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- Written by: Samuel of Panoptia - Aaron of Urantia
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2511
Illawarra District, Australia, July 26, 2016.
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia.
Teacher Aaron of Urantia.
Subject: “The Master, Tibet and India.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Samuel: “In order to come to an understanding of the rare and unusual strains of a vague Christian-like flavor to a belief system in Tibet, you need to take your mind back to what you were shown in July of 2007. This is your Teacher, Samuel.”
George: “I saw an image of David Zebedee in Roman garb of that time, he was busy, bent forward, possibly over a bench top. Then there was Cymboyton, standing very tall, imposing, and in deep thought, dressed in fine dark red-blue silk. Next I saw two teachers from Tibet, all the way on foot on a long trek to Persia They were wearing clothes made of hides to keep warm.”
Aaron: “This is Aaron here. You, in fact, got two different visions of the men coming from Tibet. The first vision was of the two, still on a snow-covered glacier between two mountains. Here the younger man was slightly in front, as was the custom, since he could react more quickly to the danger of snow-covered cravasses. In the second vision the somewhat older man led the way down the foothills, almost perfectly due West all the way, as spirit had told him. They were still months away from their destination.
“Both men, teacher and student teacher, would meet the caravan conductor, Joshua ben Joseph, at Cymboyton’s Urmia to hear the Master of Truth give his initial lectures. And these two men were still on the main island of the Urmia salt lake when the Master returned to make good on his promise to lecture during two whole weeks on the Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of the Creater of All.
“These two were most diligent listeners, who, more than most, took with them the very essence of what they learned and they allowed it to persist to this day in their cult and in a way so realisticly as to in their minds and speech place the Master Himself in the Tibetan lands. Handing the ‘mike’ back to Samuel now.”
Samuel: “Samuel here again. A somewhat similar circumstance was evident in India, where some of the Master’s teachings survive to this day. Jesus’ companion of a lengthy travel around the Mediterranean, Ganid, was in part responsible for some of the Master’s teachings being found in India specifically and in the Far East generally.
“Also, keep in mind that traders in those days rarely traveled at night, life was slower and much could be learned from those in whose places they stayed. However, if you re-read your text that deals with the years of Jesus’ travels and you do your sums, you will find there was no strech of time during which He could have either traveled to Tibet and back or — for that matter — to India and back.
“It remains to me to advise you that whatever another believes, Tibet visit or no Tibet visit, India stay or no India stay, you do not get embroiled in words about how it was. It’s not important. And you should make that crystal clear if specifically asked.
“We’re done here, my friends and students. I am Samuel.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Teacher Jesus
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2564
Urantia, November 5, 2012.
Teacher: Jesus.
Subject: “Proper Use of the Mind.”
Message received by Lytske.
Jesus: “The reason why I want you to use the name Jesus, rather than Michael, is because most people who chance to read this message will identify more with the Man Jesus, rather than with the Ruler of a wonderful and well-ordered universe, who goes by the name of Michael. Please give me your full attention for a short time as I have been following your thoughts about how make proper use of your God-given talents and also how to make the fullest use of your mind whilst still living in the flesh.
“The reason why I desire to ‘jump’ into your thought-stream is because it is extremely important for my human children to become increasingly aware of the workings of their minds. Since you can only think one thought at a time, and since whatever you think about finds its way into the very tissues of your being, you can bring about health or ill-health from anything on your mind, depending on the force or desire behind it.
“The Father has endowed you mortals with free will, so it is entirely up to you to curb the less than wholesome thoughts, lest you bring into existence something you really don’t want. It is ever so that what a man or woman thinks about, will come about. Think healthy thoughts and the whole body benefits, think mundane and ill-conceived thoughts like anger, un-forgiveness or resentment, or any other spiritual poison, and you can harm your body beyond repair.
“Humans are in charge of their own thoughts, no one else is. So I counsel you to become more mindful about the thoughts arising in your mind. Therefore, the most important point I am making is this: Practice an ever increasing present-centered awareness, and when you engage your mind in this, the gathering of new information will become easier. Your memory will also become far more accessible to you, ‘brain fog’ will be lifted, and timely re-call of important matters will be closer at hand.
“‘Sloppy thinking’, out of control, random thoughts, and hasty actions have brought no end of misery to this wonderful planet. Therefore, if each day people would consciously engage in well-directed thoughts, it would bring the mind to more elevated thinking. Such training benefits the entire system as one would truly be on the way to self-mastery, which is a requirement for spiritual progress and which will benefit you all enormously with progress at your next level on the mansion worlds. It is here in your mortal estate where you can make the most progress.
“Think about what this would mean to you individually, to be able with a measure of self-discipline and self-correction and with proper use of your God-given mind make your life more joyful. See yourself becoming an island of peace with a closer connection to your Creator, who desires that all his evolving children experience this wonderful connection. It is your choice and free will decision to do so. I leave you with my peace.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2454
Mexico City, Mexico, May 16, 2016.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Speak the Truth.”
Message received by Bettina.
Thought Adjuster: “Be consistent in your words, thoughts and actions. When you are inconsistent, confusion arises in your hearts and this prevents you from living in peace.
“Be consistent and always speak the truth. If the words coming out of your mouth are not consistent with what you think or do, those words will come wrapped in a falsehood that will never end well.
“Be genuine and honest people, worthy of trust. When you must use words to correct errors or difficult situations that can affect other people around you, talk to them privately. Always speak with honesty, love and peace in your mind, without judgment or condemnation — with Love.
“Watch and love yourselves like I love you. Observe others and love them as I love you. All are susceptible to making mistakes, and these occasions are perfect opportunities for personal growth.
“It is true that truth sometimes hurts, but love always fills and heals the hearts of those who decide to be with Me.
“Always speak the truth. Talk about the living love that I have for you and which you live in every day. Let everyone know how your life has changed since you decided to listen to Me and live on Earth with the care, protection, light and guidance of My Love.
“Tell everyone that My Love is not exclusive and that it is not reserved for just a few. Tell them that My Love is available to everyone when they decide to open their hearts to receive it.
“Tell all about the truth, the truth that liberates, the truth that heals, the truth that guides you. Tell everyone that I AM, and that I am waiting for them within, with infinite patience and love.
“That . . . is the truth.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
If you stop judging, you will find peace — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2460
Michigan, US of A, November 21, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Consecration of Will.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “The lesson for today is about consecration of will. What does it mean to consecrate will? First, let us look at what these two words mean. Human will is that part of the mind that makes decisions; it is the power to, and the process of, making decisions; it is the determination and the desire to do something. In this case, that ‘something’ is God’s Will. If, using this same definition of will, we apply it to God’s Will, we see that the Creator is determined and has the desire to do something. That ‘something’ in this case, is to manifest love and bring about perfection through co-creation with His children. Why does it not manifest automatically if it is God’s Will? Because of the gift of free will – the power to choose and to make decisions. Free will allows for the experiential outcomes to be nigh infinite according to the uniqueness of individual personality. Just as there are an infinite number of points between opposites, so to are there varying degrees of perfection and manifestation of God’s Will by the choices you make.
“What does consecration mean? To ‘consecrate’ is to dedicate something to a particular purpose, or to declare or set apart a specific place as holy. In this case, that ‘something’ is ‘your will’ and you ‘set apart’ this specific purpose as a co-creative desire with the Creator according to light – your degree of wisdom within the level of perfection thus attained in your life experiences. The more ‘godlike’ we become (in His image) by the process of perfection attainment, the greater is the manifestation of His Will. It is said that ‘whatever the Son desires, and the Father Wills, is.’ Meaning, because the Creator Sons (the Michael Sons – our Christ Michael) are so perfected in their being, that their Will is ‘One’ with the Father and therefore, are their desires manifest and brought into reality by volition.
“Now, in comparison with humans, the beings furthest from perfection, human will and the power to manifest God’s will, is attenuated to a safe level whereby only those more perfected desires are made manifest in varying degrees of God’s Will. For example: It would be dangerous for immature minds to have any desire made manifest because of the deconstructive nature of man’s selfish ego-driven will – the power to destroy his enemies or the power to live a life of unearned ease and leisure, which in and of itself, would bring extinction to the human race. Only through consecration of will with God’s Will can man make manifest his desires. Love and faith are the power and the catalysts to selfless decisions (perfected decisions) which lead to self-mastery and to progressive perfection attainment, which leads to manifestation of desire. The manifestation of consecrated will is the most satisfying experience a will creature can have.
“As you ascend to more perfected levels of being, the greater will be the power of manifestation, and so, the delay of time becomes a necessary component in the experiential gathering of wisdom to insure safe levels of co-creative power. ‘Thy Will be done.’
“Good day,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2462
Alabama, US of A, July 12, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About Foresight and Work.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “How can you balance your concern about the future with the idea of implicitly trusting in the care of your Father? The answer to this is best illustrated by the life of Michael of Nebadon in this world as Jesus of Nazareth. When He became the only source of support to His brothers and sisters after the unfortunate death of His human father, the Master didn’t hesitate to start working hard to satisfy their needs. During all those years He never thought that His Father would abandon Him. To the contrary, Michael worked with joy and hope because He possessed the certainty that somehow all would be well and He would succeed. All rational men and women understand that effort and consistency always produce results.
“Another issue that from time to time concerns mortals is how to balance the idea of being satisfied with what they already possess — material wealth — and the effort to attain progress and for this to continue to improve. If you reach a level in which your material needs have been met, this is not a license to indulge in mental stagnation or spiritual apathy. Human beings should always attempt to be better and to use creativity to express the potentials that our Father has placed within. If you have reached a level at which you determine that you don’t need anything else to satisfy your material needs, use your creativity to explore your potentials and become a channel of expression for your Father.
“When Miguel completed the task of preparing His human family so they could sustain themselves, He didn’t ‘retire’ to rest and do nothing else for the remainder of His life. In everything He did from that moment on He kept the same focus and purpose to be increasingly closer to His Father. He didn’t worry about working to amass wealth, but He continued to be an applied, creative and enthusiastic worker, because He knew that the love He invested in His labor contributed to bring Him closer to God. He didn’t need more money to live but He chose to remain occupied offering the best possible service to His ‘customers’ while awaiting His time to go out to the world to offer people the Kingdom of Heaven.
“If you are already satisfied with the material goods you possess and you have a job that ensures your financial well-being, take this opportunity to explore other areas of personal expression. Do your work with the best intent and you will accomplish everything that is expected of you in this area, but once the workday has finished explore something else. You have heard that ‘man does not live by bread alone’ and those who dedicate themselves to a single area of life are missing a unique and once in a lifetime opportunity to achieve important goals with eternal value that can be found only in the variety of experience that a mortal life offers.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.