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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 303
Oregon, USA, June 29, 2022.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Put on Your Sunday’s Best.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “It is primordial for anyone wishing to step up their connection with their divine Indweller to, after articulating their intention to do so, ready themselves for such a special encounter. If you were to attend a royal wedding and showed up wearing yesterday’s casual attire, you would most certainly be turned away at the door and deprive yourselves of the privilege to mingle among the nobility.
What I am hinting at is that to benefit the most out of our together time, you need to condition your entire being by raising your vibrations so that they are the best possible match to Mine. Just as you carefully groom yourself before attending a special event to demonstrate respect to the host, you prepare for your daily audience with Me by wearing your Sunday’s best spiritual attire. You clear and cleanse your mind from any distracting interferences so that you can more easily pick up on My subliminal input.
You also come to Me with an open heart, ready to receive My love in its plenitude. You then re-enter your day recharged, uplifted, and eager to set the right course of action since you started it under the best auspices.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
New Release:
“Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living” Volume 3
is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle version
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 864
São Carlos – SP, Brazil, October 2, 2018.
Teacher: Prolotheos.
Subject: “How Does Faith Progress?”
Message received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Evolutionary religions are prone to create superstitions, myths, legends and fables. Although they are evolutionary creations, they are capable of expressing an ill-informed, but authentic spiritual faith. The facts may be wrong and useless, but the spiritual experiences they convey are of universal value because by faith, they make the transcendental leap from the circumscribed material sense to the spiritual dimension. True, this embryonic faith springs from evolution, however, because it is also transcendental, this evolution becomes a spiritual evolution, that starts in the beings’ native world and continues progressing to and through the morontia worlds on High. How does this faith progress from myths, legends, and fables to the robust faith of those who acknowledge themselves as children of the Universal Father and members of the human brotherhood?
1. Spiritual Agencies: “Human beings were never without spiritual assistance since the acquisition of personality. The spirits adjutants crown their earlier work over even the animal state with the functioning of the spirit of worship and the spirit of wisdom. At that point also began the ministry of the guardian angels, first to groups, then to individuals after the conquest of the third psychic circle, even enabling individuals to belong to the planetary reserve corps. Not only angelic beings assisted human beings in their early ages, but also other beings too as the Melchizedeks, which are of record on Urantia to have ministered to primitive man and later on in Abraham’s days. Those kinds of spiritual agencies still work today on your planet, in greater numbers and in the most efficient manner.
2. Spiritual Dispensations: “When human beings reach relative stages of biological, social, and spiritual maturity, the local universe sends its Sons to inaugurate a new spiritual dispensation. That occurred on Urantia on two occasions: with the coming of Caligastia as the Planetary Prince, as a civilizer ministry of Adam and Eve, as racial uplifters. Although these two dispensations were tragically miscarried and did thwart their otherwise normal and salutary effects, they were not a complete loss, and their limited benefits, especially on their cultural contribution to the formation of a civilization tinged with vestiges of their original religiosity. These vestiges are still present in today’s Urantia religions.
3. Spiritual Bestowals: “A Spiritual Bestowal in the local universe is a spiritual gift given to a planet. When Christ Michael decided to finish His Bestowal Program to acquire total sovereignty over His Universe He chose to do this on Urantia, as Jesus of Nazareth. That unscheduled, but most beneficial bestowal on your planet became the greatest spiritual influence not so for Urantia, but also for a whole on-looking universe. From that sprang two other important spiritual bestowals: the coming of the Spirit of Truth and the general outpouring of the Thought Adjusters. Those bestowals are currently also supported by two other universe initiatives: the 5th Epochal Revelation, the Urantia Papers, and the installation of the Correction Time, under the supervision of the now Prince Machiventa.
“Therefore, my pupil, faith progresses on a planet according to a series of spiritual interventions that start with the gift of personality and matures through spiritual agencies, dispensations, and bestowals. Of those, the most important being the Final Sovereignty Bestowal of Christ Michael with its unparalleled spiritual benefit superbly supported by the ministry of the Spirit of Truth and the Thought Adjusters pouring out over all normal Urantians, causing an unprecedented spiritual progress on Urantia for the last nearly 2000 years, although still dealing with retarding effects of the Lucifer Rebellion. I am Prolotheos, your tutor-teacher on High, most glad to participate in this Spiritual Recovery program of Urantia. Peace to all!”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Keep Before You the Goal of the Ages — Teacher Prolotheos.
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- Written by: Secondary Midwayer Beatrice (ABC-3)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 345
Illawarra District, Australia, October 12, 2017.
Teacher: Secondary Midwayer, Beatrice (ABC-3).
Subject: “All Versions of the Truth.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Beatrice: “I wish to speak with you today about Truth, a commodity whose realness depends on who you are, where you are and when you are. Truth is available to you, however, and to whoever you are and what you were taught. Truth might well depend on where you live and what ‘tribes’ surround you. And Truth just had to be really primitive some 700 years ago when I tutored Durante degli Alighieri — just Dante to make it simpler for you.
“Hello everyone; readers, members and contributors to the 11:11 Progress Group alike, this is Beatrice or ‘Ah-Bé-Ce-Tri,’ as this receiver calls me to remind me that he was the first human in 700 years to work out who I really was.
“Truth is variable. Your truth and my truth are not alike and Dante’s truth with Heaven, Hell and Purgatory was ‘something else’ again — the latter being a place where you would be only lightly roasted on both sides instead of being carbonized to a crisp, as in Hell. Fortunately, Truth changes, Truth progresses, but it always remains someone’s truth, to offer stability to individuals and populations to the highest level of what they can accept, work with, comprehend and plan their actions around.
“Even today the fortunate among you have managed to procure the Fifth Epochal Revelation — the Urantia Papers — and you have likely thereby acquired a somewhat higher truth. And as you will be gifted with greater mind endowments and tutorials, you will look back at your past beliefs and see how incomplete and primitive these truths have become to your now-suddenly-superior concepts. However, the old beliefs are still 100% truth. You are getting this . . . I sense.
“Dante Alighieri knew the truth of his day. He made himself available to champion that truth of his day, just as the Christian Church of that time held that truth to be right, complete and up to date. For Virgil, ‘up there’ and on his way to Higher Spheres it must indeed have been a Divine Comedy to so stray, but stay and play his allotted part in it. For me it was an important and a most laborious task I have come to appreciate more and more in the centuries since. It took discipline in adhering to the script, to not give away new revelation, to be inspired and patient most of all with Dante’s near-endless working hours and unexpected, contrasting, sudden, lengthy breaks.
“Your acknowledgement of that job well done became my all-time greatest reward. You are family, you’re my kin and you’re a brother. This is ABC-3 (Beatrice). I leave you my love.”
Receiver’s note: I hadn’t heard from this young lady for donkey’s ages. It must be her birthday!
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 838
Alabama, US of A, May 1, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Slow Changes.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The true religion of Jesus has an inexhaustible capacity to inspire the best in the souls of humanity. Men and women of elevated thought and great aspirations would find everything they need to achieve their spiritual goals and be the best they can be if exposed to the living example of the Master's life. How can we offer them what their souls so deeply yearn for and need?
Showing the life of Jesus as narrated in the Urantia Book is a good start. However, it would be much more effective if there were genuine living illustrations of this life. For this reason, the best thing you can do to serve your fellow beings, to help elevate the condition of this world, to achieve maximum spiritual growth, and to attain perfection is to live a life like the one Jesus lived—a life devoted to the will of the Father. This is the main mission of the spiritual leaders at this moment in the history of this world.
Can a single life really be the catalyst for the great changes needed in this world? Changes may not occur tomorrow or next year, or even in the next century. You may not see the results of your efforts in this life. However, you can live a life that is a gift to the Father and a service of love to your fellow beings, and by living this way, you will bring the world one step closer to spiritual progress.
The world’s problems would practically vanish if everyone lived a life devoted to doing the will of the Father and being the best they can be. But how others live their lives is not your responsibility. You will only be required to live your own life in the best way you can imagine. However, a life devoted to the divine will is always rich in spiritual fruits that inevitably benefit those who encounter personalities living similar lives.
You are one person, and perhaps your life will not be known to the masses. Perhaps only one or two people will grasp the magnitude and importance of the life you have lived, but they will be transformed in such a way that they will aspire only to live their own lives in the same manner, inspired by your example and by the love they received from you. They may be your family, your children, your siblings, or your friends. And if they live glorious lives thanks to your inspiration, they, in turn, will inspire others, and thus, gradually, the virus of love will spread across this world, and many will find a better way to live, with peace and equal opportunities for all.
Permanent and significant changes are generally slow, and this is desirable to avoid confusion and to follow the normal evolutionary process of worlds, as decreed by the Creator. Do not forget that Lucifer’s mistake was seeking shortcuts. Do not forget the great confusion and the consequences that this mistake caused, consequences that are still painfully evident in your world. Use the desire of your soul that seeks change and wishes to do something positive and brave for the world to live a life devoted to the pursuit of perfection—the will of God. In doing so, you will discover great personal satisfaction in your individual life experience while offering the greatest gift that a creature can give to its Creator—being all that the Creator wishes the creature to be.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 821
Urantia, February 5, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Stewardship.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “It is sincerity in the human heart which makes the soul grow. Therefore, at the start of another little note, I always observe the musings and longings in your mind and tailor My words accordingly. You just read that the fields are ripe for harvest but the workers are too few. This means that many people seek meaning and purpose in life because the outer materialistic life with its hollow entertainment will be found wanting in real sustenance for the soul.
People everywhere are looking for something that feeds their inner self, and this will not stop until they have found a living relationship with the Creator of their being. Many reach for unsuitable food so their bodies wax fat but the inner self is still starving. This deep hunger drives people to seek fulfillment in different places, never quite finding what they desire and so, they remain unfulfilled and the search continues.
This is a real dilemma on this planet, which, now appears to be driven by greed to gather more and more 'stuff' while the soul is starving. Many live in obscene abundance and yet are living in the greatest spiritual poverty anyone can imagine. Those who are often so abundantly rich in material wealth can sometimes truly be the world’s paupers, as they will have nothing of substance to offer in their souls in life eternal, which is the purpose and goal of the ages.
It is here where heart-intelligence lacks and head-intelligence is completely out of proportion. This is mainly due to selfishness gone awry, with no consideration for their kin, who live in poverty. With kin, I succinctly mean anybody on the planet, as everyone is kin at their spiritual root source. This is yet greatly misunderstood and therefore, misdirected causing the whole planetary progress to suffer and remain backward.
This is what is meant by the fields being ripe and needing harvesting with the Love of God being spread abroad in the world, by less selfishness and by becoming each other's comforting presence and not the monetary slaves of the super-rich. Everything has its place in the scheme of things, but obscenity in any area is an abomination to the Father-heart of God the Creator, who sees all as being alike before Him. There is something called 'stewardship', and I tell you again that all are responsible for being good stewards of all the gifts God has given humankind to enjoy, including the earth's bounty.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.