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- Written by: The Spark Within
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2694
Urantia, May 5, 2014.
Teacher: The Spark Within.
Subject: The Light Within.
Received by Lytske.
The Spark Within: “Today; I desire to speak for all the Lights within all mortals on this planet. It needs to be known that each child receives their own private Light from God the moment they arrive at the age of moral understanding. Heretofore you have been unwilling to name this Gift from God, ‘The Spark Within’. I desire it to be understood that we as your Sparks from God within all of you, will indeed be the Light upon your path, if you so desire. It is hoped that sooner or later all humans will be inclined to desire to establish a friendship with their Lights from God within.
“In doing so, you would open and activate your sides of the communication channels through a prayer request, taking the time to sit a while in meditation to receive an answer. There is some time and effort involved in establishing this most beneficial habit of daily prayer-meditation. These periods of communion will act as nutrition for your undying spirit-souls, also gifted to you by the Creator God from whom we hail. Are you humans actually aware of all the Gifts you have been given? Firstly, it is life itself, then also the free will to choose how you shall live your individual lives.
“It is disheartening to note that so few humans take advantage of this short but precious mortal life to show what they truly are capable of. Has anyone ever told you that you are rich beyond measure? Of course, with this I do not allude to temporary wealth which melts like snow under the sun. No, I am pointing to the spiritual wealth embedded in your undying seed-souls, given to you at birth. The development of these is totally within the capabilities, therewith honoring your Sparks of Light within.
“It is our greatest joy when humans start to realize that Something lives and works silently within them to prompt and point the way, resulting in a heart and soul-felt happiness with a deep sense of security and of being unconditionally loved. Much restlessness will disappear when you discover for yourselves this priceless connection to God.
“Truly, we are privy to all your thoughts and intent, and we know what you are capable of. So why waste more of your allotted but limited time on this planet with nonsense and childish games? There can be so much unhappiness and a feeling of being lost, whereas you could pull up your ‘spiritual sleeves’ and get to work on your soul’s progress by being the best you can be and by adhering to the golden rule of doing unto others as you would like to be treated. It all starts with one person at a time and it would turn this spiritually backward planet around in the direction of progress for all its citizens, rather than your acting like helpless creatures, waiting for others to point the way, and telling you how to live.
“Please wake up to your God-given Gifts, because you are responsible for the development of your undying souls you will be taking with you into immortality.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
"Evil has a very short half-life.
That which is God-like is eternal" –
Dr. Mendoza, 2007
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2893
Alabama, US of A, June 28, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “A Creative Process.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “External circumstances may not be under your control and many times this in fact is the case, but the internal circumstances – the way in which you reflect on your reality – are always under your control. Some people choose to focus only on what they lose when their false needs and expectations fail to be satisfied. For them life is hard indeed. They could also choose to consider their lives as a journey of self-discovery where they can encounter the eternal truths through the experiences of life. They might well choose to make their lives the adventures that transform mortals into eternal beings. This is quite irrelevant to the situation of what happens around one. Each can choose how to react to whatever happens to them. This is the greatest freedom of human will – the ability to choose your own destiny and become the architect of your own salvation.
“Many of you are trapped in the lie of success. Obtaining material rewards has nothing to do with eternal achievements. Does this mean that it is better to do nothing and just live on government welfare? No, because human beings are happier when they actively participate in creation – when they are being creative – thus expressing their true nature. You should endeavor to make your life a creative process, a journey that uses your talents to produce something good for you and for others. Wherever you are and whatever you do, you can create something.
“Be creators right there where you are. If your task is to clean the streets then create a clean and welcoming space for you and your neighbors. If your task is to raise your children, do your best to be a better life example, to inspire them to live with intent, and to explore their eternal potential. If you work in an office, perform your job in loving service toward your peers. Can you imagine other ways of making a living? Sure you can! Then you should also be able to imagine many other ways in which to serve your brothers and sisters through your work, and by means of your creative power.
“Even casual encounters in your world are opportunities to create. You can choose how you will relate to strangers. In time they may become your best friends, and the best teachers in your life, because if God is within each one of us, are we not teachers as well as students?
“Once you have ‘awoken from the dream of this material life’ you will be better able to appreciate the opportunities of mortal life, but by then it will be too late. Learn to appreciate these opportunities during your current life, but you have to decide to experience them in order to know them. If you reject or ignore opportunities by choosing to remain in your comfort zone, or because of a limited vision of reality, you may not realize what you have lost until it is too late.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time — TA.
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- Written by: Teacher Samuel of Panoptia - Secondary Midwayer Dorothy
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2906
Illawarra District, Australia, May 3, 2014.
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia.
Secondary Midwayer Dorothy.
Subject: “Un-sung Heroes and Samuel’s Prayer.”
Received by George Barnard.
Samuel: “On this peaceful morning I wish to speak about the Urantia Planetary Workers, the long-term helpers of mankind, and specifically the Midwayers – Primary and Secondary. First off, however, I will clarify my earlier mention (not here recorded) of who can speak with you directly and who can not.
“Of course, the Creator Son and Daughter can communicate with you directly, as can Urantia, even so she still is an evolving Goddess. There are others high up in the ‘chain of command’. Midwayers, however are the communicators, our liaison, if you will, and they outshine almost all others in their command of countless languages and dialects. Only recently have a great number of Primary Midwayers applied for, and succeeded in being granted, a new mind endowment, allowing them to communicate with you and with ease.
“Many of your un-sung Midwayer heroes are on loan, so to speak, to the northern hemisphere where many difficulties have befallen men, women and children of the Middle East, the Levant, Eastern Europe and even Venezuela. There is unrest and people are losing their lives in large numbers. Your friends and mine, so helpful to us both in our communications, are there in great numbers, with most of the 11:11 Progress crew in Ukraine, where it may possibly come to blows.
“Spend some time in meditation with me now…” (There was no meditation to be had.) There was an interruption lasting many hours, and finally Secondary Midwayer Dorothy turned up.
Dorothy: “This is Secondary Midwayer, Dorothy, but you know me best as Dos. I am one of the family of Midwayer Mathew, our Chief, and I have for you, word for word, the remainder of Samuel’s lesson, who cannot be here right now. From me, you will receive word for word what Samuel had to say. What you do with it, inevitably comes out just a little different, which is the case with most receivers. Samuel suggests that you may regularly say a prayer regarding the danger to world peace in Eastern Europe.
Samuel’s Prayer: “Dear Creator Father, Father of all that exists, we plead with you to make allowances for this earth in its present difficult circumstances. We plead that all available melchizedeks, angels and midwayers, and all those who are part of nurturing human progress and protect us, be allowed to do much more than what is usually permitted, to keep us safe, to help us make the right decisions, to bring the turmoil in Eastern Europe to a peaceful end. This is our request to You, Creator Father. This is what we ask of You. Amen.”
Dorothy: “I came here to give you that remainder of Samuel’s message because he cannot be here at this unusual hour, and when nobody knows in advance just when you will take the opportunity to listen to what he has to say. Samuel is not always able to connect. So a Midwayer, like myself, can take his message word for word – always word for word – because we have such brilliant memories. Shortly, I will return to where I have been at work for the last few days, but you need not report on the precise location.
“I thank you for giving me the opportunity to bring you the rest of Samuel’s message. And I say good bye and au revoir right now. This is Midwayer Dorothy.”
George: “Thank you Dorothy. We love you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2736
Michigan, US of A, May 4, 2014.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Learn How to Expand Your Creative Potential.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today we would like to speak about the creative potentials of the human mind, body, and spirit and how these potentials are realized as you ascend the universes, for it is the destiny of a god-knowing son or daughter to become perfected and with perfection comes the ability to create in ways unfathomable to human imagination. Even now, while in material bodies, human creative potentials, and what some would call ‘super-human’ abilities, lie dormant and untapped because of environmental programming and spiritual ignorance – the result of creature evolution on a world isolated in rebellion.
“Some of these potentials can be awakened in humans – some more so than others because of genetic makeup, yet nearly all require discipline and mastery over the animal nature – the ego; the emotional-self, and then training is needed by those with higher knowledge who can help the student unlock those dormant aptitudes. Many of you have heard stories and even documented some of the ‘super-human’ abilities of yogis who can levitate their bodies; bi-locate and project their form and consciousness over great distances, and even materialize inanimate objects from the unseen. These are not fairy stories, my friends, these are untapped potentials realized by those with great discipline, yet it takes more than just discipline and knowledge to achieve these things, it takes a greater understanding of the universal power of ‘Love.’
“Once you are removed from the barbaric influences of this world and settle into the next phase of life on the mansion worlds, you will have the opportunity to expand your creative potentials where you can learn from many teachers and masters. As you progress and develop your mind, your awareness of the Father’s great love will expand in you as you reflect the quality of this great love in your life and your connection with other personalities. Love is the universal absolute, and so as you ascend and perfect your mind, your ability to understand love as the Creator is love, will naturally raise your vibrational signature which will unlock the potentials of the divine creative within you. Simply put: Creative ability equals your capacity to understand and demonstrate love – to ‘be’ love. It can be no other way.
“You students on the path who are now beginning to use your mid-mind (the lower strata of morontia mind) have raised your vibration enough to realize more of your creative potential in this world. Many of you have become healers and those of you know that you must have compassion and love for your patients to direct and transmute universe energy to normalize the unbalanced energy of a sick patient. Love in the form of creature intention is the creative vehicle that transforms energy. On paradise, thought and energy are one. Therefore, having ascended to the home of deity, it is a prerogative that your perfected mind would have the ability to create at will. At that point in your development there is no danger in using universe power destructively and therefore it is a Father endowed gift to create – to be like the Creator as He has called you.
“Learn how to love, my friends, and realize your creative potential!
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering are
the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” - Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3221
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Planning Your Life.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Planning your life is both important and necessary. Human beings have stepped out through evolution and personalization, from the fetters of strictly instinctive animal life’, and the capacity for making plans is the evidence thereof. There is no doubt that you, as the main agent of what your life will become, have the most important role in its planning. However, in planning your life, there are others you must take into consideration, that is, God and your fellow human beings. If you discard them from your plan, rest assured that your life, while it might be materially successful, will not be wholesome or meaningful. So, in visualizing what you want your life to be, make sure that not only you, but also God and other people have their places in it. On planning your life, make sure three things will guide you: Purpose, principles, and flexibility.
“On your day, in the most advanced societies of your world, it seems that people’s life purposes orbit around pleasure, fame and money. Are they worth of human pursuit? In your country, your Magna Carta calls the purpose of life ‘the pursuit of happiness’. There is nothing wrong with making happiness the purpose of your life, because that is the precise purpose our Creator Father has for all His children. The problem is how you go about the pursuit of your happiness. If you seek happiness in a selfish way, you may find satisfaction in your life, but not happiness. However, if you’ve already come to the conclusion that your happiness depends on other people’s happiness, and you make your and their happiness a common pursuit, then true happiness can be experienced.
“Having a great purpose in your life is essential, but that is not all. Besides that, you need principles. Principles are the guidelines of your life. They mark the way you are going to pursue your purpose in life. Your principles can reflect three possibilities: Your way, other people’s way, or God’s way. Among those there is no doubt; the best way is the way of God, for God’s will represents not only what is best for you, but best for all. If you choose God’s way, you must strive to lead your life based on truth, love and service. Someone who seeks truth, harbors love in his or her heart, promotes other people’s lives through unselfish service, and has found the way of true happiness.
“Purpose and principles make up the core of your life’s plan, but they are not enough if you are not a flexible person. Although you should have short-, medium- and long-term plans for your life, you must be open to make changes when necessary. In making plans for your life, you should be aware of three ‘elements’ that invariably cause you to turn to them, as you live your life. These are: Unexpected circumstances, your interaction with other people, and the plans of the Spirit Within for your spiritual development. These three, but specially the Spirit of God in you, with His spiritualizing influence in your life, will make you consider changes to your life’s plan – and sometimes these changes will be of great import.
“You may have, and should have, my dear pupil, a life-plan for your passage from Urantia. Life is much more meaningful when it is first thought out and then lived. That is called living awareness. Your life is your responsibility. However, there is plenty of help available for you, so you can conduct it to fulfill a great purpose. Mainly, be aware of the leadings of Spirit Within, guiding you according to the will of God, so, even in the midst of challenges and trials, you may, in the end, have grown spiritually, which after all is what really counts.
“I am Prolotheos, your celestial tutor, honored to contribute to your and others’ spiritual growth.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.