- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2560
Urantia, November 19, 2014.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Forgiveness is Part of God’s Will”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “This message will be a great surprise to many people on this planet, especially those who are wont to harbor grudges. This can be a very long-held resentment from far in the past, of which even the occasion has ‘faded into the background,’ whilst the memory is allowed to surface and from time to time rear its unforgiving head. As a rule people are not yet making the connection that such ‘undigested’ and un-forgiven memories can be the cause of many maladies for which there is no earthly explanation. Like an intractable pain that flares up from time to time.
“Perhaps such moments may be a God-given lesson to make time for some introspection and ask the pain what is it doing there and what it is trying to tell you. It would be a huge eye-opener to the one who is experiencing that intractable pain seemingly coming on out of the blue. It is so very difficult to trace it back to its origin.
“Let us be frank about this. There are many inexplicable things or issues that can only become clearer when the horizon of the mind is less beset with worries. In other words, if the habit of meditation is becoming more commonplace, one can get more familiar with one’s inner self and what it needs from the owner of that body. Life becomes far more precious when people begin to recognize certain signs and symptoms and become aware enough to recognize that something is going on in their bodies; to stop and take some time out and start asking the question about what the emotional body needs.
“However, it also is important to mention that no one is alone to solve the riddle of these ‘unknown’ pains and aches. There is that Spark from God within each, who knows all about the human of its indwelling. It is always a wonderful idea to ask for Its help, as this is why It is there; to help guide the human through life. Many people may be well served when they write a letter to their God within and wait for an answer, which is sometimes already forthcoming before the question is placed on paper; however, this depends on their level of sincerity.
“The Still Small Voice always loves, but will always speak the truth, that forgiveness opens the door to healing. Therefore, you humans are well admonished to listen intently if you desire to be healed, as in this manner a great deal of self-healing can be accomplished. It is in forgiveness that the greatest healing is happening as a great deal of words were and are uttered thoughtlessly and most deeds are and have been committed in ignorance.
“This is why Jesus prayed for the perpetrators who nailed Him to the cross and said ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.’ Such was and still is doing the will of God, who let the will of the people prevail in that sordid crucifixion affair.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Be open to rebuttal and criticism and
be accepting of praise and compliments,
— Teacher Aaron.
- Details
- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2539
Michigan, US of A, December 21, 2014.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Are you Still Picking up Seashells?”
Received by Chris Maurus.
Ophelius: “The message we have for you today is about exploring the unknown. There are far too many souls that are splashing around in the shallow waters of life where it is safe and warm — never knowing what it is like to be completely submerged in the cool deep water where danger, mystery, and treasure lay buried. Whole lifetimes are spent picking up seashells, which are only the dead and washed up skeletons of creatures whose time has passed. They become like the empty shells they seek strewn about the surface of the sand because they themselves remain on the surface of life and never seek to have a deep thought about where they are going after they leave their own skeletons behind. You, my dear friends, were created for adventure — to seek and explore the unknown — to open doors; to create things of beauty; to scale mountains; to discover the deepest part of who you are — to challenge yourself to overcome the self-imposed limitations that were conditioned into you by a world that hands you a shovel and bucket.
“This life you have on earth is but a single heartbeat in the adventure that awaits you in eternity. You are the eyes, the ears, the hands and feet of the Creator in your universe — you are the explorers and the experiencers that move through time and become a part of the whole equation of universe reality — you are a part of the answer that completes the Creator’s question: ‘Who Am I?’ As a co-creator and partner with God, you decide what experiences you will have as you live and so the quality of those experiences affects the outcome in the whole equation of universe completion.
“The Creator desires to have ‘all-experience’ and therefore does He require diversity of experience. If the whole world is picking up seashells every day, how diversified is that experience for the Creator? Can a universe move into completion (Light and Life) when one planet in a system refuses to change — to stay cemented to old ideas that instill fear of the unknown? It only takes one person to move into the deeper water and find a living shell that is beautiful, animated, and interesting, and to hold it up to the crowd and say, ‘Look what I found!’ Then will they all gather around and marvel at it and begin to move out into the deep water to find their own beautiful living shell, and then they will go even deeper. This is how a planet can move from the darkness of fear and ignorance to light and life — someone has to be courageous and peer into the darkness to shine a light onto the path.
“There is a saying on your world, ‘As above, so below.’ Just as the quality of your childhood experiences shape who you are as an adult, so too does the quality of your entire life in this world shape the disposition of your afterlife. This is not to say that the limitations of opportunity imposed upon you in this life limit what you may become in eternity, no — you will be given every opportunity to explore those adventures you need to feel whole and complete, but if you are curious by nature, and not afraid to look into the unknown, those personality qualities will serve you well and will afford you the greatest of adventures and the grandest of experiences. This is what the Creator wants for you — to see beyond the horizon of your current view and to have as many of those ‘ah-ha’ moments and astonishing surprises as you will allow. The universes were created to provide you those contrasting experiences and to fulfill your desires to know.
“I wonder what it is like to experience _______.” Fill in the blank, my friends, and it shall be so.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” — Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
- Details
- Written by: Aaron of Urantia
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2527
Illawarra District, Australia, December 19, 2014.
Aaron of Urantia.
Subject: “Warfare — Never an Excuse.”
Received by George Barnard.
Aaron: “The mere thought, frequent deliberation and sometime worldwide teaching that some personality approaching the status of a god would wish for one tribe, race or nation to eliminate another is older than Caligastia’s arrival in ancient Mesopotamia. Much before the days of the Lanonandek Son, battles raged with little in the way of weapons other than stones and sharp sticks. In my days, the absolute myth that we were a superior people was the reason for our belligerence and wholesale slaughter. Little is recorded about those we enslaved.
“See it now clearly, my friend: the urge to attack and vanquish others is greed for their lands, their goods and their service as slaves — prestige, riches and control for the conquerors. Our excuse after our years of traveling in the wilds was that Jahweh’s Will demanded all to be punished. In reality we saw them as inferior, disorganized and small, whereas we had grown in numbers and would today be seen by you as marauders. We actually were the raiders of your bible, for the Creator has no favorites and truly does abhor all wars.
“In these inglorious, dangerous days of the 21st century nothing has changed. In these times of atomic weapons, endless spying and the sanctioning of weaker nations, you are ever at war. Simultaneously, you are fighting many, many wars. Currency wars are real; they are painful wars. Sanctioning of particular groups or nations affects all others in the end and everyone loses. Are you then the mythical lemmings that after a term of years so provide for your own demise?
(Here we have an unfortunate interruption of many hours).
Chief Bzutu: “This is Bzutu again with the remainder of Teacher Aaron’s message. It is short enough. The eminent Teacher states: “We in our celestial realm see a definite moral decline of your civilization. Many of you are sliding down a so-very-slippery slope of disorder, psychological disorder, histrionics, deviancy. It is hardly to be compared with sanity to invent new enemies by ‘throwing darts at a map of the world.’ Indeed it is insanity, but the appalling difficulties that may well result from your ever beckoning nuclear armaments might hopefully become the bitter truth drugs of your possible future recovery.”
Aaron states: “It is war and it is sin to tell lies about those you select to be your adversaries. It is war and it is a crime to broadcast your never-ending propaganda. It is war and it is an offense to turn the markets against your opponent. It is murder when you empty your guns at your adversaries, infanticide when a single child strays into the line of fire. There is no excuse! There is no such thing as collateral damage — a term invented by the disordered, the anarchists of this world.”
Lastly Aaron adds: “Perhaps it is not too late to not only turn just one brother from his insane justifications, but also to have him decide against a future crime. Perhaps my plea arrives in time for many of you to truly consider all others to be your direct kin and for you to heal your world. Our prayers are with you all.”
Chief Bzutu: “These are the words Teacher Aaron left in my care. I say good night. You are greatly loved by many.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
- Details
- Written by: Aaron of Urantia - Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2565
Illawarra District, Australia, December 19, 2014.
Aaron of Urantia.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “We Are Teachers for a Term” — Bringing You Teacher Aaron’s Message.
Received by George Barnard.
Chief Bzutu: “This is ABC-22 bringing you all of Teacher Aaron’s second message. Every part of the interrupted earlier message from Teacher Aaron was passed on to me as well, so at some time we can also take it up from where it was left off.
“Right now we are concerned about the return — I should say, the lack of return — of Teachers of the past. And to answer the question posed; former human Teachers such as Teacher Will, will not likely be returning, but perhaps to the original receiver. They have done their share, they have done their season of teaching, their terms, and they do move on. Some may occasionally come back to say hello to their past students, but for most of them, the task is finished.
“I remind you of the fact that Machiventa told you a long time ago that you are to place the people at the starting gates to spirituality to let them run their own race. Yes, for you to then leave them alone and let them take care of their own personal beliefs, their own spirituality. What would happen now, do consider, if every Teacher who was there some 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago would be coming back? What specifically would happen? You are right. You got it!
That Teacher would be dealing with the different receiver and would likely be subjected to the pre-existing beliefs of that particular receiver. However, to the people quite in the know of that Teacher’s earlier lessons and who might all now follow the new lessons, the Teachers might well seem to be contradicting themselves. This would become a greatly disturbing matter to those people who for instance believed in every single lesson of Teacher Will.
“This, my friend, is why Machiventa told you to ‘let them run their own race.’ You are only interested in people taking on and getting used to living some sort of spiritual life. But neither you, nor we, care all that much about precisely what it is they believe — the finer points, their ‘personal dogma’ if you like, is of no interest to us whatever. Their time spent in prayer or meditation or being otherwise involved in spiritual efforts is all we really care about.
“Think back to the time when you spoke at length to Primary Midwayer Andrea and when she told you that those of the ‘Tropical Rainforest Cathedrals’ were equally loved and supported as were those of the ‘Open Sky Churches of the Mongolian Steppes.’ To us, it is clear that you simply cannot understand all of what spirituality and the spirit world is all about, but we support you and we encourage you in whatever diverse beliefs you have. Both Progress and Churches see it as their duty to work with you equally, to support you equally and to encourage you equally. The very ‘nuts and bolts’ of the spirit world are hardly your immediate concern.
“This now is all of Aaron’s second message. I thank you for staying the distance with me and I thank you for listening sharply and so understanding my mind. I leave you my love and that of all others of our 11:11 Emergency Platoon of old. I say good night.”
George: “Thank you, thank you. Au revoir.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
- Details
- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2414
Urantia, November 12, 2014.
Teacher: A Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “According to your Belief”
Received by Lytske.
Mentor: “Thank you, child, for answering the call of spirit, even though you have not a clue what subject is to be covered. We, as a group of celestials are always looking for those humble ones who are willing to serve as the mouthpiece for ‘other-worldly’ voices. This is not to denigrate you; it is more your training in a willingness to be of service to humanity.
“Humanity of the present day is slowly slipping into a deep stupor of not knowing that they are unwittingly being poisoned from every direction. They think their governments are taking care of them, so they rest in their complacency, not knowing or even wanting to know that freedoms are taken away. Especially the freedom of balanced and clear independent thinking is in a very insidious way being eroded by all the poisons added to the food and water supply and even bombarded from the air.
“These are the signs of present times created to repress the thoughts of the population to the ultimate purpose of depopulation thereby serving the greed of the few. He who has an ear to hear and an eye to read, wake up and be about your individual independent thoughts and start thinking outside the box: do find like-minded individuals and start using those brilliant minds with which you are endowed. And I do not say this in jest.
“Wake up and read between the lines and start wondering if the news dished up via your electronic devices is accurate. Check the poisons which are beginning to filter into everything. As citizens you have every right — and may I add responsibility — to know what you are feeding your minds and bodies. Is it wholesome and do your physical systems benefit or are you more beset with aches and pains to be soothed with unnatural means?
“Your eternal lives are at stake. How about taking your undying souls into consideration? With what are you feeding your souls? What thoughts do you hold in your mind, for these produce after their kind! The celestials are willing to help humanity; however, you have to help yourselves first by using your God-given brains.
“The request from Jesus still stands: ‘According to your belief it shall be done unto you’ and ‘Ask and you shall receive; only believe.’ This is the subject topic and message I desire to bring you. In a way, you may consider this another wake-up call from the celestial realms for humanity to become more responsible in their personal behavior, for each individual shall surely need to give account of their individual life and how this most important foundational life was lived.
“Start by planning a better way of life by turning off some of your electronic toys. Next, concentrate on creating a healthy family life, for this will be the beginning of a better future for your offspring. Pay more attention to your children because they hold the promise of the future and teach them the golden rule of doing unto others as they would like to be treated.
“Progress or regress. It is your choice.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.