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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2507
Oregon, US of A, January13, 2019.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Heart Jerk Reflex.”
Message received by Anyas.
“The experience of being loved is very much a direct response to the experience of being love.” [UB 39:07]
Thought Adjuster: “One of the great and unfathomable mysteries for all created beings has to do with Love. How do you explain Love? Is it mathematical or philosophical? Does it have an actual substance?
“The above statement leads your train of thought to ponder whether the Divine Love laid dormant until it got activated through the creative process, as Love requires reciprocation to BE — not to say that self-love is not a crucial prerequisite for a meaningful, love-infused, and heartfelt creative process.
“Half-hearted creations amount more to a chore than to a joyful calling. It is the ‘reflectivity’ of Love that makes it what it is. Indeed, true Love exerts an irresistible ‘heart jerk reflex,’ when it hits the soft spot of another heart. It is a catalyst — an emotional ‘boomerang’ that cannot but be instantly returned to the Sender with a heartfelt ‘Thank You Note’ — not by mere adherence to the social etiquette.
“Dear ones, believe in the fact that you are dearly loved. Absorb this love, and let it infuse all the cells, fibers, and layers of your being. They have been intelligently conceived to ‘sponge it up’ to their levels of saturation to naturally overflow into the endless circle of love.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above – Vol.2”
Is now available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle Versions
Read more about it at:
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2497
Alabama, US of A, March 25, 2013.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About Spiritual Development.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Spiritual development is measured not by the amount of intellectual truths an individual has mastered, but by the extent to which the fruits of the spirit have become a reality in a person’s life.
“It does not matter if a person believes in reincarnation, in the law of attraction, in extraterrestrials, or in the power of mantras. If this person manages to harmonize his will with the Divine Will, give a loving service to his fellow man, and live a life of continuous progress, this person will experience a spiritual growth that will often put the false beliefs into the background.
“Spiritual development also cannot be measured by the mental capacity of the individual. Intellectual intelligence has nothing to do with ‘Spiritual Intelligence’. The eternal truths are by definition beyond the capacity of understanding of a finite mind. Creators do not expect their material creatures to understand the complex issues of the universe, those that require an age of experience and exploration to be understood more clearly. What is expected is that the creatures develop the necessary faith to stimulate the desire to be better and closer to their true purpose, to the reason for which they were created.
“This is why the mission of light workers should not focus on denying false beliefs, or imposing a point of view. Their main task is to tell anyone who wants to know that there is much more in reality than what is evident to the five physical senses, that there is a Heavenly Father who is always with you by means of a Divine Fragment that dwells within your being, and that everyone has the ability to take advantage of this Internal Master to explore spirituality. From then on, growth and spiritual advancement is an individual responsibility and each one must find their own way.
“Light workers and truth seekers are encouraged to focus on the basic truths. In the end, the destiny of human souls in this world is to reach the Heavenly Father in eternity. Simply inform your brothers that this is possible through faith and the desire to be more and more like the Father. This is the main thing and this ideal will generate the impulse that will unleash the powers of the mind and soul to transform the creature of an almost animal being to a spirit of light that will actively participate in the establishment of the Father's Design for Creation.”
Translated from Spanish by Silvia Adriana Cohane.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Trinity Teacher Uteah
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2389
Asheville, NC, US of A, January 27, 2019.
Trinity Teacher: Uteah.
Subject: “Light and Life Series.”
Lesson #2, “Light and Life Begins in the Mind.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Uteah: “I welcome you to this second lesson about Light and Life (L&L) that will explain Urantia’s unique case — that in the beginning stages of L&L, Urantia will not follow the more standardized progression of other developing worlds in the universe. There are several major factors that require Urantia be cared for in a way that makes it necessary to apply non-standard administrative procedures to move a world from a rebellion mindset to a mindset that is oriented toward the future progressive epochs of L&L. For any advanced civilization to emerge in L&L requires that its citizens first change the way they think and act — they must first have a realization that moves them toward a more homogeneous way of seeing the world and all the peoples that live in it. On Urantia, this will require a ‘bonding process’ that brings unity in brotherhood with all people — something so profound that all differences between them take a ‘backseat’ to the need for understanding of global events and the problems that will need to be solved for the benefit of all mankind. In that moment, you will see yourself and everyone in the world as being as human as yourself.
“What most people fail to understand is the fact that they are all brothers and sisters and they all share their humanness living together on the same planet — they are Urantian. The failure to understand this is the one thing that separates them from one another. Those of you that do understand this know that you are brothers and sisters and can go anywhere in your world and find brotherhood with any person that also understands this regardless of culture, race, nationality or social status. If you were to visit with those in another country with this viewpoint, you would love and befriend them for their openness and kind respect. This is where we want to go — to the brotherhood of mankind where all people understand and respect each other’s right to think independently while maintaining a common ground that you all share in your humanity — your feelings for those things and values that make life worth living.
“How do you get there? Do you think you can do it via the approach that religion has taken by setting up creeds and rules for acceptance into the ‘club’ of enlightenment? Surely history will tell you that this only creates more separation and disunity. How then would this come about? How would it begin to unfold? In the past ages of tribe against tribe warfare, ‘The enemy of my enemy is my ally.’ This thinking only brought about temporary unity that would soon fall apart when the self-interests of the group became more important than political alliances. What would happen if the enemy was not flesh and blood and there was no one to hate or negotiate with? What if this enemy could not be reasoned with and you had to pull all your resources together to fight this enemy because it threatened your very existence? You, as the human race, would need to use your will and consideration for all people to work together to defeat this enemy. Those differences that once divided you would then be seen as diversities of thought that could perhaps solve a part of the problem needed to defeat this enemy. It would take an unparalleled effort of collaboration and communication on the part of all nations and peoples to understand each other and how they might work together.
“With this scenario in mind, can you now see that rebellion thinking is the enemy that cannot be reasoned with — that it threatens your very existence — that it does not consider the human condition as it applies to all people? It controls and divides and conquers using the sophistries that you need these systems of control to protect you against those that are different from you? And by its very nature to divide it keeps its control over you because you believe you need it to live. To see this in yourself is the first step needed to understand that Light and Life begins in the mind.
“Peace is possible,
“I AM Uteah.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2564
Urantia, January 25, 2019.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject; “The Fullness of Freedom in Me.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “My child, empty your heart and soul and mind of all past grievances, so you can become free of all shadows that tend to hold you chained to the past and prevent you from coming more freely into My presence.
“Forgive yourself and forgive all others, so you can breathe in deeply the fullness of freedom in Me.
“Ask for more unconditional love when it is needed; for I tell you that unreserved devotion is hard to find anywhere, for so many retain hidden agendas whilst trying to obtain the love they so earnestly seek and desire.
“Practice unconditional love. It is freely available to you, for the Source and Giver of unconditional love has sent Me to live inside of you, and I shall fill you full since I am that unconditional love.
“I shall lead you through those lessons which will give you lots of practice. I have already done so throughout your life, because I have given you the desire for this practice. Only now are you slowly becoming ready to be more mindful of the reactions to your actions and of those around you through their speech and behavior.
“It is through mindful living, in and with Me, that the clinging grudges and resentments of past and present, lose their grip on you and eventually become forgotten things of the memory.
“You are beginning to see certain situations of the past in a more compassionate understanding and an increasing spiritual light for the lessons they contain which surprisingly turn out to be blessing in disguise.
“You are beginning to realize that through forgiveness the traumas of the past become easier to accept and you finally can let go.
“It is through living a spiritual life that freedom comes — freedom from attachment to circumstances and the causes and effects beyond your control.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe (Sananda)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2475
Illawarra District, Australia, January 11, 2019.
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “A Balanced Life” (some personal matters deleted).
Message received by George Barnard.
The Scribe: “Today I wish to discuss with you what your Angelic Carers prefer for you to achieve during your life on this earth. Your Cherubim and of course, later your Seraphic Companions, like to see you grow up steadily, mature and progress increasingly at the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels. Just where it is you are coming from on any of these scores is of no great importance; but where you are going with these requirements means everthing to you and to those who love you and care for you.
“Let me make it clear to you that if the ‘accident of birth’ has not been all that providential to you, you won’t be judged on health, providing you do the best you can do to take in healthy, balanced meals, and sidestep all drugs. It is important that to the best of your ability you balance your emotional feelings, educate yourself well and make use of this education as best you can to provide for self and those near and dear to you. From the point of view of your spiritual progress, give it some little amount of time each day. Question any teacher and any Angel and have the patience to then let the answers come to you.
“You were not ‘zapped into being,’ as you put it rather indelicately, like your celestial kin, ready to perform or be educated, but inately near-perfect, or outright perfect, o-o-o-oh no! You are mortal man and mortal woman fraught with trickery and self-deceipt on a rebellious planet and then . . . you were given free will . . . and almost as much bad advice as good advice.
“Just re-considering now . . . yes, somewhat more bad advice than good advice, actually. As well, you have invented more time-wasting hobbies than you can really afford. Try humoring your angels and get used to balancing life as Mansonia will bring you more of the same. It’s hard for me to see how under these pesent circumstances you can be so positive, open-hearted and optimistic about all your futures and moreover request me to treat this lesson in a likewise casual manner.
“This is Sananda, the Damascus Scribe, most happy to oblige.”
George: “We love you. And we thank you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our Spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972