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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 443
Chicago, US of A, April 9, 2015.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Human Interchanges — Tools for the Human Brotherhood.”
Message received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Before Urantia is ushered into the era of Light and Life, it is necessary to create a real Human Brotherhood on your planet. Jesus of Nazareth called this the Human Brotherhood of the “Kingdom of God” for the lack of a better term for the Jews of His time. Paul, the apostle, mistakenly called it “the Church” or “the Body of Christ” made up exclusively of Christians, therefore not really a Human Brotherhood. The Human Brotherhood is both spiritual and social because first of all, it is made of human beings living in society and secondly, it is spiritual because it is based on the Fatherhood of the One God — Father of All. Human interchange will help the Human Brotherhood become a Urantia reality.
“Economic Interchange. Money is a great human drive. On it depends the material development of your civilization and for it people travel the world back and forth. Commercial trade has always being an effective civilizer: the desire for money will make human beings disregard cultural and religious differences — even adapt to them in order to maximize their profit. Merchant people are great missionaries, advertising their products, but also trading cultural and religious viewpoints. They not only brought their influences, but they likewise were influenced. Commercial trade contributes to peace among nations.
“Cultural Interchange. Culture is the collective repository of artistic, scientific and social values of a given people or society. The interchange of these values will teach individuals of one nation to know and appreciate the culture of others. Most wars come from fear, and ignorance is the mother of all fears. Mutual knowledge among nations will greatly diminish the suspicions of origin in ignorance. Your Nobel Awards are a noble initiative in this field, as are the periodic Olympic Games. Much can still be done by the more advanced nations in the scientific field by their sharing progress in medicine and technology as well as in education, through an increase in students’ exchange programs and international scholarships.
“Religious Interchange. The interchange in the religious arena is yet very poor on Urantia. It is in need of a major ecumenical stimulus — one that is beyond the organizational level, bringing actual cooperative service towards pressing human needs. Religious interchange will only become a reality on your planet when major religions acknowledge both the universal fatherhood of God, and the brotherhood of all humans beings, based on the former. These sentiments are already present in humanity and in most of the individuals that have a religious inclination. They need, however, a unifying initiative through association with human beings — not through associations with organizations and institutions.
“Therefore, my pupil, concentrate your efforts on the religious aspect in disseminating your influence with others. Without proselytism, however, but by showing no prejudice so you will inhibit the otherwise likely prejudice in others. Preach and live the universal aspects of the Gospel taught and lived by Jesus of Nazareth for that is lacking of the "-isms" that religions, sects and cults advocate. No change will happen overnight. Social and religious changes will not advance at the pace of technology in your world, although it has been faster since the Renaissance. Evolution also rules these aspects of human life. And evolution, although it is tremendously efficient, unceremoniously takes its time.
“I am Prolotheos, your Teacher and Tutor on High. Peace be with you all.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Keep Before You the Goal of the Ages — Teacher Prolotheos.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 317
Michigan, US of A, May 17, 2015.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Change: The Undiscovered Country.”
Received by Chris Maurus.
Ophelius: “To live is to change. Everything about life is a process of change and transformation, for if you are standing still or resisting change, you are not really living life according to your life plan. Just think about these words: “life plan.” It is a living blueprint; a series of goals and destinations; a dynamic strategy for soul progress and completion; and it is a guided outline for you to follow as you uniquely gather your eternal treasure — those survival value experiences that go with you into eternity. Change, my friend, is a good thing and you are wise to embrace it.
“There are two ways to experience change: with fear and dread closing down every opportunity; or with curiosity, trust, and hope — with an inner knowing that you will grow and benefit from the “shift” in direction. Imagine living on a river and spending a great deal of time learning how to build a canoe. You’ve learned from the greatest canoe builders and teachers; selected the best building materials, and now as you near the completion of the task, you bring your canoe to the edge of the water. The weather is near perfect for a journey, yet you have never been down the river and you do not know what is around the bend or in the lands beyond your home. You have a decision to make: to go boldly into the river and explore the world beyond, or do you stay where you are and polish your canoe again as you have a hundred times before?
“Yes, you have heard stories of others who have traveled down the river — some have nearly drowned in the rapids and others have made it through to discover the placid lakes and sandy beaches. Many twists and turns there are and many beautiful vistas for you to behold, yet until you actually move into the water, you will never know. Are you not curious of what the river of life holds for you? Eternal life, and godlike perfection is ahead, but to get there, you must be willing to change and grow, wonder, and explore all there is in the Father’s house. It is the Creator’s Will that you venture out and explore the lands beyond and take the path less travelled — be the first to discover the hidden valleys and experience the bounty of an undiscovered country.
“You, my friend, are the explorer, the sensor, and risk taker. You are the hands, feet, eyes, mouth, and heart of the Creator in the realms of time — you are the vessel and the navigator for the Indwelling Spirit of the Creator who rides with you. He goes where you go; He sees what you see; He feels what you feel; and He harvests the experience of life that you choose to have and keeps it safe for you like a priceless treasure — safe within your soul. Go therefore boldly into the water and trust that your Heavenly Father will see you through the journey. Will you go with fear and dread, or with wonder, trust, and faith? The Universes were created for your journey home and I can assure you that the path is one of sublime beauty and astonishment. Love is the current that moves your canoe down the river and when you stay in the flow of love, only Truth, Beauty, and Goodness shall grace your voyage.
“What are you waiting for? Take your shoes off, step into the brisk water, pull the canoe from the shore and get in — you are in for the ride of your life!”
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 379
Alabama, US of A, April 10, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Make the Most of It”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Many in this world have been forcibly prevented from utilizing their potential due to the pressing needs and situations that require their immediate attention. Numerous ideas and inclinations that could contribute to improving the situation of this world have been suppressed and forgotten in lives dedicated solely to survival or interrupted by wars, violence, or intolerance. Indeed, those who cannot meet their physical needs (food, shelter, rest) must first seek to solve these problems before they can function in higher capacities.
However, those on high understand the limitations that the humans of Urantia face when living such intense lives, full of challenges and abundant opportunities to choose the will of the Father among all the confusing paths presented. The talents you possess are to be explored in eternity, and all the concerns and longings of your soul that hold eternal value you will be able to explore later.
If you have the opportunity to dedicate a little time to those things you naturally feel inclined to explore, seize this opportunity. Do not worry if the time you have is limited. Any learning and anything of survival value that you can add to your personality will be part of the wealth you can take with you when you leave this world. The things you undertake here you will be able to finish later, and your efforts to express your creative power in the world will find complete expression in eternity.
Always remember that your main mission in this life is to discover your heavenly Father and establish an effective working relationship with the presence of the Father within you to cooperatively create a new being of light, the one you will be when you have finally made the supreme decision to trust and live God's will, reflecting His divinity through your decisions and actions. Everything else you should wisely put in the background.
Your time in this world is limited, and you would do well to make the most of it in things of eternal value. Living according to the will of the Father is the highest achievement a human being can aspire to – indeed, the highest achievement for any creature. Those who live such a life are truly meeting all expectations and securing for themselves future opportunities to explore their creativity to the fullest.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 369
Urantia, November 27, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “A Journey Into Glory.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “It is a long road towards perfection on Paradise. Many levels intervene, many hurdles will need to be overcome, and many lessons learned. All your human and animal vestiges will have been eradicated through your personal choices and decisions
Yours is a journey into glory, of which I cannot even begin to tell you, as you simply lack understanding for the grandeur of the hereafter. There exists no human language with which to describe heaven’s music, heaven’s colors, and heaven’s atmospheric energies and conditions. These all need to be experienced.
Even now, it is impossible for Me to place such vistas in your mind, because your mind is so incredibly limited compared to what it will be in future ages. By your hunger and willingness, you open doors within of which you did not even know the existence. This ability needs a fertile soil of preparation, and a willingness to trust this process of development.
Grow in faith, live day by day as a tadpole, and some day you will leap like a frog. Meanwhile, your work is right here in the trenches for you to ultimately become what I am describing to you: a perfected being.
Do not worry about having to come back to this planet for more sorrow and grief, for these shores will have been left behind by the dissolution of the mortal flesh and your resurrection into a morontia body, which will serve you until you have earned your beginning spirit status.
God’s Kingdom is about progress, and there are countless lessons and experiences awaiting on the mansion worlds and beyond for all believing and trusting souls. Meanwhile, your great lesson lies in the skill of overcoming negative habits and faulty character traits. With every advance you will be expected to exhibit more of the fruits of the spirit in loving service.
He or she, who would be the greatest, must be willing to become the servant of all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 321
Oregon, June 7, 2020.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Ready to Tie the Knot?"
Message received by Anyas
Thought Adjuster: “Everything God does has a long-term objective. How could it be any different since, as an eternal Being, the scope of eternity is non-negligible in His Great Plan? To manifest His most loving intentions into an ever-evolving reality, He instituted what you would coin as a ‘cosmic service industry’ — enlisting the help of myriads of altruistic artisans, cheerfully and diligently collaborating in their various fields of expertise and predilection. How else could any creative endeavor exude beauty and goodness if it was not performed willingly and lovingly?
As a Divine Fragment of the Father, I, too, strive to serve and thrive in doing so. Upon your first moral decision, I was given access to your promising mind and its intricate inner workings. My first assignment was to monitor your mental processes to assess how to develop the most appropriate spiritual curriculum without infringing on your self-governance.
My on-site presence enables Me to seize all windows of opportunity to ‘adjust’ your thinking incrementally like an orthodontist performing minute corrections to a child’s crooked dentition to bring forth a perfect smile over time.
Your thinking needs to be elevated from your down-to-earth limited perspective and preoccupations to qualify you as a viable candidate for an eternal destiny as a full-fledged spiritual being. It would be best to acknowledge this fact while operating in a physical form that will return to dust. My role is to help you bridge the gap between materialism and spirituality, prompting you to live a meaningful life and prepping you for a successful transition in the afterlife.
Eventually, I will become your Go-To when in need of enlightened spiritual guidance. I am then promoted to the status of Thought Controller — not in a dictatorial way, but an advisory function. The more you get to know Me, the better you pick up on My Leadings and experience the favorable outcomes they manifest in your life when you act upon them. Eventually, you will think My way. Mission accomplished! We are then ready to tie the knot — to fuse into one harmonious being.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.