- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3014
Urantia, June 14, 2014 (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Just Come With an Open Heart and Mind.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Open your heart and mind to the Creator, but do not expect anything. Be as a newborn baby; not expecting anything and yet trusting that everything will be there to satisfy all needs. This is the utmost trust a mortal can show the Creator: To become as a small child, washing itself clean in order to be presentable to its grandparents, who would accept him or her anyway, as they love the child unconditionally.
“Why am I beginning today’s lesson like this, you wonder? Well this is a good introduction to expectation, because I desire for you to grasp as well as possible at your level of understanding, how God sees His children. There is an innate need for every little one to be understood, and to feel safe and secure in its own environment. Every child should be able to expect this safety and security.
“However, life on this planet is far from ideal and in need of correction. What if a child has been denied this safety and security? At these earliest tender moments in life, when it ought to feel wanted and welcomed, already its concept of trust is being warped and unhappiness ensues. Every little one has the right to feel wanted and safe, otherwise its co-x matrix (core of being) begins to grow out of balance and the child will begin to fight for its needs and wants.
“Expectation, and glad anticipation that something wonderful is going to happen, is the eternal hope which can spring up in the human heart. It is one of those hidden gifts, which through negative circumstances gets pushed into the back of the mind. It becomes difficult to retrieve so blockages begin to form deep within the human psyche, and people forget what pure hope feels like, what pure expectation feels like, and how to look forward to the days ahead with glad anticipation.
“Life has become mundane because they expect life to be humdrum. So they spice up their life and look for outward entertainment with which to keep their minds busy, and they forget their own inner world and richness of thought. Even tiny ones are already placed in front of the television and other forms of amusement, so certain areas in their minds close off to inner exploration and inventiveness, because they are being entertained rather than learning to entertain themselves.
“I point this out in the hope that you realize how extremely vital brain development is and how important it is to make those early connections in the mind. Synapses wither and die when not used through active thinking and so the child-like hope, trust and expectations are not given much of a chance to develop correctly.
“Therefore, it has become even more important to turn within into the Silence and learn to listen without expectation, to just come with an open heart and mind, and to strengthen their own connection they have with their God within.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3202
Urantia, June 13, 2014 (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Mastery over all Negative Tendencies.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “We will give some moments of our time to purity of thought. Purity and sincerity are connected to each other, but they are not identical. You wish to acquire purity of thought, yet for a mortal this is extremely difficult to garner, because of your tendency to judge and criticize, to evaluate another, to minimize, to over-emphasize, and to exaggerate. Attaining purity of thought equates with gaining mastery over all negative impulses and tendencies. It has to become an unconscious habit of pure thinking in which sincerity comes first. Sincerity could therefore be seen as the forerunner of purity, for when you are sincere, you are pure at heart, and the pure at heart shall see God.
“Therefore, in order to obtain pure thoughts, it is advisable that you practice sincerity, sincerity, and more sincerity. This then places your soul well on the path of spiritual development and self-mastery. To attain this excellent start, a lot of self-discipline needs to be practiced. I do desire that you should not grow discouraged on the long road to ultimate purity of thought, rather I would have you constantly bear this goal in mind, so the ideal can ‘grow on you’.
“Most habits have a way of growing on you without conscious thought on your part, and therefore there are many humans who are not even aware of their habits and thoughts, which in fact can work against their growth and well-being. This can persist until something happens, which brings them face to face with less than ideal circumstances, or an illness is brought on due to habitual negative thinking. If you desire a clear thinking mind, you need to scrutinize the self to see if there are any negative habits you can well do without. Scrutiny will aid you into a better way of life and self-discipline to overcome such habits. It goes without saying that addictions of any kind are included in this exercise of self-discipline towards the attainment of self-mastery.
“Even when you at times fall short of the mark, do not grow discouraged. You can always pray for the mind of Jesus to indwell you and help you in your struggles to obtain sincerity of heart and purity of thought. Besides, you can always come to Me for guidance as I am always available to you. I am nearer to you than your hands and feet, and nearer than your breath, as I dwell within you. Your desire to have pure thoughts is My desire also. So yes, turn within more often, so I can teach you some more, at times and you become more mindful of My Presence within you, which will lead you to the practice of pure thinking.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Be open to rebuttal, and criticism,
and be accepting of praise and compliments,
Teacher Aaron.
- Details
- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3938
Illawarra District, Australia, June 10, 2014.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Secondary Midwayers” (shortened).
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “This is ABC-22. I volunteered to be your contact this evening for the simple task of giving a few newbies some brief details about Secondary Midwayers. We will not discuss our distant Primary Midwayer kin in this short talk. We will merely consider the origin of the Secondary Midwayers, their being the great-grandchildren of Adamson and Ratta (see
). We are planetary helpers, known worldwide for our 11:11, and other numerical time-prompts.
“On normal worlds the Midwayers are often brought into being at a time when the races have blended, and the Midwayers there, when materialized, are virtually indistinguishable from their human population. We, as a group, are all different, and resemble all human races, including the virtually extinct pure blue man, the pure orange man, the Nodite and the Adamite. On normal planets Midwayers have little difficulty in contacting humans. They are part of the spiritual government of such planets.
“On those worlds many individuals are capable of seeing and hearing the Secondary Midwayers, and therefore, they are known to all. On our world, things did not go quite right. Firstly, Midwayers need an extensive education, and we need to be taught human values. We need to be taught how to do various things. We must be given tasks and then after many decades it all falls into place for us. On this world there was no one to educate us. We also had immediate needs to protect our families, our human families.
“We did not get our needed education and as our families spread out, south-east into India, north-west into Europe, we soon lost track of each other. And as rather young delinquents, many of us got into all kinds of mischief, but all of these rebels have now been rehabilitated. They have their function today to avert sudden calamities, at times they are also needed by the receivers of celestial messages in case the receivers are hearing from former humans or anyone else among the celestials that have no direct connection with their receivers.
“Such individuals as Machiventa Melchizedek, can talk to you directly. Of course, Christ Michael can do so, Mother Spirit can do the same, and there are a number of others. However, Midwayers make it possible to hear from those celestials who are far away and who connect with us through universe reflectivity of sight and sound. It is worthwhile to here mention that whereas most of the people on this world are vaguely familiar with demons etc, the Midwayers are not normally trusted from the very start of contact.
“Especially among the Muslims, the Jinn (Midwayers) are very much distrusted. However all, since their rehabilitation, are contributing under the direction of Machiventa Melchizedek. Midwayers will, after their lengthy function on this world, move to the Mansion Worlds and it is there where they receive a Thought Adjuster, for them to ascend to Paradise with. Whilst they can communicate with Thought Adjusters, they are not indwelt. There are a million more things I could tell in this session, but I believe this will suffice.”
Sandy: “At a recent gathering in Queensland, a receiver noted a line of celestials. Were these beings Secondary Midwayers there to assist with the proceedings?”
Bzutu: “There were a number of people, some of whom have been carefully monitored by us in the past. Some who have availed themselves of the service of certain Midwayers. Some members of the 11:11 tribe were there.”
Sandy: “Thank you Bzutu. That is very helpful.”
Bzutu: “It is good to be with you two. Okay, I am leaving now. God bless you both.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
- Details
- Written by: Teacher Prometheus
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3405
Alberta, Canada, May 17, 2013.
Prometheus’ Treasures - XII.
Subject: “Selfless Service Motivations.”
Received by Renée.
Teacher Prometheus: “The ‘ego’ is the projector of essentially unreal and unsustainable projections in the space-time ‘learning’ evolutionary environment, the temporal realms. Light is the progenitor of creation and progress and is sourced, supplied to, and sustained within the eternalizing Soul as it is invested by the Spirit indwelling the human free-willed evolutionary creature.
“The Light is cooperatively and consciously used in co-creation and with the co-working of the Thought Adjuster, spirit beings (angels) and spiritizing beings (midwayer assistants and morontia teachers) assigned to humans who have progressed to the level of higher receptivity and selfless service motivations.
“The soul becomes the dominant force of progression to the human personality who has willingly made the choice to allow the spiritization of the mind and personality, consecrating them, along with the ‘body-vehicle’ to the Divine Will.
“The soul advances to an elevated level of maturity where it ‘hungers’ for contribution to the spiritual advancement of a culture and the cultivation of values and qualities that strengthen the development of loving, intelligent, mutually beneficial relationships. The application of these spiritual values and qualities lead to a peaceful and productive planetary ‘civilization’, a civilization of ‘Light and Life’.
“I am Prometheus.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All the elemental qualities of Love are inherent
in the Light we receive – Prometheus, 2013.
- Details
- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3299
Urantia, June 9, 2014.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Still the Mind and Be at Rest.”
Received by Lytske.
Mentor: “When the human mind is at rest, it becomes a receptacle for needed inspiration – perhaps subliminally – and for this to be used for a new idea, or insoluble problem, for which seemingly no answer can be found. Most inventions and discoveries are made in deep mind when the everyday mind is finally at rest, so celestial beings have a chance to drop a nugget of wisdom or insight into that ‘still’ mind. “Think about how important and not-so-important insights are made, especially those related to personal problems.
“However – and this is my point – the reason why problems are becoming larger and seemingly insoluble is because people have become more accustomed to thinking about the ‘outer’ world, paying little or no attention to their ‘inner’ world. This is mainly due to the almost overwhelming amount of new ‘toys’ and the phenomenal array of gadgets that need to be mastered to supposedly make life easier. Yet, looking at it from a realistic point of view, this has created a new phenomenon in a very subtle form of greed of ‘needing to have’.
“This ‘need to have’ is a burden that will become heavier to carry over time, as even less attention will be given to the real purpose of living, which is simply to prepare you for the next level of existence. The danger is growing on this planet that there will be evermore less-developed souls passing over into the ‘hereafter’ practically spiritually bankrupt, as no personal time will be given to the Creator of all, who is the originator of life’s energies.
“Ideally, an individual connection ought to be made when children are still under the authority and supervision of their parents. Parenthood is a most ‘responsible’ job on any planet and surely questions will be asked from your celestial supervisors as to what kind of effort was made to enlighten the little ones as to how the life-energy of the Creator flows through them. Explanations can be kept very simple so the child can form its own opinion about an Almighty Creator, who loves each child and adult as if each were the only one in creation.
“A human-made religion ought never to be forced onto the child, as a mind free from outmoded laws flourishes best. The only rule to be taught ought to be the golden rule of doing unto others, the way one would like to be treated, accepted and respected with love and care. This one rule would enormously simplify life on this planet. Think about the consequences involved: It would make the shift, which this world so badly needs at this point in its history.
“Come on, inhabitants of Urantia, wake up and make a sincere effort to connect up with that wonderful Gift within you all. That Spark from God is ever so patiently waiting for you to take that first step to join in and make that all-important connection. It is there to help inspire you and make your souls grow and flourish to the greater glory of your Maker.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.