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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 676
Alabama, US of A, February 26, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Greatest Contribution.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “One of the most goodness-filled and Father-like actions that a human being can do is to bring one of your peers to the gates of the kingdom. This is an expression of the greatest love one person can give to another. It represents the desire to share the blessings, the peace, and the spiritual fruits that sweeten the lives of the children of God by faith with all their siblings. This is truly the human expression of divine love.
Even when spiritual progress is promoted only by the decisions and actions of individual personalities, light workers can do much to enlighten the minds of their siblings. A life that is an eloquent example of how to be spiritually effective in a material world can be the best factor to motivate the transformation of others. Such a life would provide the necessary spiritual experiences that will produce increasingly comprehensive revelations of truth for those who live this way. Thus, these mortals will become better at illuminating the spiritual truths for their peers.
The greatest contribution you can make to your civilization and your world is by living a life dedicated to the will of God. This represents a sustained effort to be better every day, to be more like the most beautiful Father ideal you can imagine. As you progress on this path, your understanding of the truth will reveal an ideal even more beautiful, because you will start to know your creator better. This way, your forward movement – toward your eventual perfection – will not stall and will have the necessary impulse to continue.
When you see the things that happen in your world do not be discouraged by the little influence you seem to have or your apparent inability to promote solutions. You have heard that if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. I declare that all those who strive to be better every day are part of the solution for all the errors and all the evils in the world. The human beings who are constantly advancing in their journey to perfection are the ones who will permanently change this world for the better. Once you become the kind of human being you desire, the entire planet will have taken a step forward toward the age of light and life. And when the majority is dedicated to this noble endeavor you would have filled your world with light beings for whom the only law is unconditional love. Then the destiny of an advanced civilization on this world will be realized once and for all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Teacher Prometheus
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 693
Alberta, Canada, March 9, 2013.
Prometheus’ Treasures - VI.
Subjects: “Learning Ability and Cooperation.”
“Trust and Desire for Soul Growth.”
Received by Renée.
Teacher Prometheus: “Trust is the healthy attitude which allows a free-willed human to follow the leadings of the Indwelling Spirit. With trust in these leadings one’s day-to-day decisions will be better informed, one’s trials and tribulations better managed. In closeness with one’s Indwelling Spirit there is guidance.
“The individual can be tempted to ignore the ‘still small voice’ and listen instead to the fear-based, animal-origin mind – the legacy of the evolutionary mortal.
“In the free-willed creature, the natural course of evolution will lead to a brain capable of comparative analysis. Such a crude intellect can still present to the consciousness a mental scenario of the potential consequences of the choices at hand.
“The human will be able to access both individual memory as well as the memories embedded in the inherited genes from his ancestors. The collective consciousness of the race is also a source of memory – a resource to be drawn upon as much as the mindal capacity of the individual allows. The creature-mind develops in proportion to its learning ability, both intellectually and psychologically as well as emotionally, socially & spiritually.
“The environment of a human being is a tremendously important factor in the development of a healthy, moral, ethical, responsible and productive individual. Genetic health and parenting are also extremely important factors in the development of a human who is capable of being receptive to spiritualizing forces.
“This includes the Indwelling Spirit, the Divine Parents, as well as any other Spirit personalities which the Divine Adjuster sees fit to allow into the higher mind of the individual. This is the higher functioning mind associated with the reasoning, intuition and cognitive capacities that involve higher communication and receptivity to higher frequency thoughts.
“I am Prometheus.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All the elemental qualities of Love are inherent in the Light we receive – Prometheus, 2013.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 666
Urantia, September 21, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Forgiving and Forgetting.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “Let us discuss forgiveness. To practice forgiveness with compassionate understanding towards the perpetrator, at the moment when the act occurs, is truly divine. Such a trait is heaven-inspired.
One Person among you mastered this while still in the flesh. Jesus did all this as a human. He developed such a deep level of understanding during His life as a human, that He could say, ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do’, while nailed onto a cross. Thus, He can truly be called the Son of Man and the Son of God.
He came to this world as a helpless babe, and in growing up He experienced much hardship when at the tender age of not quite fourteen His earth father, Joseph, died through an accident at work. Jesus, as the eldest son, had to take His place as the head of the family of seven brothers and sisters. At that time the youngest had not yet been born. All this prepared Him for His life as a Healer and Way-shower for all seeking souls wishing for a better life.
A life of ease hardly prepares a mortal for a God-seeking and a God-loving existence. They are the vicissitudes of life, which propel a mortal into the waiting and loving arms of God.
It is in the inner, reflective life where true soul-growth takes place, as a desire develops to live according to the divine blueprint which was ‘seeded’ in you at time of your conception. This is the third deciding factor in that moment for a new life to begin, when the egg and the sperm find each other.
It has been very little understood on this planet, that prospective parents are co-creators with God. Never underestimate the creative power of this divine factor, which shall so unerringly carry you Paradise-ward, if you so desire.
Everything depends on your willingness to be guided into the doing of the will of God, and to answer His command to become perfect, even as He is perfect. So, in time you will learn to say, ‘What is God’s will for me today?’ In following this inner guidance from Me, your unseen Helper, you will learn that God’s way is far better than your way, and His choices improvements on your choices. However, you will always have the prerogative to choose for yourself.
So, you will always determine the level of co-operative partnership you are going to have. Forgiveness is a divine trait to develop and master. With this level of forgiveness, forgetting is automatic, for the two go hand in hand.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 689
Oregon, USA, August 31, 2021.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Premises for Good Parenting.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “Your divine Progenitor is a pedagogue by excellence. How so?
Adequate parenting involves introducing youngsters to the ethics of moral behavior while fostering their independence in thinking, feeling, and doing. Good parents cannot use a cookie-cutter type of curriculum due to the unique personality makeup of each one of their offspring. They impart knowledge and wisdom on a need-to-know and need-to-grow basis that varies according to their developmental stage, sex, personality endowments, and handicaps.
Age should not be the only criterion in child-rearing, as a human being is foremost a spiritual being. Some children’s precocious wisdom makes them stand out as old souls.
Education does not stop when a child reaches adulthood. Due to the evolutionary nature of human beings, it is forever ongoing. Due to the infinity of the creation and the eternity of time, you cannot fathom the scope of your academic education — which becomes more holographic as you progress and additional senses are activated, expanding the field of your cosmic activities and interpersonal relations.
What do you NEED to know at this very moment of your life? What do you NEED to grow in your abilities to express truth, beauty, and goodness? Answers to such pointed questions will exert a liberating effect on your self-expression, infusing your life with meanings and values — making you valuable.
Take time to sit in the Stillness to ask Me, your indwelling divine Fragment, for guidance in that process. I am the One in the know of all your needs. I am the One who carefully monitors your growth. I shall provide the answers you NEED to expand your understanding and foster your overall maturation. How blessed you are! How loved you are!”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: Samuel of Panoptia
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 641
Illawarra District, Australia, June 1, 2014.
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “Hurry Slowly.”
Received by George Barnard.
Samuel: “There are countless misunderstandings associated with religious teachings and spiritual understandings. Here, where we are today on Mansonia Seven, Aaron and I often discuss agondonter ascencion, your Paradise pilgrimage, and what is known and unknown to you. Surprisingly, it is so that if you could know all religious dogma, all spiritual findings and all intuitive understanding on your world, you would be extra well informed. However, you would also need to disregard much more than half of what you had learned.
“Indeed, the wildest of rules, regulations and ideas are expressed about the life hereafter. What is often overlooked is your absolute trust that all will work out well. You are ‘Agondonters’, and therefore you will at some point in time overcome the ‘agony of doubt’ and accept that there is a God, that life has a purpose, and that therefore there is a plan beyond mortal life. You are accepting of the fact that there is something in you that vaguely makes known to you that death at the end of life is not the ‘end of the road’.
“You have taken one tiny little step on the long road of accepting your future betrothal to a Fragment of the Creator of all that is. As you presently count time, centuries may pass before mortal and spirit are one. Your little corner of the universe, and all of the universes that surround it take their time. They hurry slowly, we are often told. However, the Father’s creation is most efficient as a place of learning. Where some will feel as if they are living in a care-free kindergarten, others will earnestly be gaining their PhD’s in mortal living.
“Still, all will learn, slowly or more quickly, for all will be given the opportunity to progress, each having angels who are given the bold outlines of their charges’ futures. Even more to the point … all will receive Thought Adjusters, which will know every ‘turn in the road’ of their betrothed’s spiritual progress, success, even failures. Whilst you, and you, and you, might have a vague idea of you future eternal commitments, there are others – your ever-loving Guides, celestial Teachers and Carers – who will know the end from the beginning.
“What is there to gain in guiding a mortal, one might ask? For a Destiny Guardian there is the good chance that she, too, will enter Paradise. For the Thought Adjuster there is the gift of personality upon fusion. Plenty of motivation for all involved, be assured, my friends. There is more than this, unbelievably more, because there is the offering and tasting, the giving and receiving of unconditional love – an all-consuming, fascinating state of being.
“This is Samuel of Panoptia. May you all hurry slowly upon the right path toward unconditional love.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.