in harmony – the best possible life – while serving the two masters, the material and the spiritual. Work to live in the world and search within the answers that your soul needs. You are free to do anything you want to do with your life, because that is why your Father gave this life to you.
“Come to your Father when you need advice, even with financial, material, or what you may call ‘the mundane.’ Do you think that the Creator of all would claim incompetence in matters material? You will always be able to count on the Father’s guidance and support to achieve success in all your enterprises. Truly, if more among you would come to your Father before making decisions about your laws, your government, your diplomacy, things would be much better in this realm.
If you feel that you have not achieved your goals, it is wrong to say that such was ‘not the will of God’, for if your goals are worthwhile and you are not going against love, you will always have the Father’s approval and support. How many among you have achieved goals that lead only to destruction, confusion, and unrest, in just being motivated by your own material ambitions and short-sightedness? If they can achieve their goals, those with higher goals and hopes will certainly have the same opportunities. Most of the time, it is you who is the one to blame for not achieving those things you desire. The Father is not the one who imposes limits.
“Consider the athlete who begins to train for a certain sport. At the start the athlete is out of shape and has never before won a competition. That person has no reasons to believe he cannot achieve something worthwhile. There are millions of athletes who begin at this level, and have this way of thinking. Some who loose some competitions eventually quit. The ones who win some contests start to feel more confident. Once the athlete has won at higher levels his or her confidence grows. Those around that person will also start to trust more in the athlete’s talents. Perhaps a higher level trainer will come to help the athlete. Maybe a promoter will come to finance the athlete. Our athlete now has greater confidence and will start training with more intensity, competing and winning more events, and start to believe that maybe he or she will have the opportunity to win at the highest level. This is how the athlete finally reaches the highest levels in a particular sport.
“What is the difference between the world-class athlete and those who started at the same level but never achieved success? It was the degree of confidence each one possessed. Many lost their first competition and quit, because they concluded that they were not as good as the others. If they had won that first competition their story could have been different. They based all their success, and the achievement of their goals, on a completely random event, winning or losing a competition at a level where no one is fully prepared. It is confidence what determines success in any endeavor in life. And what is confidence if not faith, the hope of achieving something important? Strengthen your faith in the guidance and caring of your Father and cultivate that confidence that will allow you to grow beyond your limitations and achieve the goal of living and becoming the best you can be. It is the pursuit of perfection and sharing a likeness with God.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3408
Urantia, June 7, 2014 (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Life Connected to Source.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “On this most wonderful day to be alive, I desire to speak on connectedness, meaning how you are connected to life. The importance of knowing that there is more to life than just what is visible to the naked eye. Indeed, material eyes see only very little until instruments are developed which permit the human eyes to penetrate the mysteries of creation. There are more senses hidden within the human being which are also slowly being discovered, and are present in varying degrees. The inner eye, for one, may be more developed in blind people as they miss the outer distractions of the world around them. They are therefore more connected to life itself even though normal vision is missing.
“So, let us discuss this inner connectedness, which is far more real as it is connected via intuition to trust and belief, leading to faith and knowingness. Knowingness is the true connectedness to the Source of all life, which remains as yet hidden from view. But through the urge from within and longing on the part of the creature, the evolving surety in the human soul knows of the existence of the Creator as fact because of the connection it has activated. Faith and trust with which to find, has set this in motion.
“This then is the ultimate connection which through willingness and dedication on the part of the creature, is being established. Of course as with all relationship connections you make in life, you are to make sure that it remains a vital and an energetic living connection as you express this in your life with other relationships.
“This cannot be otherwise. As time goes on, you will come to know other creatures, who also crave this connection to their Source, as this gives the only stability in a very unstable world.
“Many hungry, and so-called lost souls, harbor an indefinable longing to be plugged in, to be connected to, something greater than themselves. They have yet to start flexing their faith muscles in any and all situations in which they find themselves. There is hope for better things to come. Anyone who desires to be connected can do so by turning within, to find what they are seeking. Each one has their individual Fragment from God within, waiting for them.
“It takes time for under-used muscles to gain strength and vitality and the Vital Spark within is always there to encourage each one if they will only take the time to seek. The Spirit of Truth will guide each one in all truth and the Holy Spirit will help upon request to open the hearts and minds, so the soul can receive the nurturing it needs to grow, inspiring the mortal to lead a connected life to Source and learn to seek the will of God.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: The Scribe of Damascus
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3452
Illawarra District, Australia, June 15, 2014.
Teacher: The Scribe of Damascus.
Subject: “Of War in the Heavens” (shortened).
Received by George Barnard.
George: “It’s almost irreverent, except you said…”
The Scribe: “Well, indeed did I say, you need only mention my name and I shall be with you? I have for you all a lesson that will open both your eyes and minds about the power of spiritual proximity and its results, good or bad. I will discuss with you all, the rebellion of millennia ago, and the resulting difficulties for great numbers of the children of the System of Satania – Angels, of course, and Midwayers – but countless others unrecorded in your books.
“Many have asked themselves the question, ‘Why would so many Primary Midwayers – the majority to be sure – find themselves ‘cheering for’ anyone, other than the Creator Son of Nebadon. There are basically three important reasons why they did. Firstly, Lucifer, and in this planet’s instance, his first lieutenant, Satan, made promises of a better, more independent life for all Urantians if they switched sides. Secondly, the Lucifer manifesto was being promoted over and over again, carefully at first, enthusiastically as time went by.
“More importantly, and thirdly, there was the matter of spiritual proximity. Doubtful as this can sound, proximity to an individual of such high office as was held by Lucifer, Satan, or even Caligastia, had its effect on underlings like Midwayers and Angels. Exalted spiritual personalities always effect ‘the economy of any spiritual realm’ by their very presence. The Primary Midwayers were long subjected to the Elites’ supposed ‘better deal’, and any slight weakness in their personality had them lose sight of their real task.
“Any aspect of impatience, or frustration, any feeling of boredom, or dread about the slowness of evolutionary processes would sooner or later have them all note how their superiors sold themselves, and ‘the new deal’, and what their leaders had to say about that ‘glorious alternative’ to the status quo. However, more sinister than all this was the way their minds readily, but quite un-noticed, aligned themselves with the convictions of their superiors. The process can almost be likened to osmosis, and must be seen as almost unavoidable.
“Much better educated than were the Secondary Midwayers, the Primary Midwayers lost proportionately more to the rebellion than did their younger, distant cousins. Strange? Indeed, no! The Primary Midwayers were subjected to the rebellious teachings for much longer, and as well, they often had the then Planetary Prince in close proximity. The somewhat uneducated Secondary Midwayers noted and disliked the spiritual disorganization of that time, and they had Adamson, and some loyal Primary Midwayers close at hand.
“There now is no more war in the heavens, so bear this in mind in your comings and goings, that your association with celestials is of great benefit to you. Such is the case not just here, but during all of your future journey from the fertile soils of this evolutionary world to the grandeur of Mansonia and beyond.
“My love is with you all. I am the Damascus Scribe.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“With the allegiance of those of my order, and Michael and
His mandates, the results are of a certainty.”
Machiventa Melchizedek – 2000.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2949
Michigan, US of A, June 15, 2014.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Trust, Believe, and Transform – You are the Conduit.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “Peace, love, and all things True Beautiful and Good do I surround myself with as I begin this labor of love I send to you this fine day, my beloved friends. How wonderful it is to share this blessed energy – that which comes from God, through me, and into you. Do you see how powerful it is to direct this divine energy when you open yourself up to the divine wellspring? I set my mind upon those virtuous thoughts that come in from the Father, and I assure you it is from Him because He is present in the minds of all His children who open a space for Him to come through. When you actually believe this and know it in your heart, the light from His divine love will pour out of you, though your heart and into the hearts of those around you – you cannot contain it – it must refract and shine forth like a diamond in the sun.
“This divine love – His energy, I attach to these words, yet as you receive them, the Father Fragment within you transmutes the meaning and value the words represent and paints a unique picture in your own mind, which is then interpreted by the heart. Once it gets into the heart, its vibration is magnified by the past experiences where God’s energy moved through you building on this wave until it bursts forth and radiates through you and out into the world. Do you understand the path of this energy? Like you, I also magnify this energy in my own heart and with my own unique vibrational signature that you, my beloved students, recognize, which stimulates the heartstrings because we have trust and from that trust we open up a space where God’s love and energy can come in.
“Think about this: Most of you students know me. You have become familiar with my energy and how I teach. Many of these messages do resonate with you, and that is in part because of this trust we have that my words come from a pure place and with good and loving intention. With this trust, you ‘allow’ a space to open within you and you fill yourself with the energy that is attached to these words. It is a familiar space. Just as you know and trust me and trust my intention, you believe and it is then written on the pages of the heart and stored away into the soul where it combines with other true values and begins to grow into a clearer picture where you can more easily digest the essence of its energy.
“You now can do as I do. You can go directly to the source of God’s wellspring and open a space because you have trust in the Indwelling Presence within you. It is a familiar space. When you begin to really believe in the Father’s Presence that lives in your mind and speaks from your heart, you can transform this energy into Light that is visible on your world. It is a way for you to ‘bring Heaven to Earth.’ Trust, Believe, and Transform. You are the conduit for this divine energy and it is within each and every one of you to learn, to believe, to know, and to do.
“My words as a teacher are intended to bring you to this place of trust within yourself and with your own God Fragment so that you will learn to go directly to the Source of that divine energy and become familiar with it and to trust in it. All the power is there – right there within you and all you have to do is to open up that space with this trusted and familiar friend – God within, and transform His love into His Will in your world.
“Peace to you my beloved friends,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Cherubim ‘I’ll be Frank’
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2943
Illawarra District, Australia, June 8, 2014.
Cherubim ‘I’ll be Frank’.
Subject: “Morontia and Spiritual Senses.”
Received by George Barnard.
I’ll be Frank: “Firstly, in the not too distant future, we will be re-acquainting ourselves with our noble friend, Isaac. His far-away work will soon come to an end, energy and communication circuits are being installed, and his greetings and love for you both travel ahead of his tireless body and genius mind. We will now busy ourselves with your senses here on Urantia, on Mansonia, and in the angelic and spiritual realms.
“Right here on the planet as mortals you have your five senses. You can see things. You can hear, you can smell, taste and you can touch. If you want to go beyond that to the so-called sixth sense, this can grow to be quite a number of things, but you need soul growth to have these soul felt experiences. You are making some movements towards finding out information beyond the five senses. You have built the machines for giving you Kirlian-like images – the aura machine – and even a lie detector, I do suggest.
“It is in the Morontia realm where you will discover a great number of additional senses. Mostly these deal with the feelings of others. You will still have your human senses – let me call them that – although in time the sense of taste may become redundant. However, once settled and grounded in a morontia body, you will have a faster moving mind, capable of perceiving well beyond present-day most advanced human psychic gifts. Obviously, I make clear to you right here that much of your growth will come from your ongoing liaison with your Adjuster.
“It is in the spiritual realm where you can find total understanding. You will learn to be able to sense other’s emotions with great clarity, with great accuracy, and so you see that with just your five senses here, you will have far more opportunity to grow in your lives to come. This relatively short life on this wonderful garden planet with many of us as your friends is only a taste of what living is all about. It gets better from here, yes it will! I hope this answers your questions at least to some worthwhile degree.
“A right old dyslexic mess you have made of it so far. It will certainly need tidying up. That is to say, this is Frank you’re talking to, and it’s late, very late. I come back now to the spiritual aspect, and what will happen there, is that you will have many more senses. You will have a far greater mind and you will be able to take in more and more information, faster and faster, and with that you will grow. You will recognize within yourself that you are growing to be able to have unconditional love for all, none excepted.
“More and more as you work your way towards Paradise you will find from moment to moment that you will be overwhelmed by the grandeur of all that you experience, of all that you see, and by all whom you will meet. That’s it for now, but I suggest you clean up this transmission to some worthwhile degree. Don’t mind me saying so. After all, this is Frank, always frank. Thank you all for being here.”
Note: Isaac is a Celestial Engineer, a good friend. He has been away for many long months.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.