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- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3014
Urantia, August 16, 2011.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Of Open and Closed Doors.”
Received by Lytske.
Mentor: “How about a discussion on doors this early morning? Usually, very little thought is given to walking through open doors, or having to open or close them. This is such a routine habit that hardly any thought is given to this exercise, except when the door is locked or exceptionally hard to open.
“This is an important concept to discuss, because this subject can also apply to hearts, which are like doors. A heart needs to always be open and willing to let the live-giving blood stream through unhindered, and normally when everything flows unhindered, there is no trouble in the physical system.
“We now take this a step further and use it as an analogy about the heart being the door-keeper of thoughts. This would change the picture entirely, would it not? As you have been told before, the heart is the actual brain of the system, and the material brain is merely the computer, which carries out the commands of the heart.
“Whatever you think about influences the entire system. Therefore, it stands to reason that the positive emotions of a pregnant woman also influence a human foetus in helping it grow. This is a rarely-thought-about concept, but it makes sense that when the mother has a less-than-happy pregnancy, the foetus can suffer a life-long, innate depression, like some dark cloud which is difficult to lift.
“This depression is not lifted by chemicals, you must understand, as these chemicals indeed drive this depression ‘underground’, for it to flare up more severely during a later period in that person’s life.
“The true and tested way to overcome such a depression is through prayer and meditation, so the partially closed heart of such a person, who has experienced such gestation, will gain insight and understanding, and can begin to start living with more happiness and inner joy in the way the Creator intended. This is only one way to discuss an open door, and there are many others which we will consider at another time.
“However, I do desire that these thoughts may be considered by whomever these words may apply to. Hopefully they will provide an insight and perhaps be of some help in their recognizing and gaining understanding in the process, and deeper reasons for depression.
“We consider it to be our task to make humans more aware of how they can either positively or adversely influence a beginning life, and where their responsibilities lie. We trust to make them more thoughtful and responsible towards their offspring to do everything in their power to provide happy surroundings, especially during the times when they are expecting.
“We sincerely hope that these thoughts may open some doors in the minds of whoever chooses to read these words.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2665
Alabama, US of A, March 10, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “An Important Step in your Journey.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Hunger for righteousness and thirst for justice. These are the only requisites to enter the Kingdom. There are some who hear the promise of salvation and ask about the procedure to acquire it. They think that a few prayers and some rituals will make it possible. Others enter by the ‘narrow door’ and wish to be better, because something inside them guides them towards that purpose. These are the ones who hear ‘the voice of God’ and decide to do His will.
“This is an important step in your journey, when you stop looking ‘out there’ and realize that the changes must come from within. You have understood that it all depends on you, on your decisions and your desires – on what you let into your mind. You understand that you are not alone in this, that you can count on the help of God Himself to obtain what He has promised you. From now on start taking firm steps toward your destiny and start taking advantage of the treasure hidden within you – the presence of God.
“Patience. I can attest that we are walking to where I want to take you. I know the final destination, even when you cannot see it. It is not important how much longer we have to travel. Rejoice in knowing that today you are one step closer than you were yesterday, even when you feel that you have not at all advanced. Little by little you will begin to understand the signs and you will realize how much you have grown. This is a slow process that has to be completed by natural means, without ‘miracles’ or special effects.
“The achievement of spiritual elevation is always a personal one. When a creature makes this possible – right up to the point of being ready to be fused with a Fragment of God – it is something that is attained by his or her own merits and efforts. The credit for raising the self from the material realm to a true spirituality will forever be yours. Your experiences will serve others as well, and they will be your contribution to the Supreme Being. It is the affirmation of the human will who liberates herself by joining with the divine will and becoming creative and eternal. This exaltation of the human will would not be possible if this will was to be controlled externally. This is the reason for free will; so the creature can discover and know that the path of the Father is really the best path, after the experiences of an entire life at many levels of existence.
“This is the reason why in a world like Urantia a soul who achieves this becomes so valuable. The souls in this world are mostly blind and confused. When one of these souls surrenders freely to the will of the Father, in an intelligent fashion and knowing that this is the best for that soul in particular – and for the entire universe – it is displaying a great trust in God that is beyond the normal. That soul has felt the internal impulse of knowing that he or she is under the protection of God, and that soul has decided to surrender to his or her Father even without having seen Him. Even when they don’t see, these souls know. By developing such trust while being so young on the universal scale, their future offers the promise that these souls will never abandon their path. They will fulfill all that is expected of them, because as they didn’t go astray in this world, while having all the possible valid excuses, they will not falter after they have ‘seen and heard’. This is what it means to be an Agondonter.
“The path of the Agondonters is not an easy one. But even when the path is hard and the risks great, the rewards are also great. This is the time when the ones who will be able to see and hear with ease are being born. Your struggles of the present will be incomprehensible for these children of the future. The time of the Agondonters will end with this era. However, do not feel pity for those coming after you, because the spiritual achievements of these new generations will greatly surpass everything that has been achieved in this sphere as of now. The Father is always fair and He never takes anything away without leaving something even better in its place.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3094
Illawarra District, February 17, 2003.
Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “In Our Master’s Name.”
Received by George Barnard.
George: “Father, if this is your will, the least of Your animal troops is here to receive.”
Bzutu: “The least of His midwayer children is here with you, my… animal brother, unseen, unnoticed, elusive, and yet very much in touch. We are a conspiracy, you and I, for we conspire to advance our puny share of universal policy of tempered, temporal progress. Let’s be as bright as freshly polished buttons on a military uniform, and stay with it.
“We have got ‘our money’s worth’ out of you during your lengthy training in isolation, yet you will do more and be more, as I will do more and be more with each success, and every failure that eventuates as a result of positive but perhaps hasty intent. We’re midwayers. We’ve been known to be pushy.
“We are a conspiracy for good amongst many conspiracies for evil in the present climate, and I beg of you to rethink your stubborn refusal to acknowledge a world at flashpoint, and for you to add your voice to the voices of your celestial teachers – yes, the lovers of our cause and yours – and to the voices of so many on this planet so prompted to speak out and say, “There must be wars no more.”
“This is not your clinic, my dear brother, where custom and cautiously practiced protocol demand that neither politics nor religion be discussed. This is a nurturing, temporary environment for the least intelligent, lowest, and now threatened of His preschoolers, and where awesome weapons, still, lay buried in the sandboxes, and will be dug up at the sign of the first false move.
“Be naive no more, for this is an environment within which, a time-frame within which, circumstances in which to speak out about proposed control of such abundance by so few.
“In the dead of night, night after night, our esteemed visitors – student/teachers arrive in massive formations to ‘crowd the Urantia shop floor’, and to look at us with faces that seem to beg the question, ‘Have you gone so far off the rails as to allow so few to dispossess the masses that hold democracy high.’
“‘How could a living organism so fervently long for, so eagerly desire its own demise?’ and ‘How little love for self is here projected onto another?’ we are asked.
“Be quiet no more, but speak your mind, together with the millions of protestors around the world that are not deceived, and that subconsciously heed the roll call of this, the Correcting Time.
“I convey to you the loving words of Beatrice, “Be of good cheer, my love, as you hold fast to the double-edged sword of our words, in our Master’s name, for our Master’s sake.”
“I, Bzutu, wish my brother Adieu.”
Notes: The “esteemed visitors – student/teachers arriving in massive formations” each have just a single mortal student to ‘convince that there must be no more war’.
According to Midwayer Chief, Bzutu, many of our treasured western democracies are dead but for the dying – not a pretty picture of vested interests’ over-control, coercion, and misinformation on a giant scale.
Beatrice (ABC-3) is a dear friend. She was Dante Alighieri’s “Spirit Guide”.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“Michael est toujours au Volant.”
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- Written by: Teacher Hezekiah
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3134
Chicago, US of A, April 3, 2013.
Teacher Hezekiah.
Subject: “Being Considerate.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Hezekiah “Being considerate to others is a spiritual principle that allows us to practice selflessness. It is important for the individual to adequately love him- or herself. As for receiving love, it is enough for you to know that no matter your circumstances, you are loved by the Father of All far beyond the maximum of your capacity to experience His love. Therefore, by being unconcerned about your being loved, you are free to concentrate on loving others. One specific way of showing your love to others is by being considerate to fellow human beings, and by genuinely promoting their well-being, rather than your own welfare.
“On this issue, let us first define what is meant by genuine consideration for others. As a starting point, consider the olden Commandment: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ Our Master, Christ Michael, when on Urantia, recognized the value of this principle, but he accentuated its significance when referring to our love for others. According to Him, to love others as you love yourself is good; but, knowing that our love for our selves is indeed imperfect, he said: ‘Love one another as I loved you.’ He thereby put his unconditional, perfect love as the supreme reference for our love for our neighbors.
“There is a difference between the consideration we give others and the consideration we give ourselves. Could you be so considerate to others that you forget to consider yourself? Logically, you must consider yourself so you can adequately be considerate of others. Remember, humility does not mean neglect of your person in order to serve others, rather it means taking good care of yourself so you can likewise take good care of others. The help you can offer others would clearly be compromised if you yourself would need more help.
“Being considerate to others entails ‘two parts and one connection’. The parts are You and the Other; the connection is the Service. If the purpose in this relationship is the aggrandizing of any Self, be it either for your vainglory or for the other’s adulation, surely that would be a bad relationship, because neither should be concerned with its own aggrandizement. When you are concerned with the self you waste energy that should be employed in service. Focus on service will result in satisfaction for you and real help to the other. Put the self aside. Concentrate on service. Show real consideration.
“So, my dear, one must find the equilibrium between caring for oneself and caring for others. The self does not need aggrandizement; your soul needs to be spiritually nourished, just like your physical body. However the aim of this nourishment should be that of being able to help others. Ministry, not aggrandizement should be your goal. Help others grow and you will likewise grow in the process. Your life has meaning when it becomes meaningful to others, because love attracts love. I am Hezekiah, your Teacher also. Ponder these words and let them be true in you. Peace to all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3137
Michigan, US of A, June 19, 2011.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Quiescence of the Soul.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is about the quiescence of the soul. What do I mean by this? So much of who and what you are becoming develops in the quiet moments of living – those times when you stop and reflect on the lessons of life: the love that was shared between friends, the forgiveness and mercy shown to those who are less developed in their thinking, and ultimately the time you spend in quiet contemplation and meditation in communion with the Creator and the Indwelling Spirit. These my friends are the growth moments of the soul – a time to slow down and feed the soul child by allowing the quiescence to bring together all of the survival value experiences of life to settle into the emergence of transcendent personality.
“Self-mastery can only be achieved in the quiet reflection of past mistakes and lessons learned, while at the same time, your mind and your thoughts shift in contemplation of new ways to approach old problems. There is no better way that one can accelerate soul growth and progress forward than to set aside time to go into this quiescence of mind and sort out the meanings of life. It should be as natural and needful as going to the well to hydrate the body, for it truly does feed the soul.
“Have you become to busy in life? Do you feel that you have lost that special connection you once had with God because you let the world and life circumstances control you instead of you controlling the circumstances? The Universal Father has not gone anywhere and His love for you is constant and affectionate. He is waiting for you to open the door to your heart by making space for Him in your mind through the quiescence of being present in the moment and turning off all the distractions of material living.
“Go there right now, my friends, to this quiescent zone where only you and the Creator are. No words need be spoken – just ‘be’ in the moment with God and let His parental love for you wash over you to nourish your soul and give rest to your mind. Drink it all in and give to God all your worries and anxieties; your hopes and dreams; your thanks and gratitude for the life He has given you to experience love and to share that love with others. Retreat my friends, into this quiet place and into this space where the soul lives and breathes, for to live life without it is to really have no life at all.
“Wherever you find yourself, you can go into this quiescence and be one in the moment with God and reconnect yourself to the source of all life. There you will find the strength and the courage to complete your life mission and to discover the astonishment, the truth, the beauty, and the goodness of all the things God has created for you to experience as you make your way home to your final embrace.
“Love is all,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.