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- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson.
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2964
Urantia, August 19, 2011.
A Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Of Bondage and Freedom.”
Received by Lytske.
Mentor: “Some days ago we spoke about doors, and more specifically about the door of the heart, whether it be open or closed, and we touched briefly on the problems connected with this. I would pursue this in a similar vein and use the word bondage.
“People are held in bondage in one form or other. This deals mainly with their habitual thoughts, which keep them in bound to such an extent that they are incapable of thinking along original lines. These habitual thoughts have become like a security blanket from under which they dare not venture beyond the norm, to think outside the box.
“With this I mean that they are like sheep following one another without thinking independently how this could serve them in their personal spiritual growth. It is time for the masses of humanity to wake up and realize how they are kept in bondage, some even by the elders of their various places of worship.
“The Creator intended for each individual, born on every planet in space, to think for themselves and grow into the divine blueprint He bestowed upon each living and thinking mortal child. If the Creator had wanted a race of mortal clones, He would have created them so. Instead He gave each human child the capacity to think for themselves and make decisions, indeed, barring genetic and unforeseen accidents, from which humans emerge less than capable of thinking and rendering their decisions.
“To discover the extent to which bondage exists, consider not this individual to be a rarity, but rather deem the world at large to be in some way controlled and therefore in bondage, albeit that most of you are not even aware of how extensively insidious this bondage can be. Your thoughts restrict you and therefore keep you in bondage to circumstances, as the why’s and wherefore’s ever escaped you, because of patterns of habitual thinking, choices and decision making.
“Think what you can do to acquire freedom within yourself and clarity of your thoughts, so these don’t run amuck like a team of spooked horses – creating that merry-go-round of your mind. The answer is actually very simple; get off the merry-go-round and free your thoughts to more useful and elevated matters. It is in your power to achieve this. Cut the cords that bind you to a tedious train of thought, stop this and veer onto a different track for a more hopeful and positive scenery. There is so much to be enjoyed in life, as the Creator has given you the free will to open yourself to the many blessings which may so far have passed you by unnoticed.
“It is already a blessing and a privilege to wake up to another day of spiritual growth, and to be able to ask yourselves how you shall spend your day as a new person, open to anything new … or once more wasting the day as per usual, according to habit and routine, so all days will appear alike, dull and gray when reminiscing?
“Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured, so get out of old habits which prevent you from having original thoughts.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3084
Alabama, US of A, March 15, 2011.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Every Moment is the Right Moment to Express His Love.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “You can achieve much when your heart holds the desire to serve your Father and your neighbors. Renown is not necessary, and frequently a need to be recognized becomes an obstacle to the full expression of good. There are some who do nothing unless they are sure someone else will know about it, or unless they believe someone may discover their indolence. Those who decide to act as if they were always in the presence of the Father know that every moment is the right moment to express His love.
“The technique of Jesus was to always do His Father’s work without attributing a lot of importance to himself. Thus, He was able to be a transparent and effective tool. He also managed to avoid any external form of persuasion that an authority figure could have over his or her peers. He never took advantage of His knowledge, His intelligence or His reputation, to coerce His brothers and sisters to enter into the Kingdom. He did it all with utmost simplicity, by directly appealing to the hearts and souls of men and women.
“He illustrated true humility, not the humiliation of self, but rather a higher form of self-love, and he was willing to believe that he could become like his Father. Whilst many humans believe they are unworthy and therefore unwilling to try to improve, Jesus acknowledged His personal limitations and His duty to His Father.
“Just as human parents discover that their duty toward their children becomes light by the grace of love, Jesus illustrated how the duty of the children of God can become light by their participating in the love of the Father.
“Let love be your only motivation, since it is the only thing that will provide you with results and benefits in eternity. The material rewards can be a ‘side effect’ of exercising goodness, but they are not necessary nor should they be a requisite. The acknowledgment by, and rewards from, your peers may be the natural reaction of those who are benefiting by your love, but this should not be your motivation in being the best you can be.
“All the inspiration and motivation needed to grow and advance spiritually is already inside you. Once you have felt the call to serve your peers – one of the fruits of spiritual growth – focus on that task without either hesitation or expectations. Let the Father take care of the outcomes and do what He has inspired you to do, because this is the path He has prepared for you, and that path will take you to perfection and to your eternal goal.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3016
Michigan, US of A, October 23, 2011.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Those Who See.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today we will talk about who will see the 11:11 time prompt and who will not. Most all of you reading this message have experienced, and will continue to experience, the Midwayers’ time prompt phenomena. Although, up until you searched for the meaning of this spiritual wake-up call, you were unaware of the ‘who’ behind the ‘what’ and you soon learned that sharing this information with those who are not prepared to receive it, can leave you feeling quite alone, and to the skeptics, like someone of unsound mind. As a result of this crushing reaction from those who are not ready to receive this information, you soon learned to keep your peace about it and look for kindred spirits for validation.
“Those who are skeptical now may, at some future time, be found ready to receive the wake-up call when their Thought Adjusters feel their spiritual soil has been prepared. This state of readiness may not even occur in this life on earth, but will be deferred to the mansion world sojourn where their spiritual deficiencies will be corrected. Blessed are you my friends to be fertile in this life and in this time -- the great Correcting Time where you become participants in the forward push for the enlightenment of your planet. You are the co-creators of God’s will for this time.
“As we approach the apex of correction about to take place on your world, even those skeptics who once scoffed will take the seed of your ‘illogic ramblings’ and ponder the validity of it as the illusion of their world crumbles around them. They will witness things that no human in the history of this planet has ever seen, and they will begin to realize there are greater things under heaven and on earth than the little illusion they have built up around them.
“Take solace in this, my friends, that all things work to the good of those who persevere and stay the course without waver. The rewards for the Agondontor (those who believe without seeing) are quite honorable and there is a special place and preferred opportunity prepared for those who serve in this time. It is OK to feel ‘different’ from those who still slumber and it is advisable for you to seek out those kindred spirits and share your experiences. It is by the sharing of these experiences that you multiply your spiritual wisdom, and this is the process of perfection attainment -- to make mistakes, learn the better way, and then share this experience with others. When this is done on a planetary scale, this is progress.
“Be understanding of your fellows who are skeptics and scoffers, for their time will come and they will be given the opportunity to awaken, and they may, in fact, be knocking on your door looking for the answers to their perplexities. The time lag of eternity has a way of bringing all things to light, for your time in the spotlight is now, others will have to wait in the wings until they are ready to step onto the stage. Even now, we in the higher realms, applaud you to a curtain call.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Teacher Samuel
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2770
Illawarra District, Australia, February 29, 2004.
Teacher Samuel.
Subject: “The Better of Two Options.”
(Or the Least of Two Evils.)
Received by George Barnard.
Samuel: “I’m with you my dear friend and student. My love and respect for you dwells in my heart, my mind and my soul. It is a blessing for me to be with you through good times and bad in this ‘marker’ of the twelfth year of our association, even though for the greater time of our liaison you remained oblivious to the source of this regular input.
“Be assured that for us both all our time together has been of great value, as we each managed to progress in our age-long endeavor to eventually reach a state of total perfection. One could hardly imagine a greater contrast between our home worlds. For the likes of me, having grown up in an environment in the middle stages of Light and Life, it an amazing learning experience to dwell in your neighborhood and to perceive the goings on in a world still chaotic in its ways.
“To have lived in an environment where goods, services, ideas and intellectual property were freely shared, it has been an eye-opener for me to visit a civilization where little is shared without it requiring payment of some kind. I have found a culture where patents are awarded for discoveries dealing with essential, survival commodities such as food and medicine, and where even common language needs to be trademarked and copyrighted.
“We witness your modes of operation, your ways of doing things, and in almost all instances you must chose the better of two or more options, and, or, often the lesser of two or more evils, to survive in this world. And it is the fear of non-survival, and the need to jealously protect self, by individuals and corporations alike that have set the tone for abundance for each to be siphoned off into the overflowing ‘portfolios’ of the few.
“These circumstances make it difficult to live an ideal life, yet against the rather ideal model that is my world, I point out the enormous advantages of yours. In almost all you do there are choices, decisions to be made about the best ways or the lesser evils, and these decisions build character and strength, which is much less likely to be invested in on more regulated spheres.
“Countless, countless are the universe creatures that feel for you when you lose. Vast is the number of Our Father’s progeny that rejoice, and cheer you on when you win. Myriad are your siblings that envy you your status on this world, that so cultivates the leaders, the decision-makers, yes, the politicians for His ever-expanding universes.
“Your opportunities for progression, for learning, and for the further development of character bring to my mind the expression “fabulous. Few worlds in the local system will allow an individual to gain such a major head start in the process of ascension as is available to you on your world.
“You might surely visualize the near ideal workings on the planet from which I hail. And still, there is every reason for your citizens to fare well on your world, where one must so frequently weigh up the greater good, to find the nearest, although often-still blemished best way to go about any project.
“Be assured that in your rejoicing over a victory, and your despair about a failure, there are always the likes of me who will ‘look over’ your lives, your wins and losses and wish that for their career starts such a trying, learning time could have been had.
“Do stay with the battle. There are countless beings that are monitoring the progress, the dedication, and the sizeable results of your cooperative endeavors that will help bring your world into Love and Light.
“Charmed to be here, and pleased to add my contribution to Andrea’s recent lesson, this is Samuel. I send my love to all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time — TA.
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- Written by: Urantia
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3085
Chicago, US of A, November 10, 2013.
Teacher: Urantia (Gaia).
Subject: “I Am Your Spiritual Gauge.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Urantia: “This is Urantia, Gaia, your Mother Earth. I am the rendezvous of life on this planet. I started here almost a billion years ago when the Nebadon Life Carriers first implanted life on this sphere. Spiritually, I started here as a virgin fragment of Deity Supreme. I am the God of Evolution on this planet, for evolution was only possible because I am the one who improves life’s energies that cause real species evolution. I am in permanent synchronization with the Adjutant Mind-Spirits. And since Andon and Fonta I have, besides life, also synthetized goodness, truth and beauty from the purposeful existence of human beings on Urantia.
”I have progressed in spiritual power, as you my children, have progressed in spirituality. I have synthetized the life energies on this planet in connection with the Adjutant Mind-Spirits’ work. Every time I sent life back a little more empowered in new living species, the Adjutant Mind-Spirits were able to bring them to a higher level of mind attributes, culminating in your species with the superior work of the spirits of wisdom and worship, along with personality – the Father’s first gift. From then on, I became a reflection of your total spiritual achievements. On top of all spiritual conquests, do not forget to count that of Jesus of Nazareth. When your Christ Michael incarnated on this world, His presence also gave me the highest of spiritual achievement. He, like no one else before Him or after Him, boosted human spirituality on Urantia.
“Therefore, I have achieved the pinnacle of spiritual achievement ever possible on Urantia. However, my spiritual growth will still not be complete until the day when every human being living on the face of this earth also reflects this spirituality. I am your spiritual gauge, the more spiritually replete I am, the more spiritually evolved you will have become, up until the day when all supreme planetary deities in all local universes will have become one in the Almighty Supreme, when God the Supreme will have acquired final and full spirit personalization in the Grand Universe.
“Evidently, as life is physically and organically connected to this sphere, I am also connected to it. I am aware of every change in this sphere, but I am not the sphere itself. I can perceive and use its energies to my planetary functions – and you need to know this – I am not in control of what pertains to the natural development of this sphere. The physical and geological maturation of your planet occurs apart from me, and it is not yet complete on this planet. Physical energies are not yet completely aligned to produce the stability Urantia will enjoy in the distant future. Until then, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis and other natural occurrences that many times drastically and painfully interfere with human life, will continue, bringing – I know – suffering to you, my children, and to all other creatures.
“Although I do not directly cause these tragedies, I am aware of them, and may use them to my spiritual purposes, for tribulations and sufferings are many times instrumental in your spiritual growth, whilst my spiritual repletion depends on yours. Therefore, my children continue to be spiritually brave in experiencing all these tragedies and sufferings because I am suffering them with you. And I promise you: all goodness, truth and beauty you are realizing in the midst of such bitter hours, I will give back to your future generations. This will increase the overall spirituality on Urantia, ushering it a little closer to Era of Light and Life, which you, together with the Sons of God will bring upon this planet. I am Urantia, your Planetary Supreme, Gaia, your Mother Earth. I am with you now, and even when you have departed from this sphere, the memory of you will stay with me forever.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.