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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 293
Oregon, October 7, 2022.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Dividends of Gratitude.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “The practice of gratitude is a very effective way to experience the extrovertedness of love. By its nature, gratitude is a spontaneous thanksgiving directed to the Father through the Higher Self.
Go through your day by appreciating the truth, beauty, and goodness seeded along your path. It will also take you to an enhanced present-moment awareness, grounding you effectively in the here and now where you and I, your divine Indweller, coexist.
As well, by consecrating your in- and out-breath to be an open conduit for the sublime stream of loved-infused life force, you will learn to keep your heart open to the inflow of cosmic love and enhance its God-given ability to circulate it outward.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon
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- Written by: One Without Name Without Number
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 312
Illawarra District, Australia, August 6, 2013.
One Without Name Without Number.
Subject: “An Invitation” (quite abbreviated).
Received by George Barnard.
One Without Name Without Number: “Thank you Dr. Mendoza, and please ‘stay on the line’.
“My dear human friend, so very long ago I too wondered what it would be like to be in a place where my feet could rest on solid matter (Paradise), and where time as I knew it would not exist. The concept of a timeless eternity was only partially within my capacity to imagine. It is correct for me to say that I am in this place, and yet it is incorrect for me to give you a length of time since my arrival. I am here now, and it is always ‘now’, yet I progress. Consider this.
“Consider now a human child just four months old throwing a toy out of its cot. You pick it up and return it to the child, but to him or her it is a brand new toy. ‘The other toy’, when no longer seen, did, and logically so, actually ceased to exist to the child’s mind. Only the exercise of countless disappearances and ensuing re-appearances will eventually prove to the child that there is continuation, and that the toy was never lost. It was simply unseen.
“Your game of peek-a-boo can become an eye-opener for those newly born in time-space. However, for those created on Paradise, it is a challenge to comprehend not so much the reality of time, but the lag in time between the sequences of events. They who have not yet experienced time-space, and they are myriad, may well understand cause and effect, but fail to grasp a lag of time in ‘strings of sequential events’. As the saying goes, ‘You had to be there.’
“Experiencing time by actually residing in time-space dimensions – and, naturally, serving the Father whilst there – is one of the dearest wishes of paradise creatures, and already they can observe events in time-space, but cause and effect are one, instantaneously. You too are capable of seeing events of the future, but you do so in cooperation with your indwelling Spirit Self, and on occasions you might do so in sponsored (aided) dreams.
“Much more difficult is it for you to in any way realize, comprehend, or ‘mentally touch on’ the concept of eternity – to dwell within an unending realm where time does not exist. Here the new spiritual being that is you will feel your very existence to be ‘marinated’ with an all-pervading happiness, a joy so difficult to describe, and here we will meet, the deeply committed friends that we are, and all those you wish to bring along, and we shall re-affirm our love for each other.
“Here in this timeless realm and with those of my order surrounding you, you shall slake your most ravenous thirst for knowledge, fulfill your greediest need for companionship, realize your greatest desire for sharing all that you entail, and gather the energy and drive to forward-plan your return to time space as a contributor in your fields of endless expertise. I am One Without Name, Without Number. May our love always reach across space and time, yes all ways to eternity.”
George: “We will surely meet in person. Au revoir, my Friend.”
Notes: To ‘shake hands’ with One Without Name, Without Number is to know all about him. That is why they need no name or number. You will know them totally. To communicate with him is to see an avalanche of events go by.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 859
Michigan, US of A, September 1, 2013.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Do You Know Which Way the Wind Blows?”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today we will talk about the weather. Do you know which way the wind blows? The wind blows from a new direction and it indicates the change of seasons. You and your life are in the season of change and all things are becoming new. Though you may walk the same ground today, your soul is growing and you are seeing the world through maturing eyes. You are beginning to observe the actions of others from a higher perspective and holding your own thoughts up for examination with the leadings of spirit. You are entering the autumn of the old self where the leaves that served and nourished you in the summer are beginning to show their colors and you see them slowly falling away from you. Those around you are fearful of losing their leaves and hold on, yet for you, to let go will keep you safe from the storms of winter and your branches will not break.
“You are turning inward for a season while the winter rages on around you. You feel not the cold, nor the wind, because you have entered into the bliss of a spirit filled life. You are alive inside like never before and your desire for deeper meanings and spiritual values sustains you and draws your roots deeper into the ground. Your spirit soars in the midst of the gray skies, and your mind takes you to the greener pastures of peaceful realms where no harm can befall you. You are safe and warm in the bosom of the Father, for his promises give you strength and healing beyond all measure.
“Your love for kindred spirits deepens and your compassion is enduring for those who are breaking under the load of heavy burdens. Put your finger in the air, my friends, and feel which way the wind blows. You are not ignorant of the changing season, for you anticipate and prepare for the coming of spring’s first kiss and there you put your hope in the brighter days ahead. Sing loudly now and drown out the howling winds of winter, for your melodies warm the souls around you. You are an icon – a magnificent symbol of strength, and you wear the winter snows like a crystal robe where you glisten like an alabaster tower in the cold sun.
“The Father loves you and His Spirit indwells you and leads you to that secret pasture where only He and you know the way. Spend time here and sit at the Master’s feet and learn to listen to His soft wise voice. The time for questions and answers is past – now there is only the knowing that emerges from deep within. You trust now because there is no division. His voice leads you and points the way toward your purpose in this world. Hush now, and bask in the warmth of this Inner Sun and sprout the new blossoms of the coming age. Can you see how beautiful you are? The Father sees you this way – full of love, full of life, and sweet with the nectar of wisdom. See it now in your own mind and BECOME!
“Peace and Love to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 856
Alabama, US of A, May 5, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Destiny Guardians.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Although the Guardians of Destiny try to ensure success in human life, it must be remembered that their primary purpose is to promote the spiritual progress of the human being under their care. They are not interested in material things or in the ideas of success that their charge may have. Commercial success, fortune, or material recognition is not a priority for your Guardians of Destiny.
As a human being aligns their will with the will of the Father, they will thus be approaching the level of their Guardians of Destiny. It is then that the desires of the human soul become available to the mortal mind, and these expressed desires can count on a more complete collaboration from the Guardians of Destiny. When achieving perfection and expressing the unconditional love of the Father to your fellow beings is your true desire, you can be sure that you will have the support of your Guardian Angels.
It is your Guardians who have served you so well in finding the answers to your questions about the truths of the spirit. If you have an honest doubt and want to know more, your Guardians of Destiny will move 'heaven and earth' to put you in touch with the necessary personalities, situations, or resources so that you can resolve your concerns and learn what your soul wants to know.
Human beings have become accustomed to thinking of divine providence almost as something magical. Divine providence truly works. When an honest soul wants to know the truths of the spirit, somehow these truths become present in the life experience of this personality, but this does not happen by magic. Your faithful Guardians are the ones who arrange everything – using all the necessary celestial help – so that what your soul truly requires manifests in your life.
Share your plans and desires with your Destiny Guardians, those faithful and dedicated caretakers of every human being, and they will know how to respond. If your desires are materialistic and of limited vision, they will create situations for you to elevate and better harmonize them with the plans of eternity. When your desires are for spiritual progress and the well-being of your fellow beings, you will always receive a matching response. Generally, the degree of truth, beauty, and goodness in your desires – how close that desire is to the will of the Father – determines its potential to become a reality.
Many spiritual agencies are working for human beings, and if you wish, you can actively make use of them to take a quantum leap in your spiritual level and advance securely towards the goal of your perfection. You can grow slowly and take the time you need to make the adjustments that will lead you to discover the highest expression of your being, or you can choose to 'take the kingdom by spiritual storm' and begin now to live as a true child of God, discovering the universe and discovering yourself, while working to make the Creator's grand design a reality in the universe.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 695
Urantia, February 10, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved Spirit-Self.
Subject: “An Opportunist.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “When you allow yourself to turn within and sit in the Stillness, you can become conscious of My energy flowing through you. It is ever so subtle, healing, and nurturing all the cells in your body. This increasing awareness of My presence entices you to experience more of this wonderfully nurturing feeling. The question on My part is: “Why don’t you come more often rather than cursory moments in your day”?
The bond between you and Me gets stronger the more often you engage and focus your attention in My direction. You know by now that I am always waiting for the slightest inclination from you to try and get your attention. You might even consider Me an opportunist, always waiting for a chance to impart another nugget of insight to you.
In this way, I am laboring largely unnoticed in the background of your mind to uplift and adjust your thoughts to a higher level so your life can become more meaningful. Therefore, you have, more reasons to be thankful as you become more conscious of how blessed you are, living in a state of grace.
Think back to when you did not know of My existence within you. How anxious and restless in your mind you used to get, easily vexed in spirit you were. Think about how a great peace is now residing in your soul and how your whole nervous system has benefitted from a steadily increasing bond with Me, giving you a sense of freedom, of being in the world but not of it.
Spiritual Freedom is the highest ideal to attain in mortal life. This means you are safely ensconced in the citadel of spirit, anchored in a deep abiding faith in the eternal Creator God. It is a tribute to the human spirit to persevere against all odds, like a tiny seed, which can crack a stone, given enough time. It means that everything is possible for those who believe. Only believe, and you will receive.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.