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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 365
Asheville, NC, US of A, September 20, 2015.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “For Those Who Feel Defeated.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is for those who feel defeated. There may come a time in your life where you feel the whole world is against you and you feel you are left alone to fight on for what you believe, yet despite all your strivings, good intentions and prayers for help, the situation and condition you find yourself in seems to worsen. You begin to question the very things in which you believe and have so boldly defended. You feel your faith weakening and you begin to entertain thoughts of failure, defeat and surrender to the enemy. If you find yourself in this place, my friend, do not give in to defeat, but rather prepare yourself for a transformation, for in any life that is to mature, grow and progress, there shall be change and a reorganization of your beliefs. This is a time for preparation — for the emergence of a more perfected soul.
“When you come to the realization that your life has stalled, that your hoped-for future plans have not materialized as you had envisioned, it is time to re-evaluate where you are and where you are going. You may look at this feeling of emptiness like a vessel that has been cleaned out and is ready to be filled with fresh water. Change is needed in your habits and routines. A problem cannot be solved by the same thinking that created it and so a new mind is what is needed. Look at the world in a different way and open up your mind to receive new insights and considerations. Start asking questions and be open to the answers that present themselves to you in ways you have not considered. Answers come in many packages. Therefore be more sensitive to the pointers and signposts that lead to the ‘soul-utions.’
“Perhaps it is time for you to take a break from all the perplexities that weigh heavy on your mind. Reversion and renewal may be the medicine needed to clear the mind and to see more clearly where you are headed and where your treasure lies. There is great value in the symbolism of the ‘40 days in the wilderness.’ Sincere communion with your Heavenly Father may be what is needed to work out the confusion in your mind. Begin to live as if all things are in order and amplify the positive while you de-emphasize the burdens of the present. Switch the focus of your mind on the things that bring joy and elevate your spirit to new heights. This is the place where the new mind comes.
“Develop your inner strength and introspection with the help of your Indwelling Spirit. All the pieces of the puzzle shall come together as you lay the framework for unfolding of the new mind. It is within you to discover the power of Father’s will.
“Peace to you, Dear One,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Machiventa Melchizedek
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 315
Illawarra District, Australia, September 30, 2015.
Urantia Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchizedek.
Subject: “Dependancy and Contribution.”
(shortened transmission).
Message received by George Barnard.
Machiventa: “This is your Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchizedek. The function of a universe — your picturesque planet, if you will — is to provide experiences and creature personality progress. The God-knowing mortal as well as the indwelling Thought Adjuster both fully experience life and its ups and downs, whilst through these experiences the mortal aspect of the divine/human partnership matures, evolves, progresses.
“During my time as the ‘Teacher of Salem,’ yes, an avatar, indeed, I had to re-learn that one cannot be a contributor for all of the time. Instead one needs from time to time to fully rely upon another. For a Melchizedek it is quite a humbling experience to suddenly become dependant on others as I did for nourishment, shelter and even my clothing. And yet I paid for all these thing freely given to me. I paid in respect for the giver, I freely advised those who found themselves in difficult circumstances.
“Most importantly, I awakened in countless citizens and for generations following, the love and respect for El Elyon, the one Creator God of their ‘quite average’ conceptual capacity.
“So here is the comparison: As a vulnerable human child you are initially dependant on parents or caretakers to see that you are fed, clothed and housed. And again, in the final years of your mortal life you may, or may not, once more be dependent on others. In the intervening years you have the capacity to contribute. As an Avatar Melchizedek and for 94 years I was both physically dependant and spiritually contributing.
“To answer your question (a subscriber’s question): The huge Library of Alexandria held a great amount of ancient scrolls, rolls, papyrus, vellum and early book-like records. The loss of that repository (48 BC?) stifled some more of my teachings, but the essence survived in people’s minds until the Master’s appearance on Urantia.
“Continue with your work, especially now as your ranks are thinning, be as much as you can be a cohesive force and do endeavor to train as many younger ones as you can, to hear and intuit our minds and our teachings. In so doing, you will ever be a contributor, more so than a user.
“This is Machiventa Melchizedek. You always have and always keep my love, as I now take my leave.”
George: “Thank you for answering the question. Good day.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 403
Alabama, US of A, April 11, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Journey Before You”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “How can you discover the source of true happiness and peace beyond all understanding? It starts with being curious to know what lies ‘behind the veil.’ Search until you find what your soul really needs, and this will strengthen your faith. Then your eyes 'will open' and the secrets of the universe will be revealed before you. All this is possible thanks to your decisions and your intention to find your heavenly Father. He has waited patiently for you for many years and gently suggests the course to follow, so the final decision is completely under your control. Thus, you become the architect of your own destiny.
And this is just the beginning. As you get to know your Father better, you truly begin to love Him. Only then is it possible for you to decide to be like Him, to become more and more like the best image you can create in your imagination of what God would be like if He were in your place. Thanks to this desire, you activate your capacity to receive the influence of the Spirit of Truth and the discovery of the revelation of the life of Michael of Nebadon in your world as Jesus of Nazareth. This revelation solidifies your image of the Father and makes it an achievable reality in your experience.
All this is possible thanks to your faith and your intention to first learn more about your reality and then – after having known a little of your Father in heaven – to try to live His will –to be like Him. Now you want to do the same for your fellow beings and discover how sincere love for them spontaneously springs forth in your heart. At first, your ideas about the nature of this love are confusing, but with spiritual enlightenment, you learn to identify it in your life experience. You know that love for your fellow beings has nothing to do with possession, external demonstrations of affection, sweet words, or flattery. True love for one's neighbor is more akin to the desire for all human beings to discover the same light you have discovered and to manifest in their lives the spiritual fruits that have brought so much peace and satisfaction to your life. This is truly the highest expression of divine love, sharing eternal blessings with your fellow beings.
This journey of spiritual progress is a journey of self-discovery and represents the most satisfying and productive life a human being can live. Today, you recognize that this opportunity is open to all, for you know that you are not special in any aspect or different from your fellow beings. The only difference lies in the decisions you have made and the extent to which you have opened yourself to spiritual influences in your life. Be the best you can be, focus your life on the task of living the Father's will by, overcoming your material limitations, and increasing your wisdom and spiritual insight. All these things are exclusively under your control. The reward will be self-mastery, and the ability to function as an agent of the Father in the creation of His perfect reality in the universe.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 341
Urantia, December 3, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “His Benign Virus of Love.”
Message received By Lytske.
The Beloved: “Open your heart a little further, so that I can go a little deeper to lead you into a greater understanding of what it means to have an unwavering faith in Me. Do trust this process of allowing the future to unfold, and to never be in any hurry.
Do not plan too far ahead, because My plans are more important than yours. You need to learn to allow Me the space to unfold My plans day by day. I will place the urgings in your heart for you to act upon My prompts. You see dear one, such is your growing trust in Me, that you will allow Me to have a say in your daily affairs, and all your little happenings. We, together, are in the business of training your mind, so your thoughts will leave room to become imbued with Mine. Do you realize the importance of this?
Joy and gladness shall be yours when you feel a steady improvement in your connection with Me, and as you begin to realize, how I, a part from God, can literally be at your beck and call. Still, this will only happen when you remember to be at My business of providing loving service for others.
Humanity has much to learn about God’s will and ways. The Father desires for light and life to reign in each heart and soul on this planet. This will be done one person at a time, until each wake up and realizes the great Gift of life they have been given. Then they will grasp the purpose and destiny of this life, which is still so often squandered and lived in thoughtlessness.
One day, all will realize how blessed they are to have been born on this planet, the bestowal planet of your Master Son Michael, Ruler of this universe, who came to show the ideal way to live, all the while being obedient to His Father’s will.
His benign virus of love is meant to quicken the hearts and minds of mortals everywhere, so it can sweep over the planet in joy and gratitude. It is this chance He gave you mortals to live this life and live it more abundantly.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 300
Oregon, June 11, 2020.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “If Life Were a Soccer Game.”
Message received by Anyas.
“Moral cowards never achieve high planes of philosophic thinking; it requires courage to invade new levels of experience and to attempt the exploration of unknown realms of intellectual living.” [UB, 101:7.2]
Thought Adjuster: “What is the substance of courage? It may come as a surprise to many of you that it is far more than a knee-jerk type heroic impulse that leads you to intervene amid a life-and-death situation. It has also been referred to as a somewhat mysterious inner resource that you can ‘summon’ to extirpate yourself from an uneventful comfort zone or a sticky predicament.
It is so because courage is the benevolent spiritual influence yielded by the Fourth Adjutant Mind Spirit. There are seven of them, and each member of their professional team gets activated in a chronological sequence. You could liken the Spirit of Courage to the fourth mousquetaire partaking in your life epics.
If your life were a soccer game, the Spirit of Intuition would wear Jersey Number 1 and take the kick-off. Mostly relying on the accuracy of his gut feeling, he would pass the ball to Jersey Number 2 — sported by the Spirit of Understanding, a born strategist. After accusing reception, this teammate would adroitly maneuver the ball toward the Spirit of Knowledge, who will most certainly know where to take it from there.
What then? Do you run out of steam and call it quit? Do you hoard the acquired knowledge in your mental vault for safekeeping, or do you put it to its intended practical use by going forward?
Those successful in life are the doers — the planetary movers and shakers. They may start daydreaming on the sideline, devising an action plan for their life worth pursuing. After adding the last finishing touches, they move to the implemental phase and appeal to the motivational Spirit of Courage to coach them in taking the leap of faith that will land them on thrilling new experiential turfs.
Where do you go from there? No worries. The Spirit of Counsel will debrief you and point the way toward the advanced field positions held by the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Worship — the grateful Team Captain.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.