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- Written by: Teacher Prometheus
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 326
Alberta, Canada, June 22, 2014.
Prometheus’ Treasures - XIV.
Subject: “Cultivating Wellbeing – Part II – Teaching the Principle of Brotherhood.”
Received by Renée.
Teacher Prometheus: “While humans need to be aware of their very basic survival needs, it is of critical importance for them to begin to educate children from a very young age – as soon as the child shows awareness of others, even from the age of eighteen months, and in some cases earlier – to the needs of others. These others include family members, and friends who visit and interact with the family, also including neighbors and professional care-givers.
“All morality is based on the awareness of the need to respect, uphold and honor the fundamental needs of others, because of the truth of the fact: All are children of the First Source Creator. This means the concept of a Divine Parent is essential for morality, social health, and the progression of both the individual, as well as individual societies, nations and associations. This recognition leads to the full realization of responsibility as a child of our Creator. The embracing of membership in the spiritual Family of God brings an awareness of the need for intelligent, loving cooperation with each other to co-create with the help of real Spiritual forces and personalities – a planetary culture of Light and Life.
“Wayshower is a word which deserves to be carefully considered, and repeatedly emphasized in a society to underscore and remind all members, no matter their personal stage of personality development, status, or station, that they have a moral priority and obligation to lead by example and demonstration, behavior of Brotherly Love and consideration. This moral obligation applies to parents, siblings, teachers, mentors, friends, neighbors, and service providers, leaders in education, government, business and spiritual communities.
“The individual members of a society must be taught by example that each person who is given any opportunity to interact in a relationship with a child, is expected to exhibit the most noble bearing of excellence in ethical and moral, spiritually responsible behavior. The highest codes of conduct and loving service values of a sustainable society must be actively practiced by all members. Exceptional care must be taken in teaching each member that they play a role in the raising of viable, healthy fully functional, emotionally balanced and morally capable children.
“This ideal of behavior may sound challenging to achieve, practically impossible to attain, and daunting to deliver. The importance of investing all the very best behavior of selfless, loving service, respect for equality and responsible conduct to children can not be underestimated. Each person can acknowledge the potential impact and real influence they are endowed with, because of their free-will personality status. They can accept how their personal choices: either honor the Divine Guidance to serve as a loving wayshower, neglect an opportunity to teach a child the Christ-like way, or cause confusion and promote conflict in a child’s mind through examples of selfish, dishonorable, unloving, unjust or morally corrupt behavior.
“Brotherhood is not only to be seen as a lofty concept based on intellectually-derived ethics, but a living and vital, breathing way of relating to all of one’s fellows. This certainly extends to all other human beings born on neighboring time-space spheres, but also extends to all orders of created and personalizing, perfecting and ministering individualized beings as well as the application of this principal of brotherhood to all evolutionary races, and Spirit-indwelt species.
“We are Prometheus and Friends.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Prometheus
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 349
Alberta, Canada, May 15, 2013.
Prometheus’ Treasures - XIII.
Subject: “Cultivating Wellbeing–Part I–Parenting the Viable Child.”
Received by Renée.
Teacher Prometheus: “Well-being is a phrase that can be applied in all situations where a human-being is called upon to make a choice, for the choice to serve is presented time and time again to each child of the evolutionary spheres. The consciously ethical, striving, and spiritually receptive individual is aware of the potentialities of choice-making to a degree in the rudimentary intellect which develops with each experiential choice. The average-minded human being certainly has in their possession free will, bestowed at the time the personality-gift is given, at birth and not before. Teaching the child to make choices, which consider the well-being of others, is of paramount importance. As it states in the Urantia Papers, the Gift of the Thought Adjuster does not arrive until the human child makes his or her first moral choice.
“An infant develops an ability to communicate and this precipitates learning via choice-making. Parents must be cognizant of the fact that they are members of a community, which supports the family, and therefore they must teach their children to make responsible choices within the community. The ‘common good’ must be considered the higher priority, before a choice is made which has the potential to affect the whole community.
“The first several years of development are focused on the nourishment of the mind, the physical vehicle and the emotional-psychological and social needs of the child. The child’s sense of self is but the seed of consciousness, a narrow and necessarily self-focused awareness. The needs of the child stimulate the human parents investments of time, energy, but most importantly love. This ‘self’ could be called ‘ego’ but would more properly be described as a seed of greater ‘consciousness’. The investment of the efforts of human parents, Mother Spirit, and Seraphim which tend to the young children and the over-care-protective-calming energies of Christ Michael our Universe Sovereign are required to grow the seed to an expanded consciousness. Personality depends upon this expanded consciousness.
“The Spirit of Truth – the Gift of Christ Michael to His Urantian children after his resurrection (more appropriately called translation from His mortal Bestowal mission) – begins to work in coordination with the Adjutant Mind Spirits of Mother Spirit as soon as the child has sufficient awareness of self and the awareness of his or her ability to respond to stimulus and create ‘thought forms’ which are an expression of its needs and feelings. The needs of the self-aware human-child-personality are not simply physical!
“The child-personality desires, and above all else needs, the acceptance and loving affection and the attentiveness of his or her parents. The child also fundamentally requires and deserves safety and security. The child can only thrive if certain primary conditions are met: Firstly, a safe and caring environment; secondly, accepting and nurturing attitudes from the care-givers; thirdly, the nourishment which stimulates growth of body, mind-intellect, and social, emotional, and ‘spiritual intelligence’.
“The conditions of safety, acceptance, nourishment and commitment – response-ability – to the needs of the child must be met sufficiently for there to be a ‘viable child’, who yearns to learn beyond the vital prerequisite of simple animal-survival skills.
“We are Prometheus and Friends.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 382
Alabama, US of A, April 8, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Value of Experience”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “It would be much more effective for the advancement of spiritual truth in this world if human beings were led to understand these truths through their own experience, not only through the creeds, traditions, and norms of traditional religions. It is much easier to understand the unconditional love of the Father when one has experienced a similar love in family life when parents try to emulate God's love in the love they offer to their children.
Likewise, the ideals of universal citizenship and brotherhood among men could be the foundation of the basic education of young people growing up in a society that seeks to emulate these ideals in the lives of its individuals. The best way to learn is always through example and practice. You must first observe how others do the things you wish to do and then strive to do these things until you acquire the desired skill.
The poor spiritual capacity of the majority in this world is a product of society and the examples to which these majorities are subjected daily during the development of their lives. Children learn very quickly to lie to gain an unfair advantage over their peers. Nations quickly learn to harm their neighbors to demonstrate superiority and alleviate fears of possible future attacks. Men and women soon learn that love does not seem to have much power in this world, as those who achieve material success often do so by crushing their peers and not allowing themselves to be dominated by their sentimental 'weaknesses'.
But even now there is hope. Your will is free, and if you exercise this freedom, you can choose to overcome all these limitations and against all odds develop a true spiritual character that will be like a balm to soothe the wounds that errors, selfishness, and fear cause daily in this world. Learn to look within yourself for the example and motivation that you cannot find out there and use this inspiration that the presence of God provides you to manifest in the world the truth, beauty, and goodness that your soul truly longs for.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 358
Urantia, November 26, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “To the Best of Your Ability.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “In order for you to clear your mind from its baser creature tendencies, you need to stay as close to Me as is possible. Come more often into your inner sanctum where Stillness reigns, and where the clamor of the world is not welcome.
It is here where true healing takes place. It is here where rest is to be found for your tired and stressed-out nerves. It is here where I am waiting to help you shed your less desirable behaviors, and where you cultivate positive habits. It is here where you gain new insights, discover deeper meanings, and greater values, as well as the real purpose of living this life in the flesh, and even why this life is worth living to the best of your ability.
I reiterate that this terrestrial life is only the tip of an enormous iceberg, with all its hidden gifts and treasures still locked up deep within you. Only when you are totally open and trusting, can I show you glimpses of the life to come. However, it is often your preconceived opinions and doubts that keep My door closed, even hidden from view.
It is only those childlike trusting minds to which the mysteries Of the Kingdom are revealed. Overmuch mundane knowledge and superficial understanding often bar the way to the rich wisdom of eternal values. Knowledge can be food for the mind, but leaves the soul undernourished and indeed, starved.
See to it that whatever you read is both, knowledge, and nourishment. If there is nothing in it with a semblance of deeper meanings and values, much precious time will be wasted. When you do become more serious about God’s business, and desire to seek His will, you will become more discriminating as to how you spend your time.
Unfortunately, most time on this planet is spent in idle pursuits, and yet people everywhere are getting more and more stressed, because they live on the fringes of their consciousness. If they would only learn to dive deeper into the cool waters of Stillness, they would find themselves refreshed in mind, body and soul. Many of the present-day maladies would not arise should people learn to lean on the staff of the everlasting Creator God.
It is this practice that makes life worth living.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 303
Oregon, USA, August 20, 2021.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Roll Up Your Sleeves! You Have Homework to Do.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “At this formation stage of your eternal life, you are unsuspecting of the wealth of your innate powers of manifestation. The Father delegates his sublime powers profusely — wisely imparting them according to your level of intelligence and emotional maturity. In another stroke of genius, he custom-tailored your personality. He assigned it a specific purpose by encrypting it with an abundance of talents — some ready-to-use and others latent. Their sound development requires a focused use of the 100 billion neurons (give or take a few billion) of your human gray matter and My inner guidance.
The sharpness of your thinking is not static. By consistently and intelligently flexing your brain and heart muscles, you will become an ever-better version of yourself, thus positioning yourself in ever-higher service.
By declaring your self-sovereignty, the Father took a giant leap of faith. Your unalienable free will prerogative is a trump card he included with forethought in the deck of cards dealt you at birth.
Be very clear about your powers of imagination and manifestation so as not to misuse or abuse them. Impulsive behaviors are not your best friends unless prompted by unconditional love.
You are influential regarding all the components of your complex being. Assume responsibility for the quality of your thoughts and feelings, as they are manifested in the outer world by the creative or destructive powers unleashed by your spoken words and actions.
Researchers define human intelligence as the capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Roll up your sleeves! You have homework to do.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.