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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2664
Alabama, US of A, September 29, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “False Information”
Received by Oscar.
Receiver: “How can we deal with all the sources of false or downright strange information out there? How can we avoid confusion?”
Thought Adjuster: “You already know the greatest truth of human existence; the fact that the Creator Father lives within each one of you and you can use Him as guide, advisor, friend, and support for your journey in this life. You know that you are more than a physical body and that in the hands of your Father your life is protected for all eternity. You know that the Master Son of this universe — Michael — is also available to you and will serve all those who search for Him. These are the most important truths that have to be explored during human life. Everything else is not quite so vital to your future existence.
“Erroneous beliefs are normal at this stage of your existence, since you need to accept a lot by faith, for what you can perceive and understand with your mortal mind is relatively little. Many have heard the voice of their angels, their Thought Adjusters, or the Midwayers, and they decide to assign these voices to different beings according to their culture, their beliefs and their hopes. Others have received explanations about the nature of these contacts and they insist on interpreting them in relation to their existing knowledge, which at times can be far from reality.
“If one of your siblings offers you a message of hope, spiritual progress, or a new and improved way to live, is it really important if he or she tells you that the message came from a leprechaun, an alien, or God Himself? If the message makes sense and the voice in your heart confirms that it meets the criteria of truth, beauty and goodness, by all means follow the advise and grow a little more, thanking the messenger for having shared that message with you.
“Each one of you would benefit from searching and finding your own truths within your being, because the discovery of truth is the supreme adventure of human existence. Many hypotheses — beliefs, traditions — may prove to be false when placed under the lens of more experience and spiritual growth, but in all paths you will always find important lessons for your future in this world and beyond. Don’t be too concerned for those who follow leprechauns, extra-terrestrials, or the gods of Greek mythology. All of them will find abundant opportunities to achieve true spiritual growth if they keep this intent in their souls.
“You can be sure of one thing: Your Father speaks to the hearts of all men and women of this planet and those who listen will reap the benefits and progress in spirit. It is not important what identity you assign to His voice. What is important is that you listen and make decisions enlightened by the truth that flows from your heart.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2662
Michigan, US of A, January 18, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Mirror Effect.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends, I would like to talk about ‘The Mirror Effect.’ What is The Mirror Effect (TME)? It is an attraction principal that draws to you an experience; a state of being; condition, or person of like mind when you match the vibration of that desire which you seek. You might think of the mnemonic TME = ‘To Me.’ This effect has been built into the fabric of the universes by the Universal Father to bring His created children full-circle and into His Presence on Paradise. You might think, ‘What does TME have to do with perfection attainment?’ It has everything to do with becoming god-like, for to attract those experiences, persons, and teachers needed to learn and become perfect. One must ‘put on the robes’ that identify you as one who would attract that experience, condition, person, or teacher needed to fulfill the desire.
“There are many of you who would like to change the circumstances of your life, yet you feel stuck, defeated, impoverished, or unloved. When you feel this way, TME does its job and continues to bring to you those experiences that match the vibration of your state of being. If you wish to change it, then change how you feel. Emotion is the engine that drives TME and when you feel stuck, defeated, impoverished, or unloved those feelings set up the vibration that magnetically draws the experience to you (TME = To Me). Not only do you need to change your thinking, but you must change how you feel and this is where your God-given power of imagination works for you. If you are not feeling it, then imagine what it feels like and focus on that. If you cannot imagine it, then focus on the steps needed to bring the feeling to life — move in that direction. The higher the vibration, the faster does TME bring the matching experience.
“All sentient beings in the universes want to be loved and love is of the highest vibration. Why is it that so many feel alone and unloved? It is because they haven’t figured out how to ‘feel love’ in a way that will manifest the experience of love. To feel love and to attract love into your life, you must ‘put on the robes’ of love. If you cannot imagine or induce a feeling or state of love, then you must pursue the steps that will lead to that feeling — you must ‘do something.’ Improve the condition of your mind so that you can ‘become love.’ Read a self-help book; watch a warm-hearted movie where the characters become the models of love; or do something outside your normal mode of operating — be kind to others and smile — do a kind, selfless act. All these little steps can bring you into the feeling of love, and when you feel love you will attract it into your life.
“If you ‘feel’ unattractive then you will ‘be’ unattractive. Switch the gears, my friends, and ‘feel’ how you want to be — feel attractive! If you cannot imagine feeling attractive, then do something to get you there. Healthy is attractive — get healthy! When you ‘feel’ good inside, you will exude the vibrations of vitality and become attractive outside. This is not something only for ‘others’ to experience — it is for you, for the Father has made it so! Feel it and become it — TME works for everyone. Now that you are aware of it, you must do something about it. TME can be applied to attract all kinds of experiences. Try it and you will see!
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2598
Urantia, December 5, 2014.
Teacher: A Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Self-Love and Self-Respect”
Received by Lytske.
Mentor: “It is just a momentary observation followed by a foregone conclusion of any visiting Celestial that what this planet lacks most is its inhabitants’ love and respect for themselves and each other. Can you even vaguely imagine what this planet would be like if everyone would have some love and respect for themselves and if all at least attempted to follow the golden rule of doing unto others as they themselves would like to be treated?
“This world would be so changed that wars would cease almost instantly, because of the fact that God’s rule of loving and respecting self and each other, would finally have a chance to become a reality. Women at last would be accorded their rightful place in society which would have the effect that children also should be recognized for the little growing persons they are. Simply the idea of having loving and responsible parents would already border on utopia. Can you even begin to entertain the image of what a balanced and harmonious household would be like when every member would be treated lovingly and fairly?
“On other evolving planets this is truly the aim of all society, to grow and educate their children and early on to make them aware of their responsibility towards becoming worthy citizens. A great deal of effort goes into educating their young who grow up with a strong sense of belonging. There are no ‘throw-away’ children on other advancing planets; as potential couples must undergo training before marriage to become suitable partners and parents. This is mandatory in advanced societies. I am endeavoring to give you a glimpse of what is possible.
“From the celestial point of view, even though this planet is advancing in years, a deplorable barbarism as an insidious poison still persists among supposedly educated mortals. They see ‘others’ only as the enemy who needs to be subdued. They seem to have a mental block bordering on mental illness for refusing to open their closed minds to recognize all people as their brothers and sisters, and therefore kin.
“Those who do not recognize this most important fact are in all layers of society. Suffice to say that some extremely wealthy among you are especially infected by the noxious poison of thinking themselves above everyone else and even regard them as common slaves to be done away with when they get in the way of achieving their nefarious ends of ‘world power.’ Truly now, how come no one uses their God-given brains for the welfare of each other, which means for every man woman and child?
“Therefore, instead of allowing the situation to get even further out of hand to point of no return, and even hatching the nefarious idea of poisoning neighboring peaceful planets with evil intent, there is never any need to bring weapons into space, as these so-called aliens are also your brothers and sisters, even though they are different in appearance, they also possess a soul that strives to grow and glorify the Creator of all, and adhere to the same golden rule of loving God first and secondly loving and respecting themselves and all others.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Life Carrier Orion
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2896
Illawarra District, Australia, January 15, 2015.
Life Carrier Orion.
Subject: “Decimal Planets’ Explosive Potential”
Received by George Barnard.
Orion: “This is Orion. I greet all those present on this occasion of group meditation. We, your Life Carriers are not so big that we think ourselves to not derive benefits from exercising stillness with others — Midwayers, Angels, humans and our kin — instanter, close by or at great distances and all to the recognition and delight of our Father Creator. We will now reflect on evolution on a decimal world and I re-assure you that a Life Carrier’s comments are not always to be considered a guaranteed or complete answer to your hypotheses.
“Decimal worlds like worlds numbered 596, 606 and 616 and so on — all numbers ending with a 6, to be sure — are of great interest to many creatures and to Life Carriers more so than to most others. New non-decimal worlds are generally populated by us with suitable plants, animals and humans derived from established and promising worlds, similar in makeup to such new habitat. Consider this to be an enormously complex task with every opportunity for us to overlook any of thousands of chances for miscalculations.
“Decimal worlds are a different matter entirely, since here we have an opportunity to adjust the Mother-Spirit-enlivened products of our on-high laboratories. It would be inaccurate to say that the implantations we brought to this world had great potential, indeed, no, their potential might well be seen as ‘explosive’ so many varieties of plant and animal it produced. Take a worthwhile good look around on your world and you will see but a small percentage of what the life implantations produced. Much is hidden, yes, I agree.
“Many, many times more plants and creatures developed than what is present today. Some of them were so unlikely, so impractical, they could not possibly survive. Some of them so voracious, they might well make life impossible for the most promising of species. We stayed and cared for this ‘zoo’ by protecting most and encouraging some with the energy that is innate in us. We observed and in some instances utterly destroyed some species that could lay waste to our entire effort of millions of years.
“This now fully answers the question posed: The decimal planet life implants really do have almost infinite potential to give life to a vast range of species. Those species threatening all others and thereby the environment can be eliminated by us, even during the period when creature energy still promotes growth and diversification at a very high rate. However, at the time we note that a species may finally evolve into a creature that will at some time worship God and acquire wisdom, this super-high potential for all other species is tempered.
“This explains why some of my order have worked here for millions upon millions of years. A decimal planet is quite a task and indeed a university of learning where we often find species or product of good use elsewhere in Nebadon and beyond.
“This is your lone resident Life Carrier, Orion. Be well, my students. You are evolutionary creatures and whilst I may perhaps confirm your theories, I may not provide you with revelation. We leave you our love.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3190
Alabama, US of A, September 28, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Time”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “It may be advisable for mortals to occasionally disregard time. Time can frequently exert a powerful influence over the way in which you think. We are talking about time in the way humans regard time — as dates, as the interval between an initial state and the next, as present and as future. We are not talking about the time frame in which mortal life is lived, in the space-time sense.
“One of the ways in which you measure time is by assigning an age. Children of a young age are assumed to be immature and having a particular inclination toward games and joy. Adults are assumed to be mature and serious, while the elderly often are thought of as frail, ill, and sometimes as humans of a lesser category.
“These considerations are exclusively human. The age of the body has nothing to do with the age of mind and spirit. If you open your minds and hearts you may see many young people among you who demonstrate a spiritual perspicacity beyond their years. You could also notice many elderly people who enjoy their lives like children and retain that constant joy. Even when human bodies reach maturity and start to break down with the passing of time, such does not necessarily happen to the mind or the soul. Mind and soul can continue growing, strengthening, and learning on a constant basis. It all depends on the interests and dedication of each individual.
“Another ‘time idea’ that you might well leave behind is the one about keeping up with changing fashion, forcing yourselves to adjust your behavior and culture to what in the present is accepted by the majority. A human being who exercises his or her free will should learn to think independently. It is disconcerting to many celestials to observe how many higher ideas and customs are replaced by others of inferior quality just because the latter ones are new and the former ones are considered out of fashion or old. Half a century ago the moral level of humanity was much higher than it is today. It would indeed be beneficial for this planet to go back to some of the customs of the 1950s and 60s. Many other things from the past could be beneficial today if you would only dare to consider them.
“You are human beings of space-time, but your destiny is eternity. You have to learn to live outside of time. The best ideas and the best spiritual impulses are valid, important, and beneficial to you and to others at any moment in time. The idea of loving each other as our Father loves you was of great value two thousand years ago, one million years ago, and it will remain millions of years into the future. Truth, beauty and goodness are constant and immutable throughout all time. Only your appreciation and your capacity to express these qualities changes with time. Live in time but keep your sights on eternity, striving to progressively better express the perfection within you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.