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- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2976
Urantia, January 30, 2011.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: Windows of Opportunity.
Received by Lytske.
Mentori Spokesperson: “Because you are in a meditative state, a window of opportunity has opened up, not only for you, but also for us, your Celestial Teachers. We may perchance impart a few words of hope, so whoever will read these words may find solace, or perhaps acquire some nugget of wisdom.
“Useful nuggets of wisdom hide themselves everywhere. It is like a discovery tour when words are not only read with the material brain, but also reach the feeling heart, where they can lodge and perhaps provide an ‘ah-hah’ moment because of the insight they may evoke.
“Even in everyday life, wisdom is sometimes garnered in the most unlikely of circumstances, and these then become the windows of opportunity for soul growth. Even-though most times soul growth proceeds at a snail’s pace, these wonderful little moments can provide the growing spurts the soul needs from time to time.
“Soul growth is in the services provided to your brothers and sisters, who are not necessarily your immediate kin. However, all people are children of God, sharing with you their root Source of life in this time-space reality.
“Time-space is the playground of the Gods, in which they create myriad windows of opportunity they desire to share with the creatures of their making. You have been told that there are created beings, who purely serve to do the bidding of the Gods. And you have been told that you belong to the evolving order of creatures, which have been given the most precious gift of all -- freewill choice.
“With this choice you are allowed (within definite limits) to create your life’s experiences due to the different windows of opportunity provided to you. It is in becoming more aware that you can make better choices as to how to conduct yourself throughout life.
“Each new day presents its windows of opportunity and the question asked is; how shall you use this day? Will it be lived selfishly or selflessly? You will daily have the opportunity to become a blessing to others, and at the same time bring in more light to the planet, which strengthens your soul with added growth. Each moment brings with it new opportunities, as each moment is all you have, all that is in ‘the now’, so it is up to you to make these moments count.
“You see, this is how you contribute to your own maturing soul as you feed it with kindness for others, with love and with the most important in the ingredient of mercy, which is so sorely needed on the planet at this time. We will continue this conversation another time. Have a fruitful day.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3051
Alabama, US of A, July 5, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Reforming Criminals.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Some of you have wondered if criminals can truly be reformed, and the answer is that it depends on the criminal. Each and every one of you can choose how to recover from your mistakes and know what to do after you have made a wrong decision. However, it is not possible to make somebody else do something they don’t want to do.
“What is needed in these cases is patience and faith – patience to let time take its course once the seeds of truth have been planted in the hearts of those who are confused – faith to leave the outcomes to the Father, since He is the only one who works within the heart of everybody, trying to make us better every day.
“You are the hands and feet of God; His representatives in this world. You should do everything the Father would do, if in your place, for those who have been found guilty by your justice system. Consider now how many of those so-called criminals did know a better way? How many of them had the advantage of life’s examples to inspire them to be better each day? Very few among them made their wrong decisions while fully grasping the consequences of their actions.
“May you – the spiritual students – be the examples that illuminate the way to those who are lost. May your lives become the explanation of a better way of living, which those conflicted souls need to understand. Do you want an alternative to your jails, your punishment, your death penalty? Send those criminals to live with the most spiritual and most religious among you. Invite them to be part of the families of those who are closer to the Father and where each family member is trying to achieve their purpose in life while living dedicated to the will of God. You can be sure that even those who have made mistakes will receive the light when exposed to examples of living that are a reflection of our Father.
“All of you really love truth, beauty, and goodness, even if you don’t know them or don’t know how to express them. A confounded mind that has only known error and suffering will not want to regress again after experiencing love. This is what you can do for those spiritual infants among you. Do not abandon them. Instead, hold them even closer, so they can learn to appreciate truth and find the light within their own being.
“Now that you have an alternative, a better method to reform your less favored siblings, who of you would dare to put this into practice? What do you think would be better, destroy a life because of one mistake, or use that mistake to build a new, glorious, and enlightened life with eternity potential?
“Use your intelligence to minimize the potential risks of this new alternative to punishment. Make sure that those who will take advantage of this new opportunity are of sound mind. If a mental issue is suspected, medicine and science should first deal with the problem, before an attempt at reform. Love will conquer all, and it should provide the energy and the motivation for all the worthwhile enterprises of your life in this world. In this way you will have the necessary drive to accomplish true miracles.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3221
Illawarra District, Australia, May 15, 2014.
The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “Windows of Opportunity.”
Received by George Barnard.
The Scribe: “At some time in his lengthy career, the Creator Son of a local universe must undergo his very last period of being tested in order to prove at the end of it all that he will totally understand the least of his subjects – the mortals. On your world he became Joshua ben Joseph, a mortal living amongst you. In every instance the Thought Adjuster accompanying the Creator Son is one of great experience. The entire human life, the mortal life options of the Creator Son, can be foreseen, and thus, harsh as they may occasionally be, success is guaranteed.
“For my part I indwelt many mortals all over the universes in turn, and even on your world I managed to guide both Machiventa Melchizedek, as well as your Creator Son. It needed a lot of experience on my part to do this successfully, and I became personalized … as a ‘thank you very much’, one might say … at the end of my career as a most superior Thought Adjuster. I am the Damascus Scribe, my dear human friends.
“This evening I wish to speak with you about windows of opportunity. I wish to speak with you about the opportunity that was there with the Mormons of old that could have led to a beginning of a Correcting Time. There were other windows of opportunity, over the centuries and millennia, when spiritual happenings could have heralded such – the beginning of a Correcting Time – which the celestial forces of this planet so very much look forward to.
“The Teaching Mission era is another of those windows of opportunity. However, certain difficulties, geopolitical difficulties, have created a hold up, and it may well be understood by you that a difficult period may be in the making before once again the people of this world will unite and decide that there will be wars no more, decide that it matters not a bit what religion one follows, and decide that each mortal on the planet is equal to any other.
“Not by force, war, or intimidation, I tell you, but with love for all and sundry will the Correcting Time proceed and will you move towards that period of Light and Life that has been calling you, that has been luring you, that has been beckoning you, for you to move completely out of your barbarian times into a time of love and progress, an age of truth, beauty and goodness.
“I am the Damascus Scribe. You should not ever merely imagine that I am there with you, when you already know that I am present. Indeed, ever at your beckoned call. I say goodnight to you both.”
George: “A-men.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3829
Michigan, US of A, May 11, 2014.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Letter to My Father.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “Dear Heavenly Father, Creator of all,
“In this moment, I feel peace, I feel joy, and I have a heart of gratitude for my life, for you continue to show me how to know you more – to feel the depths of your parental care, and how to understand your unconditional love with each passing day. When I slow down and bring my mind to the awareness of your presence in my life, I feel that Fatherly love you have for me, your child, and I have this awesome sense and assurance that I will one day stand in the actual presence of your immensity having moved through eons of time in your creation, having perfected my mind and finally knowing, with near perfection, what it means to love as you love. It is the ultimate ‘deja vu.’
“Now, in my imperfect state, I can only know love at the fringe, yet the more I express this fringe love to others, the more I understand of your complete love. It’s as if I was a tiny ant standing on a great painting – a masterpiece, and with my small eyes, I can only see dots and strokes of color, yet as I grow in love, my perspective changes – I rise higher, and I see a little more of the masterpiece. I have a long way to go, Father, before I can view the periphery of the frame for which you have adorned the masterpiece, yet from the small part I see now, I am inspired and I strive for a wider view.
“As I boldly let go of fear and embrace the path of love, my vibration changes – it becomes higher, and with this higher frequency, my awareness of your presence, your guidance, your divine love in my life, becomes more apparent. Your love is infectious, Father, and it fuels my desire to be more like you. Yet as I anticipate this post moment of glory as afar off in my vision, I have you here with me at all times – your Indwelling Presence befriends me, speaks to me, and guides me to those blessed opportunities where I can experience love in a new way, and when this happens, a new space opens up in me – I now have room for a little greater understanding of your perfect love.
“Like a child with crayons, I scribble my imitation of your masterpiece, which is barely recognizable to those around me, yet you remind me that every master painter was once a child having scribbled incomprehensible expressions. It is the deep passion and desire to be a master painter – to explore and create, which drives the child to learn and grow and to have a greater command of his expression on the canvas. Knowing this gives me hope and builds great faith in me, Father, that you can teach me how to be a master, for you have filled my pallet with Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and placed a brush into my hands.
“‘Paint, my child, for I have given you the tools and the inspiration to create a masterpiece!’
“And so I shall, Father, so I shall.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” - Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Teacher Prometheus
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2870
Alberta, Canada, May 11, 2013.
Teacher Prometheus.
Subject: “Your Greatest Need is Our Greatest Challenge.”
Received by Renée.
Prometheus: “Notwithstanding the truly eager and willing individuals who yearn and hunger in their hearts and souls for truth, enlightenment, goodness, a just society, a culture of kindness, compassion and demonstration of high spiritual values including appreciation of and contribution to ‘beauty’, we see great numbers of sorry, selfish, material-minded, ego-bound and spiritually bankrupt individuals. The majority of human beings on Urantia have sufficient mindal capacity, typically at an age of five to eight years, to make a moral decision which considers the welfare of another before themselves, and thus they are gifted with the Father Fragment.
“The time of this bestowal is not indicative of the degree of successful alignment with the Will of the Creator, the inherent potential within, or a measure of contribution to the value of a soul. It is the birthing of a new Soul. The progression of the Morontial Soul depends upon free-choice willingness of heart, the degree of respect and reverence to the authority of the Adjuster’s Will each time a learning opportunity arises, and the consecration of the personality to the Divine Will. The Soul matures as the person renders service to his or her siblings and the society where genuine effort is made to add to the quality of life, the welfare and happiness, enjoyment and safety of the family of mankind. The growing of the ‘Morontial mota’ higher service values and spiritual principles are directly proportional to the giving up of selfish, animal-origin, ego-centric tendencies of the lower evolutionary-creature mind.
“The major challenge we have at this juncture in the Correcting Time is in finding willing individuals to devote regular and disciplined practice, not only advancing their intellectual prowess by reading quality teachings and Revelatory information (Urantia Book), but in finding persons who are willing to accept the need and responsibility for regular communication with their Indwelling Father Fragment, the highest Source available to them for Guidance and loving intelligent instruction. This can only be achieved through continuous, conscious, conscientious effort and commitment to connecting with the Source. A child of Spirit must be nurtured by Divine Energies only available through actively asking for, allowing, inviting and welcoming these Spiritizing Energies, accessing them through meditative, prayerful, and or higher thought attenuation.
“Higher thoughts are powerful and immediate catalysts for Divine connectivity when initiated in sincere, honest effort to understand and honor, uphold and appreciate the Will of the Creator. This Will is expressed and administered, overseen and manifested through the Spiritual ‘Government’ encircuited and empowered from the Central Authority of each local Universe, which is ultimately answerable to the Creator Personalities known as the ‘Most Highs – the Constellation Fathers. The Seven Master Spirits of each Superuniverse act as the ‘eyes and ears’ of the Paradise Deities – the Father-Creator-Eternal Son-Infinite Spirit.
“The human being is capable, through his or her own spiritual-intellectual efforts, of connecting with the help of the Father Fragment all the way up to the Center of Creation. This effort is always acknowledged by bestowing the individual a Divine and incomparably beautiful, real and forever-memorable personal enlightened experience of the Creator’s Love!
“We are Prometheus and Friends.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“When we speak of Wisdom, we are speaking of the profound cosmic
knowledge base upon which the creature-personality can draw” –
Prometheus March 10, 2013.